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Phantom Express Novel Newspaper

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Phantom Express
Bringing you news from the shadows

Featured Article:
Here you will write an article about one of the events in the paper.  You get to decide if you paper is one of great credibility or if yours is more like those Celebrity Tabloids and Magazines.  You will have totally different articles depending on which you choose.  

Make sure you are writing like it JUST are there to cover it first!


You will need the deceased characters name.  You can use the picture of the actor that you chose to play them or you can find a picture that reminds you of the character...just make sure the picture fits the character's description.

You must tell a little about their background and life.  What have they done; what did they accomplish?  What were their favorite things to do and past-times?

Who are they leaving here on earth?  

You will need to write your review and list your characters.  

You will write everything from your Review Rough Draft.  Your review must sound like a critics review.

You will then list your CASTING of characters.  The Actors names, the character he/she plays, and how we know that actor.

You will need to post pictures of the top 4 characters or actors.  If there is an actor that people will want to come watch the movie to see, make sure they are posted with a picture.  Otherwise, you will need to post pics of the MAIN 4 characters.

You can add pictures by clicking on the Picture buttone at the top ofthis page on your device.
You will need to have 5 pictures in this newspaper that lead me and the readers to better understand the society and times of the novel.  You MUST have a caption for each picture.
Advice Column: 
Dear Carolyn,

I am very concerned about our safety and future, as individuals and families.  I am having to run from technology because it can think for itself and make other people think differently about their lives.  The warnings were true, and I do not know if people were listening to them and taking them seriously. Are the people okay?  Did they listen?  What should I do now?

Worried Teen

Dear Worried,

It is clear that you are right to worry about our safety and future; it is unclear right now what is going to happen because we are not even sure what is happening right now.

I am glad that you have escaped, and I hope that it is enough to keep you safe.  

Some people have listened to the warning and they too are fleeing.  There were thousands upon thousands of people who didn't think twice about it, and now they are sick and acting irrationally.  They are being left behind to play on their neuro-headsets as family members seek refuge.

Your situation seems dire, still.  I hope you can read this.  You need to stay hidden right now, especially if you are running from "technology".  I don't know that you can hide, but I hope you can and that you will find a way to stop it once and for all.

Be careful.

THis is where I would put an advertsiement or a classified Ad.
Classified Ads



Posted | Views: 837
Por Daniela Custodio
Mexico, D.F. El primer libro Balance y perspectiva de la política exterior de México 2006-2012, es una evaluación general (jurídica, metodológica, de opinión pública) a la política exterior por periodos presidenciales. Es considerado un clásico por los internacionalistas. Se manejan los temas de acuerdo a las áreas de las relaciones exteriores, e incluye temas centrales de la agenda internacional. El segundo libro, Teoría de las relaciones internacionales en el siglo XXI: interpretaciones críticas desde México, se describe como un libro útil tanto para los alumnos como para los profesores. Es el libro fundamental para el estudio de las teorías de las relaciones internacionales, ya que incluye desde las teorías clásicas hasta las postmodernas. Maneja un programa de desarrollo de conocimiento más habilidades y competencias.

Además contiene dos capítulos de evaluación cultural y medioambiental en México, todo esto desde un punto de vista homogéneo. 
El segundo libro, Teoría de las relaciones internacionales en el siglo XXI: interpretaciones críticas desde México, se describe como un libro útil tanto para los alumnos como para los profesores. Es el libro fundamental para el estudio de las teorías de las relaciones 
internacionales, ya que incluye desde las teorías clásicas hasta las postmodernas. Maneja un programa de desarrollo de conocimiento más habilidades y competencias.Durante esta conferencia se presentaron dos libros de suma importancia para los internacionalistas: Balance y perspectiva de la política exterior de México 2006-2012 y Teoría de las relaciones internacionales en el siglo XXI: interpretaciones crític


Posted | Views: 973
lA verdad detrAS DE 
Ano V   -   No. 143   -   Mexico, 3 de octubre de 1968   -   Precio: $5 pesos


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Ursula Daily
Is she a person or a virus?
Caralyn Hax: Radiation Girl

Dear Caralyn:

A few days ago I was in a  radiation zone with a suit but my mask tore making me inhale radiation dust. I know I need to go to the docter but if I go I know that they will make me connect t a nureo-headset. If they connect me than they'll know all my secrets. They'll know our plans, what we know about the nureo-headsets and how it works, they'll even know my secrets. They'll sneak in to my deepest secrets and will find out who I am. That is why I have come to you.

Radiation Girl:

Dear Radiation Girl:
 My advice to you is to move as little as possible. Doing activities even if it is just getting up from the coach will make it hard for your lungs and will make the situation worse. I also advice you to buy a humidifier. You should use it both in the day and at night but turn it off time to time so when you go outside you don't pass out or anything because your not able to breathe easily.

Are your thoughts really yours? Brian Jack is a must see movie. Go on a epic journey with Sam, a teen with mad hacker skills, and his friends to unsolve the truth about the nureo-headsets. Nureo-headsets are the coolest things to have. There you connect thn to the computer and then you put the headset set so what ever you think is what happen on the computer. Sounds fun right. But the question is can these things control you. Can someone be controlling you. Find out in the epic adventure. 

The Life Of Tiberius Julius Caesar

Posted | Views: 562
The Life Of Tiberius Julius Caesar 
Born:November 16 42 BC
Died:37 AD In The Misenum Of Rome
Nationality: Roman
His family: 
He was born in Rome. His birth father name is Tiberius Claudius Nero. his birth mother name was Livia. his step father is Octavian.        
His life:He was first introduced to public life at the age of 9 because he was delivering a eulogy at his birth dads funeral.
He then later is his life went to the military. he performed very well suddenly    in A.D. 4.  
Becoming the emperor: In 12 B.C. to Julia. he study the langues of Greek and lation.   

How LeBron let OKC down

Posted | Views: 865
As a humongous basketball fan, the day the 2014-15 NBA schedule was released, I circled December 11th and eagerly awaited that date to arrive. The 11th was going to be a very special day because that's when the Thunder were slated to play the Cavaliers, or in other words: KD vs. LeBron. That very match up feared to be in jeopardy when the Thunder announced Kevin Durant would miss some time with an injury to his foot, but when the reigning MVP returned in early December, it appeared we would get to see the two best players in the world square off after all. That was until LeBron James decided to give the proverbial middle finger to the Oklahoma City community when he announced he would sit out of the game due to "knee soreness." 
I'm a HUMONGOUS LeBron fan. If you don't believe me check my blog post from Monday where I describe LeBron as the Santa Clause of the league. But what he pulled yesterday by sitting out of the 103-94 loss to the Thunder, was extremely disappointing. LeBron is one of the more aware athletes of all-time, he knows exactly how big the game was, and what the match up meant for NBA fans and more importantly Thunder fans.  
One may ask: why does it matter so much to Thunder fans, didn't it give them a better chance to win?
Yes, Thunder fans are happy their team won, but it's not everyday that the best athlete in the planet comes to your hometown. The way the NBA schedule is structured, an Eastern Conference team like the Cavaliers only makes one visit to each Western Conference arena per season. The Cavs and Thunder will indeed play again this season, but unless the two teams square off in the finals, LeBron won't be making a trip to OKC until next year. Just like the many Kobe Bryant fans of this world, people from any nook and cranny are "King James" fans who worship the once in a lifetime talent. Kids and adults of all ages stand in line to buy his shoes, they wear his jerseys and even obsess over his social media accounts. Some Thunder fans probably even asked for tickets to see LeBron play as their Christmas gift, or set aside enough money to buy tickets for the opportunity. LeBron knows his impact, and he knows the excitement he brings to every NBA city he visits. Arenas that are normally halfway filled, sell out completely when the King rolls into town. Not to mention the 
I'm not questioning LeBron's toughness, but when "knee soreness" is the excuse for not squaring off against Durant I start to smell something a little fishy. LeBron hasn't missed a single game all season, but right as the Cavs are in the midst of an eight game win-streak and headed to OKC for the match up of the season thus far this soreness suddenly appears? C'mon man! People have started to speculate that Durant has been making that push over the last year to supplant LeBron's as the best player in the league, but most experts like to pump the brakes when that topic arises. The showdown that never happened on Thursday night could have been a stepping stone for Durant to get closer to that elite level and I personally feel that LeBron sensed that. I don't think LeBron was afraid, I just think that he may have felt something was a little off with his knee, and didn't want to square off with KD if he wasn't 100%. In doing so, he shorted every NBA fan a chance to see a great show. Injuries happen, I get that. I would never want to see a player such as LeBron hurt himself further just to play in a regular season game, but it isn't like this was a serious injury. As a heroic figure and the most influential player in the NBA, it's LeBron's responsibility to play in a game of that magnitude. 
How LeBron let down OKC

Vegas Today

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Fugitive daily 
The daily  of America story

Dear Carolyn hox:
This girl I like is going to die and I can't her go .she is ina lot of pain please reply and and help me dissided. 
                                                Sincely :girlcrushdieing

Dear : girl crsh dieing

hopefully when she dose go you have let her go. Some times

you need to let go for the best so she not in pain. If you really love her you will let go.

sincerly :caroly hax

Kid hacks to have a cool new head set...

brain jack is a movie basis on the book it has action, adventure, romantic. When you watch it you will love the movie it is number one in America. It is a must watch movie staring Michael cera as Sam,

tom hardy as dodge, and pink as Vienna.       

tim hardy as Dodge
michael cera as sam willson
Pink playing as Vienna


Posted | Views: 1,147
BORN- 199 A.D.
DIED - 260 A.D.

He was the Emperor of Rome for 7 years. He was Emperor between October 253 A.D. -- 260 A.D. All of this was during The Crisis of the Third Century. 

 Valerian attempted to stay the advances of the barbarians and the Persians on Roman territory and was a vigorous persecutor of the Christians.
Valerian was in the province of Raetia (modern Switzerland) when the news of Gallus's murder by his own troops reached him. Valerian was then saluted as Emperor by his own army. 

 The second major crisis of the empire was  spiritual values. Traditional Romans regarded traditional religion as one of the foundations of their success, but this religion was being challenged by many sects, especially the Christians. By the 4th year of his reign as Emperor, his attitude changed.

Valerian may have felt it was important to have maximum support for the Roman gods. Meanwhile,  problems caught the attention of Valerian. The Persian king Shahpur I had raided the Eastern provinces and seized Antioch, the Third-largest city in the Empire. 
He was married to a woman named  Mariniana and they had 2 kids, Gallienus and, Valerianus Minor 

Valerian's own armies were weakened by a plague. He was forced to return to the Persian menace, which now entered upon the city of Edessa. While trying to relieve the city, Valerian was captured by Shahpur. In any case the Persian king was extremely proud of his capture and had monumental cliff reliefs showing Valerian kneeling before him. 

 Whatever the circumstances, Valerian seems to have died within a short time of his capture. His son Gallienus succeeded him. That was the end of Emperor Valerian. Gallienus was the new Emperor until he was assassinated in 268 A.D.
"Valerian." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. World History in Context. Web. 16 Dec. 2014.

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Posted | Views: 1,020
Revere is now a star in Philadelphia, and is proud of it. He is one of kind when it comes to personality as well. Frequently active on Social Media, Revere takes time to interact with fans and share moments about his daily life. Being someone who was lucky enough to meet him, I can personally he’s extremely nice. He doesn’t ignore fans and was nice enough to give me an autograph and a picture. Also later in the evening I tweeted at him and he responded and gave me a retweet which showed me sincerity. Ben Revere also has taken part of the Make A Wish foundation and takes his own time to go meet kids who are ill, just to give them a reason to forget about everything and just enjoy a moment with him. Sources and friends of Ben have also revealed that he is religious and has a very close relationship with God. This world has all kinds, but only has one Ben Revere. Revere has stated that he has been playing baseball since he was 2 years old. He said he started off in the backyard of his Atlanta Home, and then took things to little league. Revere then worked things up to a starting position at Lexington Catholic High-School. From there at the age of 19 Revere was drafted to the Minnesota Twins in 2007. Bouncing from Triple A, to the Majors, he always gave it his full effort and played his heart out. It wasn’t until 2010, that he was finally pulled up for a starting position in right field. Progressively improving his baseball skills, we would find Revere moving to Center field and Denard Span moving to right. One single year and the young athlete has an entire outfield on lock down, which to most is just astonishing. What’s next? Just finishing his season with 184 hits, Tied for most hits in the National League with Denard Span, and 49 stolen bases, Revere will be going under an ankle surgery very soon. His right ankle will be having Two screws taken out of it, from his last surgery back in July. Revere will be wearing a boot for Two weeks prior to the surgery. "I've had a pretty good year all things considered," Revere said. "I look forward to seeing what I can do without it bothering me." At such a young age people can only assume this young star is just getting started with his career, and has many years of excellence to show. Being one of the fastest in the league and also one of the most consistent, he has priorities to maintain along with the thousands looking up to him.

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Posted | Views: 482
Maines Messager. 

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Merging into the MLB in 2010, he has already made a name for himself. Ben Revere a former Minnesota Twin, now playing for the Philadelphia Phillies is one of the players who is well known for making incredible catches. He leaves people asking “Does he have a baseball magnet in his hand?”. Fielding isn’t his only strong suit either, the young 26 year old athlete, has the highest count for stolen bases in a single season, and hits a .291 batting average. He’s also capable of getting on base from bunting, which isn’t easy to do, seeing as I am a former baseball player. In the summer of 2010, his first official year, he made a catch that is still being talked about. In a game against the Baltimore Oriels in the bottom of the 7th inning is when the young star made his first spark. MLB slugger Vladimir Guerrero belted a ball across Target Field, as the ball went soaring into the stands, Revere starting running. It was that moment when Ben Revere decided to climb the wall of Target Field and catch the ball in his glove, leaving the packed stadium in a mixture of awe and cheers. During that same year Minnesota fans also got to see the revolution of the term “Rev Run”, after seeing Ben do a full somersault while rounding second base and running to third. Making it to third base it was still a classic moment watching your favorite player lose his balance and barrel roll onto third base. The crowd was in laughter, the team was in shock, and coach Ron Gardenhire had the look of relief and irritation written all over his face, and Ben had a smile from ear to ear on his face as he looked up at his Dad and Brother who were sitting in the front row. Holding many records for a single team, he also holds a record for the MLB in general. He set the record for having 1,410 career at bats without hitting a single homerun. He did hit an out of the park homerun until the Summer of 2014, and an In the Park homerun back in 2012. Critics can say that’s embarrassing, but to Ben Revere, a records a record, and that one wont be broken for a very long time. While playing for the Minnesota Twins, Ben got to play alongside some really great players; Joe Mauer, Justin Morneau, Jim Thome, and Denard Span. It has been said by numerous sources that Ben brought positive energy to the team and enjoyed playing for the Minnesota twins a lot, but that was until the Winter of 2012 when he was traded to the Philadelphia Phillies for Vance Worley. The Twins had this absurd vision that First round draft pick Aaron Hicks was going to be a replacement for Revere, how wrong they were, how terribly wrong they were.

Vegas Chronicle

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Vegas Chronicle
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CDD Daily

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Eisenhower Prinzip

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Besser arbeiten mit der Eisenhower Matrix
Eine präszise Erklärung der Eisenhower-Matrix in einem Erklärvideo der Pink University

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Posted | Views: 740
   Dear Gerald: 
My daughter has started to show signs that she wants the "cure." I don't know how this happened. I told her how bad the cure was and how love is a right that shouldn't be taken away, yet she still won't listen. HELP!
                                        -Penny Gergelsmith

   Dear Penny:
I have an idea on how to remind your daughter how bad the cure really is. Try telling a story on how the cure changes who you are or say it makes you crazy. Maybe try introducing her to a guy. You could also try hypnotism. Just do something along those lines and I'm sure she will be fine.
Deliria Daily
Show The Love
(The Wild's #1 Newspaper)
A new movie coming out about the one and only Lena Haloway. A tale of how she escaped the grasps of society. "It was a great film and had an outstanding story"  -Garry Fergleboust
During the examination, cows stampeded into the room as a form of protest. Lena, the girl who was in there at the time, was terrified. 
Jennifer Lawrence 
as Hana
Selena Gomez
as Lena
Josh Hutcherson 
as Alex
Help needed!
We, Pineapple inc., need people to help produce our LPhones, LPads, and LPod touches! This is a once in a life time opportunity! L is for love.
Love cola. There's a little love in every sip.

Work Examiner by EfficientLab

Posted | Views: 1,012
EfficientLab is a software independent vendor. We offer employee monitoring solutions to the world-wide market. Our flagship product is Work Examiner - employee monitoring solution for organizations with 1..10000 PCs. Work Examiner implements Internet monitoring, web filtering, attendance tracking, computer activity monitoring, programs blocking.