Why is Modesty Important?
Modesty is important because it is important to God. God has made men attracted to women’s bodies and women attracted to men’s bodies. That is great! God doesn’t want his men or women to stumble, though. Because he said our lives should be free from lust he wants us to be sure we are helping each other not to lust. When you see a lot of skin it gets difficult not to. Now, I am not saying we are responsible for what others do, if someone has a lustful heart they will lust no matter how much clothing we are wearing!
We do need to be considerate to others, however, and not purposefully through stumbling block in our neighbor’s path. This is not meant to judge anyone. This is to give a bit of insight and to encourage us to be modest. Examine our hearts. Examine our motives. If we find deficiencies there we should ask God to renew our minds (Romans12:2) and get on board with modesty!