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Bariatric Surgery Benefits

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Bariatric Surgery Benefits 
(Other Than Weight Loss)
If you have had, or are considering, bariatric surgery, the main goal is weight loss. The good news is the benefits go well beyond that.

 Improve your mood - Everyone wants to be happy and there are various (and sometimes complicated) reasons why we aren't. External factors aside, there are both biological and psychological reasons weight loss surgery can help you look at your days with a glass half-full mindset.

Increased energy - While some may think of obese people as being lazy, in fact it can often be a catch 22. That is, obesity can be a major factor in lacking energy. If you lack energy, you’re less likely to be active, hence the lazy tag.

So, is someone obese because they are lazy, or are they lazy because they are obese? Personal slander aside, the good news is that if you are a candidate for weight loss surgery can help boost your energy, not only improving your outlook on life, but also giving you a better chance of succeeding in taking on a new active lifestyle.

People who suffer from obesity often have blood sugar levels that look like a volatile stock chart. If your blood sugar spikes or drops, it can make you sluggish. Keeping it at a steady healthy level may not only help with the next benefit to weight loss surgery, but can help you avoid those snooze-inducing mid-afternoon lulls.

Diabetes - By any rational measure, diabetes is a national epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 29.1 million Americans suffer from the disease (that’s nearly 10 percent of the population.). The CDC estimates that the direct and indirect financial burden is $245 billion.
Study after study has shown a correlation between weight loss surgery and a remission in diabetes, oftentimes allowing patients to stop taking diabetes medications. While doctors don’t recommend surgery as a cure for diabetes, it’s an amazing bonus for those who do undergo a procedure.

Reverse sleep apnea or snoring - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder where breathing temporarily stops repeatedly. It most often leaves sufferers tired due to lack of quality sleep, but it can even be potentially fatal in some cases.

The less serious, but still problematic issue of snoring can cause issues with restful sleep and make things difficult for loved ones as well. Since obesity is one of the most important factors in developing sleep apnea (and snoring), losing a dramatic amount of weight can help reverse both issues.

None of these benefits are used to justify weight loss surgery on their own. But if you are a candidate, as you can see the possibilities go far beyond the wonderful weight loss results.