What are affirmations?
An affirmation is a statement that is put forward as truth and can be both positive and negative. Positive affirmations are used when consciously creating a new pattern of thought or supporting an already existing thought. Negative affirmations are usually the ones that are difficult to obliterate from our mindset because the first step is recognizing the negative way of thinking (which requires awareness) and only then can a new and positive affirmation replace it.
The idea is that the more you repeat something to yourself the more that belief shows itself within your life. An affirmation is not meant to be paragraphs long with all of the details built in. You can have many different affirmations that deal with various subject matters, all being stated as concise and positive statements. The details can be filled in as you go along.
Tips for Creating Effective Affirmations
Never use negatives within your affirmation. Focus on the positive side.
Example: Instead of “I am not fat anymore” you can say “I am becoming more fit and healthy as each day passes.” Or rather than “I will not be broke anymore” try “Money is flowing towards me at every moment”
Use brief statements that feel good to you. Long and wordy does not necessarily make a better statement.
You don’t need to say your affirmation out loud although many people who are just starting to do this find it very helpful to state it out loud.
The most important thing is that you truly believe your affirmation. Have faith and trust that the Universe is supporting all of your statements.**
**the mind and Universe does not discriminate between positive and negative, but instead puts energy towards what you give your focus and attention to