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Posted | Views: 640
My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my story, prepare to die.
Recently, a group of expertise teen hackers let out a virus that has leaked out onto the neuro-headsets, and has escaped. They had headed to the Vegas Fallout, into the radioactive dust, and were caught in the act of hiding. Upon being discovered, they were attacked. Vienna Smith, one of the hackers, in the act of defending her friends, ran out into the dust, and her suit got ripped. After inhaling in the dust, they narrowly escaped with their lives, and set out on the road again, with a knocked out Vienna. Reports say that a group of refugees have seen them, and Vienna is still alive, but needs help now. They are now set out to Cheyenne Mountain, with the cure to the virus. The Military plans to hold them hostage and bomb them, and get the virus, and we await for more updates.
The Wacom Bamboo Tablet is an artistic device that allows you to draw and write digitally on your PC or television. Normally, it is hard to draw and write in Paint, but the tablet has a pen and USB that allows you to do both. Only $52.99 at Walmart.

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Posted | Views: 465
Featured Article
Brain Jack is exciting yet suspenseful book.
Sam just got thrown in jail for hacking into the 
White House. Will he stay in, or will he get out? We won't know tell next time on the Blackout Bulletin.
Blackout Bulletin 
Movie Cast & Crew
Sam- Zachery Gordon, Max (voice), Yellowbird
Dodge- Liam Hemsworth, Gale Hawthorne, Mockingjay 
Vienna- Mackenzie Lintz, Tribute Girl District 8, The Hunger Games 
Fargas- Nathan Gamble, Sawyer Nelson, Dolphin Tale 2 
Kiwi- Jake Short, Oliver, Mighty Med
Swamp Which- Reese Witherspoon, Carrie, The Good Lie
Agent Tyler- Chris Hemsworth, Thor, Thor: The Dark World
Ursula- Willow Shields, Primrose Everdeen, Mockingjay 
Security Guard Gordon- George Clooney, Frank Stokes, The Monuments Men
Jaggared- Alec Baldwin, Dr. John Howland, Still Alice  
Warden Brewer at Recton- Bradly Cooper, Rocket (voice), Guardians of The Galaxy  
Sam's Mom- Jennifer Love Hewitt, Kate Callahan, Criminal Minds 
Zombie & Gummi- Logan Lerman, Ham, Noah 
Ratface- Spencer List, AJ, A Wife's Nightmare


Advice Column
Dear, Carolyn
    There is this new electronic call a Nero-headset.
I think it is brain washing everyone and I don't known how to stop it. It all started with me. I was the first one to have it, then everyone else started getting  one to. Then one day everything changed, and  it was like I was the only one left on this planet.It was like everyone was dead, no one was moving, and all they could see was the images in their head. If you talked them they wouldn't respond.
-Lost Person- 

Dear, Lost
    This is hard one to answer. I say that you take the Nero-headset off here heads. If that doesn't work then move them and get them to come back. All I can tell you is things happen for a reason and if this was meant to work out then it well.
Movie Review 
Brian Jack is a movie you don't want to miss, I think it's a good family movie full of suspence and action.
The Nero-headset is a new electronic that lets people control the computer with there minds, and it's only $965

In loving memory of Fargas

Fargas loved to play games, I mean he was a teen so that enplanes a lot. All he did 24/7 to pass time was play games. Even thought his life was real short we all loved Nathan Gamble.

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Posted | Views: 600

The Blackout Express

a hack not a hacker

Advice Column

Dear Carolyn,

my Best Friend Ever, Fargas,Since he got the new Computer with the nuero head-set , has been getting distance from me. that is making are friendship go down the drain and i don't want that to happen. whenever i go to his house i always go to his room he is in. he wont get up not to even play around. help me find a way to get my best friend back. 

Help Friend

dear help: worried, no of course not, but terrified yes. your best friend loves that nuero-headset. the thing is that it is not a good thing to do that to yourself. i would say that you should try to thing to do to yourself. i would say that you should try to talk to him. tell him it is not really a good idea to do this to himself.just try to convince him to get off the complete for once to come and play outside. 


Featured Article
At 8:30am this morning the nuero headset had been shipped out to stores all over the country. Billions upon Billions were sold in just a few hours. At 10:45pm today means that the nuero headsets have been out for 2 days now and they have sold out in many stores in Some Country's. But when the people that bought the nuero headsets put them on somebody is like taking over there mind. We have found out that it is a computer named Ursula. They are going for one person and that is Sam. Will Ursula Plan work? Or will Sam save the City From Destruction?  

Michael Cera

Character: Sam

Movie: Arrested Development  

Tom Hardy

Character: Dodge

Movie: The Dark Knight Rises

James Marsden

Character: Agent Tyler

TV Show: Saved by The Bell,


Character: Alecia Beth Moore ( Or Pink) 

Movie: Thanks For Sharing, Happy Feet Two, and Catacombs.

Seth Rogen

Character: Jaggard

Movie: Robocop, Star track into Darkness, and Robocop 2.

Madam Mim

Character: Swamp Witch

Movie: The Sword In The Stone

Seth Rogen

Character: Fargas

Movies: The interview, This Is The End, and Neighbors.  

Movie Review

This is the best movie I ever seen. It has A lot of Action in it, Sadness, Anger all sorts of stuff. the thing is it is the best movie I've seen in my Life. People should see this movie.

It has a 86% Thumbs up on this movie.

help Wanted

We Have a Restaurant Manager here by The Name Billy Worth. He is Looking for a new chef. Because his other chef had just got fired for not making a couple of the foods right. So if you are interested call this Local Number: 123-456-7890 

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Posted | Views: 433



Gladlators vs gladeator greece vs romeins boat battle ship to ship battle sword to hand

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Posted | Views: 528
Hacker's daily
Where the haker's connect
Alton light up for the Holiday Season
alton lights up for the hoildays and bring chrismas cheer of the chrismas season and the lights have been working to bring a bright shineing chrismas cheer sense Decmber 6th.
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Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Bride installation goes well in Barnstead
Dear arolyn
I have
In Barnstead the new bride that all baysiders have been looking forwerd tohas finly been finsched now creating a new crossfor the people to cross.

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Posted | Views: 749
Hackers Guide
The news that fights back

On Monday night a young boy named Sam Wilson hacked into the biggest data base in the world. Everything went chaotic and the world practically broke down. Everyone was in shock. They tried figuring out who did it but slow at first. Sam was finally caught when he attempted to hack into the white house. Same thought he was in the clear until special agent Tyler showed up at his from door. "I didn't know what was happening. I was confused why they were taking my baby boy away. I never thought he could do anything this horrible." Sam's mother stated. Sam was later put in juvinial detention because of his actions. No one quite knows what lead him to hack such a highly protected data base. The world may never be the same as before. With a hack like this it could have changed the world forever. No one was expecting this huge attack so the people panicked and shut everything down to prevent farther damage. 
Advice Column
Dear Carolyn, 
I am having issues with something and i have a bad feeling about it. I feel like everyone is going to get killed. Since this new Nero-headset came out, everyone is being controlled. Anytime I try to talk to someone they all seem to be deaf. It's like they can't they can't see anything other than what is in their head. I feel like I am loosing all human contact with some of my closest friends. Everyone just seems distant and dead in the brain. I'm trying to think  of a plan but when I do I do i think of the terrible things that could potentially happen. I'm trying my hardest to stay strong and not give in so I can stay alive and find a solution. I need advice, please if you have any idea on what I could do to save them before it's to late. - Sincerely, Lost Boy

Dear Lost Boy, 
I think your issue can be resolved by one taking a deep breath and two talking to someone about it. Everyone gets scared or worried, or even sometimes both. It is natural to want to keep people you love safe but sometimes you can not. In reality everyone is in danger and could potentially get hurt. Sometimes you can save the person but other times things happen for a reason and you can't save them. I think you should sleep on the subject and think about it the next day. Sometimes in these situations you get very tired and often over think. I think you should definitely talk to someone about it and get more than one opinion. I'm sure everything will work out in the end, but if it doesn't just know it happened for a reason. - Your Friend
Movie Review
Brain Jack
Brain jack is a very entertaining movie. I was action packed and very suspenseful. Although, The plot was pretty basic and I personally think it needed to be more unique. - Weekly times

Cast of Brain Jack: 
Jaggard: Daniel Craig
Sam: Dyal O'Brien
Kiwi: Thomas Brodie- Sangster
Fargas: Asa Butterfield
Dodge: Evan Peters
Sam's Mom: Connie Britton
Vienna: Taissa Farmiga
Warden Brewer at Recton: Denise O'Hare
Ursala: Rebel Wilson
Mall Security Guard Gordn: Bill Murrey
Agent Tyler: Channing Tatum
Swamp witch: Lily Rabe
Evan Peters as Dodge
Dylan O'Brien as Sam
Taissa Farmiga as Vienna
Thomas Brodie - Sangster as Kiwi

Brainly daily

Posted | Views: 739
Brain Daily  
"The information for your bain"
Carolyn Hax: Guy with a Crush
 Dear Carolyn:
I like this girl thats cute but i don't know what to do or say, because we've been trying to save the world from an evil computer program. Can't wait for response.
-Guy with a crush
 Guy with a crush:
Well, first of all how old are , if you are below 18 how are you going to save the world. Anyway what you need to do is tell her how you feel about her, and see how she feels about you.
Brain Jack: The Movie
Cameron Dallas as sam
(Cameron Dallas was in Expelled)
Amber Heard as vienna
(Amber Heard was in Hidden palms)

Cainan Wiebe as dodge
(Cainan Wiebe was in sandlot heading home)

Feature Conflict
In a world where opening your computer could be life of death, and only a genius boy hacker can save us from technology.
Comments about movie
Not_Sam- "It's going to be a good movie, i loved the book and i think having it as movie will be better"
Wolf_lover153- "i think its about time it is made into a movie. The book was good"
Not_Cake1324- “ yes, another book that i like is going to be a movie”

New York Hacked Gone
New York is destroyed, People say that they saw a missile heading for New York, but know one knows why it was heading to New York. 50,000 people found dead, and found only 1000 survivors that were able to leave the New York in time. A local said that they worked for a gaming industry and got a unknown hacker hack in and get stuff for free. Could it be that the military got hacked or a terrorist attack.
Brain Jack Quotes
“We are our memories,That's all we are. That's what makes us the person we are. The sum of all our memories from the day we were born. If you took a person and replaced his set of memories with another set, he'd be a different person. He'd think, act, and feel things differently.” - Brian Falkner

Lizzy.Hays Newspaper

Posted | Views: 741
Neuro Enterprise
Neuro will do anything for you
Featured Article
At CNN News there has recently been an unexpected surprise from their news. A report about a neuro virus going around the neuro headset. And a couple of days after that people have started rioting and violent fights have also broke out. Many people have thrown away their neuro headsets because of this. The company Neuro and CNN News is assuring us that the news report was wrong and a malfunction. But who is really right about the neuro virus the company or the news report? That still remains a mystery

Advice Column
Dear Carol,
I really like this guy at work but I don't know how to express my feelings, what should I do? What if he doesn't like me back?!
Dear Confused,
I think that you should be open with your feelings toward him and just tell him. Or maybe you can get a friend to find out for you. Those two seem like the best options to this situation.

Movie Review
This week a new movie is about to come out. It is called Brain Jack. The author of Brain Jack is Brian Falkner. In this movie one of the main characters Dodge will be played by Chris Renaud. And Dana Gaier will be playing the role of Vienna. And finally but not least the main character Sam will be played by Micheal Cera.
Brain Jack is a movie about the teenager/pre-teen,Sam, and how one day he was hacking into the worlds largest tech. company (in the book), and the next trying to save the world from a deadly virus.
So far critics rate this movie about 4 out of 5 stars. 

Help Wanted!
Help wanted at Telecomerica. Any age of 19 and above are qualified. It is located in New York City.Must be good with technology and also people.


Blackout Industries

Posted | Views: 743
Blackout Industries
Featured Article:
How the riots have affected Forney

I'm not going to sugarcoat it, It was bad, People were looting, & just in general being crazy. It was almost like something out of a apocalyptic movie.

On to the elephant in the room, which is how has the blackout has affected Forney. Well honestly, it was pretty bad, well it was for the 1st day that is.

I think after the initial shock of not being able to access the internet people were OK, actually I think after the shock fear was the feeling that set it. What would make me have that assessment? Well I didn't see many people out after the 1st day, and the the main things I can take from that are that they were either satisfied, (with the stealing, looting, etc.) fearful, as i said, or they plain just stopped for no reason.

My overall assessment is that the city has not suffered anything that it can't recover from.
A business owners wrecked store from the looting.
Advice Column:
Dear Carolyn, my son is always busy, the only time I get to be with him are the rare times he eats dinner with me. 

I guess my question is how do you think I should get him to spend more time with me. He comes home gets his laptop and goes to his friends house, by the time he gets home, I m already tired and am going to bed.
                                           Sincerely mom.

Dear mom, It sounds to me like you need to take some initiative. Talk to him, force some conversation if you have to, or set a curfew. These are all things that you could do to spend time with him. If none of these help it might be you.

Maybe he has a problem, if that's the case just ask him to open up.
                                   Sincerely Carolyn.

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” 
- Corrie Ten Boom
Brain Jack Review:

Disappointing? no. Enticing? ehh. Does the writer know his stuff? Probably.

The blunt review is this, I didn't like the story, but I liked how he knew his stuff or at least he probably does.

What do I mean by "does he know his stuff?" I'm referring to the excessive dialogue about the hacking. I don't think i could make up 100 pages worth of hacking dialogue so that only leave me the assumption, "he knows his stuff." (3 points)

Why do I give him a 5/10? Because for 1, a cheesy ending, but not expected so there's 2 points. On the overall plot, 0 points, a hacking film? Not my favorite style. Personal opinions aside, i think that he is a decent author, but i do not personally like his style. Its basically just a generic government chase film about some hackers. Sure some detail here and there, but. I don't personally think that its that great of a film, that's all.
Brain Jack Cover
Casting of Brain Jack:
(Character name - Actor Name, Recent movie)
Sam - Asa Butterfield, Enders game
Dodge - Chris Pratt, Guardians of The Galaxy
Viennna - Emelia Clarke, Dom Hemingway
Fargas - Dylan O'Brien, The Maze Runner
Kiwi - James Franco, 127 Hours
Agent Tyler - Christian Bale, Batman
Swamp WItch - Krista Allen, Anger Managment
Ursula (Voce OVer) - Anna Kendrick, Pitch Perfect
Mall Security Guard Gordon - Denzel Washington, American Gangster
Jagard - Shia Labeouf, Transformers
Brewer - Nick Offerman, Parks & Recreation 
Sam's Mom - Amanda Peet, 2012
Ratface - Liam James, 2012
Delivering the greatest news.
Asa Butterfield
Denzel Washington
James Franco
Amanda Peet
Dylan O'brien
Shia Labeouf
Anna Kendrick
Krista Allen
Nick Offerman
Liam James
Christian Bale
Chris Pratt
Emilia Clarke
Want some Fresh , delicious, Italian style food? well come on down to Pete's diner.
Chef needed for opening restaurant.
- 3- 5 yrs of experience in similar field

- Some leadership skills

-Preferably a culinary degree of some sort.

- $30-50 per hour

Restaurant Name: Pete's Diner
Location: 1000 Diner Dr.

mikaila.barberiz Newspaper

Posted | Views: 1,429
The Daily Defense Discovery
"Our knowledge protects"
12-6-45    $1.00
Brain Jack Movie Casting
Sam- Ansel Elgort from the fault in our Stars
Got Hacked? Telecomerica did....
    Did you hear about the national disaster that struck America on Friday? Of course you didn't but, you experienced it. The entire country blacked-out and America was left without the one thing that barely holds it together, the Internet. The hack took place in the Telecomerica infrastructure. 
     Three whole days without electricity or Internet made America go crazy. Americans thought it was the apocalypse. Telecomerica is now bumping up security and changing their codes. This hack was elaborate and highly complex.
        The government is talking about terrorists, but they don't have any ideas as to who might have attacked us. The government is also promising severe punishments to whomever did this. Avoiding panic is highly recommended by the authorities.
"The United States won't stand for this no matter who did this. We will protect this nation at all costs." - The United States President
               What will the future hold for this amazing nation? Will technology, our greatest asset be our biggest downfall? We will be here reporting it all. 

Movie Review: Brain Jack
The new movie Brian Jack made the book come alive. It explained the characters into depth. The main character Sam (Ansel Elgort) was very believable and funny.
   The characters in the movie worked so well together. It was as if the fiction came to life. The protagonist, Sam (Ansel Elgort) and his friends Fargas (Seth Rogan), Vienna( Scarlett Johanson), Dodge (Mark Wahlberg), Tyler (Matt Damon), worked as a team to save the world from a dystopian future. As the faced their biggest enemy the network also know as Ursula (Lana Parrilla).  
     The movie had great shooting and really brought out a lot of suspense. Brian Falkner and the Brian Jack director really did work hard on this production. Teenagers all over the U.S.  geeks, popular, misfits, and even jocks are loving this movie. Funny, suspenseful, and action filled this movie is a must see.
           There are surprising final scenes that make you wish you had read the book. The book and movie match up great during the film. Hopefully there will be a second book and movie by the genius Brian Falkner.

Brain Jack Movie Casting
Sam- Ansel Elgort from The Fault in Our Stars
Fargas- Seth Rogan from This Is The End
Dodge- Mark Wahlberg from Transformers
Vienna- Scarlett Johanson from The Avengers
Tyler- Matt Damon from Elysium and The Bourne Ultimatum.
Jaggard-Bruce Willis from Red
Swamp Witch- Julia Roberts from Mirror Mirror
Kiwi- James Franco from Oz The Great and Powerful
Mall Security Gordon- Kevin James from Mall Cop
Ursula- Lana Parrilla from Once Upon a Time
Sam's Mom- Jennifer Aniston from Friends
Warden Brewer- Ryan Reynolds from The Green Lantern
Rat Face- Zac Efron from High School Musical
Zombie- Ian Somerhalder from The Vampire Diaries
Gummi- Ryan Gosling from The Notebook  

Advice Column 
Dear Carolyn,
My problem is very personal and deals with family. A long time ago, like a week after Vegas I was offered a very high profile job. In that moment it was either your family or your future. I thought I could do the job, earn my money to help out my family and then go home. Long story short, I ended up being stuck in the job. Since I made the choice of the job I lost contact with my little sister. Now i'm on the verge of a possibility of being able to see her again. Will she hate me for leaving? I love her so much, how will I explain me leaving to her?
                                                                              Desperate Sister

Dear Desperate Sister, 
You sound like you love and miss your family very much. The decisions you made in the past were all with good intentions. Try to be very honest with her and tell her your thought and feelings when you figured out that you couldn't come back. I don't think she'll hate you for leaving if you explain the truth in a gentle way. Remember that you were gone for some time and it might take a while for your sister, family, and friends to allow you back into their lives. Good luck making amends with your sister.

Help Wanted
Recton Hall Juevinile 
Detention Center 
Security Guard Wanted
Employer: Recton Hall Juvenile Detention Center
Location: Brookmont, Maryland
Job Requirements
Education level: High School (required)
Associates degree (preferred) 
At least two years of experience
What We Offer
Full Medical Insurance
High Salary
Excellent Working Conditions

If you are interested please apply in person.

Telecomerica's screens as teens single-handedly managed to hack into their database. 
Some of our finest security guards at Recton Hall
This is a picture of  The American Blackout 
This map of the country shows the states and how they were affected. The red states are the most affected by the lack of internet and blackout while the green-colored states were affected less.
Ansel Elgort is playing the role of Sam.
Seth Rogan is playing the role of Fargas.
Mark Wahlberg is playing the role of Dodge.
Matt Damon is playing the role of  Tyler.
Scarlett Johanson is playing the role of Vienna. 
Lana Parrilla is playing the role of Ursula
New  Headsets Here!!
Here is a sneak peak at the new neuro headsets. They come out next week and the gaming industry is very excited. These headsets allow your mind, body, and technology to become one. Whether it's texting or playing a game,these headsets seem to do it all.

The Obituary of Derek Fargas
Derek Fargas was born  April 3,2028 and passed at the age of seventeen. He is succeeded by his loving parents, Jim and Melissa Fargas. Fargas will always be remembered for his caring and outgoing personality. Though Fargas' life was brief, the impact he made in the lives he touched will last forever. In his last days, Fargas retreated to video game addiction because of the loss of his best friend. His family hopes that all people both young and old learn from this tragedy. 

Derek Fargas at the age of sixteen.


Posted | Views: 546
Advice Column
"I am in need of help, I want too tell someone I like her but she does not want anything too do with me, her name is Vienna."

- Sam ( Helpless )

"I think you need to just find someone else becuse, If she does not like you now, what makes you think she will like you anymore anytime soon, let go Sam." - Carla
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We have found a boy, he is a hacker. 
He was found is the House of The President's or "The white house" hacking on the computers. We don't know why he would do such a thing blur we are hoping to hear more.
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Hack Safety

Posted | Views: 537
                    I'M WATCHING YOUR PAGE!
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My clients tell me that Brain Jack the movie is going to be a hit.Hopefully it is but i would only be able to find out myself.If it is I would surely invest a lot of money into the movie.
Fargas a famous book character was recently reported dead.The police don't know yet know if he was killed or if he killed himself or some kind of addiction because when they found him he had console with lots of games in his pockets .
  Fargas was a fun energetic person he was only 17 years old and had many more ages to become.he loved technology and playing video games,if you asked him to fix a broken disk reader he would be done in 10 to 15 minutes that was just a talent he had.He loved hanging with friends everyday and hanging by the nearby cafe.   R.I.P Fargas 


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Posted | Views: 554
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Posted | Views: 488
The virus discovery
We can tell you something you don't know!
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Newspaper Project- Westley Harris

Posted | Views: 817
The Brain Buggle
“Power your future”
by: Weztley Harris 1/5/15
advice column:
Dear Caroline, 
I am in a bind with my friend, because one day I all of the sudden remembered him doing a dangerous crime and he keeps denying that he did it. I still remember him doing it, but he keeps telling me it was the neuro-headsets tricking my mind, however that sounds impossible. HELP ME!!!
-confused friend

Dear confused,
ARE YOU INSANE! call the cops as soon as possible. your friend has committed a crime that you witnessed go and justify it. He is trying to trick you with all this made up neuro jazz just go tell that's all it takes.i cant believe you fell for that! anyways, go now and arrest him in the name of the law.

     get him,
 movie review:
a stunning suprise
Bobby McGee-June 27, 2014

Indeed this movie was a grand suprise. filled with awesome adventure. this was nothing short of an amazing movie.It has so many pros such as the impressive peices and enough action to last a lifetime. It also showed an emotional core that made you care for each and every character. Sam, Dylan O'Brian, played a fantastic role as the lead actor. This movie is filled with thrills and spills which should be watched.
Sam-  Dylan O' Brian-maze runner
Dodge- Woody Harrelson-zombieland
Vienna- Emma Stone-The Amazing Spiderman
Fargas- Brett Wyman- Dumb and Dumber 2
Kiwi- Ki Hong Lee- The Maze Runner
Agent Tyler- Rob Riggle- Dumb Dumber 2
Swamp Witch- Glenn Close - Guardians Of The Galaxy
Ursala- Tom Mcgrath- The Penguins of Madagascar
Gordan- Jeffery Wright - Mocking Jay
Sams mom- Paula Malcomson- Mocking Jay
Ratface-Robert Lasordo- Back In The Game
Zombie and Gummie- Andrew Garfield and Andy Pessoa- Amazing Spiderman
Jaggard- Vin Diesel- from Fast and Furious

Dylan O'Brian
Emma Stone
Rob Riggle
Woody Harrelson
Featured Article
local citizen says neuro technology are taking over
local resident Sam is stating that the new technology is taking over. Through the complex systems the central unit,Ursula, is feeding false information to innocent people, such as jaggard claim that Ursula told him that Sam did some crime that he thought that he didn't even do. Sam is now heading into Cheyenne Mountain to shut down the system. WARNING! Make sure that you remove all neuro technology. They will make a virus that will kill the system.Once she is turned off all of the information will come back and you will remember everything that you forgot. However if the virus does not work he will have to put the neuro headset on and be the Central system. when he does this he will then return all of the memories and restore equilibrium to all of the unbalanced problems.

Scene/chapter 15.

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Posted | Views: 578
The Brain Buggle

Post title...

Posted | Views: 809
The Bombing of Las Vegas
On September the 1 in Las Vegas a nice breezy day about to turn into a flaming hot kitchen when bombs struck Vegas   
The Daily Jack "Are u missing whats                                                             important?"
Feature Article

Post title...

Posted | Views: 866
The Bombing of Las Vegas
On September the 1 in La's Vegas a nice breezy day about to turn into a flaming hot kitchen when bombs struck Vegas turning it into a smokey abyss. Many trying to aid but dying due to the wretched radioactive smoke. Later Vegas soon closed, with many leaving with grief in their hearts and hopelessness    
The Daily Jack "Are u missing whats                                                             important?"
Feature Article
Advertisement: Nuero Headset

Brain Jack
" A film worth watching." 
A world set in the future with technology growing rapidly Sam starring as [Asa Butterfield] a normal 17 year old with his friend Fargas as [Josh Hutcherson] both Sam and Fargas are thrill seekers with Sam being know for his computer experts. Sam soon offered  a job by a secret society leaving his old life behind and starting a new one. With a new faces Dodge as [Bradley Cooper] a ruthless warriorwith no fear. Helping by his side Vienna as [Jennifer Lawrence] the smarts that initiates and makes plan with this group they will go threw thick and thin to do the good and the bad.
Advice Column 

The future is now the new enchancment in technology.The nuero headset will put you into a virtual reality and will give you power to control your computer with the latest and the greatest new technology
Frienship its trust it is a wonderful thing a group of two to three or even more but in that group anything said is only in that group many frienships last for many years but when they past the breaking point it ends up horrible. For a 17 year old boy named Fargas with his bestfriend Sam. Fargas and Sam had a brothertly love and were connected. Months passing they loosed connection. Sam always has something to do and Fargas just gave up and became depressed those weeks made him feel like he was walking in darkness. Soon Fargas walked in the wrong alley and was found dead. Sam out of the picture nowhere forgoten. A fate could have change, a life would have been saved would you do something different. 
On July 6 Fargas having a regular day at the age 17 at his hometown in the heart of New York. Fargas as any other teenager roaming the streets of New York with his known best friend Sam the same age as Fargas. Sam and Fargas lost contact for a very long time and fargas just forgot about Sam. Months passed like years to Fargas then his last day. Passing threw gamer alley known for many deaths when he was jumped soon killed finding his dead body months later 
Asa Butterfield
Josh Hutcherson
Jennifer Lawrence
Bradley Cooper
Nuero Headset

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The Bombing of Las Vegas
On September the 1 in Las Vegas a nice breezy day about to turn into a flaming hot kitchen when bombs struck Vegas   
The Daily Jack "Are u missing whats                                                             important?"
Feature Article

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The Bombing of Las Vegas
On September the 1 in Las Vegas a nice breezy day about to turn into a flaming hot kitchen when bombs struck Vegas   
The Daily Jack "Are u missing whats                                                             important?"
Feature Article