I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Nike Mag - Back to the Future Sneakers

Posted 2011-09-11 20:44:56 | Views: 15,276

Whoa, Back To The Future



Here are couple clearer photos of the 2011 Nike Mag sneakers and after the first full day of auctions, the first 150 sneakers that went up on eBay  rounded up an average $5,000 a pair with various pairs fetching like $7,000 and the highest getting up to $9,959.00. One pair went up to $75,000 but for whatever  reason was either deleted or quickly brought back down to the four-figure range. Then you had one last pair that sold for $37,000 (+) at a private auction in California. There are 9 more days of 150 pairs a day on eBay, so let’s see how high they end up going. Click here to see all the closed listings.

Super Thief Steals Superman memorabilia

Posted 2011-09-08 13:57:56 | Views: 14,698

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that 48-year-old Mike Meyer was robbed by a co-worker two weeks ago. The website says Meyers has been on Social Security for a mental disability since age 23 but has worked part time to supplement that aid.


According to the paper, “Meyer was tricked out of about 1,800 of his favorite Superman comic books, some dating to the 1950s. He also lost many of his favorite collector’s items: lunch boxes, an old-time radio, a Monopoly game and television set — all Superman-themed. The loot is worth about $4,000 to $5,000 in total, according to a friend who also collects.” They recount the story of how the theft occurred:

Meyer said mostly only his friends and family knew of his collection, but he also made the mistake once of telling someone less trustworthy: a guy named Gary whom he worked with at the Hardee’s on Madison Avenue in 1991.


Meyer said he ran into Gary recently while at Kyle’s Baseball Cards and Comics in Granite City. Gary asked Meyer whether he still collected Superman items and asked to see the collection. Meyer first gave an excuse, but then Gary called him later saying he was in the neighborhood and hoped to stop by.


“He just kept talking like a salesman,” Meyer said. “He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Meyer said he let Gary into the house that day and gave him a quick tour. Gary asked to see “my most precious comics,” Meyer said.


The next night, Gary was back again, asking whether Meyer would let Gary’s girlfriend watch some of his Superman movies. Meyer said while he and the girlfriend watched, Gary disappeared for a while.


Meyer noticed the theft two days later, on the morning of Aug. 24, and called police. All he knows is that Gary has dark hair, a goatee, is about 35 and drives a silver or gray car.


Meyer said a lot of what Gary stole from him was sentimental, “He invaded my privacy, and he took away my peace of mind.”


“He uses his powers not to benefit himself, but to help others,” Meyer told the paper when speaking about his favorite character, “He’s the champion of the oppressed.” Here’s hoping someone can help Meyer. Granite City police are investigating but if anyone receives any offers to buy Superman comics (Meyer says he owned #99 – the present) or the other items mentioned or sees them online please contact the police immediately with any information.

It's a bird, 

It's a plane, 

It's a Super Thief



Comic retailers and collectors in the general St. Louis area should keep their eyes open for anyone selling Superman memorabilia and comics.  A mentally disabled fan from Granite City, Illinois has been robbed of thousands of dollars worth of his personal collection.

Jessica Sutta - Hot

Posted 2011-09-05 16:53:02 | Views: 17,838

jessica looking fly

Came across this video by the band Capra starring ex Pussycat Doll Jessica Sutta. Damn, she's looking hot!

People's Backs at Hell Fest

Posted 2011-09-02 22:38:00 | Views: 17,543

at Hell Fest

Back Portraits

The photo work of Melchior Tersen is pretty damn straight forward, raw and some it is just fuckin' bizzare. I don't know about you, but I get kinda weirded out about seeing people holding dead rotting animals. At any case, he captures some peoples backs over at Hell Fest. Europe is a funny and irronic place.


DC's Digital Comic Books?

Posted 2011-09-02 21:20:01 | Views: 13,860

Comic books have finally gone fully digital with DC’s release of Same Day Digital. The program will release digital versions of new comic books the same day that they are available in print. The comics will cost $2.99 and drop down to $1.99 after four weeks.

Other companies and publishing houses have experimented with digital comics, but Same Day Digital marks the first all-in bet that digital is the future of comic books.


The Same Day Digital program will be available on a range of platforms including the iOS family of devices, Android and personal computers. DC Comics pushed its digital launch to coincide with the New 52, a massive overhaul and reimagining of 52 of their most iconic characters.


Marquee names like Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and more received costume redesigns, as well as updated origin stories. All 52 characters had their comic series reset to issue #1.


“I think part of this whole initiative was breaking down those doors and one was by changing the continuity and streamlining the shorelines and the second part of that… was doing digital delivery, right?” says Jim Lee, DC’s co-publisher and the man behind the New 52 character redesigns.


Mashable had a chance to mess around with the app on an iPad. The app is presently bare bones with simple scroll and zoom options. One tap brings up navigation tools, including a bottom bar with all the pages, and a settings option where you can automate page turns or set preferences on speech bubbles. The final panel is a pop-up box asking users to rate the comic and directing them to purchase additional comics in the series or browse through other titles.

Good Digital Comic Books Here?

DC & Same Day Digital Team Up for the Future of Comic Books



Like My Page Bro...

Posted 2011-09-02 17:38:41 | Views: 17,847

my page bro, or I will fuckin' kill you!

Slasher Funny Designs

Posted 2011-09-02 15:39:42 | Views: 18,987



























Came across these funny designs, I'm guessing for t-shirts. I find them cool, but I'm not sure I would wear them as a t-shirt. Gotta love the Freddy, Jason and Michael concept. Dope!








Ester, Ester

Posted 2011-08-31 10:03:37 | Views: 14,148

Tattooed Women are Crazy

Posted 2011-08-30 22:41:12 | Views: 16,049

Tattooed Women are sort of crazy. Either they like sleeping with a gun under their pillow or they have mental issues.



I can see people agreeing and even laughing to this.


Star Wars Cupcakes

Posted 2011-08-30 15:21:24 | Views: 16,583

Star Wars Cupcakes

Whoa, these are pretty cool. I'm not sure if I'm such a geek that I would actually want these...but for my son, hell yeah. Although, we don't need a Jabba the Hut cupcake...my mother in law can fill that void.

Rhino Chair, Octopus Chair - Maximo Riera

Posted 2011-08-30 11:25:34 | Views: 19,024

created by spanish designer maximo riera, the 'rhino chair' is a continuation of his work which marries furniture with an animal as its main formal component. like its predecessor the 'octopus chair', the 'rhino chair' is composed of an inner frame along its main body in order to support its weight and reinforce its stability and balance.

Animal Chairs

this time around, riera has selected the rhino as his muse to reflect nature's capacity and mightiness. at the beginning stages of the project, when the chair was just an idea, riera was aware that a main hurdle of designing the piece would be maintaining the proper proportions for the seating object. this sculptural 'throne' is built in a superior scale to generate an authoritative force respecting qualities present
in the animal itself.

Maximo Riera

but wait...check out the Octopus Chair! Sick!

Edgar Allan Poe by Henri Matisse

Posted 2011-08-24 18:45:28 | Views: 17,373

Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe

Drawing by Henri Matisse

Did you know that Matisse admired the work of American horror poet Edgar Allan Poe? Apparently the French were obsessed with his work.

Rick Perry's Devil Ring

Posted 2011-08-24 08:07:04 | Views: 19,144

The Devils



Does Rick Perry follow the call of a higher power or satanic dark power?

The other day I noticed something different about presidential hopeful Rick Perry. There was something different from him, where I haven't seen in other political types. He sports a huge gold ring. I know it caught your attention too. With further research we discovered it's a ring belonging to an old occult rite with Egyptian origins. If you watch his speeches closely he comments to himself, like “Yes Sir,” often when people applaud. Is Mr. Perry taking orders from another power?

A Horror Worse then Dying

Posted 2011-08-23 13:35:25 | Views: 14,076

Skull Still Life

Posted 2011-08-23 13:25:49 | Views: 14,889

Vanitas Still Life

by Aelbert Jansz van der Schoor