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8th grade

Posted 2014-05-23 06:52:52 | Views: 1,282
Image by: Stephany
Death,Loss,and Love 
All came to me on swift wings 
Abnegation was my innocence 
Selflessness was too far away 
But bravery was close enough 
Birds surrounded me with my guilt 
Then he helped shelter me from 
But it wasn’t enough to save me 
I knew I couldn’t outrun fate 
I knew I couldn’t stop it 
I wanted freedom 
But the birds kept dragging me down 
Destruction only followed me 
Death was always around the corner 
And it came fast 
With hate and a bullet 
And only emptiness was left 
No one could save me 
Abnegation,Erudite, and Dauntless 
All I am is 
Death,Loss,and Love 
All within a lifetime 
My father shred me 
In the darkness that was 
He was the dark side 
Of my life 
I needed a way out 
And found it in Dauntless 
Then she came and 
Changed my view and world 
And everyday was just slipping 
Out of the clutches of death 
Then she was taken 
And I was crushed by the pillar of guilt 
She was my world 
And she was flushed away 
In a world of violence and Treachery 
I was selfless 
But I want to be Selfless,Kind,Brave, 
Intelligent,and Honest 
But all I am is 
Poems By: Iris P.

6th Grade Short poems

Posted 2014-05-09 05:56:29 | Views: 1,315

The Rainy Welcome

Drops of blue crystals

Falling from the grey pillows,

kiss my cold, wet cheeks.

-Aime H.

Flowers a

re attractive

They are young, then are old

They are colorful like a rainbow

-Evelyn S.

Best friends are so unique

As if they are ten kinds of people

Then swallowed love

-Aylin D.

The Birds

On smiling spring days

The soft breeze blows as I sing

To the birds chattering

-Zoe G.


Bouquet of flowers

Charming creatures

Flying Diamonds


o G.

Little Cub

Cub bear in my hand

Picnic picking pupil boy

Loving wisdom all

-Jennifer G.

7th Grade Parodies

Posted 2014-05-02 06:00:33 | Views: 1,237








- Brandon R.




Dog, Human, Myth, Story




-Leslie O.

This is just to say

I have eaten

the huevos rancheros

that were in

the refrigerator

and which you were probably


for dinner

forgive me it was really good

so delicious

and so tasty.

-Jocelyn R.

This is just to say

I have killed

the fish

that you asked me

to care for

an which you probably

fed it


forgive me

it was

so much work

and so boring.

-Gloria M.

This is just to Say

I have eaten

the pizza

that was in

the fridge

and which

you were probably


for lunch

forgive me I was hungry

so tasty

and so good.

-Xavier R.

This is just to say

I have eaten

the hot chips

that were

in your room

and which you were probably


for the field trip

forgive me

they were so irresistible

so spicy

and so yummy.

-Leslie O.

this is just to say
I have entered
the fast food restaurant
that was
at the end of the street
and which
you were probably
for mcchickens
forgive me
they were yummy
so tasty
and so delicious.
-Yvette A.

This is just to say 
I have eaten
the pizza
thats was in
the kitchen table
and which
you were probably
for school
Forgive me
it was so delicious
so cheesy
and so perfect
-Melissa A.

This is Just to say…
This is just to say
I have eaten the last three cookies
that it was in the refrigerator
and which
you were probably
for saturday
Forgive me
it was tasty
so crunchy
and so yummy.

6th Grade Poetry

Posted 2014-05-02 05:48:11 | Views: 1,081

If  happy  was  a  color,

It  would  be  like  the  big  fluffy  clouds  in  the  sky

If  happy  was  a  taste,

It  would  be  like  a  sundae  with  a  cherry  on  top

If  happy  was  a  smell,

It  would  be  combined  with  daisies, icecream,  cherry  flavored  lipgloss

If  happy  was  a  feeling,

It  would  be  like  when  you  see  your  soulmate

If  happy  was  a  sound,

It  would  be  like  the  fireworks  on  the  4th  of  July

By Ayleen C.

If determined was a color,

it would be firing red like the biggest fire.

If determined was a taste,

it would be a pepper. because the heat is a challenge

if determined was a smell,

it would be gasoline from the Fastest car.

if determined was a feeling,

it would be power from all the punches and kicks

If determined was a sound,

it would be a car crash from the boom to the tears

By Angelica G.


Cocking me

back and  


Let go

                 Pulling me


Losing my dignity

going down in the



every last


-Sirine N.

Best friends are so unique

As if they are ten kinds of people

Then swallowed love

-Aylin D.

The Birds

On smiling spring days

The soft breeze blows as I sing

To the birds chattering

-Zoe G.


A wonderful color

Light, dark, and regular type

Color of nature

-Alyssa P.

Parodies by 6th and 7th

Posted 2014-04-25 05:56:18 | Views: 1,157

So much depends


uploaded Youtube


he posted everyday


beside benja & Bacca


By Cristian U.

The Tissue

So much depends


A crisp white


Swiping off your


Beside your messy


-Sirine N.

So much depends


A shiny IPhone’s


Who answers my


Beside the store


By Alyssa P.

So much depends


a boring math


filled with unsolvable problems

beside the tired


By Yazmin M.

So much depends


A funny Yellow


With a pink



-Julian S.

So much depends


A piece of


helping me with


replacing all the


-Davyana C.

So much depends


a nerdy math


that helps my


besides the understandable


By Emmanual G.

Artwork by 8th graders

Posted 2014-04-16 15:58:15 | Views: 905
By Angel A.
By Cristal V.
By Yassine E.
By Idania A.
By Francheska
By Iris P.
By Joseph A.
By Naomi R.
By Nereida C.
By Nikolette M.
By Tabitha W.
By Zoely 

Haiku and Spine Poems by 6th graders

Posted 2014-04-16 15:30:16 | Views: 1,326

A leaf falling

whispering its lonely song

flowing in the air.

By Ernest R.

Tough nail polish

sparkles shining in the light

smooth as glass when dry.

-Yazmin M.

Skydiving white snow

shimmering in the highsky

why changing colors?

-Edwin H.

Tides sweep out sand

Crabs, Lobsters, Dolphins, breathing

Coconuts flying

-Angelica G.
Whispers in my ear
The wind acts mystifyingly 
An alluring song 
-Sirine N.

Up in the black sky

The moon shines, leading the stars

But then it moves away

- Alanis A.

I love to have fun

In the shining bright sunlight

Everyday and night

-Jenny F.

Mirror on a river

it grabs you by your

feet and tells you look you’re

an individual

-Stefania S

Love is in the air

can't hide the feeling, cheering, smiling

don’t try to overcome it

-Ayleen C.

Twisty turny tail

swaying in the deep blue sea

wrapped in seaweed

-Skye P.

Drops of blue crystals

Falling from the grey pillows,

kiss my cold, wet cheeks.

-Aime H.

Memories remind

Us of friends, family, and life

Those big pictures in life

-Dania C.

A fish of water

Cleaning up the dirt

Leaving others behind

- Cristian U.

A falling tree is

like a ninja in the night

No witness, still there.

-Sean P.

By Stefania S.
By Henry M.

If I Were In Charge of the World Poems from 7th and 6th

Posted 2014-04-13 12:09:07 | Views: 1,301

If I were in charge of the world,

I’d cancel violence,


Sickness, and also medicine.

If I were in charge of the world,

There would be celebrities outside without security,

Peace, and

No discrimination.

If I were in charge of the world,

You wouldn’t have to worry.

You wouldn’t have problems.

You wouldn’t have dissapointment.

Or “Be a better kid”

You wouldn’t even have poor people.

If I were in charge of the world,

Chips would be a vegetable,

Kids would have a phone at the age of 10,

And a person who sometimes forget to say “Excuse Me”,

Would still be allowed to be in charge of the world.

- Andrea Romero

If I were in charge if the world,

I’d cancel One Direction,

Justin Bieber,

Tests, and power outages.

If I were in charge of the world,

There’d be free food,


And video games.

If I were in charge of the world,

You wouldn’t have money,

You wouldn’t have a local


You wouldn’t even have homework or “fun school!”

You wouldn’t even have school.

If I were in charge of the world,

Chicken would be a vegetable

There would be more KFC

And a person who sometimes

Forgot to give speeches, and

Talk to other world leaders, would

Still be in charge of the world.

- Sean P.
If I were in charge of the world 
I’d cancel homework, Devil worshipers, wars, and also injustice. 
If I were in charge of the world, 

There’d be peace, Cheaper items, 
And free ice cream. If I were in charge of the world,
 You wouldn’t have taxes, You wouldn’t have bills, Bullies, Or “gongs” 

You wouldn’t even have rules. If I were in charge of the world, 
Candy would be a vegetable. Everyone would get along And a person who sometimes forgot to say thanks And sometimes forgot to pray Would still be allowed to be in charge of the world. 
~By Davyana C.
If I were in charge of the world, I’d cancel pimples, illness, stupid people, and also crocs.

 If I were in charge of the world, there would be no more scary monsters, evil bedroom seekers, and annoying crying kids.

 If I were in charge of the world, You wouldn’t have fat. You wouldn’t have rude people. You wouldn’t have calories, or “stop eating all the food.” You wouldn’t even have haters. 

If I were in charge of the world, ice cream would be a vegetable. Teen Wolf would be a real thing and a person who forgot to clean, and sometimes forgot to do laundry, would be allowed to be in charge of the world. 

-Michael P.
If I were in charge of the world I’d cancel fish tacos, Long homework nights, Guns, and also standardized tests.

 If I were in charge of the world 
There’d be loving people, Breezy days, and 
Kids able to drive at ten. 

If I were in charge of the world 
You wouldn’t have haters. 
You wouldn’t have alone. You wouldn’t have people on the streets. Or “Turn down your music.” You wouldn’t even have cranky parents. 

If I were in charge of the world An eight layered oreo ice-cream cake would be a vegetable Everyone would be treated as equals And a person who sometimes forgot to clean up their mess, And sometimes forgot to progress in their success, Would still be allowed to be in charge of the world. 

-Sirine N.

Respect Essays from 6th and 7th grade

Posted 2014-04-13 11:55:06 | Views: 1,596

Who I Admire

Many people ask me who I admire. I could say Michael Jordan, Austin Mahone, my sister, my uncle, or anyone else. But my answer would be my dad. He does so much for my sister, brother, and me that I respect him so much.

I don’t just admire him because he’s my dad; he’s like my hero, too. I admire him because as a single parent, he does everything he can to take care of my sister, brother, and me. He wakes up at 2AM to go to work to be able to pay the bills, buy us food, clothes, and anything else we need. When he comes back from work a few hours before we come out of school, he’s tired, but no matter how tired he is; when I get home I always have food to eat. Whenever we have a project or performance and we need to buy something, he buys it as soon as possible. He does everything he can for us; so that’s why I try to help him with everything he needs.

Even though my mom has failed to be there for me, my dad is there for me; sometimes he tries too hard to be there. Whenever I’m in a bad mood or just had a bad day, he makes me laugh and lightens my mood; even though sometimes when he tries to make me laugh, it just gets me in a worse mood. But I know he’s just trying to help me and trying to keep me happy. When I have a school performance, he always tries to get out of work to see it. When he can’t get out of work, I get disappointed because he’s the only person that goes to see me. Or whenever I need help with my homework, he tries to help me as much as he can. I would ask my sister, but she gets frustrated at me because I take a long time to understand; so then I get frustrated and it doesn’t end pretty.

He just understands my situation with my mom. Why I don’t want to answer her calls. Why I want to got to Guatemala to see my family, but not her. Why I block anything that has to do with her. Why I cry when I talk about her. Why I try to change the subject when we talk about her. And that takes a lot of heart to understand, but he understands every bit of it.

I love him so much for being funny, understanding, and a great dad. I don’t know where I would be without him.

By Alanis A.


“Daddy can you buy me an ice cream, please?”

Do you remember when you were little and you would ask your dad for ice cream or anything else.Since I was a baby, my dad has earned my respect. He isn’t just considered like the boss of the house,but he’s also a really good dad. My dad works hard to bring food to the house everyday and he also makes time to spend with my family.

“Beep, Beep, Beep!” From Monday through Friday, my dad wakes up as soon as the alarm goes on at 5:30 a.m., to go to work. He’s an estimator so sometimes he works on the computer or other times they call him to go check a project that they are working on. Even when he is sick, he works at home from the computer. I really respect the way he makes an effort of going to work and earn money for the food and clothing we need. Just like a mother penguin has to get fish or food and then fly away, my dad makes the sacrifice of burning his brain out to bring money home.

My dad is great at math and even sometimes comes home at 4:45 and is tired, he still helps me when I need help. When I was younger, my parents were the first one to teach me how to read. Until today, my dad and my mom keep on preparing me for when I have to leave the nest. I respect my dad a lot for not only working day after day, but for spending time with my family. When he has the days off, we try to make the best of the day.

One last reason I respect my dad is because he takes everything seriously and whatever he promises, he always completes it. From something as small as promising that he will buy me some supplies I need, to promising maybe to his boss that he will complete three projects in two days. I have always and I still admire my dad. he works hard, helps me with anything I need, spends time with my family, and never promises anything for no reason. Next time you ask your dad for some ice cream, make sure that you say “thank you,” and that you consider how hard your dad wants to buy you that ice cream.

By Aime H.

Who do I respect? Well, that’s easy; I respect the famous British red-head singer Ed Sheeran. Why? I respect him because I feel like he’s writing about what I question and like he gets me. He taught me not to question love’s problems because anything can happen. Ed Sheeran taught me to live on!

“The worst things in life come free to us, cause were just under the upper hand”; a lie from Ed Sheeran’s song “A-Team”. Ed Sheeran makes me believe, that he writes and sings about what I question in life and that he gets me. It’s the way he uses his words and how he describes his statement. The lyrics he sings make me think of imagery because it’s like he gets and knows me and gets what I go through, and that’s why he writes.

“You are my one and only”; a line from Ed Sheeran’s song “Small Bump”. Ed taught me that I shall not question love because anything can happen if you at least try. He showed me to never give up because that not showing what you want to be seen. “I’ll never let you down, I’ll pick you when you down”; He shows in the line that you should never give up “on your significant other” and I respect him for that.

By: David M.

I respect Tim Tebow because he fights through injuries, he had many accomplishments, and he proved everyone wrong.

First of all, I respect him because he fights through injuries. One time he played at Nease High School he felt knee pain but decided to play through the whole game. Though doctors discovered that he was playing much of the game with a broken leg. Though he did much more.

Second of all, he had many accomplishments. In his high school career he was named Florida’s Player of the Year, named Florida’s Mr. Football, a PARADE magazine All-American, was selected to play in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl, and he led his high school team to a state title. In his college career at the University of Florida, he was selected to the All-SEC Freshman team, the first underclassman to win the Heisman Trophy, BCS National Championship winner, All-American three times, Academic All-American twice, and had his own statue at his University he attended. Though, he did much more for me to respect him.

Third of all, Tim Tebow has been proving everyone wrong ever since he was born. When he was born, doctors thought he could not be healthy. Though is he still living? Yes. At one occasion at Nease High School, he threw a 30-yard touchdown. A few years before playing at Nease High School, he made history by being one of the first homeschooled kids to play at a high school. After his high school and college years, he was eligible for the NFL Draft. Though, many scouts thought that he couldn’t play. Instead of letting all that talk go to his head, he decided to go perfect his throwing motion. His pre-draft coaches were impressed by the change. As a rookie for the Denver Broncos, he threw his first touchdown in his first game when Kyle Orton was injured. He also broke the Broncos’ record for passing yards in one game by a rookie. At the end, he had the best quarterback rating of all rookies but not enough for John Elway to put him as a starter. He then went on into the next season breaking another record by scoring two touchdown drives and two 2-point conversions. In the end, he was a great leader to the team, but the Broncos learned that Peyton Manning was on to become a free agent so the Broncos wanted to sign him. Though they had to release someone, and they released Tim Tebow. Though the New York Jets decided to take him. How did him moving to New York prove everyone wrong? He played nearly 25% of the team’s positions from quarterback to a special teamer. This concludes my many reasonings.

In the end, I respect Tim Tebow because he had fought through injuries, he accomplished many, and he had proved everyone wrong.

By Carrey N.

Si-Jo from 7th grade

Posted 2014-04-13 10:40:17 | Views: 1,301

The woman stood up to pick up the cool yellow flower.

Curiously smelling the flower that slowly picked

She carried up the flower because “throwing is littering”

-Michael R.

Part Two 


Fantastic friends are like stars I don’t always see.

I know they’re always near even though I don’t want them to be.

When they are gone I feel I am a missing puzzle piece.

-Janet C.

Monday Mayhem

Every child of every age, sadly mouring at 7:00 a.m.

We slack and stumble, onto our system, but we know no delight.

We try hard and keep our heads up high up in the sky, but school begins.

- Luis M.


What is love? Random feelings

Make my heart flutter for more

Sweet and yummy like oranges

But its also like a gunshot

Bloody pain never felt before

I don’t understand how I feel

- Dalilah S.

Nature is Passion

Nature fills us with passion, and enjoyment around the world,

Trees and flowers blossom, like kids growing up in the stages of life,

Joy can be everywhere; nature gives us feelings to living things.

-Diana P.

Life is a mystery not too deep nor unfocused,

People searched very far and wide just to see where life leads,

The thing is that if you search too deep you come out with madness

-Angelica A.

His blue wayward box, drifting idly in the early morning,

Old time can’t tell the years of paroxystic space that’s passed the ship.

The pilot sits and sobs over life and death, friends dead and gone.

-Louisa L.

The people I can really trust are the ones that will always be there

Where are most of those people? There’s not a lot of them

Because honestly the only person I can depend on is myself

-Yvette A.

The lights illuminate and accompany the stars at night glared through the harboring skies in the glaring times in the day They swarm with a great brilliance of almost every color. 
- Angel R.
Winter sneezes all over the place and the white snow gets larger Everyone enjoying winter’s breath all feeling grateful Animals all cozy and sleeping in winters breath
 - Andy D.
The dye of a squid’s ink is black, like a winter night sky,
so dark, mysterious, mischievous, and misleading,
the ink is a mirror reflecting the image of death.
- Michael Y.

Si-Jo from 7th grade

Posted 2014-04-13 10:33:59 | Views: 1,074


My first love was the best, but I was way too hungry.

I can’t get enough of that smooth, silky, sweet feeling.

When my love goes, I’m devastated but there’s always more Nutella.

~Kevin S.

There are many ways to express my feelings 
I can change them every second of everyday
Sometimes I don’t know what I feel for my crush.
- Ingrid S.

Life is like an endless river which flows with no one there

You would never know what might come from it.

Let it run for eternity and give a message to the people

- Kieran M.

A dark angel is like a black widow full of poison love
A girl like ma would not fall fall for a poison love inside a boy
A boy is not interested in who you are but how you look
- Litzy H.

Today a man rises to his feat 

for the first time in his life

cheers and shouting around the world 

he was so thrilled about his accomplishment

as he reached his goal and dream

of devouring the most hot dogs 

-Angel V.

Laughter spills out of the current,

It is so familiar.

Lose myself in river’s reflection.

Curves carry troubles away.

Oh! this laughter is yours?

Come restless spirit, speak with me.

- Kandice C.

Hot chocolate when it is freezing,

S'mores  when it is boiling,

Presents when it is Christmas,

wrapped in red and green ribbons,

And when you do exceptional work,

You get smiley faces with an enormous smile!

- Josune C.

There’s a girl 
That girl who says her dog or cat 
scratched her...Who knows if she ever escaped from self harm?

She doesn’t know how to handle 
things everything spiralling  out of  control…
Sometimes she convince herself she is not alive 
 She cuts herself. She doesn’t know 
why and she doesn’t understand how to resolve it 
but one thing she does know… She can’t stop.
~Gloria M.  

When I have a smile on my face but dying inside 
Hiding my feelings, cuts upon my wrist, when crying myself to sleep
The scars so hard to hide that tell my stories that will never fade
-Melissa A.

Death can murder with his skeleton fingers around your throat.

He will sneak behind you but you will never see him coming.

You rise from birth but you will soon die it’s just life.

                                Irving M.

Odes and Art from 6th graders

Posted 2014-04-13 10:07:32 | Views: 1,187

Ode To Lip gloss

You make my day by giving me that look,

With your mirror on the side

That shimmers in the light

Where I can see you paint my lips,

All the Colors,

The ones I choose,

The rosy pink as bright as the first blossom in Spring

That can last me a lifetime,

You smell like a new cherry cupcake

With vanilla pink frosting.

You’re as sweet as can be

With delicious double dessert taste

That you can imagine in a haste,

Taking you everywhere I go,

Keeping you on my side like a laugh

Even though you’re

Sticky, shiny, and glossy

Your brush is fluffy and cozy

Like a miniature cotton ball,

I can hear your excitement

And glamourous fame

Popping out of your bottle

At the very last moment.

Oh lip gloss, You shine my smile.

-Angelica G.

Ode to music
Oh music!
You with your splendor taste.
You are sometimes as depressed as 
a mother who lost her child.
Anything can happen to you.
You are an amazing person to listen to.
You and you delightful taster.
You can also be sour!
You are my bestfriend.
You are my life!
WIthout you I wouldn’t be me!
Because you are part of me.
Oh music, you are special.
And so don’t worry because
I’ll love you for a thousand 
years to come.

Jenny F.

Ode To Cotton Candy

You are as fluffy as the marshmallow melted in my hot chocolate.

You make my heart skip a million beats.

You are my bundle of joy!

You are as sweet as sprinkles on a cupcake.

Your smoothness running through my fingers,

My pride and joy.

Ohh I love you cotton candy!

`Ayleen C.

Ode To The Jolly Rancher

Ode to Jolly Ranchers.

How your look brings

A memory back from

My childhood.

My nose can almost

Get that smell of

My grandmother’s blueberry


My tongue savors

Your fruity, tangy,

Sweetness like

My mom’s apples

With salt and lemon.

I can feel you

Breaking away

Out of prison to

Enjoy a trip into

My mouth.

I listen as you

Make your

Crunching, munching,


~Jennifer G.

Ode to My Pillow

Soft and fluffy like two bunnies side by side.

Your feathery heavenness plopped on my head.

Whispering wonderous songs as I drift off.

You guide me through furry patches.

My head sinks in with every second.

Suddenly I suffocate beneath your fuzz,

But I breathe fine as your softness brushes my cheek

Your silky purple landscape brushes my ear and kisses my face.

A sweet strawberry stash surrounding my bed.

An orchestra playing as I fly into a world of wonders.

Aromatic smells burst open like a door.

Your minty and perfumed, smelling like my shampoo.

Your freshness racing up my nostrils,

Dream bubbles pop and drop as I think,

What would I do without you?

Sprain my neck, have uncomfortable and sleepless nights.

You make my ears float off to paradise.

While my mind is being fed dreams.

Like a soothing lullaby,

You sing to me and my mind rings with thoughts

Your a cotton ball. 

You overlap my thoughts and pave me into a world of wonder.

As you pull me in for hours.                

-Sirine N.

By Skye P.
By Skye P.
Odes and Art

Poetry and Artwork from 8th Graders

Posted 2014-04-11 09:58:00 | Views: 1,175
8th grade poetry and artwork

This is the last time

My world has collided

My fears have beat me once more

I look back to everything you said.

The words you spoke made me insecure.

I just want to run away and hide.

I want to tell you the way I feel

But you wont listen to any word I say.

I want to burst out crying

But I know that is weakness in your eyes.

I try so hard to keep everything that is left of me together.

You took my confidence, my faith, and most of all my happiness.

But I won't let you take my dreams that’s the reason

I keep on standing.

I won’t let you take away anything else.

I’m done with everything you have to say to me.

I won’t let you break me.

I know what I’m capable of doing.

I am going to make my own choices.

I am going to decide who I will be.

Watch me and I’ll do everything you said I couldn’t.

I don’t care anymore of what you think of me.

This is the last time my world is going to collide because of you.

-Alexa G.

Genocide, Genocide
All the haters they try to hide
The pyramid of hate, starts it all with no rebate
Peace is at the door,ding dong, you're to late
We tried to stop the actions, but faliure was just up to fate
We felt the reactions, but genocide won't die
But cruelity will soon die
I hope you die
Don't try to hide
By: Iris P.

Flowers For Algernon Covers

Posted 2014-03-28 05:55:29 | Views: 864
Flowers for Algernon
Imagine By: Joseph A.
Image By: Stephanie F.
Image By: Iris P.
Image By: Francesca A.
Image By: Amina J.

Satire Comics about Fast food

Posted 2014-03-28 05:43:15 | Views: 1,020
Satire Comics
Image By: Iris P.
Image By: Denice G.
Image By: Nakayla S.
Image By: Cristal V.