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The unpredictability, talent of teams, hype, and tradition is what makes the college basketball season and March Madness what it is today. Traditions can come in all shapes, sizes, and seriousness. At the University of Duke one tradition throughout the basketball season is for students to tent outside Cameron Indoor Stadium on home games in hope to get free tickets and good student section seats for next day’s game. This tradition is called “Krzyzewskiville”. Named after Duke’s legendary basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, thousands of students participate in this tradition. If you have ever watched or seen a Duke Basketball home game, you would know just how loud and obnoxious Duke’s student section is. In fact, Duke’s student section has been deemed the name “Cameron Crazies”. Krzyzewskiville actually has its own website with its own rules on how this tradition gets played out. Also being the crazy tradition it is, there is even a book written by Aaron Dinin called The Krzyzewskiville Tales (University of Duke, Krzyzewskiville Policy). 
Another tradition of college basketball is Taylor University’s Silent Night game. Though not being known as a power-house-like college when it comes to basketball, Taylor University defiantly does not lack tradition. During the beginning of the game the stadium is dead silent, not a peep from anyone, until the tenth point is scored by the Taylor Trojans. Until the tenth point is scored, there is an incredibly awkward silence in the stadium. But after the tenth point is scored, the student section (dressed in costumes and pajamas) and other fans go absolutely nuts (Taylor University, Silent Night). Though not as serious as Krzyzewskiville, the Silent Night game is a hysterical way of getting the fans and the student section unpredictably into the game. 

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Posted | Views: 732
The past winners of the NCAA Men’s Division One College Basketball Championship and it’s contenders have been revolving around certain power house colleges in basketball such as: Duke, Kentucky, Louisville, Connecticut, Kansas, Florida, Ohio State, Michigan State, UCLA, North Carolina, Arizona, and many more. But what is awesome about college basketball and March Madness is the fact that there is a whole season and a 68 team tournament to prove each team’s worth.
Last year Wichita State (a college with little basketball recognition) was a number one seed in the Midwest region, though losing to Kentucky second around (eventual runner up to the Naismith), Wichita State had a perfect record of 34 and 0 before losing to Kentucky. In 2013 Florida Gulf Coast was a 15 seeded team in the South region, and went all the way to the Sweet 16. Along the way they defeated Georgetown and SDSU, on paper those games should have been predicted loses (Sporting News, NCAA 2013 Bracket). In 2010 and in 2011 Butler was runner up to the Naismith both years. In 2010 Butler came so close to victory in which Butler’s Gordon Hayward missed a half-court shot to almost seal the deal against Duke (ESPN, NCAA Tournament Bracket).

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Posted | Views: 994
Works Cited
Ammer, Christine. The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. n.d. 03 December 2014. John. John 3:16 (Bible). n.d. John, 1. 1 John 4:8 (Bible). n.d. Moses. Exodus 15:18 (Bible). n.d. —. Exodus 20:3 (Bible). n.d. Paul. 1 Timothy 3:12 (Bible). n.d. —. Ephesians 1:7 (Bible). n.d. —. Ephesians 6:1 (Bible). n.d. Solomon. Proverbs 31:10-31 (Bible). n.d.


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Il giornalista è colui che distingue il vero dal falso...e poi pubblica il falso
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Renzi all'assemblea PD diretta tv
No a diktat della minoranza video 
"Grazie a noi Grillo torna a comicità"
MafiaCapitale: Anche Buzzi e Carminati speravano la stessa cosa "Se c'è Grillo non ci siamo noi" Testo


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Minnesota Outsider
Magazine Author : Zach Rausch

Magazine Editor : Kellie Tatge

The Power...Page 43

Posted | Views: 1,343
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
 "All Rights Reserved"
Los Angeles,Ca
Photo Courtesy Of-Nick Ut, AP
Protest In Los Angeles,Ca 
America No Longer Has the Power To Keep a Nation Divided The fight is for all people all races all of mankind. 

Generation at Peace...Page 42

Posted | Views: 1,505
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
 "All Rights Reserved"
Washington 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Alex Brandon, AP
Protest In Washington
A generation is At peace With the downfall of a System that was not built for Us

saber alimentarse

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SABER alimentarse
SUGERENCIAS de mejora de Alimentación
SABER alimentarse
Comer ¿cura o vicio? 
DESCUBRE las ventajas 
del desayuno 
Una vida sana 


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Office Partitioning Systems

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Office Partitioning Systems offers top quality office partitions in Melbourne.  We provide top quality ergonomic seating and designer office furniture at best prices.  Office Partitioning Systems is a registered and licensed building practitioner.  We have over 20 years of experience in office fit outs & building refurbishments.  Visit for more information.
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As a manufacturer, Spaceplan Victoria offer quality custom fit outs backed by a passion for product development, innovation and design.  Spaceplan Victoria deliver results that are not only unique but also on time and on budget. We offer complete solutions by working closely with numerous trades to coordinate and manage the entire fit out

Stock Transfer Company

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Colonial operates as a unique stock transfer company serving clients in corporate and commercial segments with a wide variety of products and services. Colonial is a leader in Transfer Agent & Registrar, Shareholder Meeting & Proxy Management, Stock Option Administration Software, Printing & Mailings, and SEC Reporting Services including EDGAR and XBRL filings.


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20% Project

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Have You Ever Gotten Chills From a Song?
Ever Wondered Why?
The chills you feel during the peak of a certain song are caused by the release of dopamine throughout the body. This is the same chemical released when someone is experiencing the joys of food and during sex. 
This is something that is triggered in the brain by reward or motivation and is only believed to happen in about fifty percent of people. By this theory, music can be viewed by the brain as a reward and in the same category as food. 
What type of music is the best for chills?
One neuroscientist discovered that sad music gives the best chance of getting chills, because it is believed to activate a chill inducing mechanism connected to the ancient feeling of being separated from one's family. It is also believed that sad music actually evokes positive emotion, because sadness experienced through art is more positive than sadness experienced during a bad day. Chills can also be experienced due to the entrance of a new instrument into the music or the element of surprise in it. The one that can give the most intense chills is when you know what's coming and the part you're looking forward to is reached.
Some Songs Can Even Connect to a Memory
It is possible to be listening to a song and all of a sudden you're taken back years to a specific memory or to specific place that had a major impact on your life. It has been found that music activates multiple networks in the brain. This includes emotion, creativity, and even motor actions. All of these can be affected by rhythm, tonality, and timbre. The emotion evoked shows that music can connect to people, mainly through memories brought about due to memories connected to certain songs. These emotions can be the feelings evoked from the tempo of the song, or, if there is a memory connected to the song, the emotions will be the emotions experienced at the time of the memory. The connection to motor actions even proves that music can relate to movement. This proves that music can access more parts of the brain than thought and can affect people in many different ways. It also shows that the music related to the memory essentially acts as a soundtrack for the mental movie that is the memory.  
This Song Evokes Memories For Me
When I hear this song, it takes me to gameday every time. I'm walking through the end zone from the field, looking back as the players go on the field. This is something I see every gameday since I'm on the drumline, so the memory seems to have been burned into my brain along with this song, which plays as I'm walking off the field. I experience that memory whenever I hear this song, no matter what.
Now Think of Some Songs That Evoke Memories For You!

Police State...Page 41

Posted | Views: 1,535
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
 "All Rights Reserved"
Ferguson,Mo 2014
Protest In Ferguson,Mo
The Police State Is Only used to assault the people And be protected by the Law.

A nation Under attack...Page 40

Posted | Views: 1,367
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
 "All Rights Reserved"
Ferguson,Mo 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-The Wrap (Getty images)
Protest In Ferguson,Mo 
A Nation Under Attack 
From Itself Is the Problem.

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Posted | Views: 922
Works Cited 
Asperen, Peter, and Robinson, Paul. “Age-specific Management of Asthma in Children.”                Medicine Today. Tony Scott, Sept. 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
Mayo Clinic Staff. “Childhood Asthma.” Mayo Foundation for Medical                    Education and Research, 15 July 2014.Web. 29 Nov. 2014.
Nowak RM, Tokarski GF. Asthma. In: Marx JA, Hockberger RS, Walls RM, et al., eds.                     Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 7th ed.                               Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Mosby; 2009: chap 71.
Obie, Kathleen. “Asthma in Children.” The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and                   Immunology| AAAI. N.p., 3 Mar. 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.

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Posted | Views: 707
A peak flow meter is a simple device to measure how quickly you can move air out of your lungs.
• It can help you see if an attack is coming, sometimes even before symptoms appear. Peak flow measurements help let you know when you need to take medicine or other action (Obie).
• Peak flow values of 50% - 80% of your best results are a sign of a moderate asthma attack. Numbers below 50% are a sign of a severe attack (Nowak RM).
Unfortunately, there's no way to cure asthma, although symptoms sometimes improve over time. Work with your doctor to create an asthma action plan that outlines in writing when to take certain medications or when to increase or decrease the dose of your medications based on your symptoms. With proper self-management and medical treatment, most people with asthma can lead normal lives.

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