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best fitness apps

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Best Fitness Apps
Turn Your Smart Phone Into A Personal Trainer
Nike Training Club
Cost: Free
Good For: People who need to squeeze in a work out at home

Nike Training Club features over 90 comprehensive and custom-built workouts, and it’s totally free.  Select your goal (Get Lean, Get Toned, Get Strong, or Get Focused), and your fitness level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), then the app creates several 30-45-minute full-length workout options. This app is great for building cardio endurance and breaking a sweat

Gain Fitness
Cost: Free
Good For: People who want at-home and in-gym work outs

Start by choosing your goal (health, fat loss, muscle gain), location (home or the gym), duration, session type (full body, upper body, lower body, abs) and muscle focus. Pick the equipment you have to work with, like a chair, study table, dumbbells or resistance bands, and GAINFitness will design a custom work out for you. This app can be used as an assistance for your work outs in the gym, or you can use it to design a challenging work out for when you want to work out at home. 
Fitness Buddy
Cost: Free and 99 cent versions available
Good For: People wanting guidance in the gym

Start by entering your statistics (height, weight, age) and Fitness Buddy will create a workout based on your personal fitness goals and the amount of weight/reps you want to use. The app offers pictures and descriptions for each work out to ensure you do them properlty and tracks your progress for each work out, and overall.

Femme Fit