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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1030

descripcion: camisa saten c/corbatin

detalle: santen T1 T2 T3

stock: 50


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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1029

descripcion: remera feel

detalle: spun estampado 

stock: 100


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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1028

descripcion: musculosa tucan

detalle: modal s/lycra

stock: AGOTADO


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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1027

descripcion: sudadera  really

detalle: modal c/lycra

stock: 50

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1026

descripcion: musculosa dont

detalle: modal c/lycra

stock: 50

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Posted | Views: 428
Whatever the fuck you want. Blah blah blah. Rain down on me ok.This is it ok. La La La Desmond is somewhere I dont know let's go get some apple juice and mix it with some remy. 

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Posted | Views: 532
Chapter 16 
America's Most Famous Traitor 
1. 1780 was the year that Arnold was exposed as a traitor 
2. George Washington placed him charge of Philadelphia, due to his wounded leg, but he did not get along with the civilians, which caused tension. 
3. He was courting (dating) a girl 20 years younger then him who danced with the British officers during Washington's stay at Valley Forge.
4.  The Continetial Congress ordered Arnold to face a court martial in 1779 
5. He married the young girl while waiting for his trail 
6. The New Mrs. Arnold knew Major John Andre of England who was now in New York City. The wrote secretly to him offering to desert and fight for the British. 
7. Andre answered but nothing was settled or official
8. At his trial Arnold was found not to have committed any crimes - but got an official reprimand 
9. Washington who respected Arnold for his fighting ability made the reprimand as light as possible. 
10.  Arnold was ready to leave the American side 
11. He agreed to turn over West Point, 3000 American Soldiers for 20,000 pounds (today 4.5 million dollars)and a high command in the British Army.  
Arnold and Andre meet on the river bank and spoke all night - it was to dangerous to get Andre back to the VULTURE so they meet in an a house. Arnold handed over the plans for West Point. 
Andre hid in the attic and tried to get back to New York as an American - he was caught and hanged 
Washington was on his way to inspect West Point - Arnold left just before he got there and made it safely to New York City. 

chapter 15

Posted | Views: 513
Chapter 15 The British Conquer in the South 
1.  General Clinton hoped to find Torries in the South. 
2.  He was wrong - there was not as many as the British imagined. 
3. In November of 1779 Clinton sent 3000 men to Savannah, Georgia - this was the first British activity in the South since June 1776 @ Charleston, SC.
4.  There were only 800 Americans to oppose the British - Savannah fell easily. 
5.The British took all of Georgia 
6. In September of 1780 the Americans and French tried to take back Savannah.

7. Clinton was happy with the success and decided to attack Charleston. He sailed with 8.500 men to just outside Charleston and built the army up to 10,000 men - double the American army in Charleston. 
8. The Americans gave up Charleston in May.
9. The British built forts at Camden, Cheraw, and Fort 96
10. General Cornwallis let the Americans go, under the understanding that they would never take up arms against the Crown again. 
11.  The Americans broke their promise and rearmed under the leadership of Francis Marion (the swamp fox) 
12. Thomas Sumter and Andrew Pickens also played a role in the War in SC 
13. Lt. Colonel Tarelton was cruel and his men would slaughter non Torries - 
14.  General Gates was given the Southern Command from Washington and Congress 
15. A battle ensued at Camden, SC - Gates ran way and Tarelton lived up to his bloody repetition. 16. Gates ran to Hillsboro, NC 200 miles away on foot in 3 days - Congress recalled Gates and placed Nathanael Greene in charge of the South. 

Unit 4

Posted | Views: 449
The students expect to share in the decsion making process in the classroom.
What are the expectations of this generation?
Students want to lead the conversations in the classroom it is our job to give them the opportunity to lead the class discussions.
This generation of student wants to learn how to find the information using technology so they have the capability to be a lifelong learner. 

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1025

descripcion: vestido c/puntilla

detalles: bambula 

stock: disponible azul blanco negro

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1024

descripcion: body escote acordonado

detalles: morley viscosa T1 T2 T3

stock: 100


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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1023

descripcion: mono estampado

detelles: fibrana estampada  T unico

stock: 100

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1022

descripcion: calza bicolor

detelles: retro con lycra  T1 T2

stock: 100

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1021

descripcion: torerita saten

detalles: saten brilloso

stock: 100

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1020

descripcion: remeron morley c/colita

detalles: morley viscosa

stock: 100

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1019

descripcion: conjunto bicolor

detalles: retro con lycra T1 T2 T3

stock: 100

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1018

descripcion: paisana encaje

detalles: encaje

stock: AGOTADO

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1017

descripcion: vestido con puntilla / fibrana estampada

stock: 50

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Posted | Views: 1
art: 1016

descripcion: remera bensofi homb/desc

detalle: modal sin lycra 

stock: disp. salmon blanco rosa viejo