Reading through my news feeds and turning on the TV, all I have been hearing about are negative things. Wars here, disease there, and of course… recession everywhere. Although it may not seem like it sometimes, the economy and all the destructive things that occur in this world can easily be controlled and eliminated. How? Easily, I say.
Before getting in over our heads I want to start with the basics, where all things began. Thought! This sofa that I am sitting on existed in the mind of someone before it was manufactured and manifested into reality. Leaders are not brought about because they want to step up, but are brought into existence by the mentality of the group that asked for a leader. It follows too that every word I am writing at this moment had its beginnings in my mind. The common thread that connects us all is our mind, the collective conscious that gains energy based on the thoughts of all people.
There is a certain basic natural rule that is just recently gaining more popularity. It’s a law that has always existed and will never cease to exist. The Law of Attraction works with our minds to give us what we are feeling and thinking. It does not punish or reward based on who we are, but instead gives each of us exactly what we believe is true. The news is a great thing because it informs us of the world’s general energy level. When the things being reported seem negative, the general outlook of the world is not at it’s best and vice versa.
The fact is that the meaning we all give towards something is extremely important. The unemployment rate rising is neither good nor bad, it just is. That’s the fact: the unemployment rate is rising. When people hear this the thoughts that come to mind tend to be negative – jobs are being lost, less jobs to apply for, not as much money everywhere, etc. The thoughts are natural but the more people talk negatively about it, worry more, fear more, complain more the more negative energy it gathers from everyone and the belief that there is a huge problem comes true. Just like negative energy grows more when the negative thoughts continue, so does positive energy when positive thoughts are projected.
Fear is not a positive thing. It stops people from moving on things that they may love. Fear of the economy affecting everyone is stopping so many people from pursuing their passions in their careers, taking that vacation they deserve or even buying their dream home. The initial negatives that come into our minds serve a great purpose, and that is to make a conscious decision to think positively and believe in a positive outcome. Thinking negatively is a habit that we have all developed as humans, but that habit can be replaced with an attitude more beneficial to all. The power of positive thought is not limiting. It allows for the Universe to work its mysterious ways and bring forth our positive thoughts.
If each of us can take a small step in the direction of positive thought, eventually it will gain enough energy for all of the beautiful and wonderful ideas we believe in to take shape. Our beliefs are what create our world and in the Universe, time does not exist. Therefore we can have everything we want right now as long as we believe and feel it! Imagine what we can do when we all work towards something greater without even having to leave our our houses… just think positively!
So let’s work together to improve the “economic crisis” and this “recession.” Something simple we can all do to contribute is each time you hear or see anything that shows there is a “recession,” use it as a reminder to think positively. Using your mind you can send out thoughts of love to everyone and feel how happy and stress free people can be with all the financial abundance they wanted. You can imagine all of the smiles that people will smile as they receive news that there is no more unemployment rate and that businesses and people’s morales are at an all time high! Use your creative imagination to really feel all of the love that would stir inside of people.
Why not try it? Be part of the solution to this so-called “crisis.” Together we can end it, stop wars, stop pain, stop fear and give love.
Economic Crisis and Recession Is All in Our Minds