Fashion is a form of self-expression. You can dress according to your mood, the weather, or for some, what is trending. That is my main attraction to fashion, without any words, you can present yourself in such a way that someone may draw a conclusion as to who you are. Whether or not that is what someone intends to do, naturally, we sum up people based upon a first impression; some of which is external presentation.
Ever since I was a little girl, I gravitated to the world of fashion. I would dress up in my “Sunday best” to go play outside in the mud (because I was both fashionable and a tomboy, somehow), as long as I had on a cute outfit and shoes with bows on them, I was a happy kid. Growing up my parents did not value materialistic things, so acquiring this desire for fashion was something that truly came naturally. I was home schooled, and sheltered, there wasn’t any Glamour magazines or Cosmopolitan to reference or inspire some sort of interest. Going through high school, a few of us girls connected with the same common goal, to make the yearbook as the “most stylish” every year… ah, life goals… needless to say, we go the job done 9th-12th grade. I even won a contest we all created. The goal was to wear a different pair of high heel shoes every day, for the entire duration of the school year. With a little savvy shopping, and probably more effort put towards it than my school work, I won 100$.
Fashion is a staple I use in my everyday life. I feel it is easier to project confidence with a good outfit, which causes a ripple effect for an efficient day. When you’re put together and clean, you look professional and capable. It does matter how you dress, and it shouldn’t be classified as “superficial,” “materialistic,” or even “high maintenance.” It should be interpreted as class and sophistication.