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Harrison Ford - Never the Hottest

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 9,689
“I was always very grateful I was never 'hot,' ... In the entire length of my career, I haven't been the hottest, the No. 1, the most adored. I've always been somewhere down from the top, so I've never had to suffer being knocked off the top.”
- Harrison Ford 

Math sucks

Posted by AlikiZine Views: 10,664
"I love math!" 


Posted by AlikiZine Views: 8,625
LOL, its me and the girls!!! #selfie

No more weddings.

Posted by indiadebeaufort Views: 8,937
Everything begins with an idea.  It might not be the brightest, it might not be groundbreaking, and you are most likely not the first to think of it, but it might be something worth working for. It might be something you are meant to see through. It might just BE something.

I have an idea. I have this idea that I might be really good at editing. In my experience doing something you love, usually makes you pretty good at it. Invested. Passionate. So I decided I would open up shop. I am going to find pieces from all over, bring those pieces to one place, and make them accessible to like minded people. Pieces I chose. Handpicked. Love.

My problem is I am a YES person. YES I will show at NYFW. YES I will give the MC Hammer pants a try. YES I will bake your wedding cake (almost always regret that one). And so here I am, YES I really think I can do this. After all how hard can it be? I'm not reinventing the wheel. Buy some old stuff, mark it up, flog it at the local flea market. Have a lovely time.

Turns out it's a teensy bit more complicated than that. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but here's how it goes in Los Angeles...

First you'll need a Sellers Permit (thats an hour or so online). You need to register your ficticious business name (thats a trip to the court house, get prepared to wait). Next you post an ad in your local paper (It's an old school law that makes your business legit, and I kinda love that it's never been changed). Some merchandise requires a police permit. I require two police permits and one state. That involves an orientation at the police department and a whole load of forms. You gotta get your business licence (City Hall for that one). You need to open up a bank account. You're going to need a federal tax ID and you have to handle your income tax etc. And thats not even half of it. Every time I visit a new office, I find out I need a new permit / license / form. There are City laws, County laws, State laws and Federal laws. It's a lot to follow, and it's not like you're handed a list. You're essentially covering your arse blind. And I am a company of one. Add an employee to that payroll and it's a whole other can of worms.

Is it worth it? YES. To me, so far, it is. Because all the red tape is only making me want it more. The anticipation is fantastic! I am literally chomping at the bit to buy my first load of old junk. And I have to say, all in all, the government officials have been kind and helpful. Especially at the Board of Equalization. They're my favourite. Thanks Sarah. 

By the time I sell my first piece, I will have achieved something great. I think it will be a moment in my life. Another goal I just went for. I am proud of that. Point is, if you like my blog and you like my taste, it's going to be available shortly. As long as no one else gets married. My oven needs a break.

More to come. ;-)

The Get It Girls (Photo)

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 9,273
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Toddler in Tears Expecting Iron Man

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 9,457

Robert Downey Jr. made a toddler cry because he wasn't the 'real' Iron Man.The actor - best known for playing the superhero and his billionaire alter ego Tony Stark - left 18-month-old superfan Jaxson Denno in floods of tears because he wasn't wearing his character's trademark red and gold suit in public.

Heather Denno, Jaxson's mother, was left to console her sobbing son, who was devastated to discover his favourite Marvel comics hero was a work of fiction.She told People magazine: 'He was fine as soon as he talked to him. [He] was so confused because I kept telling him it was Iron Man and he knew it wasn't. Well, not Iron Man in the suit.'

Source: Daily Mail 

Oh Yeah - Vanessa Lake

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 11,474

Peeping Tom Installs Hidden Cam in Bathroom

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,440

Christopher Galt, 25, admitted voyeurism after footage taken from the device showed him installing and checking on the equipment on several occasions.

Householders became aware of the camera when they spotted a green flashing light coming from the extractor vent above the bath.

Initially they thought it was some kind of alarm but on closer inspection they discovered it was a USB camera. DC Steve Jenkinson, of Lancashire Constabulary’s public protection unit, said: “The people who discovered it checked to see what was on the camera.

“When they saw that it was themselves they were shocked and immediately reported it to the police.”



A peeping Tom installed a hidden camera in a bathroom to spy on people using the facilities. 

Fucking Gross! 

Galt, of Wentworth Avenue, Inskip, near Preston, was arrested but denied he had been using the camera to spy on the householders, telling officers he had installed it to check if his dogs had been damaging the bathroom.

However he later pleaded guilty to voyeurism at Preston Crown Court.

The householders, who lived in a rented property, left the house that day and have since found other accommodation.

DC Jenkinson said it was not possible to say exactly how long the camera had been hidden in the bathroom but it could have been there for a number of months.

Galt was handed a community order and ordered to undergo two years supervision with the probation service.

Oscar Wilde - Choosing Friends Quote

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 9,225
“I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects.” 
- Oscar Wilde

Our Rights - Thomas Jefferson

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 9,161
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Declaration of Independence

Aban Sonia - Joyriding

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 11,480

Works by Rudy Shepherd

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 9,428

Rudy Shepherd’s latest work explores the nature of evil through the mediums of painting and sculpture. This exploration involves investigations into the lives of criminals and victims of crime. He explores the complexity of these stories and the grey areas between innocence and guilt in a series of paintings and drawings of both the criminals and the victims, making no visual distinctions between the two. By presenting the people first and the stories second a space is created for humanity to be reinstilled into the lives of people who have been reduced to mere headlines by the popular press.

Going along with these portraits is a series of sculptures called the Black Rock Negative Energy Absorbers. They are a group of sculptures meant to remove negative energy from people allowing them to respond to life with the more positive aspects of their personality. It is on one hand a response to living in New York City for the last seven years and witnessing the madness that take place on the subway system, and an approach to political art that hopes to push the dialogue started in the late 80’s/early 90’s forward into 2008 by looking at the problems of society in a more comprehensive way, incorporating the rhetoric of new age mythology, and ancient religions.

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KIKI VALDES - Limited Edition Shirt - Sale ends June 18th

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 19,823,979
 Hey Friends, 
This is my first T-Shirt. I wanted to have fun and share something with all of you. The drawing on the shirt is a character that I use as a starting point for many of my recent paintings. These will be available for a very limited time so act now and get one today. Colors of shirts are Black and Royal Blue. Female fitted tees are also available. 
Thanks for the support.
Kiki Valdes

Place an order:

The easiest way to build a beautiful blog

Posted by Humby Views: 19,350
Experience a whole new way of creating online
No reload, no waiting, no previews. Just a faster way to do things. Click, move, edit and resize instantaneously!

What you see is what you get... 
While doing it!
Create things you've never seen online before.
Change the font to tell your story

Sunny day in NYC

Posted by Humby Views: 18,286
Another sunny day over New York City...

What Next? - Chicken Diapers...really?

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,905

Baker told HuffPost Weird News that the family has been involved in the poultry show community for a long time (yes, there is such a thing as a poultry show community) but the little cluckers kept messing themselves up. So she made a diaper that fastens over the chicken's tail feathers and, with the help of a paper towel, keeps everything clean. Plus, it's machine washable.

"Everyone wanted to know where we got them -- and the orders started rolling in," Baker said. "I have a lot of customers that keep their chickens in the house full-time, and they love the diapers."

Her business, Pampered Poultry, also helps out humans. She pays employees at a women's sewing cooperative in Munoz, Dominican Republic to create the diapers, then picks the finished product up once every couple of months.

The chicken diaper colors -- including Ocean Blue, Parrot Green and Purple Rust -- are only available while supplies last. You can get one for $12.50 at or check out Baker's chicken saddles and other attire.

Chicken Diapers? 

Are you tired of your delicious meal pooping on your carpet? Do you want your chicken to be the cock of the town? Then get yourself a pair of chicken diapers. Julie Baker, a farmer in Claremont, N.H.,invented the poultry couture to keep the horrific mess of chicken excrement off your floors -- while your chicken stays in high fashion.

My Nest thermostat review

Posted by Humby Views: 17,812
My Nest 
She’s pretty tech savvy, she’s been using computers since the punch card days. But every now and then she’ll ask me silly questions like how to email pictures from her iPhone.

I've known about the Nest thermostat for awhile now but it never occurred to me it would be the perfect gift. They market it from an energy savings angle, and stuff like that doesn't interest me. My mom lives in Miami so I doubt the Nest would be much of an energy saving thing. During most of the year, especially in the summer the air conditioning is on all day. But to be honest, I didn’t really care... It looks beautiful and it’s connected to the internet, the cool factor does it.

I sent the Nest website to my Mom for the “OK” and she was amazed.

Nest is beautiful. Interacting with it is a delight. After it was installed I found myself adjusting it just to touch it. It’s really nice. The only negative, if I had to give one, is that the screen isn’t high resolution. Everything else with the hardware is awesome.
The hardest part to installing Nest had nothing to do with Nest

On the Nest website they have a guide tool. It walks you through the process of figuring out if you a/c is compatible with Nest. You can also email them pictures of your thermostat and they can figure it out for you.

Since the Nest is so nice, I wanted the wall to look perfect. When I removed the old thermostat I plastered, sanded and painted the wall (Home Depot color match paint is a lifesaver). It took hours to get the wall ready and was the longest and most annoying part. Installing the Nest took literally like 5 mins.

It's like the first time you used a remote to change the channel on your TV

The Nest is connected to the internet via your Wifi. After you install and set it up (zipcode, wifi password, software update and link your phone), you can control it from your phone or the Nest website. This is the my mom’s favorite feature. I think this is Nest's best selling point.

It also learns your daily routine and programs itself accordingly. It also provides reports and history stuff so you can totally nerd out on use stats of your house.

My Mom is super happy with it. It was fun installing it for her and it looks beautiful! It’s a bit on the pricy side. 
I wanted to get my Mom a gift that she would use every day.

Art by Ella Sadkin

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 10,286
Ella Sadkin is a 26-year old london based artist who works primarily with acrylic and graffiti pens to produce colourful and abstract works. 
With its hard black lines, bright flat colour and organic and geometric shapes, her style is often described as surrealist cartooning. 
Sadkin was a child of the nineties and a huge cartoon fan, and cites early drawing of The Simpson's characters as her first foray into cartooning. 

Inside Out Project

Posted by chie | Views: 995
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ABOUT: On March 2, 2011, JR won the TED prize at the TED Conference in Long Beach, California, and called for the creation of a global participatory art project with the potential to change the world. This project is called INSIDE OUT.

Inspired by JR’s large‐format street "pastings", INSIDE OUT gives everyone the opportunity to share their portrait and make a statement for what they stand for. It is a global platform for people to share their untold stories and transform messages of personal identity into works of public art.

Each INSIDE OUT group action around the world is documented, archived and exhibited online. Over 120,000 posters have been sent to more than 108 countries since March 2011.

The INSIDE OUT project has traveled from Ecuador to Nepal, from Mexico to Palestine, inspiring group actions on varied themes such as hope, diversity, gender-based violence, climate change... Discover the extent of the project through some selected actions.

a New JR x Jose Parla Mural in NYC

Posted by chie Views: 1,476
JR  x  José Parlá
new mural in New York City, on 24th st. and 10th ave.           4/29/2013