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Ben Eine

Posted by chie Views: 1,324

 street artist 

in San Francisco,  image via:
Ben Eine (UK) has been a graffiti artist for nearly 20 years. His bold words and phrases literally and figuratively transform their environment. In 2010, an original canvas was given to President Barack Obama as a gift from UK Prime Minister David Cameron and  and now Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic plans to sell his work to its 'upper-class' passengers.
via: (Feb. 2013)
image via: ('10)

What's Wrong with Men Today?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 9,436
"You know whats wrong with men today? They shave their damn balls and act more female then a cat in heat down the alleyway. You have to mix up modern with traditional dirty socks. Men shaving their backs...and not making their wives change their last should be ashamed of yourselves."

Old Man Crowely's Scoop 
Back in my day...we would hold babies like this...and we wouldn't be reported to the damn boys in blue. 




Have you seen Chuck Norris lately? He shaved his damn face and looks like a wet turkey ready for the oven. 
"Uncle Crowely's right. I am a disgrace ever since I shaved my face. I was getting pressured by my wife and her friends. It was the hardest battle I ever had to deal with. "
- Norris 
Let's take a look at the real Chuck Norris
This picture was stolen from 
if you watch it, read it or whatever I don't want to think you do to this TMZ thing...something tells me you are missing a right nut or had a sex change. Whatever the case... your just a worthless human being. Don't lie...I know  you have a tongue ring too. 
This is little Chucky, he killed 5 Nazi's single handedly at this fine young age. 
No explanation here folks. Balls of steel. 

1, 2, 3...goooo!!!
Damn...this guy has a point. 
All these years...I tried to be clean around women...have manners and I realize I was really just slowly losing my man juice. Let me call my girlfriend Britney and ask her if she thinks I been losing my "man" edge. 
Ring, Ring
...dial again...
Dude, seriously...stop calling my girls phone. She left you a year ago. Move on...I'm serious this time dog. Don't call my girlfriend again. Delete this number. 
Meanwhile somewhere in the Suburbs of PA .....
This post was brought to you by dirty socks. Don't ever clean em' just buy new ones 

johnny Sokko and Flying Robot

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,580
Johnny Sokko And His Flying Robot aka Giant Robo (1967-1968)

Good Lord...

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 10,339

Man tries to pay prostitute with McDonald's food

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 11,291

 Police say a man bought a prostitute food from McDonald's in exchange for sex in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

An undercover police officer says 58-year-old Donald Jones picked up Keli Gilbert, a prostitute, on Friday and then drove to McDonald's where they picked up some food.

The criminal complaint says the two then drove to a nearby park, where they were caught.

Police say when they confronted the two, Gilbert admitted Jones bought her food from McDonald's in exchange for sex.

Gilbert and Jones were then arrested.

Police: Man pays Hooker with McDonalds Food. 
When you think you've heard it all...

Saturday - The Valdeziacs

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 13,279
K I K I   V A L D E S 

Opening Reception: Saturday April 27th 7-10pm
101 Exhibit - 101 NE 40th Street. Miami FL. 33137
[email protected] - 305.972.8962 

T H E   V A L D E Z I A C S 
APR 27 - MAY 10 
Presented by: 
Michael Margulies
Artist Agency 





"Family Heirloom" (Oil on canvas) 2013 

The Looney Daily # 1

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 9,578
we have a right to 
no...wait...not those arms...stroll down more...
THESE ARMS BABY. READY FOR SUMMER!                       DAYTONA BEACH! Baring arms all day. 
Bet you thought this was going to be political...didn't ya? 

He waxes his back...
I can tell...
How the hell did this all of a sudden turn into fitness? Where are the damn donuts people!! Donuts at 2am!!! 
Wanna know how to make a Colombian powered Donut? 
make standard donut but use real powered sugar. (Wink) 
That's how we use do it...but we didn't use donuts. But, we don't use ballots either. 
  B R E A K I N G   N E W S !

Oye, how does an Argentine commit suicide? He climbs to the top of his ego and jumps off. 
Marvin the Martian just won the elections in Mars. 
Marvin the Martian has just been elected ruler of Mars. It is unprecedented how he won with so many disadvantages, one of them being he doesn't have a mouth. World leaders spent the day puzzled with the outcome of the election. Marvin did get a warm welcome from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Satan also approved and sent a telegram with candy dried turds. The US state department expressed concern with Marvin.  In power he can funnel lasers to North Korea. 
This post is brought to you by 
DOGGY shakes 

Doggy Hair 
Caramel Caca 
Chocolate Mystery 
Meaty Pudding 
Cherry blood 
Considered a favorite among Hollywood's elite. Doggy Shakes pack a punch for the rich who are on the go. High in fiber and the wonderful taste never seems to leave your mouth after you have one. Shake your life to that America! 
Now, you got these pinheads sellin' the stuff...these Doggy Shakes. I'm thinking...I remember when my mom made me doggy shakes...hell we had to scrape it off of the carpet ourselves. Now, Hollywood is selling it to us? The folks don't understand it...neither do I. And that's the memo. 
Please guys, I just had a shake in LA. I can't do it. Michelle will get mad at me! 
Little did the President know...He was being served fine wine by Secret Agent 000. 
 He was gathering  intelligence for Mars. 
We don't hire in Mars. 
Get the hell out of here. 
I don't know what the people in Mars are thinking by electing this Looney Tune. They better wake up when their ruler sends spies to Presidental dinners is all I'm saying. Cartoons are bad folks. It's hurting our children...and that's the memo. 


Aban Sonia - Check out her jacket!

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 14,012

David Lynch - Nothing to be Afraid Of

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 10,468
"See, a painting is much cheaper than making a film. And photography is, you know, way cheap. So if I get an idea for a film, there are many ways to get it together and go realize that film. There's really nothing to be afraid of."

- DaViD LynCh

Leah Jung - Word word!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,107
Leah Jung always pretty fly

The Valdeziacs opening April 27th

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 13,425
Kiki Valdes is an artist who likes to hurt a canvas before making love to it. In his attention-grabbing, expressionistic paintings, Valdes explores the tension between the figurative and abstract. He traffics in the weird and whimsical, creating absurdist narratives using cartoon masks and oddly bulging faces that lure viewers into a landscape that seems strangely familiar. Typically Valdes paints his surfaces with bold, colorful backgrounds, then cuts shapes from canvas he later applies to his paintings to create layered and textured collages. He culls inspiration from pop cultural neurosis, combining childhood reveries, quantum physics, American secret societies, string theory, and loopy Disney and Nickelodeon characters to create images that both provoke delight and anxiety. Saturday from 7 to 10 p.m., the inventive talent, who is repped by the Michael Margulies Artist Agency, is opening "The Valdeziacs" at 101 Exhibit (101 NE 40th St., Miami), his new suite of works in which the funny battles constantly with the fantastical. 

By Carlos Suarez de Jesus
T H E 
V A L D E Z I A C S 
KIKI VALDES - The Rabbit Hole (Oil on canvas) 2013 
The Valdeziacs - Solo Exhibition 
Opening Reception: Saturday April 27th 2013 
7pm - 10pm 101 Exhibit - 101 NE 40th StreetMiami, FL 33137

Domino's Pizza Noid Hostage Crisis

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,882

In 1989, Kenneth Lamar Noid interpreted the Domino’s ads as a personal assault on his character. Believing he was engaged in an ongoing battle with Domino’s head Tom Monaghan, Noid took matters into his own hands, holding up a Domino’s outlet in Georgia. Details from Time MagazineKenneth Noid, 22, walked into a Domino’s Pizza shop in Chamblee, Ga., with a .357 Magnum revolver and took two employees hostage. When police arrived, he demanded $100,000 in cash, a getaway car and a copy of The Widow’s Son, a 1985 novel about secret societies in an 18th century Parisian prison.All Noid got was the pizza he ordered. After a five-hour siege, the two employees slipped away and Noid gave himself up.

Did you know about the Noid Hostage Standoff?  

Tips to Stop Bad Dreams

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 9,214
D R E A M S  

1. Don’t go to sleep angry or stressed out. Give yourself time to cool down.

2. Regular sleep patterns = better dreams. Including weekends.

3. Don’t eat right before bed. In particular, foods that take longer to digest, like meats and cheeses, can increase nightmares.

4. Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption.

5. Cultivate gratitude. If this doesn’t come easy, do a “thankfulness” exercise every day in which you list the aspects of your life that you are thankful for.

6. Reduce exposure to violent images in the media, especially in the evenings. Horror movies can cause lingering nightmares for years.

7. Spend time in nature as often as possible, even if this means sitting in a city park for fifteen minutes every day. Many therapists believe that we all suffer from “nature deficiency disorder.”

8. Don’t sleep on your back. This encourages a special kind of nightmare known as sleep paralysis, in which you feel like you are awake and alert while at the same time you  cannot move. Sufferers also feel breathless and/or sense an “unknown presence” in the room. - keep reading this article 

Tips to stop bad dreams 

Cool Camera Tattoo

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 10,859

The Vault of Horror...Classic Photo

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 9,273

Jay-Z in Cuba? North Korea? Venezuela?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 9,612
Hey, who wants to go to North Korea...go to the best restaurants/hotels? And think your a badass for doing it...because nobody else can go? VIP status baby. Oppressive governments need our dollars y'all. Let's make money in a free country...and use it in places citizens are considered serfs. King status baby.You hate the powers that be, until you get some power then you are a dirty tyrant worshipper. SAD. 

Henry Rollins: Life Lessons

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 10,276
"Half of life is fucking up, the other half is dealing with it."
- Henry Rollins 

Kiki Valdes - The Valdeziacs

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 12,722
Opening Reception:
Saturday April 27th 2013
7pm - 10pm

101 Exhibit
101 NE 40th Street. Miami, FL 33137

K I K I   V A L D E S 
T h e  V a l d e z i a c s
Still Life (Toon) #1 - Oil on canvas (2012) 
April 27 - May 10

Fla. Man Disappears Into Sinkhole

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 11,940

Jeffrey Bush disappeared into the earth without a trace.

No body for the family to bury. Even his bedroom furniture and belongings were sucked into the ground when a sinkhole opened last month under the Seffner, Fla., home where he slept.

The fact that rescue workers were unable to retrieve his body has made the rare incident infinitely more painful for the family, brother Jeremy Bush said. Rescue teams from Hillsborough County at the time deemed the ground too unstable to attempt a rescue or retrieve the body and instead filled the hole with gravel.

"They did nothing," said Jeremy Bush, 36, who jumped into the sinkhole minutes after it opened to try to retrieve his brother. "They just left him there."

Man Disappears Into SinkHole

On the night of Feb. 28, after hearing a loud crash, Jeremy Bush ran to one of the bedrooms to see a deep, dirt-covered hole, about 20 feet across, where his brother was sleeping just moments before, he said. He jumped into the hole and clawed through the dirt searching for his brother. The hole was as deep as he is tall. He could see the house's plumbing poking out beneath the floor, he said.

Within minutes, a sheriff's deputy arrived and helped pull him from the hole, telling him the ground was still crumbling around them, Jeremy Bush said. They ran out of the home. No one ever went inside again, he said.

As the family watched from the street, engineers lowered a microphone into the hole to try to pick up signs of Jeffrey Bush. But a second collapse rattled the foundation and sucked the equipment into the hole, Jeremy Bush said.

After more tests the next day, engineers deemed the property too dangerous for rescue or recovery, said Willie Puz, a Hillsborough County spokesman. The engineers "advised us that additional collapses could happen at any time and it was an unsafe scene," he said. "We made our decisions based off that."

Tearful family members placed flowers and a teddy bear in front of the home, saying their final goodbyes to Jeffrey Bush. The house was demolished and the hole filled in with four truckloads of gravel, essentially creating his grave.

It's not the first time disaster victims have been left underground. The bodies of dozens of miners have been left behind in the wake of mine explosions or collapses in recent decades when the mines became too treacherous for rescue workers, said Celeste Monforton, a professorial lecturer at George Washington University who has been involved in mine disaster investigations.

Family of sinkhole victim felt rescuers could have done more, but experts equate the search to diving into quicksand.

"They ran out of the home. No one ever went inside again"

Wynwood Wake Up Call?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 9,589
if you don't know how to paint, keep going! practice somewhere nobody can see it.... don't do murals though. going big does not make you better, it just makes it harder for people to avoid crap....and the property owners giving you space should be shot.