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Hi! I'm Nina


In today's world it's really easy to find yourself asking WHY? WHY ME? There are a lot of "good" people who find themselves blocked behind the eight ball. Yep... near the end of the game and the opponent is ready to crack that Eight ball directly in your path and bump you out of the way and WIN the whole game. Then where are you? Stuck picking up the pieces and starting a completely new game with new players. Well today is the day to play on the winning team and get this thing started in a entirely new direction.

Somebody blow a whistle for me cause once I get started we will be in this together till the end.


Oh, My bad... I failed to introduce myself. Hi! I'm Nina. I am the Creative Marketing Director at CREATIVE VIBES (my company). Sounds fancy huh? Well, the truth is I just cried my eyes out 30 minutes ago because of all the doubt and fear I have about paying my bills this month. I have been sitting trapped in my house for the past several weeks. planing to take over the world. Needless to say, I have been stressed. I even second guessed myself for starting this page. As you can see I told myself... "Self.. Get yourself together and start preparing for all of the blessings God has in store!" So... shook off that madness and I paid my service fee, because the Ownzee Blog site is amazing! A site that allows me to be creative which is sooo what I do. Can't beat that.  What a great way to do what I do best and that is to share tips and techniques to help everyone think outside the box and realize that they are not alone behind that eight ball. Motivation and inspirational knickknacks is what you will enjoy as I tell my story.


 Well have a great story to share and the majority of it will be written on the fly. Because there is just not enough time and I procrastinated in starting this page 30 days ago... But... that is the past and I won't dwell on it. So Hey cyber world I'm Nina and this is my VIBEBOX.