Many children, and many adults for that matter, have had the questions of “how did all these animals get here?” For most animals, these questions have been answered; the dairy breed of Jerseys being one of them. The Jerseys are a fascinating breed of cattle, both dairy and overall. Many people are not aware of how useful to society they really are.
Jersey History
Believe it or not, Jersey cattle originated from the, Island of Jersey, which is located towards France within the English Channel. Oklahoma State writes, “The Jersey is one of the oldest dairy breeds, having been reported by authorities as being purebred for nearly six centuries.” Since the early fifteenth century, Jerseys have been one of the most desirable and yielding breeds of dairy cattle. No wonder they were shipped off to the New World for the colonists to use as well! “At that early date, the cattle of Jersey island were commonly referred to as Alderney cattle, although the cattle of this island were later referred to only as Jerseys” (OK State).
One of the major pros of Jerseys would be their climate lenience. Jerseys have been known to be adaptable to nearly all climates, within reason. They have the ability to form thick coats of hair and they possess a type of skin that enables them to expend heat easier. This flexible quality made the Jerseys prime for the long, brutal, and uncleanliness trip to America.
Take a look at some major events in history that have an impact on the dairy cattle industry. They've been around in America for a lot longer than most people might think, over 400 years! According to Dasc, there are some famous milestones in the Jersey world.
Major Events in Dairy History
1611-First cows arrived at the Jamestown Colony
1810-First dairy cooperative in the U.S. organized in Goshen, Connecticut
1851-First commercial cheese factory established in New York
1856-First commercial butter factory established in New York
1868-The American Jersey Cattle Club was founded in America.
1884-Milk bottle invented
1906- First dairy show recorded in Chicago
1930- First dairy judging, titled Hoard’s Dairyman show
1940-American Dairy Association founded.
1940-Purebred Dairy Cattle Association formed.
1943-The PDCA Dairy Cow Unified Score Card was first copyrighted.
1967-World Dairy Expo founded and holds first show.
As the reader can see, there are many important milestones that the Jersey breed and even the whole dairy industry has come a long ways since they were first used and raised. Some of these events are known or recognized by people that aren’t familiar with the dairy industry, such as the milk bottle. This goes to show how influential dairy cattle can be.
Major Points of Showing Jerseys
Although it’s quite ridiculous, and a pain to keep up with laundry, the official show clothes for the showman of all breeds of dairy cattle are white pants and white shirts. Rumor states the tradition started with the milkmaids (a woman who would milk cows for a living), who wore white while milking cows. It must’ve stuck because there is hardly a judge that will allow the showman to wear anything but all white. It has also been noted that wearing white brings out and highlights the natural beauty of the Jersey.
The most commonly heard sentence spoken from city fair goers about Jersey cattle would be “Oh my! They are so skinny! Do they ever get anything to eat?” Fact is, yes, all the time. Jerseys don’t typically gain weight in their ribs, however it’s mostly in their belly and legs. Actually, the nice, long ribs on Jerseys are what dairy judges look for in jerseys and the majority of the other diary breeds as well (not to eat of course). Other significant features that are looked for are a nice round udder, which accounts for 40% of the stated scorecard above, straight and even back, and a smooth walking stride that is not wobbly and shaky.
People underestimate the importance of Jerseys and even their distant dairy cousins of the other dairy breeds. Even though they have been known of since the early fifteenth century, jerseys did not originate in America, but they were brought over in 1611, to the New World to become a major source of butter, cheese, and cream. Jerseys are the most low maintenance breed of dairy cattle, as they adapt well to climate changes and are low to health problems. It’s mandatory that all showmen wear white when showing a Jersey, as it brings out the good qualities of the cow. It also is a prime measurer for showing how dirty you get. Judges like to see a deep ribcage, a plump and full udder, a straight back with no strain on any other body part, and a nice walking gate that resembles the Jersey walking on glass. Even though Jerseys won't always be the first breed people think of when they think of cows, Jerseys are undoubtedly one of the more important breeds of America.
Works Cited
Briggs, Hilton M. "Jersey." Breeds of Livestock. Breeds of Livestock, 22 Feb. 1995. Web. 27
Oct. 2014
Tory, and 2010 Virginia 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl, St. Chapter 1: Dates in Dairy History (n.d.): n.
pag. Dasc. Web. 27 Oct. 2014