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healthy treats

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Have your cake and eat it too...

Healthy treats to satisy a sweet tooth
Frozen Fruit Pops
slice up some fresh fruit and place it in a popsicle mold along with some low-sugar or freshly made fruit juice for a healthy and refresshing treat
Yogurt With Honey
Drizzle some organic honey on Plain or flavored 0% Greek yogurt. This offers a little sugar and tart with the added bonus of protein!
Dark Chocolate
One word: Antioxidants!
                   But make sure its    
                   70% cocoa or more
Fruit Smoothie
Mix in some fresh fruit, greek yogurt, whey protein, and ice and you have the perfect healthy, sweet treat.
Chocolate dipped Frozen Banana
Dip a banana in some dark chocolate and freeze it overnight
Frozen Grapes
Sweet and refreshing, great for summer nights instead of ice cream
Femme Fit