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What is The Black Sheep Movement?

Posted 2013-04-25 10:07:08 | Views: 1,595

What is The Black Sheep Movement?

So often, our communities are plagued by broken homes, drugs, steep decline in property value, mis-guided youth, homelessness, poverty, health disparities and a list of horrific things that hinder communities from reaching their optimal status. We drive by them every day, or at least know in what parts of the city they exist. They become socially quarantined from society and breeding grounds for catastrophic events. These areas are BLACK SHEEP! The pariahs of our communities...our society...our world! But they don't have to be! What if we EMBRACED our Black Sheep? What if we flipped the term on its head and made these areas BEAUTIFUL? What if you become a Leader among Black Sheep....a Superhero of sorts? Use your talents for something GREAT!  



Don't Be Afraid...FOLLOW THE SHEEP!

Twitter: @bethesheep

Email: [email protected]

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The Story of Larry...

Posted 2013-04-24 07:17:11 | Views: 1,293

The Black Sheep Report

Est. 1981

The Black Sheep Movement Presents:

Start A Movement. Save the World.

Do you have a moment? I'd like to tell you how The Black Sheep Movement began......

Our humble beginnings start off like any other happy story, "Once Upon a time..."
" a land far, far, away. There lived a very handsome man named LARRY! (Say, "Hi Larry")
Now Larry was the most handsome of men in all the land. (that's not saying much) But poor little Larry, he had this problem that plagued him day and night....
He tried feverishly to remedy this problem, but to no avail. It had even gotten to the point where he couldn't sleep and was awaken every night with the same reoccuring nightmare....BLACK SHEEP...HUNDREDS OF THEM....
With no where else to turn, Larry decided to wake up his wise and intelligent best friend, Barry, to help him solve the Black Sheep Mystery (dum dum dum - - scary movie music)



Or maybe this is Larry....

...and this is Barry

What Barry revealed to Larry on the phone that night was the Eureka moment Larry needed. No longer was he afraid to dream of black sheep...he now embraced the furry little creatures. Larry was now....(drum roll please).....LORD OF THE BLACK SHEEP

Wanna know what the conversation was about? Just follow the Black Sheep....baa! (yeah, that was kinda corny)