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SEO provides traceable and measurable results

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SEO stands for search engine optimization and is focused on organic results of search engines and the opportunity to generate free traffic to any business on the Internet, such as a website, blog or online store. Every company that wants to invest in the Internet must have a digital marketing plan, and that plan cannot miss an effective optimization strategy. So that you can tailor your website to the criteria that will be considered as the best sites for search term, thus achieving a better positioning in the natural results of search. 
The SEO provides traceable and measurable results, regardless if you are an e-commerce or corporate site, so there is no doubt when it comes to ROI. Agencies and SEO specialists are able to control almost every aspect of its strategy, as increases in rankings, traffic and conversions. Analytics codes also provide the opportunity to deepen a more detailed level and verify demographic information and other engagement metrics for people who interacted with your site.
For e-commerce sites, SEO agencies can see which paths users took to complete the sale, through all the steps, from the keyword used in the search to purchase. For institutional sites, you can assign values to your conversions, as in filling out a form on the ‘Contact Us’ and thus calculate the conversion value in your SEO strategy. 
There is a positive correlation between positioning of a website in search results and the amount of visitors coming through the results of the same search on Google, Yahoo, MSN or any other search site: the better the position, the greater the number of visitors. This relationship tends to be non-linear: studies show that the first results receive more than half of the visitors who perform a given search. Visit  San Diego SEO Expert for more.

Yahoo tests a new SERP interface:

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Take a look! Yahoo tests a new SERP interface:
#Yahoo #Google
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Check this out: Google now lets you explore U.S. National Parks via 360-degree virtual tours: #google #nationalparks

The Torchbearer September 2016

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John lets out a sigh as his key turns in the lock; it’s been a stressful day at work. He kicks off his shoes and throws his jacket over the back of a chair. Moving languidly, he sets out for his living room, relishing the thought of relaxing. He sinks down into his couch, the most comfortable he’s been all day, and reaches for the cigar box which sits on his coffee table. As he pries it open, he flicks on the TV. Inside are rolling papers, ground weed and a few joints rolled in preparation. John chooses one and sets it to his lips. As he lights it, he takes a long draw.

Now John may sound familiar to you, in fact he may remind you of yourself. It doesn’t matter what job has John stressed, as we know that marijuana use is largely independent of socioeconomic status. He may be a mechanic or a stock broker. One trend we do know is that men are more likely to use marijuana than women.

This trend is most noticeable in older generations, as the ratio of men to women who partake steadily grows with age. There are many reasons why this might be the case: women on average use more prescribed pharmaceuticals, which is possible evidence of men self medicating. Men are disproportionately killed and injured on the job, and if we use this fact as a proxy for work related stress, this could explain why we see a surge of 40% usage in early adult males.

Looking at the numbers, more than half of all criminal charges related to drugs involved cannabis. It is well known that men are the majority of criminal offences. Putting these facts together with the stressful work conditions and disproportionate male use of marijuana, we arrive at a troublesome conclusion: Men are being sent to prison and fined for using a substance less harmful than alcohol to de-stress after contributing to society. Men like John are being prevented from fully participating in society because of how they choose to relax.

This is ludicrous on so many levels it beggars belief. The government is telling us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies, some of our most productive individuals are hobbled in their efforts to contribute, and the court systems continue to disproportionately punish men. Not only is this anti liberal and anti freedom, it is counter productive and absolutely pointless. The only thing an end to drug prohibition would harm is the yearly bonuses of the drug enforcement officers.

Marc Emery himself spent more than four years in prison for a victimless crime. Rather than being allowed to grow his business, which would have provided jobs and livelihood, he was removed from society and incarcerated. How does this protect anyone? The answer is it doesn’t. The government has simply swollen too large for its role, and is looking to use authoritarian measures to arbitrarily prevent the citizenry from enjoying life. When the government begins to institute morality as law, it’s time to take a long hard look at our society.

Justin Trudeau has promised to address the issue of marijuana legalization. He has also promised to address the issues facing women, and managed to form a cabinet with equal numbers of both genders. He is to be applauded for these laudable achievements. One can only hope that he continues to fulfil his promises, and ends the pointless prohibition against marijuana. By doing so he will also help address a major issue facing men in our society. As a noted egalitarian, this is what we should expect from our prime minister. After all it is 2016.
"Men are more likely to use marijuana than women."
Weed and Men's Rights
by Jesse Velay-Vitow
Slap that F11 for best viewing experience!
The Torch Bearer
Top 3 libertarian Anime!!
Trinity Western Law Degrees Unrecognized!
Do men smoke more weed?
Religious freedom and sexual freedom are, more often than not, at odds in society. This familiar conflict is currently playing out in provincial courts across Canada.

Trinity Western (a private, Evangelical university in Langley, BC) is being denied the ability to accredit its law school graduates — consequentially invalidating their degrees. The Law Societies of various provinces, who evaluate and determine which schools are fit to accredit, hold that TWU’s code of conduct (their “Community Covenant”) is discriminatory, and that TWU is thus not qualified to accredit. The contended rule states “sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman” is prohibited.

While the Federation of Law Societies of Canada — having federal jurisdiction — has approved of TWU’s law program, the provincial law societies of British Columbia, Ontario and Nova Scotia denied it — overriding the FLSC’s approval in their respective jurisdictions. TWU is still receiving accreditation from the other provinces.

The provincial Law Societies hold that in order to qualify for accreditation, a law school must, through its curriculum, show that its graduates either maintain or advance the standard of the legal profession in accordance with the public interest. The “public interest” is a vague notion, but the qualifications can be understood as the graduates needing to not only be well- educated, but also be educated in a moral manner that ultimately serves the good of the public.

Initial evaluations of TWU’s curriculum have qualified for accreditation; however, upon review of the Community Covenant, it was reconsidered and revoked. The issue was, then, not with the quality of education (as the curriculum on its own qualified), but with the values of TWU (stated in their Covenant), which are — apparently — contrary to the public interest.

The implications of this rendering by the Law Societies are significant, as they equate to condemning religious values. By stating that these values are contrary to the public interest, the Law Societies are not only asserting that these values are immoral, but are also imposing legal force onto this judgement. Furthermore, this rendering suggests that those educated with these values are unfit to serve in the legal profession — thus discriminating against a class of people holding particular beliefs. In other words, the rendering of the Law Societies extends much further than this case — giving legal force to moral judgements on the values of particular people.

By this rendering, the Law Societies fail to make an important distinction between a code of conduct and a curriculum. They assume that the code of conduct is negatively affecting the graduates’ abilities to perform in the legal profession. That is to say, because their private beliefs are in disagreement with homosexuality (and other alternative forms of sexuality), it is against the public interest to allow them to perform a function in the public sphere. The consequence of this assumption is that one’s private beliefs and values are grounds for discrimination, and disqualify individuals from certain professions.

The curriculum — i.e. what they will actually be bringing to the public sphere— is independent of the code of conduct, and cannot be proven to be affected by it. The curriculum is the proper, relevant gauge of the graduates’ education and ability — not their private beliefs. Perhaps if the curriculum included the tenet, the Law Societies would have a fair case; but it does not, and as such, the Law Societies are not condemning the graduates education, but their faith — in this case, Evangelicalism.

It is dangerous to assume that one’s faith is immoral, and, further, that they are immoral by extension. Whether their religious values will affect their actions in the public sphere is not to be hypothesized and assumed, but can only be fairly judged according to how they perform their action after they’ve actually perform that action.

The Law Societies condemnation is thus misguided in two respects: (1) they have made moral judgements with legal force on the private beliefs and values of a certain class in society; (2) the beliefs and values condemned are erroneously implicated onto the curriculum, when, in fact, they belong to the religious faith the institution is founded upon.

As it stands, after a series of reversals, the Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled in favour of TWU in 2015 — however, the British Columbia Law Society has, as of June 2016, motioned for an appeal, and the case is back in court. In Ontario, the Court of Appeal rejected TWU’s appeal, upholding the Ontario Divisional Court’s decision in favour of the Law Society of Upper Canada from 2015; the case is now being taken to the Supreme Court of Canada. In Nova Scotia, the case has been settled by the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in favour of TWU.

Justice James Campbell of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, in his rendering, stated that:

              The Charter is not a blueprint for moral conformity. Its purpose is to protect the citizen from the power of the state, not to enforce compliance by citizens or private institutions with the moral judgments of the state.

While this has surely been good news for TWU, this case — and its nation-wide implications —is far from over.

Are you thinking about hiring a tax attorney to help with your tax problem? You might want to know the benefits

Posted | Views: 13,260
Are you thinking about hiring a tax attorney to help with your tax problem? You might want to know the benefits
• You may end up overpaying the tax liability if you don’t get assistance from expert and because the IRS has acted aggressively or inappropriately 

• As your agent, a tax attorney can protect your assets by helping you identify and avoid potential tax risks 

• A tax attorney deals with the legal aspects of financial proceedings including IRS criminal investigations, or tax fraud investigations, payroll taxation issues, and international business tax laws 

• Tax defense attorneys can protect you from invasive or coercive IRS agent techniques 

• Hiring an attorney will make sure you don't run into tax problems in the future 

• Tax attorneys are trained, licensed and experienced to handle the technicalities involved in the tax resolution and settlement process 

• If you learn that you’re the target of an IRS criminal investigation, you’ll want to hire a tax lawyer immediately 

• Federal and state tax laws change frequently, so you will need the professionals to keep you updated • Communicating with the IRS does require a certain amount of fluency

. An attorney can successfully communicate your messages with the agency. Your attorney can send letters, make phone calls, compose emails and otherwise speak for her/his client. Visit Tax Attorney San Diego portal for more.

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Love and Makeup Store


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Do you know these sports betting strategies and tips?

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Do you know these sports betting strategies and tips?
• What you need to know to employ a good sports betting plan is easy. The trick is to stay disciplined. 

• If you want to win at sports betting you will have to put in some time. There are a few good handicapping services available to help you if you need it. 

• While there are a number of different ways to bet, there are very few that will let you become successful at it. 

• Bet everything is a bad strategy. This is among the most horrible betting techniques, but so often employed by sports bettors and gamblers. 

• Try and place your bets at the right time. With lines shifting from the time they are posted to the time the game starts, you will want to get your bet in at the time when you are getting the best price. Predicting line movements is extremely hard but it is worth looking into. 

• Increase your stake in a Fibonacci sequence, to your losses with the next bet’s winnings. This method has similar drawbacks to Martingale, but it reduces how quickly the stake increases if you’re on a losing streak
Visit casino sbobet portal for more.

Things you must know about the manga comics

Posted | Views: 2,547
Things you must know about the manga comics
• Some of the nice advantages of reading Manga is if you are also following the Anime then the Manga is typically ahead of the story and in case you are bit impatient reading Manga can help you learn what is going to happen in the story 
• Series can run for many years due to weekly or monthly releases. You can and will read a single manga series for multiple years as it is still published. 
• You’ll get the uncensored form of manga comics 
• Manga comics cater every single taste. 

• Some scenes are harder to understand in the manga, for example the extent to how much Dressrosa had been destroyed is really only seen in the anime. 
• Sometimes one form to another character is almost similar, and often confusing. 
• Sometimes a lot of conversation to turn the story so that when excessive even be confusing and tedious. • Drawings are sometimes stiff or old.
• You can’t read them socially. Who wants someone over their shoulder?
Visit Read Manga portal for more.

Martin, Malcolm and Me

Posted | Views: 837
Attention community leaders, town officials, law enforcement, celebrities and general public. We need your help and support. We invite you to join the conversation after  the live theatrical production of Martin, Malcolm and Me, written by New York Times acclaimed playwright, JD Lawrence. The tour will be presented at national theatrical venues, faith based venues, colleges, town halls and historical black college universities across the country.

Martin, Malcolm and Me Let's Start The Conversation : A live theatrical presentation that's approx 90min that includes 15-30 minutes of positive and constructive dialogue on how communities, law enforcement and officials can come together to stop the senseless killings of Black people. We as a country must stop the hatred and violence, if not for us, for our children and their children. Together we can put an end to this cancer that has been eating this country away for hundreds of years. But before we can solve any problem, we have to address it. So let's start with a conversation.

Synopsis: Lucky's actions put him face to face with two well-dressed gentlemen, Martin and Malcolm, whom Lucky (Lawrence, BET's The Clean Up Woman) mistakes at first as law enforcement. The two mysterious men befriend the angered young black man, taking him on a historical, educational journey. Lucky soon learns that change without change doesn’t really change anything. JD Lawrence’s Martin, Malcolm and Me is a story about love, forgiveness, self-awareness and keeping your eye on the prize.

If you would like additional information on how you could partner, donate, host, sponsor, book or just take part in patronizing this historical and thought provoking production, please contact us ASAP for additional information.

Contact Us
JD Lawrence's Martin, Malcolm and Me

Kim Williams
Executive Assistant
instagram/twitter @iamJDLawrence
(408) 475-3529
[email protected]m

JD Lawrence Presents
Let's Start The Conversation
"Onstage, a prodigious theatrical talent."
- The New York Times

"JD Lawrence, the man of many
faces keeps audiences laughing."

- Shirley Henderson, EBONY MAGAZINE

“Witty, fast-paced dramedy”
-The Philadelphia Inquirer  

 "A Real Quick Change Artist"
- Michael O'Sulivan, Washington Post    

"JD Lawrence's laugh-a-minute humor
is slick, razor sharp and family oriented."

- Marcelle S. Fischler, The New York Times     

"He's the writer, director, producer,
the everything man."

- Ken Grimball, 12 News  

"JD Lawrence may just very well
be the best kept secret in theater.”

JD Lawrence is an American singer-songwriter, playwright, actor, comedian, author, director and producer of films, television and stage plays. JD Lawrence, also known as "The King of Dramedy," has mastered the art of improvisation infused with drama, comedy, and music. The multi-hyphenate portrays as many as seven characters in his sitcom JD Lawrence's Community Service and has been dubbed "The Man of Many Faces" by EBONY Magazine and, "Onstage, Lawrence is a prodigious theatrical talent," according to The New York Times. Born with a profound speech impediment, the road to success has not come easy for Lawrence. However, through the grace of God, he turned his handicap into his stepping stool, which has made him the force that he is in the industry today.

Overcoming his obstacles and naysayers, Lawrence has repeatedly performed to sold-out audiences across the country and is the only playwright to write, sing, direct, produce, score and perform over seven different characters in his own production in Las Vegas' Planet Hollywood. Lawrence has written, directed, and starred in over 15 nationally acclaimed touring productions. He has discovered how to turn his passion into a multi-million dollar profit with the triumph of several stage plays, such as JD Lawrence's Your Husband Is Cheating On Us , Cain & Able, Bless Them Anyhow, Family Affair, When A Man Cries, Cut the Devil Loose, Scissors, If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything, Rumors, The Clean Up Woman, Me & Mrs. Jones, I’ll Always Love My Momma, Community Service and his latest national touring production Martin, Malcolm and ME.

On February 16, 2013 Lawrence made his contribution to American history as the first person to create, write, direct, produce, score and portray over ten characters in two simultaneous productions on television; JD Lawrence's Community Service on GMC television network, that can be seen in more than 58 million homes, and JD Lawrence's The Clean Up Woman now on BET, that can be seen in more than 90 million homes.

Lawrence, the Grammy and Emmy award winners director, has worked with the likes of Telma Hopkins, Ashford & Simpson, Fred Hammond, El DeBarge, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Letoya Luckett, Clifton Powell, Drew Sidora, Buddy Lewis, Dave Hollister, Darrin Dewitt Henson, Jackee' Harry, Red Grant, Edwin Hawkins, Darius McCrary, Terri J. Vaughn, Natalie Wilson, Eva Pigford, Nephew Tommy, George Willborn, Alyson Williams, Latrice Pace, Robin S., Tony Terry, the late Ali Woodson, Ronald Winans and Willie Neal Johnson, just to name a few. The Grammy and Emmy Award winners’ writer and director is the first playwright to make the Network Journal's (in association with Time Warner) Top Forty African American Entrepreneurs List.

                                                                                                                                           Click Here To Donate
JD Lawrence Presents
JD Lawrence Presents Martin, Malcolm and Me
Written and Directed by JD Lawrence
About The Writer and Director

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 La Muela que Muele
El primer newsletter dental humorístico-informativo del país
¿Maread@s de tanto estudiar?
Pues, ahora quedarán con la boca abierta...
Porque aprender y divertirse pueden ir de la mano...
Una buena higiene bucal es importante para toda la familia... pero usar el hilo dental en los dientes de su gato fue una mala idea...
Y espacios para aprender más acerca de la salud bucal...
n° 1
Nos vemos en el siguiente número...

The pros and cons of wearing high heeled shoes

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The pros and cons of wearing high heeled shoes


• High heels make feel confident and strong 

• If you´re not that accustomed to wearing them, try practicing, and you´ll soon become accustomed to the changed way of walking. 

• One of the best parts of high heel shoes is it could be complimentary to any sorts of dresses and apparels. Just be certain that you pick the right heel shoes for right attire. 

• Wearing heels help to increase the height by 5-6 inches to the maximum. This is helpful for the 
women who love tall look. 

• It adds to the confidence of the women while carrying herself. 


• When wearing high heels you can have an increased chance of ankle injuries, hammertoe, or bunions. 

• High heels requires some practice, and not all women can walk in them properly. There is nothing more awkward than watching a woman shuffle or stumble because she is not used to a pair of heels. 

• Wearing high heels also causes short-term damage to feet and joints. 

• High heels can cause long-term problems such as hammertoes, bunions and pump bumps, pump bumps are a bony bump at the back of your heel, caused by shoes rubbing the bone. Visit Shoosed portal for more.


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Podaima Performance
Here are the reasons you should hire a Personal trainer

How do you find the right personal trainer?

A personal trainer helps and motivates individuals to achieve their fitness goals. Personal trainers work at gyms, home, office or any location you prefer. Hiring a professional trainer is truly an asset but only if you tow go along well. Let’s what should be looking for while hiring a personal trainer.

Make sure your trainer has a degrees in the activity or wellness field from a legitimate association. You should never be hesitant to ask about their preparation theory, what particular things they will do to help you achieve your objectives, and how they think they can be of service to you. 

First work out on who’s going to be best for you. Whether you want a personal trainer who specializes in Olympic lifting, running or triathlon, weight loss, rehab, your gym reception team will be able to give you info about trainers’ areas of interest and skill sets. Don’t gamble with someone who doesn’t have a clear idea of how to proceed Any trainer who isn’t invested in his/her client’s goals or insists on only one way of doing things is wasting your time. 

Visit us podaima performance for more details.

A good trainer will be focused only on you during your sessions than checking phones or chitchatting with other trainers or trainees in the gym while you exercise. And if you’ve found your dream personal trainer, make sure they know that. Simply telling them can help to make the relationship stronger and feel more personal, which will definitely positively reflect in your workout sessions.

Divisadero Corridor

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Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Follow us on INSTAGRAM @divisadero_CORRIDOR
by Kathy Drasky

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Divisadero Corridor, Vol. 1


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Kortez Robinson,visual artist, New Jersey native and with a different vision of what art should be. 
I had the opportunity to sit with him and talk about his parents influence, and Esoteric Urbanism. A concept he uses to describe his art.