I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Never Love a Wild Thing

Posted 2011-08-23 13:16:24 | Views: 18,836

Jimmy the Idiot Boy and Bjork

Posted 2011-08-22 23:52:24 | Views: 20,583

Cool Illustration

Jimmy the Idiot Boy and Bjork rockin' out.

Weird Tales - "Bat Woman"

Posted 2011-08-22 23:44:55 | Views: 16,363


October 1933 “bat woman” cover by Margaret Brundage


Freddy Krueger Bedroom

Posted 2011-08-22 22:32:59 | Views: 18,634


Someone's obsessed with Freddy huh?

Fuck Off

Posted 2011-08-22 15:42:42 | Views: 14,089

Super Romanic Proposal

Posted 2011-08-18 17:08:42 | Views: 14,323

Sweetest Message


Sometimes there are true happy endings. When the stars are in line and truely beauiful things can happen starting new and fresh. It can all start with a simple sign on the side of the road.


Omg, omg...what does this mean?


Yay, Omg, Omg...I've been waiting forever for Brad to ask me to marry him...Omg!!!



Omg, haha, huh...wait...what?

ha, huh...he has to be kidding me. What? ha. Not cute.


...the fuck?



(he lived happily ever after. The End.)


Captain Fail

Posted 2011-08-18 14:58:24 | Views: 13,662

Captain FAIL

The self proclaimed Captain Awesome had a little accident trying to be funny with a shield, K-Mart style Captain America mask and an artillery shell. You can already guess where this ends up. This is why all these crazy shows say don't try stunts at home. I guess these group of idiots figured since they were in the forest they had a pass. God bless em' though for being naive.

It's Gucci !

Posted 2011-08-17 12:54:32 | Views: 13,487

It's Gucci

It Never Gets Old...

Posted 2011-08-17 09:28:17 | Views: 15,750

Just keep looking, these kinds of flicks never get tiring.

Post-Katrina Gun Sign

Posted 2011-08-16 21:30:58 | Views: 20,677

New Orleans, post-Katrina. 2005

Via: 500px

Zombie Cupcake Brains

Posted 2011-08-16 20:20:54 | Views: 17,033

Cliche List # 200


 Hello kids, you want to know what's really cliche? Zombie brains and anything that has to do with cupcakes. Number 200 of the list is two big cliches all balled up in one. How great is that?

"Cupcake Brains"

Teenager arrested for acting like Dracula

Posted 2011-08-16 11:46:35 | Views: 17,160

Lyle Bensley, a 19-year-old from Galveston, Texas, broke into a complete stranger's apartment early Saturday morning wearing only his boxer shorts. He then walked into the resident's bedroom, and began making "growling and hissing noises" while "biting and hitting" her, according to Galveston police.

The woman escaped and ran into the parking lot, taking refuge inside a car driven by a neighbor. Bensley beat on the car as it drove away. After a short chase, the police apprehended Bensley, who told them: "I'm a vampire, and I've been alive for over 500 years."

"He was begging us to restrain him because he didn't want to kill us," Galveston Officer Daniel Erickson said. "He said he needed to feed."

Paramedics examined Bensley and determined he was not under the influence of drugs. A mental health hold has been placed on him and he's being held on $40,000 bond — which is hilarious, because he's going to be flapping his little webbed wings halfway over Arizona by the time his first competency hearing comes up. I mean, come on. Just look at those brooding eyes and sparkly skin! This guy is totally who he says he is. Siiiigh. Team Lyle. [Houston Chronicle, mugshot via Galveston PD]

"I'm a vampire, and I've been alive for 500 years."

teenage idiot







































































Teen Vampire Arrested For Breaking, Entering and Feeding

thinks he's

a vampire

Via: Gawker

Thank Goodness it's Friday!

Posted 2011-08-12 06:49:38 | Views: 13,665

it's friday, drink up my friends.

Christian Bale vs. Adam West

Posted 2011-08-11 20:52:56 | Views: 14,248

Christian Bale ain't got shit on Adam West

Heartless Children

Posted 2011-08-11 14:27:53 | Views: 14,127

Heartless kid, damn...

(This is why the world is ending in 2012)