God is love (1. John). So if God is love, what exactly does that make love? To figure that out we need to determine who God is. We know from the Bible that God sent His son to die on a cross for every sin that has been committed by us (John). This would show His sacrifice. From this we can conclude that since God is love and He sacrifices, the first thing love is, is sacrifice.
What else is God? Well, God didn’t just let His son die in vain. There was a purpose behind it. That purpose was so that our sins would be wiped away and He could forgive us. God is forgiving (Paul). Love is forgiving.
God didn’t do these things because He had to. He chose to do them. God chooses to sacrifice and forgive. Love is a choice. God’s son, Jesus, died but he didn’t stay dead. Jesus rose from the grave and lives forever in heaven with his Father. God is everlasting (Moses). Love is everlasting.