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C8V- the 8 Seasons of MSFEATURE...

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Introducing....the 8 SEASONS of

twitter: @msfeature


youtube: Brilliant MusiQ, Msfeature


What is your talent/brand?

When did you identify your dream?

MF~Ha-ha, which one?  I am an entertainer.  I’m a rapper & model that grew up dancing
after dabbling in acting.  I started pursuing
musiq in 2010. My heart was quickly falling out of love with the fashion industry.
In conjunction with major life changes happening all at once, musiq was there
to pick up the pieces.


Are you ready to stop your past habits and let go of people that are not supporting andhow?

MF~For the past two years I have made a conscious effort to make changes in my life and of course this was the first step. It was easier to let go or change business relationships than personal relationships, of course. But making these changes has definitely allowed me to lead a less stressful life. Changing yourself is the hardest struggle.  I first had to admit to my bad habits and accept the fact that they had to be stopped/ changed.


How will you handle your transition? Can you breathe in your success and blow off the doubters?

MF~The transition has been very positive as far as supporters. After cutting out the bad apples in my life there were nothing but supporters left standing beside me. They are what keep me going. I tend to enter new ventures extremely cautiously. Their support is what keeps me pushing forward. I have yet to breathe in success. Every time I accomplish something I move on to the next project.

 I’ll stop and smell the roses when I retire!


Can you Say yes not can't everyday? Even if it hurts?

MF~This one used to be a struggle for me. But one day I said “I CAN! I WILL!” and I never looked back. ….Especially when something is hard to do.


Are you ready to dedicate your time? Are you prepared to start working through the setbacks and distractions?

MF~Oddly enough, I find the setbacks and distractions give me more drive. I like to think that I struggle because

 I’m on the right path. Nothing worth having is easy to attain, right? I don’t dedicate the type of time I would like to my craft. I have to do what I have to do to handle
life’s responsibilities. However, I do use every available moment that I can to make sure I’m never at a standstill and I’m always progressing.


What steps do you take to tell yourself that you are successful and that you deserve it?

MF~I try toremind myself that being an honest, hardworking person will pay off. "The greater the struggle, the greater the reward". 
I pray I’m right!!


When will you get it started and get prepared to live life to the fullest?

MF~I’ve already started and I love how it feels to know I am moving in the right direction and doing it the right way. I’m preparing for my blessings.


How will YOUR dream effect you and change your life forever?

MF~I want to be successful so that I can help others. During my lifes obstacles I’ve often wondered why there was nothing out there to help people with needs like my own. Or, how can we improve on existing organizations. When I am able to
give abundantly I will have become a success!


"I don’t like to feel as though I’m complaining or trying to use a sob story for attention. I like to put out only the positives."

Introducing... the 8 SEASONS of....

PRESS PLAY for a sample of MsFeautre live

at the Vixin Lounge in Atlanta, GA (explicit lyrics)

youtube: Brilliant MusiQ, Msfeature


Thank you MSFEATURE for sharing your success! Keep us posted on all of the performance dates and new accomplishments that are definatly in your future. Please follow MSFEATURE @msfeature on Twitter and check her out on


 for more details!