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Odd Couple: Cyndi Lauper and Lil' Kim

Posted by Wildcats Views: 16,572


just wanna have fun

Whoa, Cyndi Lauper and Lil' Kim.


Lady Gaga: Accused of Satanic Rituals in Hotel

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,194

According to the staff at London’s Intercontinental Hotel, Lady Gaga left her room’s bath filled with blood. Her room’s housekeeper stated that Gaga was “bathing in blood as part of a Satanic ritual”. Is this true, false or maybe a publicity stunt? Not sure, but, in the light of previous articles, not impossible. Here’s an article from the Independent.


Lady Gaga allegedly left “large amounts of blood” in a hotel bath.

The eccentric singer reportedly shocked staff when she checked out of London’s lavish Intercontinental Hotel last summer and they discovered a pool of red liquid in the tub of her suite.



Lady Gaga:

Accused of Performing Satanic Ritual in Hotel Room

One housekeeper claimed the pop superstar was “bathing in blood as part of a Satanic ritual”.


She told website Truthquake: “Lady Gaga left large amounts of blood in the suite during a stay this summer. The incident was reported to the concierge, who was told to put it out of her mind.”


Other sources believe Gaga could have been using the red liquid as part of a “weird” stage costume or prop.


An insider said: “All of the hotel’s staff are convinced she was bathing in it or, at the very least, using it as part of one of her new costumes or weird stage routines.”

While it is unclear whether the liquid actually was blood or what the singer had been using it for, it is not the first time Gaga has been accused of unusual behaviour in hotels.


It has previously been claimed that she is terrified of evil spirits and reportedly has every hotel and tour venue scanned by a team of paranormal investigators before she will agree to stay there.


The ‘Edge of Glory’ hitmaker – who has previously said she believes she is inspired by the spirit of her dead aunt – allegedly splashed out £30,000 on state of the art Electro Magnetic Field meters to detect spectres.


A source said: “She believes in paranormal activity and won’t take any risks when she is on the road. It’s important to her to be safe from spirits.”

Is Lady Gaga bathing in bathtub full of blood?

Juicing Citrus for Weightloss

Posted by AlFredEx Views: 13,888

Juicing for 














Nothing better then making your own juice every morning. I am enjoying this new youtube juicing channel. Anyone that supports a healthy lifestyle has got my support. Viva Organic!

Celebrate Our Differences

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,063

"It's just really important that we start celebrating our differences. Let's start tolerating first, but then we need to celebrate our differences."

- Billie Jean King

Street Work of Pavel Puhov

Posted by WPD Views: 14,054



We recently discovered Pavel's street work by various blogs. He works out of Russia and he uses the urban enviroment in very  new and powerful ways we haven't really seen before. His more traditional street art is cool, but not as strong as the work like the one on this blog post. He should keep rockin' things like this! Check out a collection of his work here. 

Pig Buddies - Creative USB Hubs

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,726

This is so cute. Gotta have this right now! To put some fun into the ever day boring USB's and USB hubs we see day in, day out in every home, office and work

place. Via: WePlayGod 



Kanye West Dreams About Kanye West

Posted by Wildcats Views: 16,738

Kanye dreams

about Kanye

ha, I know someone is gettin' the 3rd degree from Mr. West about snapping his photo during a long flight.

I'ma let you finish, but Kanye dreams about kanye the best dreams of all time!

Lush Flush

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 26,916

A young lady in the old station IIII

View more photos here.

Marilyn Monroe by Bert Stern (1962)

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 24,211

Marilyn photographed




by Bert Stern in 1962















Weird Plants - Fungus that Bleeds

Posted by AlFredEx Views: 15,653

Creepy Nature! - Bleeding Tooth Fungus?

The bleeding tooth fungus looks kind of like a wad of chewing gum that leaks blood like a rejected prop from The Shining. They're also called the strawberries and cream, the red-juice tooth, and the devil's tooth. Whoever is in charge of naming scary bullshit seems really insistent that this thing looks like a tooth, while mostly skirting over the fact that it freaking sweats blood. Oh, and they are listed as "inedible," which implies that someone attempted to eat one at some point. On the other hand, the bloodlike substance has anticoagulant and antibacterialproperties. It's nature's next penicillin! All you have to do is lick it. Go ahead.


Read more about weird and creepy plants over at

Wolf Thrill

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,550

Ohhh it's Thriller.for a second I thought this was a picture from the Teen Wolf sequal with Jason Bateman. LOL. Sorry Michael.

the staircase in musée gustave moreau

Posted by AlFredEx Views: 14,833

i recently discovered this beautiful staircase located in the paris museum “musee gustave moreau”, dedicated to the famous painter docteur moreau. the extravagantly designed building is filled to the brim with hundreds upon hundreds of his paintings and even with those on display, there are still a couple thousand of them resting in storage 


Musée Gustave Moreau
14 rue de La Rochefoucauld
F-75009, Paris, France

This amazing and mysterious staircase is located at: 

Tube Socks Rock

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 20,649

Good Lord, I was once lost but then I was found. Uh, I mean I lost one of my socks and then I found both. I only love tube socks when an attractive woman that would never talk to me wears them for a photoshoot. 

Being a Radical - Jose Marti

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 19,102

"A genuine man goes to the roots. To be a radical is no more than that: to go to the roots."

- Jose Marti 

What I like to Call Scarlett Johansson

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,208











Chris Dodd: Fail

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,254


Fashion according to Oscar Wilde

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,346

“A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so unbearable that we are compelled to alter it every six months.” 

- Oscar Wilde

Photos by Irina Zadorozhnaja

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 17,321

Irina Zadorozhnaja

Gotta enjoy the sexy photos of Irina Zadorozhnaja. I randomly came across a set of her photos and I fell in love. You can view more of her photos here. 

Bela Borsodi

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 17,238

Oh! My! Just discovered the work of Bela Borsodi. It's like a cross between fashion photography, design and madness. Check out more of her work over at OCCUPY. 


Anti Protest Ordinance Passes in Chicago

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,772


Emanuel's Protest-Squashing "Sit Down and Shut Up" Ordinance Passes in Chicago

Following weeks of public pressure against Chicago's changes to the city ordinance by Occupy groups and concerned citizens, the City Council voted Thursday to adopt the ordinance changes introduced by Mayor Rahm Emanuel. 

Critics say the "sit down and shut up" ordinance, as it has been called, seeks to chill protest and civil liberties in Chicago through measures including mandatory $1 million liability insurance for protests, a heightened police presence and more difficulty getting a permit. Increased fines of up to $1,000 for people arrested during a protest were originally in place, but Emanuel withdrew the proposal Tuesday.


When the ordinance was first introduced, it was said to be only a measure for the NATO/G8 conference to be held in Chicago in May, but it was later revealed that the ordinance change isexpected to be permanent.


The ordinance focuses on bureaucratic measures to chill the protests, but for low-income and immigrant communities, it might be enough to keep them off the street, say organizers.


Occupy Rogers Park and Occupy the South Side, representing two Chicago areas with large proportions of low-income communities, sent out a letter last week highlighting this issue:


This ordinance does not exist in a vacuum. After all, political speech is not about speech itself. It is about issues of public policy that affect citizens who wish to convey their concerns in the public space. While the city's leadership has talked of tough choices, and the need to balance the budget, communities of Color have been forced to endure the greatest losses in areas of education, medical care, and access to living-wage employment. Restricting our ability to speak to those concerns would be unconscionable.

Chicago Independent Media Center reports that the ordinance, as it stood the day before the vote, contains the following:


Non-violent civil disobedience could now carry a $200-$1000 fine, up from $25-$500, in addition to more to other, more typical misdemeanor charges;

Virtually every street protest in the downtown would be designated a "large parade," requiring $1 million liability insurance and for organizers to "agree to reimburse the city for any damage to the public way or to city property arising out of or caused by the parade";


Large parade or not, organizers would be required to provide the city with "a description of any recording equipment, sound amplification equipment, banners, signs, or other attention-getting devices to be used in connection with the parade" at least a week in advance of the march;


Every contingent in the march and the order in which they would appear would have to be registered at least a week in advance with the City; and,

Demonstration organizers would be required to have one marshal for every 100 participants.


Under a wholly new section of the municipal code (10-8-334), even gatherings on sidewalks, with no presence in the streets, would now be subject to demands that they get permits, giving the City extraordinary latitude to dictate what union and other pickets occur or get shut down by police action.

Allow the police Superintendent to deputize FBI, DHS, ATF, and DOJ employees as Chicago police officers.


According to Twitter reports, the first vote on the ordinance change passed by the City Counsil 41-5 and the second passed by 41-4. 

Screw You All, I am KING!