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Speak No Evil

Posted | Views: 7,308
Speak No Evil / mixed media on watercolor paper (2021)

Vaquero #1

Posted | Views: 9,394
   Vaquero #1 / acrylic on watercolor paper (2021)

Life's a Kahoot!

Posted | Views: 1,346
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         2021 Reading Olympics on Kahoot! 


The 2021 Reading Olympics will utilize the platform, Kahoot, for this year’s events. Teams will not be competing directly against another team; rather, they will answer questions as a team and see how they scored in each round against all of the other teams in their level (Elem, Middle, Senior). There will be three rounds of questions. Teams will earn points based on speed and accuracy of answering questions. 

The event will be held asynchronously between Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 9am and Friday, April 16, 2021 at 7pm.

The team is quickly coming together, so email [email protected] to join the fun!

People en Espanol includes Abuela Miami

Posted | Views: 287
Thanks to our friends at People (en Espanol) for including our business in this holiday list of cool gifts! Yeah!! 


Posted | Views: 771

Get Ms. B your baby picture, senior picture, one other picture, and your senior quote:
All others Ms. B needs a picture of you in front of a door and any pictures of you rocking it during distance learning

Wellness Center

Posted | Views: 777
Hilary can lend an ear and listen to all the tricky stuff you have been challenged with this year. You can make an appointment here, you can email her directly ([email protected]), or you can go onto the Wellness Center website to find mindfulness videos, at home calming activities, and other resources! We all need to be supported through this turbulent year!
The Wellness Center is up and running... just virtually and minus the tea! Hilary is providing all the Wellness programming as normal, just through Google Meets. Empowerment groups, clubs, and one on one check-ins are all still happening!
If you are interested in participating in any of these email Hilary directly. 2020 has been a crazy and tough year, we all need to debrief the stress and changes that have happened.

Distance Learning for Freshmen

Posted | Views: 819
Distance learning has been a strange and new experience for everybody, and many of us are still getting used to the changes that are occurring continuously. For Freshmen, though, it has been arguably more challenging since this is their first year of high school. 

 While everybody during the pandemic is struggling to find a new ‘normal,’ freshman get the pleasure of struggling to figure out how to survive high school, find their courses, meet new people, and adapt to harsher grades that mean something for the first time, while also struggling to combat the hardships of the pandemic like everyone else. 
On the first day of school, rather than waking up, driving to school, and meeting their teachers and peers- often for the first time- Freshmen logged into a Zoom call and were briefly introduced to their teachers before having a long conversation about how the distance learning model would work for the first few months of their high school careers. 

 Everyone quickly adjusted to the distance learning and hybrid models, but many new ninth-grade learners are still wondering what real high school is like, and the teachers might not offer the freshman another opportunity to get adjusted to highschool when school goes back to normal.

Armenia and Azerbaijan

Posted | Views: 716
Ever since the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990’s, there has been tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan, two south caucasus nations. The subject of this tension is Nagorno - Karabakh, a region which is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, but inhabited and governed by an Armenian majority. When the USSR collapsed in 1991, Nagorno-Karabakh held a referendum - which was boycotted by Azeris inhabitants - to become an autonomous region. Since then, Nagorno-Karabakh has functioned as an autonomous province within Azerbaijan, with the backing of Armenian government. Over the last 30 years, the region has been heavily disputed, ceasefires have been broken, and skirmishes broken out.

The conflict reached a boiling point in late September when fighting escalated. Both sides were quick to point fingers at each other, claiming their aggressions were simply in self defense. Throughout October and into November, the sides have launched a series of strikes on each other, causing over 1,000 fatalities and many injuries and property damage. Azerbaijan’s won the war, as a result of their numerical and monetary advantage. They outspent Armenia over 5 fold, and were aided by their strong ally Turkey.

On November 10th, Russia brokered a peace deal between the two countries. Effectively, the deal granted Azerbaijan the territory they had won throughout the fights and the deployment of Russian troops throughout Nagorno-Karabakh to keep the peace. The resolution was seen as a win for Russia, who successfully expanded their influence in the region, and for Azerbaijan, who now control more of Nagorno-Karabakh. 

For the Armenians, the resolution has worse implications. Many Armenians are fleeing the region now granted to Azerbaijan and burning their homes behind them. The peace deal also sparked protests in Yerevan and throughout Armenia, as Armenians felt their prime minister acted cowardly, and called for him to resign.
After Months of Conflict and Decades of Tension, Armenia, Azerbaijan Sign Peace Deal

North Tahoe Clubs

Posted | Views: 962
The Mountain Bike Club has had a great season this year even though all of our races got canceled. We have had a great time going on rides and hanging out with our buddies. I have found that Mountain Bike Club is a great place for one to work out and have fun with friends, creating an atmosphere that is both light and relaxed. If you are interested in joining our family, contact Ms. Ernst by email [email protected] and she can help get you the information on all the dates and details of our club. The number one rule in the club is to have fun and to get out on your bike!
From: Renner Jones
Interact Club
I'm the president of the Interact Club. In November we helped the Sugar Pine foundation plant some saplings in the Tahoe National Forest. In December we will be organizing a warm clothing drive and a food drive. If students are interested in joining the club, all they need to do is send me ([email protected]) and Mrs.Teller ([email protected]) an email letting us know who they are, and we will get them involved. 
Alexa McPherson
Spread the Love; Self-Love
I’m Victoria Martin President with my Vice President Anja Lund for our club called Spread the Love; Self-Love! I love this idea! The best way to reach me is through email; [email protected] and Anja is [email protected]! We both run the club and we’re both super excited to hear about this! This December our club will be starting a project where we will be bringing the holiday spirit to North Tahoe! By decorating and empower others we hope to attract others to join our club!! One of the greatest moments we’ve had in November was our body positivity project where we each drew/painted/wrote inspirational things related to the topic! We had each girl share their projects and let me tell you, they were so beautiful and heartfelt! We, since the beginning, have been encouraging our girls to reach out and spread the word about joining! We believe that our flub creates safe haven where anyone can come and share their friendship and spirit! Let me know if you have any questions or need any further clarification! Anja and I can’t wait to hear from you!
Book Club 
 Book Club will be having its first book discussion in December on "Legend" by Marie Lu - a dystopian thriller set in an eerily familiar future. And it's not too late to join! We will be picking our next book club selection in December and would love input from future new members! If you're interested in joining, please email Mrs. Stefani at [email protected].
Pride Club
I'm Zion Avery President of the NTHS Pride Club! 
NTHS Pride is North Tahoe High School's LGBTQ+ Pride Club. In Our Meetings, we start with a daily check-in and important news. Then we either have a workday where we discuss current plans or projects, a club bonding day where we'll play games and chat or watch a movie to connect with each other more; or an education day where we teach our members important LGBTQ+ history and important information. 

In November we had an education day where we learned about the history and evolution of the Pride Flag and those who were elected in 2020 who were apart of the LGBTQ+ community. In December we're going to start making educational videos for the morning announcements, creating an improved LGBTQ+ Sex-Ed presentation, and collaborating with other clubs. If you're apart of the LGBTQ+ community, an ally, or just interested, join our Google Classroom with the code fnjyhie and come to a meeting on Tuesday at 1:40!
Fantasy Sports Club
I am Carson Lamberth, the club president of the Fantasy Sports Club.

 We talk about ranking matchups and dilemmas anyone’s having; as well as a pick challenge to have some friendly competition. We had a great time in November! December is playoffs/ championship season so we’ll be discussing a lot of matchups.
Animal Advocates
Hey Lakers! Happy season of giving! 
As you know, COVID-19 has hit our local businesses and families very hard. 

Animal Advocates is working with the Humane Society to help members of our community maintain their pet's health and wellness this season.
You can help too! Here are a few ways to support our local shelter pets!
Dec 1st giving Tuesday event
~your donation is doubled! If you donate $10, they receive $20... due to a matching donation by anonymous donors  
Send toys and food (to HSTT Amazon wish list)
Buy clothing gifts for your friends and family
One-time money donation
Newspaper Club

If you're interested in joining the Newspaper Club, it's never too late! We meet on Mondays at 4:00 p.m. Our google classroom code is XRN4LM3. We release an awesome new edition at the end of each month!

You can contact Ms. LeFevers at [email protected]

Counselors' Corner

Posted | Views: 905

This is the Counselor Corner
and I’ll cover a few items that you will want to look at this month based on your grade level. We’ll change up the content of each issue with items on Academic, College/Career, and Social/Emotional domains.

Seniors: no matter your plans after high school, a comprehensive research about your path is essential for helping make the transition as smooth as possible. A well-researched path will avoid wasted time, wasted money and added stress whether you are attending college or pursuing a job. Invest time now to save time later. Many of you may have submitted your college applications - congrats! Some are still working on them - keep chugging away! Many of the junior college applications are starting to also become available so be sure you start that process this month or next if you are planning to attend a 2-year college after graduation. Finally - ensure you’ve completed your FAFSA or CA Dream Act to help fund your education or training after HS. The deadline for CA is March 2nd.

Juniors: other than working hard in your classes - your main job is to research college and career paths that interest you. Spend the time to read, explore, and write down items that you discover on college, trade school or job posting websites that pique your interest. It is okay to start with things that are very broad like location or pay scale, but try to dig down deeper into the level 3 and 4 type info. Ask yourselves the Why and Why Not questions (why does this school or option fit me and why may it not fit me?) - you are about to make a HUGE investment in yourself (often both in time and money) and you really need to be well informed. The last thing to look into is if you need to take any tests this spring (like the SAT/ACT). Many colleges are now test-blind or test optional, but it is up to you to determine if any school you are considering requires an exam from you. Not a ton of info is out at this point about it so you have to look at your ability to take on the potential risks of testing and if you feel it is important. In a normal year - 11th graders start testing usually in December or March. This year - you may decide to wait but have a conversation about it with an adult in your life and try to make a plan.

Sophomores and Freshmen: the best thing right now that you can do for your future is to work hard in school. The 9th and 10th grade years are foundational to many post-high school plans and by doing well - you keep all your doors open. Make a habit of doing 1-2 hours of studying/homework/research a night. Make a habit of attending your teacher office hours regularly to check in. Invest in the teacher relationships now - they pay off throughout high school. Pay attention to what you are enjoying about your learning and school experience. Many of those items can be great hints as to potential future career paths or college majors. With regards to college/careers - most people start with thinking about a major that leads to a career but you typically want to flip it. Start thinking about general career paths that sound interesting. Spend time reading or watching videos about them on Naviance, Google or YouTube. Your future career plan is often the indicator of what you should eventually study or pursue for training - not the other way around. Please ask questions and do your best to be an active participant in your learning!

That First Drop of Cafe Cubano!

Posted | Views: 336
When that first drop of 
cafe Cubano comes 
out of the cafetera! 

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Posted | Views: 303
صحيفة الاء الصبياني الالكترونية
اطول الابراج حول العالم 
يعتبر برج خليفة أطول برج بالعالم شيدهُ الإنسان، يقع
 البرج في الإمارات العربية المتحدة تحديداً في وسط مدينة دبي
 حيث يعتبر برج شنغهاي ثاني أطول الأبراج في العالم، ومن أطول الأبراج في الصين
اما ثالث أطول برج في العالم يُطلق عليها برج الساعة، وهي عبارة عن ناطحة سحاب تقع في المملكة العربية السعودية، تحديداً في مكة المكرمة
فيديو يوضح اطول الابراج المستقبلية في العالم
1 2

Which Cuban Sandwich is Better?

Posted | Views: 1,891
      which would you rather?  
     miami cuban? 
   tampa cuban? 

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Posted | Views: 309
Much talk has been given to the microbial life in soil and in our bodies. Farmers are trying new techniques to increase quality as well as quantity of the produce and it is working! How can smaller homeowner farmers capture this idea and create a prosperous gardening system to feed the family? 

The Humanure Handbook explains it all.

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Posted | Views: 351
Much talk has been given to the microbial life in soil and in our bodies. Farmers are trying new techniques to increase quality as well as quantity of the produce and it is working! How can smaller homeowner farmers capture this idea and create a prosperous gardening system to feed the family? 

The Humanure Handbook explains it all.

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مقالات منتدى على المنصات الرقمية العالمية

الشخصيات الروائية POV""s 
تعدد الشخصيات4.9
قيس العذاري
يدعي احد المحررين واسمه "مارتن" ان التحدي الاكثر صعوبة للمؤلف يتمثل في "موازنة أكثر من شخصية POV"" يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تعثر حتى أكثر المؤلفين خبرة" ما نسميه بلغتنا العربية "تعدد الشخصيات" الروائية . المعنى ان تعدد الشخصيات في الرواية يؤدي الى عدم الموازنة بينها الى اخر الرواية ويعتبره التحدي الاكبر للروائيين حتى اكثر الروائيين والمؤلفين خبرة في التأليف او الكتابة .
ويسمي تعدد الشخصيات الروائية او الهدف منها : إثراء التجربة السردية وتوسيع نطاق القصة."
ونشر على موقع "ريد ا سي" دليلاً جديدًا للكتابة بعدة وجهات نظر يقدم فيه سبع نصائح عملية لمنع القصة من أن تصبح شبكة متشابكة بأسماء شخصيات " والمقصود : تشابك شخصيات الرواية . ويضيف بدعابة : إنني أتطلع إلى مقابلة جميع شخصيات POV الخاصة بك!" الخاصة بالمشاركين بورشات كتابة الرواية .
تمثل شخصيات الرواية المحور الاساسي للرواية ، او جسد الرواية بما تقص علينا من احداث عانت منها او صادفتها من خلال السرد او الحوار مع ذاتها ومع الاخرين ، ومن شروط تعدد الشخصيات الرواية ان لا تتشابه بافكارها او سلوكها او طريقتها ودورها في الرواية لان تشابهها يوقع الكاتب او المؤلف في ما يمكن ان نسميه "استنساخ" الشخصية او تكرارها الذي يفقدها التميز عن بعضها وطريقة حضورها ودورها في الرواية .
ورغم ان الشخصيات الروائية تشغل الحيز الرئيسي لجسد الرواية في اكثر الاحيان ولكن هناك عناصر روائية اخرى تلتحم معها لتعطي معنى او تكشف عن حالات او تلقي الضوء على احداث تشكل هي الاخرى عن طريق السرد او الحوار او الوصف او المنالوج وما شابه عوالم الرواية وتميزها .
تعرف تلك العناصر نقديا بالتكنيك الروائي وتنتمي الى فنون الكتابة والتأليف . والمعنى ان تلك العناصر لا تقتصر على الرواية فقط وانما تشمل كافة فنون الكتابة الابداعية بشكل او باخر وتشمل كذلك الكتابة غير الاجناسية او ما يعرف ب "النصوص" الادبية الواقعية او المتخيلة .
وهناك من الروائيين العالميين من استطاع ان يخلد العديد من الشخصيات الروائية ويحفرها في الذاكرة الادبية ولدى جمهور القراء لاجيال طويلة كالام في رواية "الام" للروسي مكسيم غوركي او الشخصيات الرئيسية في رواية "ذهب مع الريح" Gone with the Wind للامريكية مارغريت ميتشيل التي لا يمكن فصل شخصياتها عن احداث الرواية التي تدور حول العبودية في الجنوب الامريكي او المقامر" او "أبله" دستويفسكي .
رغم ان هذه الروايات من كلاسيكيات القرن الماضي الا اننا نجد امتداداتها في الرواية الحديثة بشكل او اخر ، ويتطلب تجسيد مثل هذه الشخصيات قدرة فائقة على تقمص الشخصية والقاء الاضواء على سلوكها وافكارها وتفردها او تميزها وتلعب دورا اساسيا في نجاح الرواية او سقوطها في التكرار والفشل .
تعتبر الشخصيات الروائية الملهمة الاساسية لشخصيات الافلام الروائية الطويلة او القصيرة اوالوثائقية لاسيما شخصيات السير الذاتية او الشخصيات التاريخية . ولكن معظم الاحيان تكون الشخصيات الرواية عبارة عن شخصيات واقعية محورة لتلائم حاجة الروائي او ما يخطط لها من دور في الرواية . لذا نحن نعرف مسبقا ان ما يصادفنا من شخصيات روائية ليست واقعية بكل تفاصيلها وفي نفس الوقت ليست خيالية بالمطلق .
وفي العودة الى ما ادعاه "مارتن" او زعمه : "ان التحدي الاكثر صعوبة للمؤلف يتمثل في "موازنة أكثر من شخصية" روائية في العمل الروائي . تعتمد على قدرة الروائي ومدى تمكنه من ادارة احداث وشخصيات الرواية . لان الموازنة بين شخصيات الرواية من الاعمال الفردية والابداعية تجسدها قدرة الروائي على التحكم بهذه الشخصيات التي تعتبر من العناصر الاساسية لا يمكن الاستغناء عنها في كتابة او تأليف الرواية خاصة الروايات الطويلة او المعنية بهذه الورشات "Long novels".
ما نلاحظه من خلال ذلك يعكس حقيقة ان هذة الورشات الابداعية عبارة عن مختبرات عملية لتطوير اداء الكتاب والمؤلفين بغض النظر عن سن وتجربة المؤلف ،"لا حدود للتأليف والابداع" ، وتتوفر فيها كافة الوسائل الشفهية والسمعية والتحريرية للمشاركين لكتابة رواية ناجحة اوربما متفوقة على المستوى الوطني اوالعالمي .
قيس العذاري

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Posted | Views: 474
النقوش الأثرية

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Posted | Views: 442
النقوش الأثرية
تسمى صخرة ابو النقور تميزت بوجود كتابات تعود للغة الحميريين المنتشرة بكثرة في جنوب الجزيرة العربية وخاصة على طريق القوافل
نقوش لغة الحميريين جنوب أضم

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Posted | Views: 432
النقوش الأثرية
يقع الغار على وادي أضم 
يتميز بالرسومات ذات اللون الأحمر لمجموعة من الحيوانات ولمجموعة من الأشخاص يحملون أدوات صيد بدائية 
رسومات غار خشيشان

December Edition

Posted | Views: 813
  The Laker Lately
December 4, 2020 
This Month's Articles
Book of the Month
Get a copy from Ms. Stefani
Seniors! California State University has extended their deadline to December 15th. It's not to late to start your college journey!
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