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David Hasselhoff Saving Berlin Wall

Posted by Wildcats Views: 11,703
“This is like tearing down an Indian burial ground. It’s a no-brainer,” the 60-year-old former Baywatch star told reporters at a packed press conference at a club near the Wall. “This is the last memorial to the people who died and to the perseverance of freedom.”

“Somebody said to me: ‘What if they tore down the Brandenburg Gate?’ I think there’d be a bit of a protest there too. If you tried to get near 9/11, where [the terror attacks] happened, you’d have a lot of problems,” he said.

The segment of the Wall in question is known as the East Side Gallery, a touristattraction and one of the few remaining signs of Berlin's Cold War division. After German reunification in 1990, the 1.3-kilometre stretch of concrete barrier was covered in colourful murals from artists around the world. 

But plans for a high-end residential development along the banks of the Spree River as well as providing access to a footbridge require a 22-metre part of the Wall to be dismantled. After angry demonstrations in recent weeks, the plans have been put on hold. Talks with the Berlin government and local district authorities are set to commence on March 18.

After hearing about the demolition work, Hasselhoff, known affectionately by his fans as The Hoff, decided to travel to Berlin to voice his support for the protestors fighting to keep the East Side Gallery intact. He also took the opportunity to recount his experiences of traveling through East Germany shortly after the Wall fell.
US entertainer David Hasselhoff on Sunday tried to rally support to halt the planned demolition of part of the Berlin Wall for luxury apartments along the German capital’s riverfront. 
Hasselhoff: "Off The Wall!"
keep reading this story 
Source: The Local 

Giant Freak Rats Invade Tehran

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 11,271
teenage mutant iranian  

The Iranian capitol of Tehran is suffering from a pest problem we don’t envy — Rodents of Unusual Size have come to plague the city. While they’re not the nearly human sized creatures native to the Fire Swamp, Iranian officials have reported that the “genetically mutated” creatures weigh in at up to 11 pounds. That’s larger than some of the cats that prowl the city’s streets, and big enough to warrant government backed teams of snipers whose job is to hunt down the voluminous vermin, because of course they’re resistant to traditional poison. Of course they are.

More than 2,200 of the rats have been killed so far, their corpses either burned or buried in pits of lime — which seems like a bit much, really. I mean, these are rats you’re dealing with, not vampires. That said, if I had to dispose of an eleven pound rat, I’m not sure what I would think is the right way to do so. I would probably just run away screaming and never look back, so, hey, goa and and torch the things, Iran. What do I know?

Aside from the rather dubious “radiation” answer given by one city council member, there’s no telling yet what is responsible for the rats increased size. The resistance to poison isn’t unique to Iran, though, having been seen in rats throughout Europe, including these British rats. The problem is getting so bad that plans are in the works to raise the number of snipers on rat-hunting detail from 10 to 40 in the coming weeks.

So if you’ve got the rare but coveted ‘Giant Rats’ space on your Apocalypse Countdown Bingo card, now would probably be the time to cover that bad boy up. Congratulations, I guess?

Iran Rolls Out Teams of Snipers to Battle Enormous Mutant Rats

Casting Obama as Satan for "The Bible"

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 10,091

The History Channel released a mini-series called “The Bible” which is making headlines for one its cast members, Satan. The actor who plays Satan is Mohamen Mehdi Ouazann and happens to resemble the President of the United States, Barack Obama. The media has been on an outrageous circuit since the episode aired and now it’s making national headlines. CNN reported:

Buzz on Twitter quickly grew. According to on Monday, there were an estimated 20,000 tweets containing the words “Obama” and “Satan” since the 9:00 p.m. ET hour on Sunday, the hour in which Satan appears in the two-hour show.

In a statement, miniseries producer Mark Burnett called claims there was a resemblance “utter nonsense.”

Burnett said the actor who played Satan, Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni, “is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor. He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics –including Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our President.”

What ever the story maybe, it has simply gone too far. Comparing Obama to Satan or anything pertaining any Biblical character is simply too far.

Obama as Satan
New History Channel show "The Bible" cast actor to play the Devil who resembles President Obama. 

Why do dogs sniff other dogs asses?

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,775


Dogs have two anal glands in their rectums, which emit a strong scent. Dogs sniff each other’s butts in order to get a whiff of it. The aroma they smell gives them detailed information about the other dog.

The aroma emitted from a dog’s butt tells other dogs vital information about him. It tells his sex, health status and temperament. Therefore, on a first meeting, two unacquainted dogs know if they want to befriend each other or not. So what does that mean to us? We need to trust our dog’s instincts.

If he doesn’t like another dog, there is probably  a good reason. The other dog doesn't pass the sniff test. So let nature take its course. Allow your dog choose his own friends because in the long run he nose best.

Do you ever wonder why dogs sniff each other’s butts?Whether the dogs are new acquaintances or old ones, they meet up and immediately run to the rear. Most people believe this is their way of saying “hello.“ However, this belief is a myth. Dogs sniff each other’s butts for a much deeper reason.


Posted by indiadebeaufort Views: 9,131
A N N   Y E E
Photography by Stephen Wilson
My wonderful friend, fashion forward designer ANN YEE presented her Fall 2013 collection at NYFW this February. ANN thinks outside the box and it pays off, speaking to a generation of women looking for something different. From her signature triple collar to her own original prints, ANN's collection screams unconventional edge. The only downside is that we have to wait until the fall to get our hands on it. In the meantime you can satisfy your need to stand out at where you can purchase her spring collection, also available in selected stores. 

Quiet about Migraine Headaches? Study finds people stay quiet.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 9,822

Migraines are not just a headache. They are excruciating, often a pulsating and throbbing pain that can make the head feel as if it will explode. Some sufferers experience auras or vision changes, some vomit and some lock themselves in a dark, silent room until the pain subsides.

A new study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Lincoln Division and Bryan Health, finds relief may not be in a pill bottle but in some relatively easy tweaks in lifestyle -- from what you eat, how much you sleep and how much you exercise.

“Generally, narcotics aren’t that effective and aren’t appropriate for chronic headaches,” said Nancy Waltman, professor of nursing and nurse practitioner at the UNMC College of Nursing Lincoln Division. “The best treatment is a combination of dietary changes, adjustments in sleep and exercise, avoiding triggers and preventative medication.''

Waltman and Catherine Parker, nurse manager in Employee Health Services at Bryan Medical Center, conducted the 12-month study together. They had 80 participants -- all employees and students at Bryan Medical Center between the ages of 25 and 67.

Analyzing data of 28 participants, Waltman and Parker found a significant decrease in frequency (76 percent) and severity (31 percent) of migraines when participants simply adjusted their lifestyles. And 66 percent of those taking part in the study said their perception of disability due to headaches also had decreased.

“We’ve found that a lot of women remain silent and don’t get treated for their migraines,” Waltman said.

An estimated 28 million Americans suffer from debilitating migraine headaches.

Less than half of them will get diagnosed or seek help. Instead, they will suffer through the symptoms by isolating themselves, taking over-the-counter medicines and calling in sick to work, to school and to life.

Migraines are three times more common in women than they are in men.

Dave Coulier + John Stamos Lesbians (LOL)

Posted by Wildcats Views: 11,740


Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 8,312
George Sanchez-Calderon
Christopher Carter
Nicola Costantino
Johnny Robles
Kiki Valdes
Jel Martinez
Constanza Piaggio 
David Marsh
JeanPaul Mallozzi
Ruben Ubiera
Presented by: 
The Rozenblum Foundation
The Michael Margulies Artist Agency 

Curator: Kiki Valdes
8:00pm - 11:00pm
2155 Washington Court Suite 109
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(Behind Bass Museum) 





Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 8,375
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George Sanchez-Calderon
Christopher Carter
Nicola Costantino
Johnny Robles
Kiki Valdes
Jel Martinez
Constanza Piaggio 
David Marsh
JeanPaul Mallozzi
Ruben Ubiera

2155 Washington Court #109
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(Behind Bass Museum) 
8pm - 11pm 

Curator: Kiki Valdes


Posted by indiadebeaufort Views: 9,677

I am primarily an Actor by trade. Pilot season is usually a six week run between February and the end of March when available actors audition non stop to book the coveted pilot. This year around 100 pilots are being made, a vast number of which will never even be seen, in fact more than the majority. A lucky few will make it to our TV screens, and even fewer will make it through the season. A handful will be renewed for a second season, and the most fascinating part is that it is entirely luck of the draw. We can all make educated guesses, but no one really knows what will or won't make the cut. 

In what way is this related to a style blog? Two ways, the first being a pardon for my absence. As much as I would love to blog all day everyday, during these few months I'm afraid I'll barely take a photo. The second is that every audition is for a different character. Each character has an identity, and the fastest way to translate your understanding of the characters identity is in your appearance.

So far in the past week I have been a young mother, a children's book editor, a beachy surfer chick, a cop, a very intelligent understated woman shopping for berries, a "can't get my shit together" personal trainer, a witch, and tomorrow I will be a lawyer. None of the above dress anything like me. In fact I think it's safe to say my version of style is rarely perfect for the part. My closet has to have costume options at all times, a plain suit I would never wear, chunky doctor shoes, a bright pink push up bra that should have been laid to rest years ago.... when you think about it, it's really quite fascinating. The way you dress say's so much about who you are, so... who do you want to be? And unlike the many girls dragging out their short black mini's to play "hot girl" you don't have to fit into anyone else's vision.... isn't that LIBERATING? WHO ARE YOU? Have some fun in your closet today and find out.



Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 11,059
Kiki Valdes is exhibiting and curating the group show FUTURESPECTIVE - Opens Feb. 14th 2013 

Can you elaborate and tell us more about your current work?

I’ve been making paintings that have a cartoon quality to them…but at the same time they are painted a bit aggressively and not so much in a traditional cartoon graphic style. Some cartoon shapes would make great abstract paintings. Cartoons are a strong force because they grab us as children….so the moment we see them as adults in a serious context we pay a bit more attention because it pulls us to childhood. The only other power to do that are parents. I see it as an extremely powerful tool to say something in painting right now. If it wasn’t I wouldn’t bother. For me it’s just a stage where I’m at right now. It makes sense to me.

Please tell us about your forthcoming group show “Futurespective.”

Well it’s cool because I partnered up with my dealer Mike and got the Rozenblum Foundation involved. The work is really about what is happening in the artist studio right now. It’s really about where these 11 artists are going. They all got different backgrounds. It’s the beginning of something special and we are piecing together all these artists that work very differently but are actively making work. None of these artists… career-wise could have a retrospective at this point in their lives….so its called FUTURESPECTIVE for the works these artists are creating right now will define where they go in their careers in the next 5 to 10 years.


George Sanchez-Calderon
Christopher Carter
Nicola Costantino
Johnny Robles
Kiki Valdes
Jel Martinez
Constanza Piaggio 
David Marsh
JeanPaul Mallozzi
Ruben Ubiera
Florencia Rodríguez Giles


Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 11,113
Johnny Robles is exhibiting in the upcoming group show "FUTURESPECTIVE" - Opening: Thursday, Feb. 14th 2013
I'm excited to show with artists whose work I like. I'm gonna be showing these new "floater" pieces. I'm in the first stages of this body of work. They're bubble like forms made from acrylic and maple wood...It's the idea of a form that's changing, like glass taking shape where what would be behind it is absent, bending the laws of nature. The idea is derived from the floaters that everyone sees on the outer shell of their eye, that constantly changing transparent shape, usually worm-like. I'm making them 3 dimensional, and trying to capture the organic shape of a soap bubble at the same time."
"I like the negative space and embracing the minimal quality, even though it's a complex form that's very carefully made. It's an exploration that's still unfolding. I work backwards. I build the frame and then I think of what's going to go in it. I build a boundary, then go into the playground and get loose." 

George Sanchez-Calderon
Christopher Carter
Nicola Costantino
Johnny Robles
Kiki Valdes
Jel Martinez
Constanza Piaggio 
David Marsh
JeanPaul Mallozzi
Ruben Ubiera
Florencia Rodríguez Giles

Presented by: 
The Rozenblum Foundation
The Michael Margulies Artist Agency 

Curator: Kiki Valdes

8:00pm - 11:00pm

2155 Washington Court Suite 109
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(Behind Bass Museum) 

More Info:
[email protected]
Opening: Thursday, Feb. 14th 2013
Words/Images via: New Times 

FUTURESPECTIVE - Opens Thursday!

Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 10,352
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Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 10,490

You experiment with layers, materials and techniques. Do you need the freedom to experiment or do you need various techniques to express who you are as an artist?

Both. These are not separate concepts in my work. They go hand-in-hand and support each other.

What are your latest interests in terms of techniques and subject matter?

Sewing is an element I’ve recently started using. It used to be something where I just did it to see what happens and now I sew a lot. My subject matter is the same as it ever was---it’s just material, shape and design.

Where do you see your art going?

I can’t predict where my art will go because I am always changing my work and challenging myself.

Does Miami inspire you?

Yes—it’s beautiful here. I’m not too inspired by the art scene as a whole, but I’m positive about what goes on within it. The atmosphere outside is more inspirational to me—for example, some of my paintings incorporate sports jerseys. I was inspired to do this out of being able to exercise and be active with my friends. Being around here keeps me in that mood.

You are part of the upcoming group show “Futurespective.” Can you tell us more about the exhibit?

I believe in the group of artists that were chosen to be a part of this show. I believe they are all great artists.

Excerpts from interview for Miami Art Zine. Words by Heike Dempster
Opening: Thursday, Feb. 14th 2013
Presented by:
The Rozenblum Foundation
The Michael Margulies Artist Agency

Curator: Kiki Valdes

8:00pm - 11:00pm

2155 Washington Court Suite 109
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(Behind Bass Museum)

More Info:
[email protected]
Works by:
George Sanchez-Calderon
Christopher Carter
Nicola Costantino
Johnny Robles
Kiki Valdes
Jel Martinez
Constanza Piaggio
David Marsh
JeanPaul Mallozzi
Ruben Ubiera
Florencia Rodríguez Giles



Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 11,068

Interview excerpts from Wonderland Magazine. 
 Opening: Thursday, Feb. 14th 2013

You are part of the upcoming group show “Futurespective.” What can you already tell us about the show and your work in it?

I think it’s something very different than what people are used to see. I know a lot of the artists in the show and have worked with some in the past. Most of them are locals, all talented. I believe people will be arrested by the element of surprise behind every corner.

You incorporate found objects such as wood, newspapers and old skateboards. Can you elaborate on why you use objects and make them part of your art?

Yes. I do incorporate all sort of objects and re-claimed wood found on the streets. It is after all our environment. I try to get objects that are unusual, items you rarely see, work with them and assemble a balanced composition with them until something starts to take shape. I find that people relate to these items, which make an initial connection, but then, I change their perspective by creating something completely different and unexpected on top of each ensemble. It has become a true definition of “one ugly item by itself, it’s just ugly – one hundred ugly items, organized and systematically planned, become beautiful.”

You are from the Dominican Republic. How does your heritage inform your art?

In almost every way. First off: color. My island has a lot of color and folklore. I try using my folklore to focus on my heritage, and hide it within my work. I don’t like to scream my origin, but if someone happens to see a symbol or a Dominican item like the “Limping Devil,” guira or drums, then great! If not, no big deal. But the reality is that a lot of ideas I have, have been brewing ever since I was a child in that small island in the Caribbean. I just now posses the tools to do it. My nationality does not dictate my art, but it shapes it. ---- Keep reading this interview right here

Works by:

George Sanchez-Calderon
Christopher Carter
Nicola Costantino
Johnny Robles
Kiki Valdes
Jel Martinez
Constanza Piaggio
David Marsh
JeanPaul Mallozzi
Ruben Ubiera
Florencia Rodríguez Giles

Presented by:
The Rozenblum Foundation
The Michael Margulies Artist Agency

Curator: Kiki Valdes

8:00pm - 11:00pm

2155 Washington Court Suite 109
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(Across from Bass Museum)

More Info:
[email protected]


Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 15,763
Nicola Costantino was born in Rosario (1964) where she studied Fine Arts, produced and exhibited her first works, and also learned the new sculpture techniques that influenced the concept of her production; the molds of human and animal bodies cast from the original that characterize her work.

In 1994 with the support of Pablo Suárez, she attended the Barracas Workshop of Antorchas Foundation coordinated by Suárez and Benedit. Shortly after moving to Buenos Aires, she spent a year in Houston, Texas, in the Core Program for Artists, where she began producing silicon human skin to make dresses and lavish coats with human hair necks. Nicola learned design and haute couture in her adolescence working with her mother in her clothes factory, which allowed her to create “Peletería humana” [Human Furriery] a work of the finest quality.

Since 1997, the support of Benzacar Gallery facilitated her inclusion in the international art scene through her participation in art fairs. The following year, she presented her “Chanchobolas” [Hog-balls], an emblematic work from the animal sculpture line that she would continue with

One of the artists featured in FUTURESPECTIVE
Group show opens Feb. 14th 

  (Biography continues below video.)
Friso de nonatos” [Frieze of Unborn Animals] in 1999 and “Animal Motion Planet” in 2004.

“Peletería Humana”, a window display with twenty mannequins dressed in Nicola’s designs, represented Argentina at the Biennial of Sao Paulo in 1998, whose director was Pablo Herkenhoff, and the theme “anthropophagy and cannibalism”.  This presentation led to several exhibitions and international biennials, and the reproduction of her work a number of catalogs. The display was also shown in the First Liverpool Biennial and Jeffrey Deitch invited her to turn his Soho gallery into a boutique in September 2000. At the same time, the selection committee of the MOMA became aware of Nicola’s work and added her “Male Nipples Corset” to their collection. This was followed by a show at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires [Buenos Aires National Museum of Fine Arts] and a second one in the projects room of The Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona.

In 2004, Nicola presented “Animal Motion Planet”, a series of orthopedic machines for unborn animals, consisting of chromed iron mechanisms powered by engines, and she launched “Savon de Corps” [Body Soap] at the MALBA [Buenos Aires Museum of Latin American Art], which is formed by a multiple of 100 pieces imitating an exclusive cosmetic product. Nicola produced this soap with 3% of fat from a liposuction and created the slogan “Take a bath with me” that attracted media attention. Nicola became the artist, the model and the prime matter of her work.

From then on, Nicola’s public relevance gave sense to her later production. The encounter with Gabriel Valansi in 2006 marked her entrance in the world of photography. In her work, she has combined two types of images: a series that refers to important works in the history of photography and art, and others that crisscross some element of her imaginary and her identity as an artist. The constant is her role as leading character representing different personalities, glamorous and feminine, hard worker, maternal, intimidating. In this last production, marked by her maternity, she adds the value of her experience a
 Opening: Thursday, Feb. 14th 2013

Works by:
George Sanchez-Calderon
Christopher Carter
Nicola Costantino
Johnny Robles
Kiki Valdes
Jel Martinez
Constanza Piaggio
David Marsh
JeanPaul Mallozzi
Ruben Ubiera
Florencia Rodríguez Giles
Presented by:
The Rozenblum Foundation
The Michael Margulies Artist Agency

Curator: Kiki Valdes

8:00pm - 11:00pm

2155 Washington Court Suite 109
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(Across from Bass Museum)

More Info:
[email protected]



Posted by indiadebeaufort Views: 12,648


Pearl and Earl can be found most days at REMIX on Beverly Blvd Los Angeles. REMIX is a hidden treasure dedicated to the faithful reproduction of the vintage shoe. And girls, we all know what that means. VINTAGE SHOES IN OUR SIZE! I have small to average feet coming in at a 7.5 US size, 38 euro, and in my many years of trawling through vintage goods, I have only found ONE PAIR that fit. But now thanks to owner Philip Heath, those usually tiny, impeccable pumps are available to all. Here's a selection of my favorite styles for more visit
REMIX is filled with large vintage posters of pin up girls. There's a charming eclectic vibe, and Pearl makes you feel right at home.

I love me some
ORIGINAL vintage but sometimes it's just not available. These shoes are well made, unusual, and give a certain spark of individuality to any look. So of course I had to buy a pair.

Ok two pairs.
But who's counting?


Posted by indiadebeaufort Views: 13,518
Johnny is an old friend, the most stylish man I know, and soley responsible for the color of my hair. Jonny is a mad genius with a fashionista client list and a flair for all things beautiful . The BEST colorist in LA / NY / Miami, Johnny is opening a new salon with his partner ANH CO TRAN, another crazy talent, who just happens to be responsible for my cut. Check them out.
These are the lovely folks of the flea market. I find that creative places attract creative people, and god am I grateful. It's surprisingly hard to find people with individual style, which makes me wonder... Is fashion fading fast? Are we all too tired, or too busy to make the effort on a day to day basis? Or maybe we just aren't brave enough to dress the way we feel. Truth be told my closet is full of beautiful, crazy things that never get worn and I certainly find myself too busy to try. Sometimes playing it safe seems easier, but I know this: 
1. I want to remeber my life as being fun, and experimental.
2. I adore fashion and I want to be a part of it. 
3. Every child deserves to laugh at the way their parents used to dress. 
SO. Let's make a deal. I'll be me, you be you, and the world will be a much more colorful place. And if anyone feels like judging, screw em.
THANK YOU FOR STOPPING! If you were kind enough to stop, but didn't end up on my blog, you have AMAZING STYLE but I am a TERRIBLE PHOTOGRAPHER and for whatever reason I botched up your pic. But thank you kindly for stopping, and please keep dressing like a baller. The world appreciates it.


Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 11,036



The Rozenblum Foundation and the Michael Margulies Artist Agency Present the Group Show “Futurespective,” Curated by Kiki Valdes


- February 4, 2013 - The Michael Margulies Artist Agency and Kiki Valdes announce "Futurespective," a group installation focused on the exciting times in Miami's art scene. From striving local talent to a growing impact on the international art conversation, “Futurespective” encapsulates Miami's new era while highlighting significant developments in the city. The forward-thinking, emerging and mid-career artists showcased in “Futurespective” offer new, artistic perspectives by experimenting with contemporary media and exploring different themes to encourage new discourse.

Each member of the group interprets the theme individually, such as Christopher Carter’s heavy, powerful sculptures with deep roots in history or David Marsh's abstract, visual paintings with layers, materials, techniques and the place of the painter himself. George Sanchez-Calderon’s large-scale projects engage in the modern condition while JeanPaul Mallozzi adds his distinct paintings of emotional observation. Jel Martinez puts an urban spin on art -- going beyond graffiti with explorations of erasure, removal and texture.

The group show features works by local artists Christopher Carter, David Marsh, George Sanchez-Calderon, JeanPaul Mallozzi, Jel Martinez, Johnny Robles, Kiki Valdes and Ruben Ubiera as well as Argentine artists Nichola Constantino, Constanza Piaggio and Florencia Rodriguez Giles. Each one differs in practice; however, all share a forward-driven vision based on a pattern of new discoveries in the Miami art landscape. Curator and artist Kiki Valdes' close connection to each member of the group allows Valdes to mix and match the works, “like a jigsaw puzzle,” until the vision of “Futurespective” comes to life.

Johnny Robles’ work ranges from murals to the juxtaposition of delicate black and white renderings with bright colors and site-specific installations. Kiki Valdes’ expressionist paintings explore the multi-dimensional complexities of people, religion, American-life, sex, and superstition. Ruben Ubiera’s Post-Grafism, centered on urban life and the Diaspora culture of the city via installation and mixed media, adds to Miami’s present and future representation. Nicola Constantino, Constanza Piaggio and Florencia Rodriguez Giles add views from behind the lens. Constantino’s photography explores female identity and questions the ambivalent codes of conduct in modern society. Piaggio uses visual language to transcend barriers and explore the unknown while Rodriguez Giles examines transcultural themes such as spirituality.

The “Futurespective” opening reception will be held on Thursday, February 4th and run through Thursday, February 28th at the Arte City Building in Miami Beach.

Opening Reception - Thursday, February 14, 8 -11 pm

Closing Reception - Thursday, February 28, 8 - 11 pm

For more information on “Futurespective,” the artists, or upcoming events visit: or call 305.972.8962.


FUTURESPECT - FEB. 14 - 2013

Posted by FUTURESPECTIVE Views: 9,794