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igurada com un tribunal únic desdoblat en tres vicecancelleries o tribunals per a cadascun dels estats.
Cancelleries de Castella[modifica | modifica el codi]
Article principal: Reial Audiència i Cancelleria de Valladolid
A Castella els oïdors, la denominació que rebien els jutges, constituïren un òrgan nou, l'Audiència, delegada del rei i en estreta vinculació amb l'exercici personal de la justícia apareixent en les Corts d'Alcalá de 1348 com a òrgan específic. Formalment, la primera Audiència -anomenada Cancelleria- va ser establerta a Valladolid l'any 1371. Isabel I de Castella el 1494 dividí aquesta Audiència en dues: la Reial Audiència i Cancelleria de Valladolid, amb competència al nord del riu Tajo, i la Cancelleria de Ciudad Real, amb competència al sud del mateix riu. El 1500 es va decidir traslladar aquesta darrera a Granada, fet que es va verificar el 1505. L'emperador Carles V creà el 1528 la Reial Audiència d'Aragó amb seu a Saragossa. El seu fill Felip II de Castella creà nombroses audiències als territoris de la Monarquia d'Espanya, com ara la de Sardenya el 1564 o la de Sicília el 1569. Als regnes castellans d'Índies s'instal·là per primera vegada una Audiència a Santo Domingo el 1511, durant la governació de Diego Colón, per bé que poc temps després va ser suprimida per ser restablerta el 1526.
Reials Audiències de la Monarquia d'Espanya[modifica | modifica el codi]
A la Corona de Castella
Reial Audiència i Cancelleria de Valladolid (1371).
Reial Audiència i Cancelleria de Granada (1505) -abans Reial Audiència i Cancelleria de Ciudad Real (1494)-.
Les altres Reials Audiències sorgides posteriorment no estaven presidides per un Canceller i no tenien competències de govern.
Reial Audiència de Galícia, creada a partir de la Governació de Galícia.
Reial Audiència de Sevilla (1525).
Reial Audiència de Canàries (1526).
Reial Audiència d'Astúries (1717).
Reial Audiència d'Extremadura (1790).
Al Regne de Navarra no hi havia Reial Audiència i les funcions judicials les ostentava el Consell Reial de Navarra.
A la Corona d'Aragó les Reials Audiències tenien només funcions judicials, mentre les de govern depenien de la Generalitat de cada estat
Reial Audiència de Sardenya (1487/1564).
Reial Audiència de Catalunya (1493/1599).
Reial Audiència de València (1506).
Reial Audiència d'Aragó (1528).
Reial Audiència de Mallorca (1571).
Als Regnes castellans d'Índies es creà per primera vegada una Audiència a Santo Domingo el 1511, durant la governació de Diego Colón, per bé que fou suprimida poc temps després, per restablerta definitvament el 1526. Les Reials Audiència d'Índies estaven compostes per un President, que generalment era el respectiu virrei o governador, i per un nombre variable d'Oïdors (jutges), més alguns alcaldes del crim (a Mèxic i Lima). A més, formaven part d'aquest tribunal un fiscal i altres oficials subalterns com ara: un agutzil major, un relator, un escrivà de càmera i un porter. Les Reials Audiències eren els únics òrgans de l'època que tenien una funció més marcada: eren tribunals d'administració de justícia. Als Regnes castellans d'Índies les Reials Audiències va adquirir una creixent importància vetllant pel compliment del Dret d'Índies, la protecció dels governats i per l'aplicació de la justícia al continent. Així mateix van arribar a ser també Cancelleries, de manera que se'ls considerava representants del monarca en els seus respectius territoris i dipositàries del segell real.
Als Regnes castellans d'Índies[1]
Reial Audiència de Santo Domingo en 1526
Reial Audiència de Mèxic (Nova Espanya ) en 1527
Reial Audiència de Panamà en 1538
Reial Audiència de Guatemala o dels Confinis en 1543
Reial Audiència de Lima (Perú ) en 1543
Reial Audiència de Guadalajara ( Nova Galícia ) en 1548
Reial Audiència de Bogotà ( Nova Granada ) en 1548
Reial Audiència de Charcas ( Alt Perú ) en 1559
Reial Audiència de Quito ( Equador ) a 1563
Reial Audiència de Concepció ( Xile ) en 1565 (fins a 1575)
Reial Audiència de Manila (Filipines) en 1583
t de Nova Planta, 16 de gener 1716 
Presidència: Presidida pel capità general de Catalunya; en els afers estrictament judicials ho era pel regent.
Funcions: òrgan de justícia territorial subordinat a les resolucions del Consell de Castella i òrgan de govern subordinat teòricament al capità general de Catalunya, però amb qui governa a través de l'assoliment del Reial Acord formant una bicefàlia que originarà conflictes competencials.
Composició: Un regent, deu oïdors per als afers civils -en dues sales- i cinc per als criminals -una sala-, dos fiscals i un algutzir major.
Als Regnes castellans d'Índies després de la Nova Planta del segle XVIII a les Reials Audiència d'Índies se'ls va agregar un Regent, que en la pràctica es va encarregar de dirigir aquest òrgan, i un altre fiscal. Gradualment, més per evolució espontània que per reformes legals, es van convertir essencialment en tribunals d'apel·lació. També es reinstal·là la Reial Audiència de Buenos Aires el 1783, i es creen les dues últimes:
Reial Audiència de Caracas en 1786
Reial Audiència de Cuzco el 1787

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Back Cove Chronicle
Carolyn Hax: Filling an Aunt's lack of trust.
Dear Carolyn Hax:
Lately I have noticed my Aunt eyeing me weirdly. Although, I can see why. I have been going to see my boyfriend but I am saying that I am going to spend the night with my best friend. I can tell she knows something is up by the tone in her voice and the look on her face. How do I get her to trust me on this even though its a lie?
                      -Worried Niece (Lena)
Is Auntie going paranoid over something or nothing?
Dear Niece:
I can understand why you're trying to hide this from your Aunt. Sometimes the truth might be the best thing to do but know knows what your Aunt could do. I would recommend saying you and your "best friend" got in an "argument" and you stay in the house for a few days and spend time with your Aunt. I know you may not be able to stand what is going on between you and her, but it could be the best thing for both of you!
                                     -Carolyn Hax
Mix your emotions and get hooked!
Lena never thought of love the way she thought she would. Love is a disease. Love is bad. If you loved, were loved, or associated with love in ANY way, you were sent away. After Lena's evaluations, her point of view on love changes. What happens to Lena? Will she be sent away? Will everyone look up to her? Watch the movie to see for yourself!
Josh Hutcherson as Alex
Shailene Woodley as Lena
Kate Upton as Hana
Shocking! Wait, not so much...
Know those so called "shocking fences" that go up around the city? Some of them are to be confirmed NOT electrified! Sources state that a Phil, around the age of 23, was walking around with his match while a dog chased them both into an ally where the only place to go was the fence. Expecting to be dead within seconds, the man surprisingly clung on without being popped into popcorn. After the dog gave up after about 5 minutes, they both hopped of and started spreading the word. Phil went and told a man by the name of Alex, first. After Alex tested this, he began thinking of ways to escape. After much debate he finally finds a way. Only to come back due to certain reasons. This action is punishable by death, or being sent to the Crypts.
Help Wanted!
We are looking for bold men and woman to test the new item coming from DFA. We like to call this new item "LOL" or "Lack of Love." We are looking for teens and young adults, due to the fact that these are the people it will be used on and they are the ones catching the sickness most. If interested please call the DFA.
Remember Hana Tate, a Bold Bestfriend
Hana Tate, Lena's true bestfriend, was found dead February 14th in the year 2021. Many believe it was due to the fact she was close to an invalid, others believe it was the parties and illegal music that got her. Although, Hana helped Lena do everything, she helped he love life while it was illegal! She would set up and watch for guards so her bestfriend could have time with the man she loved truly. Hana was a resistant girl, even when she knew the consequences. She chose to help her friend when the punishment was permanent, to die rotting. You will be remembered as a great friend, Hana.

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5 important reasons why we should free animals in captivity. 
Animals are not ours, for entertainment purposes or any other human desired activity. Wild animals belong in the wild not in zoos or amusement parks. Once we bring them to any type of captivity, they are trapped forever. I ask you, wouldn't you go psychotic after spending 25 years of your life in a box/cage/tank? I would. Animals aren't ours just to take and do whatever we desire with them. Animals should be in the wild not in fake environments.
1.As I was saying earlier animals aren’t supposed to be in zoos. To start with they live in artificial environments when they should be living in nature. Animals come to a point of sadness that they are willing to risk their life in attempt to be free. Animals in zoos are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them. Some zoos keep animals alone in a cage or they lock them up for bad behavior (PETA). In Dallas zoo a gorilla escaped and got shot, this isn't fair he was just proclaming what was already his (PETA). 
2. Animals that are in captivity also have a lower lifespan than those in the wild. Orcas that are in captivity (for example SeaWorld's orcas) live up to 30-35 years when they should actually live 80-90 years (Seaworldofhurt). Elephants that are in any type of captivity live up to 40 years when in the wild they live up to 60-70 years (LCA). Giraffes in captivity live about 11-18 years and in the wild up to 25 years (PETA). This animals are dying earlier than they should because they need to make "human entertainment" when safer entertainment exists. 
3. Also animals that live in captivity suffer consequences. Orcas that are in captivity suffer a dorsal fin collapese while in nature only 1% of orcas have collapesed dorsal fins (seaworldofhurt). Dolphins have skin problems, due to spending too much time in the water. Since they naturally live in deep waters not in shallow ones they get burned which causes skin problems (seaworldofhurt). Animals in captivity are forced to live or learn to live in cramped, unnatural living conditions (seaworldofhurt). Due to the tanks being so shallow in comparison to the sea they develop a much lower stimulation then they would in nature (Seaworldofhurt). 
4. It is known that animals that are in captivity tend to be more  agressive which leads to animal attacks towards people or even themselves. In Orlando Florida on February 26,2010 a SeaWorld trainer named Dawn Brancheau was killed by Tilikum (her Orca)(Thetigernextdoor). In Luray, Virginia a 15 year old lost his finger to "star" tiger just 5 years old in Luray zoo (thetigernestdoor). On December 25,2007 in San Francisco, California a Siberian tiger escaped her enclosure at the San Francisco zoo and ended up killing 3 people (thetigernextdoor). In 2010 two tigers turned against his trainer during a performance in Ukraine, but he got lucky and survived (newsdiscovery). At Safari's Animal Sanctuary in Broken Arrow, Okla a liger killed a volunteer (newsdiscovery).   
5. Animals belong in the wild, not in entertainment facilities. In the wild female orcas live with their offsprings until they die (Don't get separeted, as they usually do in SeaWorld)(Seaworldofhurt). Animals are supposed to be free, not mistreated when they don't do a stupid trick for entertaing humans. Animals that are in captivity try to end their life because they aren't happy. Entertainment facilities treat them with cruelty. They need their natural habitat not a artifical man-made one. They get frustrated for explample the turtles at my school are really big and they are cramped in one small fish bowl. This is cruelty.  
Now that you know the truth, reasons or whatever you want to call it. You can help. You have the power to help free animals from captivity. Throughout the web you can help them by just clicking, reading and having a part in the action. Visit If you want to help. Remember you have the power to set them free. 
Works cited

Recap - Kiki Valdes - Paintings in a Loft

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Following the success of his solo exhibition in New York at The National Arts Club, Kiki Valdes is pleased to present a mini overview of his extensive art portfolio at the Midtown Miami 4 building coinciding with the festive Art Basel/Miami Art Week. 

Presenting a selection of his preliminary sketches, drawings, and oil paintings, the evocative staging of Valdes’ diverse art is revisited in the context of a modern loft overlooking the vibrant streets filled with art enthusiasts. 

Seamlessly located in midtown Miami alongside various art fairs, the painter invites you to discover the versatility in the colors, mediums, and forms that have inspired and shaped his journey through art.

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 I seled fishlegs because i like this characters is bery funny.
Fishlegs there can better being described as a big and awkward character. Though he is very big, his value exactly does not pair his outfit. Fishlegs is someone who looks for the knowledge rather that the time of royal fight. He has an enormous quantity of knowledge
Meatlug is a Gronkle and is dragon to Fishlegs.

how to train your dragon

Posted | Views: 667
A lot of time ago in the island of berk, the dragons were in battle and the vikings. were hated. They have a book this where everything on the dragons. And five  boys must learn.Astrid,Ruffnut and Tuffnut,Snotlouta,Fishlegs and hiccupp.
Hiccup is a small viking, and does not have the same force and skill that his companions vikingos and is not taken very seriously between his tribe.
 His father is the lidel of the vikings, and wants quen in the future hiccup be like. During one of the assaults, Hiccup knocks down the rare one and very been afraid dragon called Night Fury with a cannon who throws a network of ropes, but nobody him believes. In the forest he finds to that dragon. I have instead of killing it, it helped to return to demolish it .He to deal of that to have something jointly.It starts removing well with the dragon, puts an artificial tail and a harness, start to ride.
Astrid to find out and to guard secret.The vikings take a toothless the dragon of hiccup.And they take it to the island of the dragons, where the mother of the dragons attacks them.Hicupp and toothless when they except to break a leg.

Here ...Page 50

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-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman 
"All Rights Reserved"
Washington D.C. 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Fast Co.
Protest In Washington D.C.
We Here Now 
All they Need Is A Reason...

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Posted | Views: 595
A day in the city of Mema Hiccop fight the dragon . Hiccop launch the web and find the dragon.
The dragon was not fun and Hiccop friend .
Hiccop and girl find the mountain.
 A Leader Dragon is very large and dad Hiccop struggle with the dragon and win Hiccop .

 The end.

The drecription .
The Hiccop is a guy really fight and find a good dragon.
Hiccop has dad. Your father is very large.
 Hiccop love the girl and she kiss a Hiccop.your friends are very friendly.

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NESDCA Trained Dog

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NESDCA Trained Dog
Go Green Bed Bug Dogs is a company that specializes exclusively in the detection and removal of bed bugs. We are fully dedicated to taking an environmentally healthy approach to eliminating bed bugs. Our team realizes many of the concerns our clients face when determining what method of bed bug removal to select.
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Welcome! Merry Christmas & Happy (Shalom) New Year.
DIVA Feedback

Ladies, stay strong in the Lord. Support each other in prayer, keeping in contact, whatever it takes. One way to support us is to give us your feedback. 
What do you want to see in the next issues? What burning questions do you have about the Bible, discipleship, anything really that you can't ask in public? 
Ask us and let us address it here. Email us at [email protected] or Inbox us at Feel free to post items to our wall too. We love to Connect, Grow & Serve!

Our Next Event is...
Friday, January 16th, 6pm @ #9...check out the Flyer below... HEY SISTAH, SOUL SISTAH! 

Lots of debate out there about what Christmas is, the reasons for it, what makes it good and on & on. We celebrate Christmas in December to honour and give thanks for the fact that our Saviour Jesus Christ chose to come to Earth in human form. He honoured His Father and obeyed Him even unto death so that we could become a part of His family if we believed Him for His salvation. 
So while we recover from the nice dinners, social events, gifts, sorrel, food and other Christmas and related activities, let us remember that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning" as James 1:17 says.
As Christ's DIVAS, we are His representatives to those around us. May His Holy Spirit enable us to do well for our King as we stay DIVA'd up in CHRIST and be a CHRISTmas DIVA all year long.
2014 Event Recap

We had so many events this past year but we hope to increase them in 2015. 
We met at Son Rise - Prayer in the Garden, the STK5 after intense training at DIVAS REFRESH, we shared at our Book Club and we learned so much from the different guest speakers who came and shared with us about all kinds of amazing topics.
Ladies, please share your photos with us, we want to publish them and relive the joyous moments.
Speaking of photos, enjoy some candid captures...
2015 Upcoming Events

This year we want to improve on 2014 so here's what we have planned so far...
1. Book Club 
2. Newsletter
4. Tuesday Morning Devotional
5. Monthly Gatherings
6. Other Events To Be Announced
If you need details on any of these items or want to make suggestions, contact us via email at [email protected]
Use this email address to send photos as well. Add us to your address book too so our emails get to your Inbox and not Spam/Junk Folder.

women's fashion in 1930s, america

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Fashion has played a big part in most of our lives. It’s   always with us and sometimes we don’t even realize it. So let’s look back at America in the 1930s; where the world of fashion changed forever.

Fashion had changed drastically during the 30s in America. These changes included things such as materials, the style, designs and prices. The Great Depression caused a monumental impact on fashion and was one of the major reasons about why and how fashion had changed during the 30s. During the full point of the Great Depression, many women stopped buying clothes and would wear one outfit a day. Moreover, the most people would usually re-use and sew up old clothes to put together new outfits. This was because of the Wall Street crash causing many people – women especially, to start saving up their money. People had to start saving up because many of them had lost their jobs attributable to the Wall Street crash. In improver, the masses who were holding out in South America had endured a drought. The drought was the reason many crops failed and why a famine had spread as well as inducing the deprivation of many workers their jobs. Some of the affected states were Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico and many more.

Caption: A photo taken from a 1930s, American magazine; it indicates the types of dress worn by Hollywood stars of the 30s. 
During the day, women would frequently get wear simple but dressy, elegant and classy clothes. The dress’s skirt would usually have their hemlines at mid-calf. In addition, the skirt would only widen the very slightest at the hips. If a dress had a fuller skirt than the full skirt would accentuate a slim waist; this would happen without emphasizing the hips. The long full skirt would occasionally be trimmed with flounces, but would still deliver a long, thin frame.

The arms of the dress would normally be buffed or sometimes could be picked up with ruffles or frills. Shoulder pads were also used quite a lot to broaden the shoulders of dresses, coats, nightgowns and blouses. The trunk area was kept sensuous and silky, emphasizing the waist.

The necklines had gotten a good deal lower in comparison to the previous decades and were afforded a great deal more care. Some of the most common styles of necklines were the v-necks with ruffles, scallop-edges and lace accents.

Caption: A picture of skirts that were commonly worn by women in 1930s, America

In the evening women would usually change their attire. This new outfit would usually be more glamorous looking and a bit more refined. Evening dresses in 1930s were backless and the bodices of the gowns were slightly bloused. They had hemlines which were either ankle or floor-length. Flowers made of fabric and bows would be found on the shoulder area or in the center of the waist or neckline.
Subsequently, in the decade, silky dresses became more popular. Empire-wasted waistlines that were drawn up at the back of the gown were popular.

Caption:Sample from a 1930s, American magazine showing what women would wear in the evening and the new low necklines.