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Obama Sworn in with Satanic Bible

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,268






















Let the drone killings continue!

Puppets pledge to a more hellish power.

Rihanna fan gets same tattoo as her

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 17,065



Not to long ago Rihanna took to her Instagram page to proudly display her latest tat to her NAVY. The Tattoo is of the goddess Isis and is located under her breasts. She wrote, “Goddess Isis- Complete Woman – Model for future generations- #GRANGRANDOLLY – always in and on my heart #1love.” While rihanna did it in honor of someone very close to her, she may have started a trend. One of her fans got the outstanding tat design and in the same place as Rih!

Compare tattoos below

Rihanna's from her instagram...and her delusional fan's tat. The tattoo is already pretty questionable...a cheap copy just makes shit worse.

George Condo with Keith Haring and Grace Jones

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 18,893

Georges Condo,Keith Haring, Grace Jones, JC/DC and Guilhem at his birthday. 


Malick Sidibe, Yokoro

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 14,773

Malick Sidibe, Yokoro, 1970/2008

The Creative Process

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,378

How to cut your nails in space

Posted by Humby Views: 17,230

How to cut your nails in space

Damn Firefox!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,665

Damn yo, Firefox stole my cookies!

Loyal Dog Attends Mass After Owners Death

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 12,509

After Lochi died, the dog "joined mourners at her funeral service" according to locals and "followed after Maria's coffin" as it was carried into the church.


Tommy, a stray who was adopted by Lochi, has been showing up "when the bell rings out to mark the beginning of services" ever since.

"He's there every time I celebrate mass and is very well behaved," Father Donato Panna told the paper. "He doesn't make a sound."


None of the other parishioners has complained, Panna said, and villagers give the dog food and water and allow him to sleep nearby.

"I've not heard one bark from him in all the time he has been coming in," Panna added. "He waits patiently by the side of the altar and just sits there quietly. I didn't have the heart to throw him out—I've just recently lost my own dog, so I leave him there until Mass finishes and then I let him out."

A loyal dog whose owner died late last year has apparently been showing up for Mass every day for the last two months at the church where the funeral was held.


Tommy, a 7-year-old German shepherd, used to accompany his owner, Maria Margherita Lochi, to services at Santa Maria Assunta church in San Donaci, Italy, according to the Daily Mail, and was allowed to sit at her feet.

Tommy at Santa Maria Assunta church (Nikonarte Fotografia/Daily Mail)

Alicia Keys Moving to Englewood Cliffs, NJ?

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,172

Alicia Keys $15 Million Penthouse

The brokerbabble emphasizes the sought-after-ness of the penthouse at 30 Crosby Street—but who, exactly, is doing the seeking?Alicia Keys and husband Swizz Beatz listed the place for $17.95 million in March (they're buying Eddie Murphy's New Jersey mansion with recording studio), and since then…nada. In fact, the PriceChopper just stopped by, and the new ask is $2.95M cheaper, at $15 million. If this girl was ever on fire, the flame has been doused.

The penthouse used to belong to Lenny Kravitz, who went on his own epic PriceChopper journey with the place. He paid $7.128 million for it in 2000 and relisted it (after an also epic renovation) for $17 million in 2002. Eight years later, he finally sold it to Keys for $12.75 million.

Source: NY-Curbed

Minnesota Lawyer bills Client for Sex

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 12,733



Thomas P. Lowe, 58, won't have a chance for reinstatement for at least a year and three months after the decision, filed Thursday, Jan. 10, by the Minnesota Supreme Court.

Lowe, an attorney since 1985, had known the client for many years. Both are from Valley City, N.D. The woman met with Lowe in August 2011 to discuss pursuing a divorce from her husband.


He agreed to represent her. During a phone call days later, Lowe asked about her sexual relationship with her husband, commented on her appearance and asked if she was interested in sex with him.


The following month, they began an affair that lasted until March. At various points, Lowe billed the woman for legal services on the dates of their sexual encounters, coding the time as meetings or drafting memos.


In March, after several arguments with the woman about the affair and his own marriage, Lowe said he was breaking things off. Two days later, he said he was withdrawing as her attorney.


That day, the woman, who was considered vulnerable because of past abuse and mental health treatment, tried to kill herself. While hospitalized, she disclosed the affair.

The Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility brought the petition against Lowe in July. He initially denied much of it, but now "unconditionally admits the allegations," according


to court filings. A man who answered the phone at Lowe's office Monday said Lowe was unavailable.

An Eagan lawyer is suspended indefinitely after having an affair with a client whom he represented in a divorce, then billing her for time they spent having sex.

Minnesota Sex Lawyer for Hire 

A Dream Super Girl Come True

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 12,572


Nutella Shit Baby

Posted by Wildcats Views: 22,330

That awkward moment when you mistake shit for Nutella

Yoshimasa TSUCHIYA: sculptor

Posted by chie Views: 8,962

art talk

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 18,199


K I K I  V A L D E S

Hosted by Monocle Order & Black Banditz

as apart of a series of artist talks during  Sunset Session at the Kings & Grove Tides Hotel during Art Basel Week.

Friday, December 7th 

Moderated by: Michael Margulies

King and Grove Tides Hotel 1220 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139.

7:00–8:30 pm



Kiki Valdes - Miami Project

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 16,387

K I K I   V A L D E S

"Bull's Head"

(Oil, cut canvas on wood panel) 2010

BOOTH #217




Miami Project Fair in Midtown for Art Basel

Dec 4th - Dec 9th. NE 1st Avenue and 29 Street. Miami FL, 33137

M I A M I   P R O J E C T









Detail of "The Barn"

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 17,503

CRYPTIK movement

Posted by chie Views: 7,931


is a public art campaign dedicated to helping humanity evolve towards greater awareness and understanding through the use of compelling, iconic imagery that demands both scrutiny and reverie.


The purpose of this organization is to facilitate the development of a deeper, more meaningful philosophy of life. Our main objective is to challenge people to think of other possibilities and to see a different reality; one that encompasses many ideologies, philosophies, and belief systems in order to help us better understand our place in the universe.


The organization is entirely free of any religious or political agendas and, therefore, serves only to provoke wonder and inspire thought. The goal of this organization is to serve as a catalyst for a change in consciousness on a global scale. At this very critical juncture in human history, either we evolve or DIE!! Join the Movement! The “Great Awakening” is upon us.                                      via:

images via : design wars


Posted by chie Views: 8,820






Calligraffiti is a combination of calligraphy and graffiti. Calligraphy is about the art of writing and can have many forms. Whether it be Japanese ancient brush characters, Arabic pictorial scripts, illuminated mediaeval books or swirly quill writing… all calligraphy.  via: Calligraffiti





This is the Artist:

Niels Shoe Meulman  

from Amsterdam


Keith Haring on the 1980's Art Boom

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,254

Inspiring Words from Tupac Shakur

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 10,727


We are living in crazy times. High unemployment, high gas rates, crazy weather and war. Sometimes we need some words of encouragement, don't we? Who better else to speak to us then the legendary Tupac Shakur!? Here I compiled a list of inspiring words by the man that went against all odds and changed popular culture forever. Keep your head up!

"Reality is wrong, dreams are for real." 

"You gotta keep your sense of humor. You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit."

"Just cuz you live in the ghetto doesn't mean you can't grow"

"Get off your ass if you plan to be rich.”