Modesty is not insecurity. On the contrary, you have to be very secure to be a modest person in this immodest culture. • Modesty is not bashfulness. The modest person freely chooses to keep certain things private. • Modesty is not shame. Being ashamed of one’s physical characteristic is a psychological problem and has nothing to do with modesty. • Modesty is not symptomatic of sexual hang-ups. To be modest is not to oppose sexual expression but the vice of lasciviousness (Vaughan and Vaughan 8)
Modesty is having the propriety to cover your physical self and your actions. Modesty is an attitude of the heart. If your heart is lustful or self-focused, the way you behave and dress will display that. Modesty is often associated with women but it includes men as well. We will, however, be focusing on women mostly. In 1 Timothy 2:9-10 it says, “I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” This is not saying, “Put a sack on your head and slave at everyone’s feet.” It is saying, “Wear clothing and an air that would please God.” Is a low shirt that shows a lot of chest or a skirt that shows your thighs pleasing you God? Well, why are we wearing it? If we’re wearing it to get attention, we will. Is that the kind of attention we want? Do we want every man that we pass to look at our skin? What about the guys who really try to guard what they see? Do we want to make them to stumble or be too uncomfortable to look at us? That is why God says to clothe ourselves with good deeds. If we focus on what is pleasing to God we will start wanting to cover ourselves decently.