I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Milton Friedman on the Free Market

Posted 2011-08-11 11:10:11 | Views: 13,816
"A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it ... gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself." - Milton Friedman

Who's having a bad day?

Posted 2011-08-11 07:57:28 | Views: 14,860

Who's having...

a bad day?...

I'm guessing emo graffiti is the new fad? I think its safe to say if  your having a shitty day, this is the last thing you want to look at. Make me feel good damn it.

Is this shit Emo Graffiti or what?

Vampira and James Dean?

Posted 2011-08-10 16:39:40 | Views: 36,069

In the early 1950s, Nurmi was close friends with James Dean, and they spent time together at Googies coffee shop on the corner of Crescent Heights and Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. She explained their friendship by saying, "We have the same neuroses." Dean allegedly repudiated their friendship toward the end of his brief life. As Hedda Hopper related in a 1962 memoir that included a chapter on Dean: "We discussed the thin-cheeked actress who calls herself Vampira on television (and cashed in, after Jimmy died, on the publicity she got from knowing him and claimed she could talk to him 'through the veil'). He said: 'I had studied The Golden Bough and the Marquis de Sade, and I was interested in finding out if this girl was obsessed by a satanic force. She knew absolutely nothing. I found her void of any true interest except her Vampira make-up. She has no absolute.'"


The 2010 public radio documentary Vampira and Me by author/director R. H. Greene took issue with Hopper's depiction of the Nurmi/Dean relationship, pointing to an extant photo of Dean and Vampira sidekick Jack Simmons in full Boris Karloff Frankenstein make-up as evidence of Nurmi and Dean's friendship. The documentary also described a production memo in the Warner Bros. archive citing a set visit from "Vampira" while Dean was making Rebel Without a Cause. The Warner Bros. memo was first mentioned in the 2006 book Live Fast, Die Young: The Making of Rebel Without a Cause by Lawrence Frascella and Al Weisel, who were given access to the Rebel production files. An interview Frascella and Weisel conducted with actress Shelley Winters also uncovered an instance where Dean interrupted an argument with director Nicholas Ray  and Winters so he could watch The Vampira Show on TV.


Vampira and James Dean?

Maila Nurmi dressed as a sexy witch version of Vampira in 1956. After taking the year before off and mourning, this was the first Halloween she actively celebrated after the death of her close friend James Dean. With her is another long time friend Jack Simmons, dressed in a costume of questionable taste… James Dean as carwreck survivor still undergoing plastic surgery.






















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The haunting and odd friendship of James Dean and Vampira ( Maila Nurmi)













Guy Le Tattooer

Posted 2011-08-10 16:01:55 | Views: 19,761

Guy Le Tattooer


Wow, this guys work is nuts. There's something really simple yet real original about it. Check out more work here. You will enjoy!

Creepy Forever Alone Meme (Makeover)

Posted 2011-08-10 13:11:16 | Views: 17,209

The creepy looking Forever Alone meme got a complete 3D makeover by artist Henning Sanden. Check out the actual printed model below. Pretty weird and fun.




































Masks during the Plague

Posted 2011-08-10 07:16:48 | Views: 19,091

Mask worn by makeshift doctors during the Plague.  The beak was often filled with scented materials such as amber, balm-mint leaves, camphor, cloves, laudanum, myrrh, rose petals, and storax.






(Kinda reminds me of Spy vs Spy)


Is it just me or does the mask remind you of the classic strip from Mad Magazine, Spy vs Spy? It's crazy!

Red Head, Blue Tie

Posted 2011-08-09 16:27:25 | Views: 13,640

Daisy Lowe in Playboy

Posted 2011-08-09 12:02:33 | Views: 13,627

HELL YES           





There are rumors, you can see the photos already online. Just sayin'!


I love Cell Phone Flicks

Posted 2011-08-09 07:19:07 | Views: 14,345


I love cell phone flicks!



Bridget Blonde Talks Gym

Posted 2011-08-08 18:29:19 | Views: 17,265

"I love the gym. I do a particular type of workout though, CROSSFIT, google it! I definitely have to work hard on my body to keep it how i like it...its not easy cause I totally love bad food!!! Must be the Texas girl in me :) "



on working out and fitness

Melissa Clarke, In her own words

Posted 2011-08-08 15:35:42 | Views: 18,475




"I don’t think I’m the typical 'glamour' model as I also love to shoot for high fashion/ editorial photography as well. When it comes to modeling I am hard working, determined and extremely versatile. As a person I may come across a bit shy to start off with but I'm actually very down-to-earth, laid back and bubbly."






Louella Deville

Posted 2011-08-08 14:31:58 | Views: 17,000

Louella Deville

is an alterative model from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Photo: Jessica Eisner



Zombie Head Bowling Balls

Posted 2011-08-08 14:10:09 | Views: 16,297

Created as a collaboration between Jung von Matt/Elbe and spraygun artist Oliver Paass to advertise Germany’s 13th Street, a horror/sci-fi channel. I look forward to a post-apocalyptic future where zombie-head bowling is a nationally recognized sport, perhaps the one that brings our undead war-ravaged society back together (fingers crossed! please dont eat them…)




Now you can bowl with someones head. These are really funny. The holes of the ball are either the heads mouth or eyes. Sick!




























































North American Grave Robbers

Posted 2011-08-08 07:17:50 | Views: 18,788

Generally the most common act of grave robbing in North America has taken place with regards to Native Americans burial grounds and has been a continual process over the past 200 years.This grave robbing was prevalent during the 18th century due to the idea that Native Americans were not considered "people" and were more or less deemed to be "savage".Therefore, their property and burial grounds were not respected and the bodies and artifacts in these locations were often sold or looted.


Modern grave robbing in North America also involves long-abandoned or forgotten private Antelbellum Period to pre- Great Depression era grave sites. These sites are often desecrated by grave robbers in search of old, hence valuable, jewelry. Affected sites are typically in rural, forested areas where once-prominent, wealthy landowners and their families were interred. The remote and often undocumented locations of defunct private cemeteries make them particularly susceptible to grave robbery. The practice may be encouraged by default upon the discovery of a previously unknown family cemetery by a new landowner.

North American




Football Tape

Posted 2011-08-08 06:59:05 | Views: 15,004

Clever Invention:


Football Tape

Now you can start a game of football at any time you wish. Just grab rolled up ball of old newspapers and use the football tape, and bam! Let's play! lol