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Si-Jo from 7th grade

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My first love was the best, but I was way too hungry.

I can’t get enough of that smooth, silky, sweet feeling.

When my love goes, I’m devastated but there’s always more Nutella.

~Kevin S.

There are many ways to express my feelings 
I can change them every second of everyday
Sometimes I don’t know what I feel for my crush.
- Ingrid S.

Life is like an endless river which flows with no one there

You would never know what might come from it.

Let it run for eternity and give a message to the people

- Kieran M.

A dark angel is like a black widow full of poison love
A girl like ma would not fall fall for a poison love inside a boy
A boy is not interested in who you are but how you look
- Litzy H.

Today a man rises to his feat 

for the first time in his life

cheers and shouting around the world 

he was so thrilled about his accomplishment

as he reached his goal and dream

of devouring the most hot dogs 

-Angel V.

Laughter spills out of the current,

It is so familiar.

Lose myself in river’s reflection.

Curves carry troubles away.

Oh! this laughter is yours?

Come restless spirit, speak with me.

- Kandice C.

Hot chocolate when it is freezing,

S'mores  when it is boiling,

Presents when it is Christmas,

wrapped in red and green ribbons,

And when you do exceptional work,

You get smiley faces with an enormous smile!

- Josune C.

There’s a girl 
That girl who says her dog or cat 
scratched her...Who knows if she ever escaped from self harm?

She doesn’t know how to handle 
things everything spiralling  out of  control…
Sometimes she convince herself she is not alive 
 She cuts herself. She doesn’t know 
why and she doesn’t understand how to resolve it 
but one thing she does know… She can’t stop.
~Gloria M.  

When I have a smile on my face but dying inside 
Hiding my feelings, cuts upon my wrist, when crying myself to sleep
The scars so hard to hide that tell my stories that will never fade
-Melissa A.

Death can murder with his skeleton fingers around your throat.

He will sneak behind you but you will never see him coming.

You rise from birth but you will soon die it’s just life.

                                Irving M.