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Renovations Ideas for Your Outdoor Living Space

Posted 2015-02-26 09:17:01 | Views: 5,379
Renovations Ideas for Your Outdoor Living Space
For those living in the northern states of the United States, as difficult as it may be in these bitter cold winter days, there’s promise of brighter and warmer days not so far ahead. So, it’s never too early to start planning ahead for the backyard transformation you are dreaming about for those carefree summer days.
Here are a few ways you can transform a dull backyard into a place you can enjoy some fun in the sun:
The patio. Are you looking to turn a patio into a space that wows your friends and family? The possibilities are endless. While it can be upgraded at the ground level with concrete pavers in your choice of styles and shapes, it’s the elements you include on top of that ground that really spruce up your space.
Fountain. One of the most dramatic additions you can make to your outdoor space is a fountain. The right fountain can make your home look more luxurious, but also create a calming ambiance where you can decompress after a hard day at work.
Fire it up! Even if you don’t live in a cool climate, a fire pit is much more than a source of warmth. It’s a focal point that fosters social engagement, and simply relax to. It can be a beautifully custom built pit, or a more affordable and portable version from the local hardware store.
Kick the cooking up a notch. Everyone barbecues in their backyard, but not everyone does it at the same level. Don’t just use a grill, create an outdoor kitchen. A high-end grill is a great place to start, but if you really want to go all out, maybe add a pizza oven, a stocked and a flat screen TV, and you have a world class home entertaining area.
Landscaping. Adding a well manicured garden, and well placed pathways can turn a directionless backyard into one that has focus and appeal.
Also read 5 Ways to Upgrade Your Space for more ideas.

What You Need To Know Before Installing a Cable Deck Railing

Posted 2015-02-26 08:06:33 | Views: 5,085
What You Need To Know Before Installing a Cable Deck Railing
If you are building a deck more than 30 inches above the ground, you are going to need a guardrail.
International Residential Code (IRC) for one- and two-family homes (which is followed by most​ city building departments) requires that you install a 36-inch-tall “guard” to prevent anyone from falling from the deck to the grade below. While a half-wall or even a planter box can be used as a guard, most builders and homeowners prefer to use a railing system -- in this case, a cable railing system.
When building a code-compliant cable rail there are two other safety-related concepts you’ll need to take into account:

Spacing and Deflection

The cable infill you use to complete your railing system-- whether installed vertically or horizontally--will need to be spaced according IRC code section R312.3: “Required guards shall not have openings from the walking surface to the required guard height which allow passage of a sphere 4 inches in diameter.”

When you’re working with wood or metal pickets, this rule is much more straightforward and easy to comply with. But, because cable is flexible, you’ll need to make additional considerations for “deflection.” If you were to install cable infill with 4-inch spacing, one could easily push a 4-inch sphere between adjacent cables by pulling up on one and down on the other. The simple solution is to compensate by using 3-inch spacing for your cables. You could never put enough tension on the cable to eliminate deflection, and you certainly wouldn’t want to have an intermediate post every foot for support, so reducing the spacing will be your best bet. In fact, most cable rail suppliers offer posts pre-drilled with 3-inch spacing for code compliance.

The Ladder Effect

In 2000, the IRC included the following language in their guardrail requirements: “[guardrails]shall not be constructed with horizontal members or other ornamental pattern that results in a ladder effect.”
Despite the fact that this was stricken from IRC building guidelines in the following year (and the fact that there have been many code updates since), some inspectors are still making judgements based on the idea that “climbable guards” are not safe. If you have small children that love to climb and may not always be under direct supervision, this type of railing may not be the most practical choice. But, regulating organizations including the IRC and the International Code Council (ICC) are firm in their ruling that climbable guards haven’t proven to be a significant hazard, and that prohibiting horizontal features in a guardrail is too restrictive.

With that said, however; it’s important to be aware of the standpoint of the building inspectors in your area before you begin installation of your cable railing system.

If you want a cable railing system, you should have one! This simple, sophisticated update is sure to improve your views and the value of your home. Happy building!

Legal vs Physical Child Custody

Posted 2014-11-19 07:23:41 | Views: 5,093
Legal vs Physical Child Custody
There are two basic elements to child custody: physical and legal custody. The court may decide that either parent can be awarded both, one, or neither of the two. So what’s the difference? 
Physical custody is exactly what it sounds like. A parent who is awarded physical custody is with the child under the same roof. Physical custody can be awarded to one or both parents, and while joint physical custody often involves a 50-50 split of time spent with each parent, it’s not always the case.
Legal custody is more about the decision-making process made in regards to issues involving the child. If you have sole or joint legal custody, you are responsible, or have a say in, normal parenting decisions, like when they should see a doctor, what school is best for them, what religion (if any) will they be brought up under, etc.
Judges often prefer to award joint custody since in most instances it is in the best interest of the child. This ensures that the child has regular contact with both parents and that decisions are made on their behalf as close as possible to how it was during the marriage.
If you are preparing for a divorce and you are okay with your soon-to-be ex-spouse having sole physical custody, it’s important to note that you maybe getting more (or rather, less) than you bargain for. If the other parent is given sole custody, it may leave you vulnerable should they later consider moving to a different city or state.
In cases of joint legal custody, things can get a little messy if one spouse wants to move out of state, and the other objects. Even if you have visitation rights and your ex wants to relocate, they need to give you advance notice, at which time you have 30 days to file an objection.
If parents who have joint custody just can’t come to an agreement on important decisions, and it’s escalated to a judge who may give one parent sole custody. Therefore, it’s always best for parents to do everything they can to resolve these issues on their own… or risk losing their custody rights to their children.

3 Primary Differences Between Legal Separation and Divorce

Posted 2014-09-26 11:58:55 | Views: 5,045
A time may come in your marriage when you realize that you do not want to continue living with your spouse. However, if you are hesitant about filing for a divorce, you can consider a legal separation. 

There are some differences between legal separation and divorce, but the three essential differences include:
Continuation or termination of your marriage status. A legal separation is a significant change in the status of your marriage. Filing a petition with the courts is the first legal step towards divorce proceedings. 

Legal separation takes about twice as long as a divorce, which is beneficial if you are unsure about following through with ending your marriage. 

Both divorce and legal separation include visitation, final custody, child support, and alimony arrangements as well as permanent division of debts and assets. The main difference is that you remain married to each other with a legal separation.

Benefits. A separation agreement protects benefits until a decision is made to file for divorce. Staying married for 10 years or more allows your spouse to take advantage of certain social security benefits. 

For example, one spouse may remain eligible for health care or insurance benefits for the spouse if they remain married. Depending on the particular situation, tax and estate planning benefits might apply if you and your spouse remain married to each other.

Practical treatment. Once the courts enter your judgment for legal separation, you and your spouse are treated as a divorced couple.  
3 Primary Differences Between Legal Separation and Divorce
This sets a precedence for the divorce that might follow. For instance, if you divorce after a separation and your case goes to court, the judge most likely will consider your satisfaction with the separation agreement as your approval that the contract should transfer over to the divorce settlement agreement. 

The primary difference between divorced and legally separated spouses is that the latter cannot remarry, have no right to intestate inheritance, and cannot file joint tax returns. 

Making the Decision

Deciding between a legal separation and a divorce is a personal choice. In fact, sometimes spouses elect to remain married but live separately for religious or moral reasons. 

Other causes include spending time apart deciding if divorce is positively desirable, and allowing for the retention of medical benefits that divorce ends. Sometimes opting for a legal separation rather than a divorce is a good financial decision. 

Additionally, a legal separation may present a less stressful environment to for negotiating a separation agreement than negotiating a divorce agreement. However, if you make the decision to terminate your marital status, then filing for divorce is the best option.

How to Budget for Your Home Improvement Project

Posted 2014-09-26 10:35:57 | Views: 5,052
How to Budget for Your Home Improvement Project
Are you planning on a home improvement project? The budget is a major component of the project, and it can be a tricky subject to discuss. 

However, it is important in order to get the best possible results. For example, if you want to install a beautiful cable railing, you need to know all the cost details, so you can make this project a reality. With the following guidelines, this is possible.
Start Early
It is extremely important to know what your budget is before you begin the project. A lot of people determine their budget during the renovation. If you do this, you might not be able to finish the cable railing you have been dreaming of. Also, people who do not budget beforehand tend to have a difficult time completing their home projects. This is because they do not anticipate the costs involved. When this happens, they have to wait longer to finish each step.
Be Realistic
When you are budgeting, you need to be realistic. Home repairs and updates require money. You cannot expect to get something for nothing. You are going to have to pay for the materials and the cost of labor. However, you probably have different options to choose from to meet the terms of your budget. With a cable railing, for example, you can choose a secondary material that is less expensive. A stainless steel cable railing will probably cost more than one that is made of wood. Both will provide a modern look. However, one might meet the constraints of your budget.
Know What You Are Paying For
During your home renovation, it is always important to understand what you are paying for. This is why it is a good idea to have a contract. There are some costs that are more definitive. These include costs for materials. 

However, there are other hidden or less obvious costs that you are probably paying for. These include costs for labor, fees for permits, consulting costs, design fees, and more. Make sure that you are on the same page with everyone that is working on the project about the budget.
If You Run Out of Money
There are occasions when people run out of money. If this is happening to you, it might be a good idea to rethink the project. You could do a smaller railing, or change some of the finishes. You could also postpone the finish date until you come up with more cash.
Hopefully you never have to worry about running out of money. Instead, try to budget early so you can understand the costs and pay for them.

When to Use a Guardrail vs. a Handrail

Posted 2014-09-23 08:31:58 | Views: 16,176
When to Use a Guardrail vs. a Handrail
Do you know the difference between a guardrail and a handrail? Don’t worry—you’re not alone. There are major building code differences between the two, but the average person might use the words interchangeably. A handrail is, of course, for your hand and is often spotted in stairwells. A guardrail can be just about any size and is designed to keep to people safe near elevated places. At times, both of these rails can be made of one and the same components.

According to the latest International Residential Code (IRC), a “guard” is “a building component or a system of building components located near the open sides of elevated walking surfaces that minimizes the possibility of a fall from the walking surface to the lower level.” A handrail, on the other hand, is “a horizontal or sloping rail intended for grasping by the hand for guidance and support.” In most instances, building codes don’t require a guardrail but just a “guard”—that can be just about anything: A wall, a bench, a half-wall or of course a rail.

Getting Picky

Guardrails have a lot of subjectivity, but a handrail is much more specified. You can call a guardrail a “guard,” but a handrail is always a handrail. It’s purpose is to be held—however, a guard is simply to stop you from falling. While the actual purposes are pretty similar, the IRC has very different requirements for each.

According to the IRC, “Open sides of stairs with a total rise of more than 30 inches above the floor or grade below shall have guards not less than 34 inches in height measured vertically from the nosing of the treads.” This measurement is founded on the expected fall height, not necessarily how many stairs there are. In some instances, a guard might be required on both sides, in other instances no guard would be required.

Handrail Requirements

The IRC defines handrail requirements as, “handrails shall be provided on at least one side of each continuous run of treads or flight with four or more rises.” Since the needs and movement of the body is what calls for the requirement of handrails, the actual height of stairs doesn’t matter. Every time you take a step, you’re more likely to trip, fall or get fatigued. The biggest difference is that handrails are only required on one side while guards, if required at all, must be on both sides.

Sometimes both handrails and guards will be required. You’ll need to check with the IRC to figure out the exact continuity, grip size and height required depending on the structure. For more detailed instruction, the Stairway Manufacturer’s Association also provides examples for professionals. However, one of the most invaluable resources is the building department where construction is being done. There may be niche codes to follow, or the IRC guidelines may be interpreted differently.

Finally, remember that the condition of the ground can impact moisture levels—which is crucial when working with wood guards, steps, rails and the like. Discouraging decay is crucial. There are tactics to do so, and finding rotted treated wood is fairly common for builders.

Bariatric Surgery Benefits

Posted 2014-09-23 07:57:34 | Views: 5,471
Bariatric Surgery Benefits 
(Other Than Weight Loss)
If you have had, or are considering, bariatric surgery, the main goal is weight loss. The good news is the benefits go well beyond that.

 Improve your mood - Everyone wants to be happy and there are various (and sometimes complicated) reasons why we aren't. External factors aside, there are both biological and psychological reasons weight loss surgery can help you look at your days with a glass half-full mindset.

Increased energy - While some may think of obese people as being lazy, in fact it can often be a catch 22. That is, obesity can be a major factor in lacking energy. If you lack energy, you’re less likely to be active, hence the lazy tag.

So, is someone obese because they are lazy, or are they lazy because they are obese? Personal slander aside, the good news is that if you are a candidate for weight loss surgery can help boost your energy, not only improving your outlook on life, but also giving you a better chance of succeeding in taking on a new active lifestyle.

People who suffer from obesity often have blood sugar levels that look like a volatile stock chart. If your blood sugar spikes or drops, it can make you sluggish. Keeping it at a steady healthy level may not only help with the next benefit to weight loss surgery, but can help you avoid those snooze-inducing mid-afternoon lulls.

Diabetes - By any rational measure, diabetes is a national epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 29.1 million Americans suffer from the disease (that’s nearly 10 percent of the population.). The CDC estimates that the direct and indirect financial burden is $245 billion.
Study after study has shown a correlation between weight loss surgery and a remission in diabetes, oftentimes allowing patients to stop taking diabetes medications. While doctors don’t recommend surgery as a cure for diabetes, it’s an amazing bonus for those who do undergo a procedure.

Reverse sleep apnea or snoring - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder where breathing temporarily stops repeatedly. It most often leaves sufferers tired due to lack of quality sleep, but it can even be potentially fatal in some cases.

The less serious, but still problematic issue of snoring can cause issues with restful sleep and make things difficult for loved ones as well. Since obesity is one of the most important factors in developing sleep apnea (and snoring), losing a dramatic amount of weight can help reverse both issues.

None of these benefits are used to justify weight loss surgery on their own. But if you are a candidate, as you can see the possibilities go far beyond the wonderful weight loss results.

What Happens to Unsold New Cars?

Posted 2014-09-22 13:59:25 | Views: 5,393
What Happens to Unsold New Cars?
You've surely been on the highway next to one of those large 18-wheelers transporting half a dozen or so vehicles that are fresh off the line to their new home on a dealer’s lot. However, those lots are seldom empty, so what happens to the cars that haven’t sold when space has to be made for these newer models? There are a few options.
First, the dealership is likely to drop the price. If there are still no bites, the price may drop even more but now with decreased rebates so the dealership can still recoup their investment. There might also be a special employee pricing offered. As time goes on, special financial offers may be tacked onto a vehicle such as zero percent financing and other incentives. After a significant amount of time, the dealer may simply want to cut the loss and drastically reduce the price in a last ditch effort to move it.
A dealership may contact their counterparts in other locations where the vehicle may have a better chance of selling. The price may have to be reduced, but there is a greater chance of recouping a significant amount.
Some of these vehicles may be sent to auto auctions where smaller dealerships are looking to increase their inventory with “new” stock at below market prices. They, in turn, can sell to their niche customer base. Auctions can attract smaller dealers who come in search of quality cars or shop on a client’s behalf. Rental companies may also consider the vehicle for its fleet. The problem the dealer faces with this option, however, is that they have to pay a cut to put their already under-valued vehicle up for auction, recouping even less of their investment.
While this occurs rarely, a dealership can offer a vehicle up as a donation for a specific cause or to a nonprofit. The charity, in turn, can auction off the vehicle to increase their funds. The info on the amount that they received is given to the dealer to use for tax credit. This method provides the dealership with the least amount of financial gain as there may be a cap to the amount the company can write off.
If the space is needed and a sale is not eminent, the vehicle can be moved to a storage lot temporarily. There are numerous locations where automobiles without homes sit in long lines waiting for demand to increase, as might be the case in a time of economic downturn, or when another decision is made about its fate.
Unsold “new” cars can be hidden gems on the lot when dealers are trying to move them. Just a few months can make a huge difference in what a dealership is willing to take to move it to make way for incoming inventory.

Consequences of Texting and Driving

Posted 2014-09-22 07:58:57 | Views: 5,289
Understanding the Potential Consequences of Texting and Driving
Nowadays, it’s quite common for motorists to text while they are driving. While many might not see the harm in flicking their eyes down to their phone every now and then as they tap out a message with their thumbs, a single second can spell catastrophe no matter how slow or how fast you are driving. There are several potential consequences of texting and driving to consider the next time you get behind the wheel. 
Driver’s License Points
If you live in a state that uses a point system to keep track of your driving record, there’s a good chance that you can accumulate enough points to have your driving privileges revoked or suspended if you’re caught texting while driving. Simply waiting until you’re parked or out of the car before you send your message is a much better option compared to a smear on your driving record.
Receiving a ticket is also included on the list of potential consequences of texting and driving. In many states police officers are allowed to stop you and write you a ticket if they catch you texting while operating a motor vehicle. In California, it’s not unusual to have to pay as much as $300 in fines and fees for texting while driving.
Higher Insurance Premiums
Your insurance company has access to your driving record. If they see that you have had points for texting while driving, they may decide to increase your insurance premiums accordingly. In order to keep your car insurance premiums as low as possible, you've got to do everything you can to show that you are a safe, responsible, and trustworthy driver, which means thinking about the consequences of texting and driving.
Criminal Charges
Should you ever injure someone while texting and driving, you could be hit with jail time. It’s not unusual to hear of texting drivers who have been found guilty of vehicular manslaughter or homicide. Those few seconds that you spend looking at your phone can potentially cost someone their life or lead to serious injury.
If you do ever take someone’s life because you were texting and driving, it’s something that you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life. Imagine being reminded of that guilt every time you get behind the wheel or send a text message no matter if you’re in a vehicle or not. No matter how good of a driver you are, there’s no way of telling if your quick reflexes can avert a potentially fatal accident. Don’t allow texting while driving to slow those reflexes.
The potential consequences of texting and driving simply aren’t worth the trouble or the money it costs for tickets and higher insurance premiums. Do yourself and everyone else on the road a favor and keep both hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road while driving.

Signs That You Need to Have a Tree Removed

Posted 2014-09-20 08:42:53 | Views: 5,151
Seven Signs That You May Need to Have a Tree Removed
Mature trees can be a major asset for any property, providing shade, plentiful oxygen, clean water, a home for wildlife, and natural beauty. However, when a beloved tree begins to show signs of decay or deterioration, it may be time to consider having it removed. While dying trees can often continue to live for many years, they can pose a serious hazard to nearby power lines, people and structures. The following are important signs that you should have an assessment performed by a professional arborist.
1. Trunk Damage
Vertical cracks, hollowing trunks, dead branch stubs, and unhealed wounds are often indications of potentially serious internal decay. While many tree species can survive for quite some time with a partially hollowed trunk, their lack of structural integrity makes them especially dangerous.
2. Dead and Dying Branches
When a tree's canopy consists of 25 percent or more dead or dying branches, it is a good sign that something is wrong. Make sure to have the tree examined by a professional to determine whether it needs to be removed.
3. Lopsided Illness
Dead branches that are noticeably clustered on one side of a tree could be evidence of serious root or trunk damage on that side. Such trees pose the danger of falling limbs as well as compromised stability.
4. Epicormic and Basal Sprouting
Shoots and sprouts that originate from either the base of the tree or higher up on the trunk itself are usually a response to major environmental stress, such as adjacent construction or sudden over-exposure to sunlight after forest thinning.
5. Trunk Rot and Fungal Growth
While mushrooms often grow harmlessly at the base of certain species of tree, fungi growing on the roots, trunk, or branches of the tree itself may indicate internal rot or root disease.
6. Slanting or Leaning Trees
Nearby excavations, construction, root disease, and insect predation can all cause serious root damage, leading to leaning and lopsided trees. In general, a tree that is angled more than 15 percent from the vertical should probably be removed.
7. Endangered Power Lines
Trees planted beneath power lines can pose a major fire hazard. During wet conditions, electricity can arc up to ten feet to nearby foliage, potentially causing power failure and catastrophic property damage. Due to serious electrocution risks, a professional arborist should always handle pruning, trimming, or removal of trees beneath power lines.
Even if your backyard tree has just begun to show signs of decay or deterioration, it is always a good idea to get a professional assessment as soon as possible. In addition to forestalling costly property damage and unexpected hassle, responsible tree management can prevent potentially fatal accidents.

Why is Tree Pruning Important?

Posted 2014-09-20 08:20:00 | Views: 5,258
Why is Tree Pruning Important?
Whether you have an urban, suburban, or backwoods home, making sure to properly prune your trees from time to time is essential for maintaining a safe backyard environment. A strong gust of wind can be all it takes to bring down a dead or dying branch, creating a potentially serious hazard for adjacent power lines and buildings, not to mention anyone who happens to be nearby. Removing dead materials can also help to minimize fire risks, encourage manageable growth, and improve your landscape's aesthetics.
Choosing the Best Season
Excepting emergency branch removal, pruning (and particularly extensive pruning) should always take place during late autumn or winter. Like all living things, trees are susceptible to stresses caused by physical damage. During the colder months, however, trees are mostly dormant, making them less vulnerable to sap loss and growth stress. Additionally, since insects are also mostly dormant during the winter, they will be less likely to cause further damage to newly pruned areas. You should keep in mind that the best time and method of pruning can differ from species to species. When in doubt, feel free to contact a certified arborist to get an expert opinion on timing, approach, and any safety concerns.
Prudent Pruning
Since trees are susceptible to stress from pruning, it is also important that you make sure not to cut back too much at one time. In general, you should try to prune as minimally as possible, and never take more than about a quarter off the crown of the tree. As well as being a locus of new growth, the crown is the primary energy source for most types of tree, making it risky to prune too much too quickly.
Maintaining Optimal Growth and Branch Configuration
Responsible pruning can also be a good way to manage the growth and ultimate configuration of your trees. In addition to avoiding conflict with power lines, buildings, walkways, and drives, careful trimming can actually improve the tree's overall structural integrity. By removing extraneous, awkward, or damaged limbs, you can also prevent future issues with falling branches and poor weight distribution. Proper pruning can also keep backyard trees looking their best, promoting even growth and improved aesthetics.
Keep Safety in Mind
While smaller trees may not pose much of a problem, you should always keep in mind that large trees are best left to the pruning professionals. In addition to having the right tools for the job, these trained technicians will be able to get the work done quickly, safely, and without undue damage to the tree itself.

How Cable Railings Can Increase Your Home Value

Posted 2014-09-18 12:13:24 | Views: 5,258
How Cable Railings Can Increase Your Home Value
Home upgrades are a great way to add value to your home. When people are looking for a house to buy, they are often attracted to ones that have updated fixtures. A home that needs a lot of fixing up can be a deterrent to house hunters. People who are interested in fixer uppers will probably want to spend less because of all the work that is required to update the interior. This is why many of today’s homeowners are renovating to update their home and increase its value. 

Although there are many renovations that can increase your home’s resale value, cable railings are a great option. This project is budget friendly, and the results are uniquely beautiful.
Unobstructed Views
Cable railings are extremely popular on the exterior of a home. This provides the homeowners with unobstructed views of their surroundings. If you have a great outdoor environment, updating your outdoor railing is a great way to make your home look more attractive to potential homebuyers. The same unobstructed views are popular in the interior of your home. This is a great way to blend the different spaces in your home.
Illusion of Larger Space
Cable railings are becoming more and more popular because they create the illusion of larger space. A lot of people that do not want to spend a large sum of money on a room addition can add these railings to make their home feel more open. Traditional wood railings tend to close of spaces. They also limit the flow in houses. When you have a cable railing, it is easy for your eyes to move from room to room. This is more visually pleasing to people, and it is calming as well.
They're Popular
Cable railings are en vogue. They are more modern than traditional finishes – something that many of today’s home buyers prefer. In addition, the railings can blend well with multiple design styles. They simply help update the visual look of your home. When a potential homebuyer walks in, they will love seeing something different than a traditional railing.
High Quality
One of the top reasons to upgrade to a cable railing is because they are high in quality. When people are looking for a home, they are attracted to the ones with quality fixtures. These types of fixtures last longer and look better than the standard finishes.
If you want to make an impact in your home and increase its resale value, then a cable railing is a great option. You will love the result from this home makeover.

How Chameleon Trucking Companies are a Threat

Posted 2014-09-17 14:19:47 | Views: 5,130
How Chameleon Trucking Companies are a Threat
If you've never heard the term “chameleon trucking company” before, count yourself lucky—it’s usually something people find out about once they've become a victim. Just like any other industry, if it sounds too good to be true in the moving business, it probably is. There’s a reason hiring movers is relatively expensive: It’s a hard job, they have to carry serious insurance, and long haul moves are getting more expensive as gas prices rise.
A chameleon trucking company does “bad stuff” to your property, then closes up shop and reopens under a new name to avoid legal action. This “bad stuff” can be intentional, such as stealing your property, or it can be unintentional but the owners don’t want to face the music. Maybe they didn’t carry insurance and broke your precious belongings or they hired crooks who took your electronics to a pawn shop.
Pulling a disappearing act doesn’t just cost you—it can actually threaten your life. Here’s how.
What Insurance?
Once a moving company touches your property, they’re in charge of it staying in the same condition as when you handed it off. However, if they’re careless and/or don’t have insurance, what happens if they break your treadmill and don’t take care of it? You could easily hurt yourself and they’ll have already disappeared.
The same could be true of electronics, which can be a fire hazard if damaged. In some extreme instances, these companies can even hold your property for ransom. You’re trusting movers with nearly every speck of your property, and doing so blindly without proper research and put you in harm’s way. Don’t go with the lowest offer unless you’ve properly done your homework.
How They’re Getting Away With It

Surprisingly, chameleon companies get by more often than you think. The property owners are already stressed out and may be in a new location after the move. They can’t get ahold of the moving company, and any physical location listed is suddenly vacant. Filing a police report is the next step, but there are no guarantees. Most chameleon companies are skilled at doing this and have their bases covered.
However, there are still some things you can do—like hire an attorney. If you were physically or emotionally hurt by the actions of a moving company, an injury lawsuit might be a good approach. Partnered with a private investigator if necessary, you might be able to track down those responsible and get restitution for your experience. You can also couple your claim with a property damage lawsuit to maximize potential compensation.
Preying on the Weak

Moving companies know that you’re at a disadvantage while moving. You’re scrambled, stressed and have a lot on your plate. In other words, it’s prime time to pull a scam. You can prevent this by checking references and being wary of low-ball offers. A reputable company will be established with zero BBB complaints and are happy to share testimonials. Why trust yourself to a shady company? You and your property deserve better.

Six Trees to Plant in the Northwest to Attract Birds

Posted 2014-09-16 13:20:49 | Views: 4,778
Six Trees to Plant in the Northwest to Attract Birds
If you're an avian enthusiast, you likely keep at least one or two feeders and a ready supply of water to attract you local feathered friends. However, if you really want to create a bustling year-round habitat that will draw an active assortment of birds, planting a few well-chosen trees is a good way to go. These six trees are great Northwest choices for livening up your backyard.

1. Birch (Betula)

This large group of deciduous shrubs and trees offers attractive, nectar-laden flowers during the spring (popularly known as catkins), and plentiful seeds in late autumn. These dense-packed grains are irresistible to many small perching birds, including redpolls, chickadees, and pine siskins. Depending on the variety, birches can grow to heights ranging from 3 to 70 feet.

2. Beech (Fagus)

Beech trees are on the medium to small size. After flowering in the spring, they quickly develop prickly fruits containing small brown nuts that make excellent feeding for birds that overwinter locally. Species that enjoy beechnuts include warblers, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, jays, and some types of woodpecker. Beeches will reach between 20 and 100 feet, and some varieties can even be trimmed to form handsome hedges.
3. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
The horse chestnut is another deciduous tree that makes a spectacular show of nectar-rich blossoms early in the year, followed by huge palm-shaped leaves that provide ample shelter for birds to perch, nest, and feed in safety. In the fall, the horse chestnut produces a leathery fruit containing nutrient-rich, nutlike seeds. This tree prefers full sun, and grows 30 to 75 feet.
4. Magnolia (Magnolia)
Magnolia trees come in evergreen and deciduous varieties, and can be identified instantly by their dramatic white-to-mauve springtime blooms and thick, waxy leaves. In the late summer, magnolias offer beautiful cone-shaped clusters of bright red seeds that bring in larger perching birds like sapsuckers, vireos, and woodpeckers. Magnolia species enjoy full-sun to partial shade conditions, and reach mature heights between 10 and 80 feet.
5. Redbud (Cercis)
This popular deciduous ornamental offers a breathtaking profusion of magenta-hued flowers in the spring that lead to reddish-brown, beanlike pods that last well into winter. These pods provide a nutrition-packed treat to chickadees, nuthatches, and many other seed-loving birds. Redbuds grow well under full sun and light-shade conditions, and reach heights between 10 and 35 feet.
6. Maple (Acer)
From native vine varieties to bright-colored sugar maples and distinctive Japanese ornamentals, maple trees and shrubs produce a plethora of small, winged nuts relished by robins, warblers, vireos, wrens, finches, and many other birds. Depending on the species, mature maple trees can reach heights between 15 and 35 feet.

Why Is High Cholesterol Common in Children?

Posted 2014-09-16 12:45:55 | Views: 4,839
Why Is High Cholesterol Common in Children?
It used to be that we didn't have to worry about health problems until our older years, but now evidence is showing that high cholesterol is common in children. Specifically, scientific evidence has showed that the atherosclerotic process, which is the accumulation of fatty plaque in the arteries, has begun as early as childhood and continues into the stages of adulthood. So what is the source of the childhood cholesterol calamity?
The Root of the Problem
One of the main reasons that high levels of cholesterol are so common in children is that many children don’t exercise and engage in as much physical activity as they should, nor do they eat properly. Not only is high cholesterol common in children, obesity is as well, which is one of the main contributing factors to an individual having high cholesterol.
Studies have shown that bad cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein, is more common in boys than it is girls while girls are more prone to having higher levels of good cholesterol, also known as high-density lipoprotein. Obese children are more likely to have higher levels of cholesterol overall. Not only that, but Hispanic children aged 9 to 11 were found to have more triglycerides and less good cholesterol than non-Hispanic children.
Stepping Away From the Edge
Thankfully, there are several things that children and their parents can do to change the statistics surrounding high cholesterol and children. Preventative efforts include:
- Not smoking around children
- Making sure that kids get enough aerobic exercise
- Identifying high blood pressure as soon as possible and taking steps to treat it
- Diagnosing diabetes early and treating it effectively
- Ensuring that children who are two or older get at least four cups of fruit and vegetables and that they eat a low-fat diet
In addition to the above preventative efforts, parents should also make sure that they test their child’s cholesterol levels, especially children who have a family history of high cholesterol or heat problems.
Putting the Medicine Cart Before the Horse
Another concern is that children are being put on medication when they don’t necessarily need it. It’s much better that a child first change their eating and exercise habits before they start taking any type of medication for their high levels of cholesterol. In most cases, only one to two percent of children with dyslipidemia will need to be put on any kind of medication.
To make things easier for children with high cholesterol, it’s a good idea for their parents to join them in their new eating and exercising habits. Not only is this a great way for everyone in the family to stay healthy, it’s a good way for families to bond.