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Sydney inspire cosmetics

Posted | Views: 57,974
Inspire cosmetics Sydney
The brightening a little bit more serious rather than about the next great films coming out! FYI I still can’t wait for suicide squad which comes out August and seven in the UK now that’s going be exciting... Today is a little farewell and get well soon message to my friend Elizabeth who is travelling over to Sydney for a little surgical procedure which obviously I can’t share on here cough boob job cough or as it’s called in Sydney breast augmentation. 
She is really excited and I’m also excited for her but one thing that does puzzle me if she hasn’t told anyone she is going abroad to get this done that you can come back with two giant cannons on her chest!! Now she’s pretty sure people really won’t notice but I’m of a different opinion I’m more of the opinion that you really must notice how can you miss them if they’re hitting you in the head as you will pass them. Would you guys think do you think you would notice a colleagues boobs if they suddenly grown it’s a tough one I know how many of us actually stand there staring at boobs all day long who has the time hey. What do you think?
Inspire cosmetics Sydney is the solution for all your breast problems.

Diary of a Cuban who left Miami

Posted | Views: 8,906
This is a funny but very true tale for many Cubans who decide to get out of dodge and move far away from Miami. Many do it with a sense of pride with a never look back attitude. But, like clockwork the cold weather will get the best of us! Check out this hilarious story by legendary Cuban standup comedian  Alvarez Guedes. Hope you understand Spanish because the audio is not in English. Enjoy my friends!   

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Suicide Squad Is Hitting Our Screens

Posted | Views: 2,515
Suicide Squad’s First Impressions All of geek culture has been buzzing about Suicide Squad lately. Warner Brothers has been doing a fantastic job with the trailers, constantly hitting it out of the park with critical and fan reception for each new trailer released. 

There have been some concerns that the movie was too dark, though there were rumors that some reshoots may have corrected the problem. There was also some worry that the movie would be inconsistent, since the initial trailer’s tone was quite dark, but many subsequent ones have ramped up on jokes and lightened the mood considerably. It’s left some fans confused as to what kind of film it will end up being. There have been a select few people who have had the privilege of seeing the move ahead of its August release date. Their impressions have been resoundingly positive, which bodes very well for the film.

 Warner Bros is looking for a surefire hit, especially after Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice underperformed. That movie made nearly a billion dollars, but it was expected to do much more. So Warner Brothers kind of needs Suicide Squad to do well and to be a critical darling. So far, all signs point to that happening for them. Suicide Squad stars Will Smith, Margot Robbie and features a cameo by Ben Affleck as Batman. Moviegoers will be able to see for themselves if it is any good when it hits theaters later this year. If all goes well, the rumor is that the character of Harley Quinn from the movie will get her own spinoff film.

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The Master of Your Fate
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The Master's Tools: WDSB 398 ZIne

Posted | Views: 753
The Master's Tools: #BodyPositivity and Patriarchal Structures of Complicity
Creator's Note:
This zine grew from the knowledge that I have. It grew from the experiences, the privileges, the memories, the lessons, the courses, the mistakes, and the pains that make up my life. 
In many ways this is per-zine, or personal zine. Not because is it about my own lived experiences but because none of my creations are neutral or divisible from who I am. Therefore, I make no attempt to present unbiased information. 
Someone else would produce something different. 
I present a version of an opinion that is unique to me and a consequence of all my previous moments, in attempts to learn.
A selfie of... myself
The far reaching, ever present, all consuming, aggresively dictating force that drives, decides, moves, and jostles my life.
As a white heterosexual cis middle class woman, the force and presence of patriarchy in my life is a constant, but barely audible hum. 
It manifests itself in off hand comments from male peers, co workers and family members that degrade or undermine me.
It shows itself when I am yelled at on the street, on the metro, at a bar, or sitting in a park. 
It rears its ugly head when I am forming male friendships or relationships, applying for jobs, wanting to be heard, dressing certain ways, cutting my hair short, not cutting my hair short, laughing too loud, working too hard, not smiling enough, not being willing enough, not saying no loud enough... It exists in almost all moments I interact with the public, and sometimes in my private life, and most definitely online. 
Top left: (rapist) Brock Turner, Bottom left: (misogynist, gun enthusiast, poker star) Dan Bilzerian, Top right: (domestic abuser, "pop star") Chris Brown 
These three men represent how the justice system, the court of public opinion, and social media all allow for the continuation and hardening of the patriarchy
“We have to constantly critique imperialist white supremacist patriarchal culture because it is normalized by mass media and rendered unproblematic.” - bell hooks 
How does the rise, the take over, and the complete normalization of these sites and apps change how we interact with injustice?
My positive outlook on social media:

- Social media connects me to my friends, family, and people I admire. 
- Social media allows for transnational feminism to flourish and grow exponentially.
- Social media allows women to empower themselves by choosing what they post and share. They become active agents in their identity.
- Social media erases the boundaries of class, sex, gender, race, ability, and age.
- Social media creates more media literate individuals, creating opportunity in the tech field for women especially.  
My negative outlook on social media:

- Social media bombardes me with information concerning the people around me.
- Social media is a place to show only the best parts of ones lives, in turn misguiding others and perhaps oneself.
- Social media is addictive and can be competitive.
- Social media is a distorted version of human interaction and connection.
- Social media does not take into account the techno-bias inherent in all technologies today.
- Social media is not accessible to those without technology. 
- Social media has become a capitalist venture for companies and individuals alike. 
- Social media psychologically rewards women for the sexualization of their bodies online. 
How can someone reconcile the positives and the negatives of social media? In my life, I have been impacted by it, insofar as I am constantly comparing my life to the lives of those I see online. 

How do the positives manifest themselves more clearly?
Kim Kardashian advertising a product on her Instagram


Is the #BodyPositivity movement emblematic of the positive possibilities of social media? Or does it take existing social issues and transfer them into a different medium?
The #BodyPositivity movement has been spearheaded by individuals like Tess Holliday (pictured on the right and at the top). Her hashtag #effyourbeautystandards has over a million linked images on Instagram alone. 
Encouraging plus size women to flaunt and love their bodies, despite what they have been taught, is the goal of these movements. The widespread success of the hashtag points to the need many felt, both online and in real life, for this type of empowerment.
Initially, I felt so too.

#effyourbeautystandards #honourmycurves #celebratemysize #daretowear #plusisequal #fatgirlsbewinning #allbodiesaregoodbodies
Dismantling The Master's House
Audre Lorde
"It is learning how to take our differences and make them strengths. For
the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. They may allow us
temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change. And this fact is only threatening to those women who still define the
master's house as their only source of support." Lorde, The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master's House. 1984.
And what is the difference between "plus size women and women who are considered attractive by Western standards? 
If the difference is that "beautiful" and "thin" women are objectified, sexualized, degraded and humiliated by men and "plus size" women are not- the answer is not to bring some of those standards onto "plus size" women. (*important to state that all women, regardless of size, experience these things). 
Lorde notes that it may temporarily beat him at his own game; Instagram as a stand in patriarchal structure might be temporarily dislodged... but when it reclaims power and control over the bodies of "plus size" women, the hierarchy is re-established and women are once more disenfranchised. 
How can we build a house from our own tools?
Ideas on Complicity 
Creating happy, safe environments for women (trans, femme identified, etc) to feel happy, sexy, empowered. 
Nudity, nakedness, happiness and self love can all happen simultaneously or at different times. 
Ideas of the happy woman, who loves herself, her appearance, her life and everyone around her is a myth.
By devaluing perfection and good looks, we can move away from sexualization as validation. By un-commodifying female liberation, we can seek true freedom.
Being sexy and sexual is important. It is not the only thing. Social media does not highlight the nuance and distinction that is inherent in understanding the separation. 
Social media is not the answer, yet.
Social media is not ready to solve our problems because we are not ready to solve our problems.
Technology will not save us from institutions like patriarchy. 
Beth Ditto Plus Size Clothing Line

Malta Ice Cream?

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black tie

Posted | Views: 722
you are welcome to attend 1S' Hollywood Publishing Party!
date: June 17, 2016
  when: 2:30-3:30
  WHERE: 1S classroom
  WHat: please dress up for a hollywood style celebration
Please RSVP if you plan to come!!


kids blurbs 2

Posted | Views: 1,099
Patrick Q.
Hollow! I'm Emily Pan. I'm seven year old. Do you want to know which is the mist lovely teacher in the BIBA I think? It's Ms. S. My best memory is when I play with all of my best friends. We play swings, and slide. My best class is math because I am better in math.

My name is Mario. I am 7 years old. My best friend is Patrick Q. and Tom. I was in BIBA 2 years. My favorite thing in BIBA is playing football! My favorite thing about BIBA is the playground. My bese memory in BIBA is field trip!
I'm 6 year old. My name is Eric. My favorite is BIBA playground. Am at BIBA 2 year. My favorite thing to do in BIBA is rite books. My best memory is the first day of school because Patrick Q. and I bild a box! 
Hello my name is Jenny. I am six years old. My teachers name is Ms. S. She is smart. My favorite food in BIBA is pizza. The thing in BIBA is we can learn extremely many work. My favorite memory at BIBA is Hallowin because we can dres up like a ghost, monster and prinses.
Sorry, I interrupt you. Do you know why? Because I want you to learn about me! I' Ian! I am 7 years old! I love writing workshop and reading workshop! My favorite memory in BIBA is Halliween because it has the sweetest candy!
Hello, my name is Jerry. I am 7 years old. I have been in BIBA 5 years. My favorite thing about BIBA is it has my best friends and teachers. I like BIBA because it have a large playground.
Hello. I'm Julia. I am 7 years old. I love BIBA because there has extremely good teachers. I love BIBA because it have my favorite ASA. I learn in BIBA 1 year. My best memory is Hallow win because there we can dress and eat yummy food.
My name is Patric Q. I am 7 year old. I was in BIBA for 2 year. My best memory is family day because family day has many kind of thing to play.
More of 1s' favorite memories...
WE have lots of wonderful
memories from BIBA this year!!!!

student blurbs1

Posted | Views: 1,148
Hello, I am 7 years old. My favorite play is football. I have 2 years been at BOBA. My favorite thing about BIBA is their great teacher!
Hi! My name is Michelle I'm 7 years old. My best teacher is Ms. S. I love that Ms. S give us free time :) My funniest memory is the science fair because the cape hare eats poopoo. Love, Michelle
Hello my name is David Gu. I am six year old and I like to play climb and slide. I like BIBA because BIBA can have fun.
Hello, my name is Rachel. My age is 7. I learn in BIBA already 2 year.  I'm a girl. My favorite class is computer lab. My favorite memoryis the teacher because the teacher reminds me of everything.
Hollow, I'm Doris. My favorite things to play is swing. My favorite memory is Hallowen because in Hallowen you can have many costuoum and you can have a Hallowen party!
My name is Eee. I'm 7 year old. I stay in BIBA 2 years. My favorite things is... the classroom! My best memory is 100 days of school because we make glasses!
I am Tom. I am 8 old year. My favorite is pla soccer. I am learn in BIBA two year. My most exciting memory is art party because it can show many grade draw pictures. I like BIBA because it has good teacher like Ms. S.
Hello, my name is Cici. My teacher is Ms. S. I am 6 years old. I bin in BIBA 2 year. BIBA is the best because it have yumy food like pizza and apple. My favorite memory is the garden because you can see many plants and flowers. 
Hello, my Brandon. I'm 7 years old. I likes BIBA playground because BIBA playground is giant. My best memory is 'Family Fair' because it has many games and foods.
Hello my name is Patrick Y. and I am 7. My favorite food is chips and fry. I like BIBA because of the teachers and my friends. My best memory this year is the trip to EE City because we can play a lot of games.
Hello, I am 7 years old. My favorite thing is readin books at my bedroom. I am been in BIBA for 4 year. I like BIBA's playground because it have swing, football field, bascitball field and slides.
My name is Yiyi. I am 7. I like BIBA's food because BIBA have chicken, sandwich, green vegetables and yummy soop. My favorite friend is Doris and Julia.My funniest memory is science fair because my project cape hair eat poopoo.
Our Favorite memories in 1s

Back Cover

Posted | Views: 746
           All The Best in Grade 2!
      2015-16 school year at BIBA
Grade 1 !!

BIBA is the best

Posted | Views: 771


By: Cici and Yiyi
Biba is the best because BIBA has the best teachers, yummy healthy food, big beautiful playground and extremely tall buildings.
Great Teachers
BIBA has the best teachers because they can teach you many things. Another reason why the teacher is the best is because the teacher can teach you how to write a book.

Best Playground
BIBA has the best playground because the playground is very clean. Another reason the playground is the best is it has soft green grass.

BIBA has yummy healthy food like mixing juices, pair, apple, sandwich, potato, tomato, chicken, duck, fish, egg, and green vegetable. 

BIBA has large tall buildings because tall building have many classrooms. There is lots of space to learn and play.
1. In BIBA please don't drink plastic bottle because they can make our school dirty.

2. Finish your food so to keep the school clean.

3. Recycle your things so there is not too much garbage in the school.

4. Make sure you put your garbage in the trash can.

5. Keep your lockers clean. Do not keep old food in your locker or BIBA will get flies and mice.
Do you want a dirty school? Oh if you don't then here's how to keep BIBA clean:
A Message from Ms. S!
Hello 1S! We have had a terrific year together learning and growing. I am amazed by the closeness of our class and how supportive and friendly everyone is to each other. It makes me very happy to see your friendships! I am sure you will all be very successful in grade 2. Have a wonderful summer vacation and see you next school year!
By: All of 1S

School events

Posted | Views: 1,151
In BIBA we have many 'School Events' like Family Fair, Halloween, Sport Day, Christmas, Science Fair, Winter Concert, Chinese New Year...
Family Fair
On family fair most of the 
students of BIBA went 
to family fair. It was 
tremendously fun!!! Because
 there is a lot of games to 
play like roll the boat and 
water slide and yummy food 
and drinks too. 

In Halloween we wear 
costumes and take pictures 
we wear masks too. We can 
take pictures with our mom 
or dad or your friends too.

Sports Day
In sports day we played lots of fun games like throw the arrow, rock/paper/scissors shoot and running race. You need to follow your line and your house teachers.

In Christmas you need to decorate our class and you need to wear green and red shirts because you need to take pictures.
Science Fair
In science fair it is time 
for people to look at our 
science projects. Our parents 
can look at our science projects 
because we made it. 

Winter Concert
In winter concert we we sang 
many songs like "Rocking 
Around the Christmas Tree" 
and Sing a Happy Song.

 Chinese New Year
On Chinese New Year we can 
go to see many classes to  see 
Chinese projects. In each class 
there are different games.

International Day 
On International Day our class 
wears our flag color. We learned 
about Oman. We went to other 
classes and learned about other 
countries and ate yummy food.
By: Emily and Doris
Summer Holiday Tips!
The school year is almost finished and we have to say goodbye to our classmates's summer!!! Do you know what to do on the summer? We'll tell you what to do on the summer vacation. You could go on a picnic, go camping, go swimming or go on an adventure! We hope that you will have a great summer holiday!!!
By: Patrick Y. and Rachel

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Posted | Views: 2,430
- Concluso con lo Stage del 28 e 29 Maggio 2016 il nostro impegnoper la presenza del G.M. Vadim Starov .
Sesttimana intensa partita con il Corso Istruttori iniziato il 24 con la presenza di partecipanti provenienti da tutta la Liguria . Vadim Starov ci ha regalato una serie di interessanti tecniche che abbiamo assimilato e che proporremo nei nostri corsi che partiranno ad Ottobre e che vedranno come protagonista assoluto Andrea Bianchi come Istruttore Systema della Condor Combat Academy nelle zone di Sestri Levante e Chiavari .
Buona la presenza allo stage del 28 e 29 con partecipanti provenienti da altre scuole locali ed Italiane  e  altri Paesi Europei come la Francia .
Soddisfatti tutti i presenti che hanno praticato e hanno avuto modo di vedere a meta' della Domenica pomeriggio in una giornata uggiosa un momento di studio e applicazione dell'energia mentale , chi era presente ha avuto modo di vedere con i propri occhi la gestione della mente di un'essere umano , in effetti non e' semplice spiegare quello che e' accaduto ma noi che lo abbiamo vissuto in prima persona possiamo garantire di averlo visto chiaramente eseguire su una persona , tra le altre cose scettica . Quindi chiusa questa parentesi Condor Combat Academy continua la propria esperienza nell'ambito del Systema Russian Martial Arts saranno infatti molteplici le novita' 2017 in ambito di questa Arte Marziale .  
Bottega per animali a Sestri Levante 
Viale Dante 113 Tel.0185/1770601
Since 2014
Societa' Sportiva Dilettantistica di Studio e Diffusione Sistemi di Difesa Personale Arti Marziali 
-Domemica 26 Giugno dalle ore 9 a Sestri Levante presso la Palestra delle Scuole di Piazza della Repubblica si terra' lo Stage "Tecniche e Tattiche Operative" I.P.T.S. con la presenza del Responsabile Nazionale M°. Cristiano Curti .
Il seminario trattera' in maniera generale le problematiche che vengono affrontate dalle FF.OO. e dai servizi di sicurezza nell'affrontare situazioni difficili . Verranno affrontate le tematiche riguardanti le leggi vigenti in ambito di difesa personale e quello che riguarda la legittima difesa in abito civile e militare , cosa fare e cosa non fare nel momento del fermo o blocco di una persona .
Verranno trattate le tematiche e i metodi riguardanti l'amanettamento il controllo  e la traduzione di soggetti a rischio secondo i protocolli internazionali .
Molto indicato per gli appartenenti delle FF.OO., Security e il vasto pubblico di praticanti di tecniche di difesa personale e arti marziali in generale .
E' infatti di primario interesse apprendere questo tipo di tecniche che possono essere utili nel momento dello svolgimento di corsi dedicati. 
Il recapito per la prenotazione e' 328 0094676 .
Alcuni momenti del Seminario Systema Spetsnaz con Vadim Starov a Sestri Levante 
Terminato il 1° Corso Kapap 
Krav Maga a Chiavari 
Terminato a fine Maggio il 1° Corso Kapap Krav Maga a Chiavari presso il Centro Benedetto Acquarone che ci ha ospitato in collaborazione con la Palestra Body Center di via B.Gianotto .
Iniziato nel Mese di Settembre 2015 ha visto coinvolte nel corso di questi 9 Mesi circa 25 partecipanti che hanno calcato la scena due volte alla settimana con passione e voglia di apprendere le tecniche di difesa personale della Avi Nardia Academy . Dai 15 ai 50 anni persone di tutti i tipi ,studenti, medici,imprenditori,operai, donne e uomini hanno dato il meglio impegnando una parte del proprio tempo .
Nel corso di questi mesi alcuni hanno dovuto lasciare per problemi fisici sopraggiunti, problemi di lavoro e problemi familiari, ma siamo sicuri che il gruppo non si e' mai sfaldato e il supporto anche esterno ci sara' sempre . 
La scuola Kapap di Chiavari ha l'obiettivo principale di aiutare le persone ad avere consapevolezza del pericolo praticando attivita' fisica divertendosi ed apprendendo le tecniche necessarie a difendere se stessi e i propri cari.
Certo e' che la difesa personale puo' anche non essere per tutti, ma i maleintenzionati non fanno differenza tra le persone e quindi non la facciamo neanche noi , il nostro lavoro non e' quello di creare superuomini o superdonne ma quello principalmente di far capire cosa e come si puo' sfuggire ad un pericolo anche semplicemente tirando un mazzo di chiavi , per fare questo e' pero' necessario superare la paura ed e' per questo che lavoriamo sotto stress e alleniamo le persone cercando di ricreare il quanto piu' possibile situazioni che si avvicinano alla realta'. Appuntamento quindi ai primi di Ottobre di quest'anno quuando si aprira' il 2° Corso Kapap Krav Maga di Chiavari . 

Kapap Krav Maga Avi Nardia Academy
Corso Kapap Krav Maga Chiavari Avi Nardia Academy
Metropolitan Kapap Night 2016 
Wing Chun con Fabrizio Castellini al Corso Kapap 
A partire dal 10 Giugno 2016 alle ore 19.30 e per due volte alla settimana il Lunedi' e il Giovedi' si terra' un Corso di Difesa Personale aperto a Donne e Uomini presso la Palestra Emotion di Sestri Levante in Via Valle Ragone .
Questo Corso avra' la peculiarita' di trattare tutti i punti  del programma di Self Defense della Avi Nardia Academy andando a trattare le tecniche piu' semplici ed efficaci da apprendere.  L'occasione per fare cardiofitness ed apprendere tecniche  che potrebbero essere utili nella vita di tutti i giorni . L'obbiettivo e' quello di trasmettere pratiche semplici efficaci ed immediate come deve essere la difesa personale . Quindi andremo a trattare l'atteggiamento e il comportamento in situazioni di pericolo , l'aggressione e la reazione , lavoreremo infatti sui tempi di reazione con esercizi dedicati . L'aggressione con prese al collo frontali laterali e posteriori, la difesa a terra da tentativi di stupro e violenza , la difesa a terra da calci , La difesa da aggressione con coltello (non minaccia) comportamento ed utilizzo di strumenti occasionali ed improvvisati, la difesa da aggressione con bastoni o spranghe . Inoltre verra' effettuato training per quanto riguarda pugni calci e ginocchiate, verranno trattati in maniera approfondita quali sono i punti sensibili e shock del corpo umano , molto utili al sesso femminile in caso di aggressione da parte di soggetti con piu' forza . Tutto questo per lasciare un segno nei nostri sudenti che se vorranno potranno approfondire e proseguire ad Ottobre con i corsi dedicati piu' approfonditi che si svolgeranno a Sestri Levante e Chiavari. 

ROBERTO LERICI 328 0094676 ANDREA BIANCHI 333 3301532



Catch the flag

Posted | Views: 1,201
   capture THE FLAG 
By: Mario and Patrick Q.
Everyone should play catch the flag because it is an amazingly fun game!
Students in 1S like capture the flag the most!
Materials: more than 10 people, bibs and 8 cones.
First, you need your friends to make two teams. After that, you need to bring 3 shirts to a side and you need to bring the other shirt to the other side. The people need to go on two sides. The people need to be equal. You need to use 8 cones to make 2 squares. One square needs to be in this side. The other square needs to be in the other side.

Now you can start the game! When the game start your team need to get the 3 bibs from the other side but be careful the other team can tag you! If you have been tag, you need go to the square and wait for your friend to save you. 

TIP: You can tag people too! But you can only tag people on your side. 

Now be sure to ask your friends to play 
capture the flag!!
A Message from
Ms. Ding!