I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Shaking the Hand of the Devil

Posted 2011-09-27 12:22:38 | Views: 15,400

All Go Getters, Go Get Her!

Posted 2011-09-27 12:09:34 | Views: 52,991

I tell this to all my buddies. You never settle less for a job, or a goal or an awesome road trip. So, don't ever settle for less with the woman you want. Don't be a sucker.

If you are a "Go Getter," you should



Crazy Saudi Driver Doesn't Care!

Posted 2011-09-24 22:17:25 | Views: 18,108

Crazy Saudi Driver

First off, call me naive but this has to be one of the craziest things I ever seen on the internet. This motherfucker is a great driver, but holy shit...what a death wish. WTF?


machine gunnin' drifters

Nicholas Cage a Vampire (Photo to Prove it)

Posted 2011-09-21 07:15:49 | Views: 17,472

Is Nicholas Cage a Vampire?

I always knew there was something off about Nicolas Cage, and not just his drunk and disorderly behavior, penchant for wacko baby names, or his eyebrows. I mean, that's like every other celebrity you throw a rock at on the street. Isn't it strange that the supposedly 47-year-old actor looks virtually unchanged since his first big hit Moonstruckall the way back in the '80s? Well, Jack Mord and I don't think so. And the Seattle photo archivist has a photo to prove it.


He claims the Civil War photo at left is none other than Nicolas Cage. And looking at it, there can only be three possible explanations:


1. It's a fake (Mord says it can be proven authentic).

2. It's a guy that just really looks like Cage, and Cage's youthfulness is due to plastic surgery tips he picked up from his co-star Cher while filming Moonstruck.

3. The photo proves Nicolas Cage is really a vampire!

I'm going with number 3.


I'll admit there are some holes in this theory. For some reason, Mord's auction of the photo on eBay today (for a cool $1 mil) was either pulled by the site or Mord himself, but not before explaining the origins:

"Personally, I believe it's him and that he is some sort of walking undead/vampire, etcetera, who quickens/reinvents himself once every 75 years or so. 150 years from now, he might be a politician, the leader of a cult or a talk show host. My theory is that he allows himself to age to a certain point, maybe 70, 80 or so, then the actor 'Nicolas Cage' will 'die' ... but in reality, the undead vampire 'Nicolas Cage' will have rejuvenated himself and appeared in some other part of the world, young again, and ready to start all over."

Mord seems like a legit guy, running a website called The Thanatos Archives, an "extensive collection of early post-mortem and memorial/mourning photography dating back to the 1940s." In other words, the photos are really, really old, like the stuff you had to develop in dark rooms back in the old days using lots of chemicals, chemicals that could get you high without the proper ventilation ...

Cage 'Vampire' Claim Is Pretty Creepy (PHOTO)

Is this really Nicolas Cage?

"Personally, I believe it's him and that he is some sort of walking undead/vampire, etcetera, who quickens/reinvents himself once every 75 years or so."

and has he been living for thousands of years and goes unnoticed?


















Via: TheStir

Embryonic Superheros?

Posted 2011-09-20 20:34:36 | Views: 16,700

Embryonic Superheroes?

Parisians know what real art is. Part of an exhibit at the St. Pierre on Rue Ronsard, these photos were snapped by Jalal Gerald Aro but the sculptures are by an unnamed artist. So much for Pro-Choice...shit...you might be killing Batman of the future. lol

Source: Buzz Feed

Rose McGowan Could Suck My Blood

Posted 2011-09-20 15:33:40 | Views: 21,318

Rose McGowan could bite me if she wanted to. I wouldn't give a shit if she sucked my blood and made me a vampire. lol

Skin Flowers

Posted 2011-09-20 14:53:05 | Views: 15,025

Party like Eddie Murphy

Posted 2011-09-19 13:58:35 | Views: 14,908

Party like Eddie

This is the best party song of all time. I don't care what anyone says. I blast this for the world to hear, because I like to party all the time!

Party like Eddie

This post was sponsored by the color pink

Rick James created the internet. So, he belongs in this post too.


Netflix is Playing You

Posted 2011-09-19 13:11:24 | Views: 14,662

Just because these guys went out of business, Netflix likes to believe we are all a bunch of idiots. Little do they know! We can make them end up like a famous video store that killed all "other" video stores with their greed and stupid late fees.

Fuckin' Coke Head

Posted 2011-09-19 11:36:24 | Views: 14,889



Bye Bye Summer

Posted 2011-09-19 08:52:07 | Views: 20,480




Zach Galifianakis Dating Advice

Posted 2011-09-19 00:01:34 | Views: 18,233

Goth Gangsta

Posted 2011-09-18 23:37:33 | Views: 19,174

Goth Gangsta Trivia



We all know Goth Gangsta's make the world go round biatch. But, what is this guy doing? Try to figure out what big buddy is trying to share with us.




A. Showing off a hand deformity.


B. Showing a gang sign of a gang that doesn't exist. But he is solely taking this photo for myspace thug street cred.

C. Showing off his hand sign  for his love of "METAL"!


Shake Your Rumpa

Posted 2011-09-17 00:12:31 | Views: 16,529

Shake Shake Your Rumpa

Goodness...love this picture. Word!

Taco Bell Doritos Taco?

Posted 2011-09-12 15:50:19 | Views: 15,553

Taco Bell's doritos taco


Wow, just like at home. A Taco Bell taco shell not with a real taco shell, but with a Doritos flavored taco shell. Yay! Let's buy that, stop by Walmart, get ourselves a TV and go home and install that sucker and watch Jersey Shore!