The Daily Dare Blog: Inspiring You to Be.
Therese is a Certified Intuitive Consultant (psychic-medium) based in New York City. As a natural and trained psychic medium, she only works with the best intentions and is skilled in her psychic abilities as well as in spirit communication. Because she is also a trained psychic, Therese is not only clairvoyant but also uses all of her paraphysical senses to ensure you receive an accurate and detailed psychic reading. She offers psychic readings out of a convenient NYC midtown Manhattan location. Most of her her clients come from New York and the surrounding area and have reported readings with Therese to be 80% - 100% accurate. As a professional Intuitive Consultant, Therese abides by the highest ethical standards. She currently offers psychic readings in the NYC area and by appointment only. She is also available on short term notice.
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Affirmation: I am Unaffected

Posted 2011-08-08 14:28:36 | Views: 2,464

"i acknowledge that all people exist in their own awareness, and i am unaffected"

Physician, Heal Thyself

Posted 2011-08-08 11:31:18 | Views: 2,438

Physician, Heal Thyself

~Luke 4:23

Many of us can be quick to judge others, believing we know what is right for them and how to solve other people's issues.

While it may come from a place of good intention to want to solve the problems of other people, it also comes from ignorance and most of all

"Physician, Heal Thyself" can be interpreted to mean that rather than looking for solutions to the problems of others, we can instead turn inward and work to better ourselves.




Have you ever heard someone say "when you judge others, you judge yourself?"  If something about someone else makes you uncomfortable, why not take a few moments to see what within yourself is being challenged.

Finding our own Balance within Ourselves will help us to be less judgmental because we are more comfortable being who we are.  So go ahead.  Physician, Heal Thyself.

Thank You!

Posted 2011-08-04 11:11:18 | Views: 2,376

I am thankful to the Universe for all the prosperity that I have received throughout the year.  My gratitude extends to my clients, Spirit Guides, teachers, friends and family.  The support I have received from everyone – and my just knowing that I could do whatever I put my mind to - has allowed me to do the things I love, which in turn has made me a better person – inside and out.

Thank you to all of my clients and to the people who have always supported me when I decided to do things “out of the box.”

Just as important as it is to receive I understand how important it is to give.  So give I shall.  From now on, in addition to my regular tithing, a portion of all client readings will be donated to the Charity of the Month.  I am thankful for my prosperity and am grateful to be able to share it with those in need.

Afterall, this is the Natural Law of Prosperity at its best.

I’ve never found myself to follow the pack if it didn’t feel right.  And if that meant I would have to go out on a limb and take a leap, I was okay with that.  In fact, I was more than okay with that.  There was always a chance that I would crash and burn, but with the guidance of my Spirit Guides coupled with my intuition, I knew there really was no other path but to succeed.






Dank U

Our Balanced Peaceful World

Posted 2011-08-04 09:22:41 | Views: 2,555

Dreaming of Balance

Several nights ago I had a dream that I was inside of a mall and everything was chaotic.  Mall security put everyone on lockdown in the stores and nobody could go in or out of the place.  The security guards surrounded one man who was preaching about how God is going to end the world so they pulled him off of his platform and arrested him for being hostile.

When that was done everyone started working together… in all ways.  Everyone felt nicer to each other, more willing to help and unconditionally accepting of one another.

At the end of the dream I was sitting on a school bus (it's all about learning. Get it? Life.  School.  School bus?) while an orange and blue Ying Yang symbol appeared within a floating ball of fire.  It was as if balance was at arms reach and we all just needed to follow and grasp it.

I know that this is where the world is headed.  It's not impossible as long as we all work together.  Needless to say, I woke up refreshed and renewed – physically and spiritually.

Economic Crisis and Recession in 2011 - A Mind Game

Posted 2011-08-03 21:40:20 | Views: 2,331

Reading through my news feeds and turning on the TV, all I have been hearing about are negative things.  Wars here, disease there, and of course… recession everywhere.  Although it may not seem like it sometimes, the economy and all the destructive things that occur in this world can easily be controlled and eliminated.  How? Easily, I say.


Before getting in over our heads I want to start with the basics, where all things began. Thought! This sofa that I am sitting on existed in the mind of someone before it was manufactured and manifested into reality.  Leaders are not brought about because they want to step up, but are brought into existence by the mentality of the group that asked for a leader.  It follows too that every word I am writing at this moment had its beginnings in my mind.  The common thread that connects us all is our mind, the collective conscious that gains energy based on the thoughts of all people.


There is a certain basic natural rule that is just recently gaining more popularity.  It’s a law that has always existed and will never cease to exist.  The Law of Attraction works with our minds to give us what we are feeling and thinking.  It does not punish or reward based on who we are, but instead gives each of us exactly what we believe is true.  The news is a great thing because it informs us of the world’s general energy level.  When the things being reported seem negative, the general outlook of the world is not at it’s best and vice versa.


The fact is that the meaning we all give towards something is extremely important.  The unemployment rate rising is neither good nor bad, it just is. That’s the fact: the unemployment rate is rising.  When people hear this the thoughts that come to mind tend to be negative – jobs are being lost, less jobs to apply for, not as much money everywhere, etc.  The thoughts are natural but the more people talk negatively about it, worry more, fear more, complain more the more negative energy it gathers from everyone and the belief that there is a huge problem comes true.  Just like negative energy grows more when the negative thoughts continue, so does positive energy when positive thoughts are projected. 


Fear is not a positive thing. It stops people from moving on things that they may love.  Fear of the economy affecting everyone is stopping so many people from pursuing their passions in their careers, taking that vacation they deserve or even buying their dream home.   The initial negatives that come into our minds serve a great purpose, and that is to make a conscious decision to think positively and believe in a positive outcome.  Thinking negatively is a habit that we have all developed as humans, but that habit can be replaced with an attitude more beneficial to all.  The power of positive thought is not limiting.  It allows for the Universe to work its mysterious ways and bring forth our positive thoughts.


If each of us can take a small step in the direction of positive thought, eventually it will gain enough energy for all of the beautiful and wonderful ideas we believe in to take shape.  Our beliefs are what create our world and in the Universe, time does not exist.  Therefore we can have everything we want right now as long as we believe and feel it!  Imagine what we can do when we all work towards something greater without even having to leave our our houses… just think positively!


So let’s work together to improve the “economic crisis” and this “recession.”  Something simple we can all do to contribute is each time you hear or see anything that shows there is a “recession,” use it as a reminder to think positively.  Using your mind you can send out thoughts of love to everyone and feel how happy and stress free people can be with all the financial abundance they wanted.  You can imagine all of the smiles that people will smile as they receive news that there is no more unemployment rate and that businesses and people’s morales are at an all time high!  Use your creative imagination to really feel all of the love that would stir inside of people. 


Why not try it?  Be part of the solution to this so-called “crisis.”  Together we can end it, stop wars, stop pain, stop fear and give love.

Economic Crisis and Recession Is All in Our Minds

What is Psychometry?

Posted 2011-08-03 20:15:11 | Views: 2,443

So what exactly is psychometry? As a psychic medium, one of the most important things that is asked by a potential client is what method I use during my psychic reading sessions.  A great question indeed.  Do I use tarot cards, pendulums, crystal balls… etc?  And the answer is simple.  No, none of the above.

The method I use is called psychometry.  To put it simply, psychometry is “reading” the energy on an object, animal or person.  This can be done by physically touching the item, looking at a photo of the person, place or thing (although if it was an object, it would be best to hold it), or even by listening to someone’s voice.  Like our five senses, psychometry allows me to perceive and see glimpses of the past, present and future.  The paraphysical senses I utilize are clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairscent, clairaudience and clairgustance – they are the equivalent of the five senses that we are used to hearing about and together they make up what has been referred to as “the sixth sense.” Or intuition.

Everything is energy.  The imprints that are left on objects, places and people become memory stains, which can be “read,” interpreted and communicated to the client.  When getting a psychic reading with me, a client will bring in 15 – 20 questions that they feel they need guidance about and an object that they own – one that has never been preowned and is preferably metallic.  Along with working with my own spirit guides, I psychometrize the object. Because I am working directly with Spirit and am in a slight meditative trance, I am able to give readings that result in 80 – 100% accuracy.



For more information, special discounts and to schedule a reading with me, please visit my website

No not sleep talking, but Sleep Traveling

Posted 2011-08-03 17:13:25 | Views: 2,580

Out of Body Experience!!

Have you ever had an out of body experience?  I mean a real out of body experience where you just know that everything you’ve experienced was real.  There was proof or confirmation that you were not dreaming and that your sanity was still in tact.  I have.

I remember a particular out of body experience that impacted my life in such a significantly positive way.  I remember the details of the conversation I had with the “dead” person – by that I mean physically dead, but judging by the conversation I had with her, not dead in any other way whatsoever.

I insisted that she was not dead and that she had so many other students left to teach (I was one of her students when she was still alive).  I found myself in a foggy classroom, sitting at a desk in the back, surrounded by teenagers that I didn’t recognize.  The words that I knew were being said I only heard as loud mumbling (imagine Charlie Brown’s mom style) no matter how much I strained to hear.  Standing in front of the room was her.  She was teaching!  Clarity in the words, finally.  She was teaching the students just as eloquently as she did when she was alive and embodied in her now dead and useless physical form.

That night I run into her daughter in the middle of the most random place in NYC and I tell her about my encounter with her mother. What a "coincidence!"

Dead schmead.  She is as alive as ever and sometimes I still see her in my dreams.  She just waves to me from afar and I wave back and continue on my merry dream.

I observed a long and memorable scene play out and finally I get my turn to speak to her.  She was in a rush.  Never was she in a rush when she was still alive.  She says to me that she has to go because she has “so many other people to visit.”  And as much as I wanted to let her leave I had to ask my burning question.  “Did you get the email I sent you?”  “What email?”  “When you died I sent you an email.  Did you get it?”  “Oh that email!” and then she began telling me the details that were contained in that email – which I sent the night before because I was in disbelief that she could actually be dead.  After I sent that email I said “I want to know if you can hear me when I speak to you.  I want to know that you are ok.”

I return to my regular state and find that I am unable to move, face down and surrounded by a tear soaked bed.  Twenty minutes later I am able to lift a finger ever-so slightly and I know that I had just spoken to her.  My body was exhausted and I felt that I returned from a long trip and have had no sleep for 72 hours.


Posted 2011-08-03 13:46:54 | Views: 2,239

Peter McWilliams is one of my favorite poets (and I’m not one to dwell on poems). To me his poetry really speaks to me, and then answers me when I need answering. I’m not sure if he was religious, poor, rich, smart, sad, happy, lonely, or anything else. But I do know that it doesn’t matter to me whatever he believed in or what he was or what state of mind he was in. I believe in the power, truth, and cliche` behind his poetry. And of course, what subject would that be about? None other than Love. The common things that all of us individuals continue to search for, the threads that connect us all and the wants that we all have. Love seems to be the connection.


is the most
written about
talked about
laughed about
cried about

human emotion.

I once said:
“I will never
write about

And then

I loved.




-Peter McWilliams, Come Love With Me and Be My Life





Any way you say it,

it's still LOVE

"If your life is not filled with everything you love, it doesn't mean you're not a good and loving person.  The life purpose for each of us is to overcome negativity by choosing love."


-Rhonda Byrne in The Power