
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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Hope Less Romantics

I had hope for you.

Imaging you would be that once-upon-a-time-story, that 

it’s obviously-meant-to-be story, that 

she’s-been-under-my-nose-the-entire-time story, that 

exception to every other story that has played out & left me wanting more

You were there after every cliff-hanger, unfinished chapters, & every sequel 

You were the spine that kept this book together & not allowing my pages to fly in different directions

I had hope for you. 

You set this up as the ultimate love story that would end all the cliff-hangers, unfinished chapters, & the sequels

It was your chapter, your conclusion to our happy-ending, it was going to be 


You proved we deserved Us

The dialogue was perfect

The plot, not the most organized but you were there

That’s all the mattered 

I had hope for you.

You’re no different than the rest of them

I wanted the climax of your tale to be different than those I earlier wrote

but you’re no different than the rest of them

Same foundation

Same motivation


You were going to be my myth, my 

fairy tale, my 

once upon a time in a magical faraway land

there lived two maidens who loved & loved again

I had hope for you. 

But your character showed their true colors & now I have to end this novel & start a new

Finding a lead that won’t surprise the reader into thinking they’re the hero 

only to be revealed that they are indeed the villain of this series

I’m ready to start over again

Chapter 1

I have hope for us.


What do you represent?(City, Belief that drives you):

I represent Jersey. I'm a Jersey girl all day, never really claimed just one city. I have a strong belief in the power of a higher spirit that guides our choices & decisions. 

How old are you?

I just turned 20 on December 27th. 

When did you know you wanted this for a career?

I knew I wanted to write for a living when I entered my sophomore year of college. I had to pick a major & I couldn't see myself doing anything but writing for the rest of my life; poems, short stories, articles, etc. I knew I was always going to be a writer. 

How did your 1st show feel?

My first show was a disaster. I was so nervous I forgot half of my poem but that made me practice more & dedicate myself to the art of performing

What makes you different?

I don't really know, but I plan on journeying through Life trying to figure that out. 

Who's your ideal industry man?

My ideal industry WOman would be Rihanna

What do you like/look for in a mate?

In a mate I look for someone who I can trust, who will be honest with me, & is willing to grow with me not only during the pleasures of Life but also against its hardships.

Where do you plan to take your passion or where will it take you?

My passion will take me around the world; I will learn through experience & scribble out the lessons I take from them. 

Motto/Quote: "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." From "Invictus" By William Ernest Hensley

Fav food: Chinese food wins my heart.

Fav music: Old School & Underground HipHop

Bittersweet moment: Birthdays.