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Free Stuff Friday's
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Free Stuff Friday's


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One of the true stars of CES 2014, the Pebble Steel second generation smartwatch has been hailed as one the year's first exciting releases ahead of its January 28th launch.
Plugged as the world's first internet-enabled toothbrush, Kolibree monitors and compares your daily brushing, alongside recommending brushing techniques.
Monitor the temperature of your food as it cooks from up to 150 feet away, helping you to work out when it's been perfectly cooked.

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Nova Carpet & Upholstery Care Inc 15605 Joplin Rd Manassas, VA 20112 (703) 491-1479
Manassas Carpet Cleaning

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Lilith (Hebrew: לילית‎; lilt) is a Hebrew name for a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud, who is generally thought to be in part derived from a historically far earlier class of female demons Līlīṯu in Mesopotamian Religion, found in Cuneiform texts of Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia.

Evidence in later Jewish materials is plentiful, but little information has been found relating to the original Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian view of these demons. The relevance of two sources previously used to connect the Jewish Lilith to an Akkadian Lilitu—the Gilgamesh appendix and the Arslan Tash amulets—are now both disputed by recent scholarship. The two problematic sources are discussed below.

The Hebrew term Lilith or "Lilit" (translated as "night creatures", "night monster", "night hag", or "screech owl") first occurs in Isaiah 34:14, either singular or plural according to variations in the earliest manuscripts, though in a list of animals. In the Dead Sea Scrolls Songs of the Sage the term first occurs in a list of monsters. In Jewish magical inscriptions on bowls and amulets from the 6th century CE onwards, Lilith is identified as a female demon and the first visual depictions appear.

In Jewish folklore, from the 8th–10th century Alphabet of Ben Sira onwards, Lilith becomes Adam's first wife, who was created at the same time (Rosh Hashanah) and from the same earth as Adam. This contrasts with Eve, who was created from one of Adam's ribs. The legend was greatly developed during the Middle Ages, in the tradition of Aggadic midrashim, the Zohar, and Jewish mysticism.[3] For example, in the 13th century writings of Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden after she coupled with the archangel Samael.[4] The resulting Lilith legend is still commonly used as source material in modern Western culture, literature, occultism, fantasy, and horror.

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Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte or, colloquially, Santa Muerte (Spanish for Our Lady of the Holy Death), is a female folk saint venerated primarily in Mexico and the Southwestern United States. A personification of death, she is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees. Despite opposition by the Catholic Church, her cult arose from popular Mexican folk belief, a syncretism between indigenous Mesoamerican and Spanish Catholic beliefs and practices. Since the pre-Columbian era Mexican culture has maintained a certain reverence towards death, which can be seen in the widespread commemoration of the syncretic Day of the Dead. Elements of that celebration include the use of skeletons to remind people of their mortality. The worship is condemned by the Catholic Church in Mexico as invalid, but it is firmly entrenched among Mexico's lower working classes and various elements of society deemed as "outcasts".

Santa Muerte generally appears as a female skeletal figure, clad in a long robe and holding one or more objects, usually a scythe and a globe. Her robe can be of any color, as more specific images of the figure vary widely from devotee to devotee and according to the rite being performed or the petition being made. As the worship of Santa Muerte was clandestine until the 20th century, most prayers and other rites have been traditionally performed privately in the home. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, worship has become more public, especially in Mexico City after Enriqueta Romero initiated her famous Mexico City shrine in 2001.The number of believers in Santa Muerte has grown over the past ten to twenty years, to several million followers in Mexico, the United States, and parts of Central America. Santa Muerte has similar male counterparts in the Americas, such as the skeletal folk saints San La Muerte of Argentina and Rey Pascual of Guatemala.

Michael Vasquez: "One Deep" (Miami Art Week)

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Michael Vasquez : "One Deep" 

 an independent presentation of single portraits.

December 2nd - 7th 2014

Reception : Thursday, December 4th 7-10PM

3801 N. Miami Ave #104
Design District Miami FL

Michael Vasquez lives and works in Miami. His work has been exhibited at numerous museums and institutions, both nationally and internationally, including the Kemper Museum of Art in Kansas City MO, Miami Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, Museum of Contemporary Art Scottsdale, the University of Tennessee, and Saatchi Gallery in London. 

Currently, Vasquez's work is included in "Portraiture Now : Staging the Self," on view at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC through April 12th 2015, at which point the exhibition will begin to travel nationally.

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great thinkers
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50 Facts About 
Thomas Hobbes

Douglas Hoekzema + Johnny Robles (Time & Play)

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SPEAK even When Not Being Spoken To



The Community is What Matters


In many words we could describe KevinKONG Spears. We have only chosen one word

PHILANTHROPIST.  Launching onto the scene as A Promoter of Spoken Word events; soon he will discover just exactly what his words will mean.

Rather it be calling for gatherings for Stopping The Violence in his community or coaching youth sports at the local Martin Luther King Center; he is determined to make whatever America says/believes/shows about African American Males is not always so. If he can change one person's mindset to do better; be better in the world(community) he has done his job. I would like to think when Kevin had this to say as one of his favorite quotes " To gain something you have never had, you will have to do something you have never done before," Yes to the everyday person you would believe he was thinking of himself; But truly I believe he was thinking of his community (family).

In a community we all need that one person that we know is not perfect; however is not too out of touch that he can't hear the real understanding of his surroundings. On the frontline every day and even louder when there are no cameras available (media); for his Love for all mankind by charitable aid and donations. A Black Connection GOOD BLACK MALE NEWS NEWSLETTER is more than honored to have Kevin KONG Spears as one to watch for.

What KEVIN says:  I still want it all, and I don't mind putting forth the effort to get it. I'm constantly searching for knowledge. Knowledge is power and he or she who has the power has the keys to success. I am willing to risk it all (maybe not everything) and walk away with nothing for the moment and get it all back and then some in the end.

President of a Community Based Organization In Wilmington North Carolina called PEACE 4 THE PORT. It is said that he is the face of Hope and Understanding. Being able to gather people of all walks of life the humbled father is always shocked by the numbers in his community that respects him on all levels. Some say his statuses on social media can reign from him being the biggest jerk to the most compassionate person ever known. A student of UNCW, Entrepreneur, Spoken Word Artist and much more; he prides himself on showing his family he is more than just talk.
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Greenville's TMI

Book HIm

This Studio Seven Tattoo and Piercing Artist does more than the expression of body art.

TMI stuns the masses once you have a chance to sit and inhale his gift. Poet, Writer, and One of the host of Wilmington NC longest running Open Mic's at Bottega Bar & Gallery (Downtown Area) Mics Wide Open. He has been exploding lately on the scene. From features, hosting and Community Gatherings. More than humbled to assist the community organizations when called upon. He has been recently called the face of Willmington Poets.  He calls himself "Life Lessons" and his Favorite Quote is "Follow Through-Johnnie Freeman". Look for this Word Known Artist of the Month on his Facebook page TMI and maybe in your area soon. Book HIM!


JT Coleman


Nebraska never sound so Good. JT COLEMAN Spoken Word Artist, Actor, Writer and Talent Development Coordinator of The Learical Jonez Entertainment Group In Atlanta Georgia is just getting started. If his words doesn't captivate you the passion for GREAT art will. A pusher for more Good Music and Spoken word Artists he stays ready to promote events that invites many in the world of pure raw passion. When handling the floor with his gift he transforms your moment of sitting into a lifetime of lessons, His favorite Scripture Romans 5:3-4  But we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulations worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope...

Favorite Quote:  To be A Negro in this country and to relatively conscious is to be in rage almost all the time-James Baldwin. For more on what this Artist Promotes follow him on his Facebook Page and twitter. You will not be disappointed.





1048 S. KERR AVE

Wilmington NC 28403


To submit your choice of GOOD BLACK MALE NEWS for this newsletter contact [email protected]


In your Music Collection

Cover Page

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Issue 01 / January 2015

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okay first of im in the 5th grade 4th grade and lower I was an angel but now its like missing work F's on my report card I dont know what happend but on the other hand I love to relax I have an instagram and i love Taylor swift so i made an instagram I had many followers until this one girl i know and loves Taylor too k well ill tell you more about my tragec story of instagram tommorow PS idk how to spell tragic.I say I alot :|

the very first issue!

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The English Magazine

This Is America...Page 37

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-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Ferguson,Mo 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-NBC News
Protest In Ferguson,Mo 
This is America Now...
Where we Rollback Prices and Military Vehicles

A Village...Page 36

Posted | Views: 1,261
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Ferguson,Mo 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Charlie Riedel 
Protest in Ferguson,Mo 
A Village Ready to scheme 
Oppressed By The Finer Things

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gfhfg hfghfghm fjgsdjafjsdg fjg sjkd f sdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fsdg fjg sjkd fwe fjgjl fwejgf j sdgjfgjksg dfj gsjgfjsg jfjsgdfjg sdjf jsgfj jsg fjgsjf jsg fjg jsd fjsgdfjgsjdgfjgsjdg fjgsadjf jsgdfj sjgd fjgsdf jsgd sj fjsg fgsj fjsg fjgsj jsdg fjgsjdf jsg fjgsjg fjhsgdjf sjgd fjgsd jfsjdg fjg sfjgsdjf js fjsg fjgsdjf gjhs fjgsd fjgsjh fjhsgd fjg sdfgafjgsdfgjsdfjhgsd jfg sjdfsd

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Quien no se ha cambiado de casa alguna vez? Cuando uno cambia de casa, cambia de vecinos. Pero hay alguien, un vecino que siempre hemos tenido y siempre tendremos. Este vecino es nuestro satélite, la Luna.
                        tiene el privilegio de ser único satélite terrestre y, aunque a simple vista parezca grande, solo tiene un diámetro de 3474 Km, eso es, solo un quarto de la longitud del diámetro de la Tierra. Este astro de color gricàseo (que se debe al regolito lunar) orbita alrededor de la tierra, lo que le permite, en los eclipses solares totales, cubrir totalmente el sol, por eso mismo, cuando sucede este espectacular fenómeno, desde nuestro planeta, no somos capaces de ver la estrella más cercana a la Tierra.
Pero… cual es el origen de la Luna? Se dice que se formó hace 4.500 millones de años, cuando, según la teoría del Gran Impacto, se produjo una colisión de un protoplaneta del tamaño de Marte, con la tierra. Los conocidos cráteres lunares se deben a un bombardeo intenso tardío, es decir, hace 3800-4000 millones de años se produjo un lluvia intensa de grandes asteroides que impactaron contra los cuerpos del Sistema Solar, creando así cráteres como los de la Luna y Mercurio. 
La Luna tiene ocho fases:Luna Nueva, Luna Nueva Visible, Cuarto Creciente, Luna Gibada Creciente Luna Luna llena, Menguante, Cuarto Menguante y Gibada Menguante. 
Albert Ferragut - Pau Mateu - CMC - b1A
La Luna no tiene luz propia, como piensa la mayoría de la gente, sino que la Luna refleja la luz emitida por el Sol, y es por esta razón que podemos observar como brilla la Luna. Es también remarcable que la Luna se puede observar claramente durante el día, en condiciones meteorológicas muy concretas
En el año 1962, los astronautas estadounidenses Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin y Michael Collins, a bordo de la nave espacial Apollo 11, aterrizaron en la luna, siendo los primeros hombres en pisarla. De todos modos hay gente que piensa que fue un montaje.

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