The Daily Dare Blog: Inspiring You to Be.
Therese is a Certified Intuitive Consultant (psychic-medium) based in New York City. As a natural and trained psychic medium, she only works with the best intentions and is skilled in her psychic abilities as well as in spirit communication. Because she is also a trained psychic, Therese is not only clairvoyant but also uses all of her paraphysical senses to ensure you receive an accurate and detailed psychic reading. She offers psychic readings out of a convenient NYC midtown Manhattan location. Most of her her clients come from New York and the surrounding area and have reported readings with Therese to be 80% - 100% accurate. As a professional Intuitive Consultant, Therese abides by the highest ethical standards. She currently offers psychic readings in the NYC area and by appointment only. She is also available on short term notice.
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Full Moon Frenzy!

          On August 13, 2011 the full moon was out. Leading up to that night I could feel the energy from everyone walking/driving/running around outside and it was INTENSE!! Being naturally sensitive to energies, it is very easy to fall into the trap of catching other people’s emotions. Therefore, it’s really important to know how to make sure that what your feeling is actually what you’re feeling and not just a reflection of other people’s emotions and feelings.


          Although there are many ways to prevent “catching an emotion."  Here are a few quick, simple and effective suggestions that can be used at any time:


Take 3 long deep breaths. On the first breath recognize the feeling you are experiencing. On the second breath, ask yourself when that emotion began and what was happening at the time. Finally, on the 3rd breath decide if it was really your own emotion or if you got caught up in someone else’s feelings. Usually, if the emotion appeared after being in a trance like state (driving long distance, daydreaming, “zoning out”) it was probably your own emotions brought about whatever it was you were daydreaming about. Your thoughts can easily become elaborate stories and trigger your feelings.



Recognize the reactions people around you are having. One example can be when you are walking down the sidewalk and there is a person angrily yelling on their phone about a frustrating situation. As you hear this, you begin to get agitated and worked up yourself. This is NOT your own feelings but instead you are sensing the same frustrations as the person whose energy is strong and at close proximity to you. At this point, continuing to be agitated will do you no good as essentially there was nothing that you are frustrated about in the first place.


This is my personal favorite because it is the easiest for me to do at anytime. Imagine a bright white beam of light glowing from above the top of your head and passing through the bottom of your feet. As I do this, I visualize my nose, lips, spine and hips lining up and centering my energy. As I do this my body usually also releases a lot of tension and my posture improves. I visualize the beam of light slowly pulsating – brighter, dimmer, brighter, dimmer – and my breath parallels it. In essence, I’ve centered myself within 2 minutes of this exercise.

We are all unique individuals with different likes and dislikes so not all of these will work for everyone.  If you’ve found one method works better for you than another, then great! You’ve found your method. If not, don’t lose hope. Centering yourself takes a conscious effort that begins with first being aware of your surroundings. This takes practice and as you do it more often, you’ll find it will become easier and more natural.