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KIDULT- the infamous tagger

Posted by chie Views: 10,945

showing himself with his signature tagging tool -fire extinguisher




the tagger


<wikipedia- a word "KIDULT">

kidult is a "grown-up" person who enjoys being a part of youth culture and doing things that are usually thought as more suitable for children

KIDULT recently attacked the Supreme's ad of Kate Moss - Feb 2012

KIDULT tagged Supreme's store front NYC -May 2011

the past tagging BY KIDULt

KIDULT x Christian Louboutin 

KIDULT x Louis Vuitton 



KIDULT x Christian Dior

KIDULT x Agnes B 


I've been trying to avoid the KIDULT topic, because he is already very famous from super-tagging some of the most famous label shop windows around the globe, and instantly getting the video on the web. And on top of that, I have a tendency to avoid giving more attention to the obvious attention seeker in general, but what about him? Do I love it or hate it? my answer is "I don't know".  But I've been noticing that as an ex- fashion designer, I no longer have any urge to consume products from those fashion brand empires, like the stores that were attacked by KIDULT ( see below). I'd rather consume products made locally to me in the USA: and support small production runs with an eco-conscious strategy and cruelty free. Some people think that Capitalism faces collapse on a global scale and I'm not so sure about that.  But what's obvious to me is that it doesn't work as we once hoped in 80's. 

  KIDULT reminds us what direct action graffiti is about : protest and expressing yourself in a creative way, even if for most people its vandalism… 

original Supreme's ad 

What Graffiti Artists Do

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,174

EVOL-building project

Posted by chie Views: 9,782



EVOL is a berlin based street artist that transforms banal urban surfaces, into miniature architectural surfaces through pasting. using pasted paper, EVOL transforms electric boxes, small planters and other geometric city forms, into miniature apartment buildings and other structures. each piece of paper is
printed with a repetitive pattern of flat gray walls dotted with plain window frames. once applied to  a surface, the paper transforms the form into small building that EVOL often adorns with small 

characters. EVOL performs this process within different cities and has even been commissioned to do installations in galleries, where he was created entire blocks of miniature buildings.


Having The Courage To Say No!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,717

The photo was taken in Hamburg in 1936, during the celebrations for the launch of a ship. In the crowd, one person refuses to raise his arm to give the Nazi salute. The man was August Landmesser. He had already been in trouble with the authorities, having been sentenced to two years hard labour for marrying a Jewish woman.

We know little else about August Landmesser, except that he had two children. By pure chance, one of his children recognized her father in this photo when it was published in a German newspaper in 1991. How proud she must have been in that moment.

























Ordinary people. 

The courage to say no.


glass walls-Sir Paul McCartney

Posted by chie Views: 10,031


“If slaughterhouses had glass walls,


everyone would be a vegetarian. 

Libertine - Spring/Summer 2012

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,628
white, black, and a few other colours to design a collection owned by graphic prints: stripes, circles, graphs, flowers, and words combine together freely even on accessories. Many are also overlapped so that the layers of different fabrics, at times embellished by shimmery sequin appliqués, create the silhouette. Silk outfits, woolen cloth coats, and organza and tulle volumes attract attention thanks to their bold graphic designs and intense contemporariness

mini, midi, and maxi

white, black, ivory, butter, midnight blue, blood red

silk, satin, strass, chiffon, jersey, cotton, shantung, sequins, woolen cloth, lace, organza, tulle

tapered, hourglass, bell, flared, straight

printed gloves; fantasy platform ankle-boots; flat printed clutches; fantasy nylons and short socks; sandals with wedges in fantasy prints; rattan and patent leather trim; canvas shopper bags

by Barbara Sini

Libertine Spring Summer 2012 Ready-To-Wear collection

Source: Vogue

Study: Secret To Being Cool

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,825

Take a good

look at cool.

you fool.

A study out of Harvard University has discovered the secret to being cool.


Setting yourself apart from your peers is the answer to eternal 'hipness'.


Whether it's your taste in music, fashion, books or movies, what you do is hip as long as no one else is doing it at the same time.

Secret To

Being Cool?





Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,848


Me likes this photo of a black cat in Little River in Miami. It's from MIAVIAYOU. It's a blog with a full-flex collective of Miami locals with an eye for distinctive flavor. It just started so wait to see more cool videos and random art photos. YeeeYoooo!

Super Bowl of Cereal: S'mores Crunch

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 19,486

My Super Bowl of cereal

whatever happened to S'mores Crunch cereal? Man, I loved this when I was a kid. If it was only 1985 again. General Mills fucks up everything. Kellogg's can't even clean up your mess.

S'mores Grahams (a.k.a. S'mores Crunch) was a short-lived cereal produced by General Mills. This cereal was similar to Golden Grahams with a blend of chocolate mixed in. It consisted of chocolate graham cracker cereal pieces and tiny marshmallows pieces similar to those found in packets of powdered hot chocolate mix. It was launched in 1982 and discontinued in 1988. General Mills later resumed S'mores Grahams production throughout the late 1990s, but it has since been re-discontinued.


The cereal's mascot was the S'morecerer (an animated sorcerer). Ads with this mascot would feature a couple of kids trying to get to the cereal but then encountering a conflict (such as getting chased by a lion or their sail getting hit by lightning), then the S'morecerer would appear and transport them right to the cereal. It would usually end with one of the kids saying the tagline, "Can I have s'more?"


The prize in every box of S'mores Grahams for many years was a small pack of Starburstcandies.


Kellogg's introduced a similar cereal in 2003. This version (named Smorz) featured larger marshmallows and "puffs" as the cereal-base, as opposed to the Golden Grahams style pieces of S'mores Grahams.


Via: Wiki













Never Settle for Ordinary

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,510







Someone that is too busy for you. Doesn't deserve you. Someone that won't drive an extra hour doesn't deserve an extra minute of your time.


Battle of the Sexes

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,739










I'm glad I'm a woman, yes I am, I don’t live off of Budweiser, beer nuts & Spam. I don’t brag to my buddies about my erections. I will not drive to Hell before I ask for directions. I don’t get wasted at parties & act like a clown & I know how to put the damn toilet seat down! I wont grab your hooters, I wont pinch your butt, my belt buckle is not hidden beneath my beer gut. I don’t go around "readjusting" my crotch or yell like Tarzan when my head-board gets a notch. I don’t belch in public, I don’t scratch my behind.

I'm a woman you see, I'm just not that kind! I'm glad I'm a woman, I'm so glad I could sing. I don’t have body hair like shag carpeting. It doesn’t grow from my ears or cover my back. When I lean over you can’t see 3 inches of crack. What's on my head doesn’t leave with my comb. I’II never buy a toupee to cover my dome. Or have a few hairs pulled from over the side. I'm a woman, you know. I’m got far too much pride! I honestly think it’s a privilege for me to have these two boobs & squat when I pee. I don’t live to play golf & shoot basketball. I don’t swagger & spit like a Neanderthal. I wont tell you my wife just does not understand. Stick my hand in my pocket to hide that gold band or tell you a story to make you sigh & weep then screw you, roll over & fall sound asleep!

Yes, I'm glad I'm a woman you see you can forget all about that old penis envy. I don’t long for male bonding, I don’t cruise for chicks, join the Hair Club For Men, or think with my dick. I'm a woman by chance & I'm thankful it's true. I'm so glad I'm a woman & not a man like you!

I'm glad I'm a man, you better believe. I don’t live off of yogurt, diet coke, or cottage cheese. I don’t bitch to my girlfriends about the size of my breasts. I can get where I want to north, south, east or west.

I don't get wasted after only 2 beers & when I do drink I don't end up in tears. I wont spend hours deciding what to wear, I spend 5 minutes max fixing my hair & I don't go around checking my refection in everything shiny from every direction. I don't whine in public & make us leave early & when you ask why get all bitter & surly. I'm glad I'm a man, I'm so glad I could sing. I don't have to sit around for that ring. I don't gossip about friends or stab them in the back. I don't carry our differences into the sack. I'll never go psycho & threaten to kill you or think every guy out there's trying to steal you.

I'm rational, reasonable, & logical too. I know what the time is & I know what to do. I honestly think its a privilege for me to have these two balls & stand when I pee. I live to watch sports & play all sorts of games. It's more fun than women after all. I wont cry if you figure out it's not going to work. I wont remain bitter & call you a jerk. Feel free to use me for immediate pleasure. I wont assume it's permanent by any measure. Yes, I'm glad I'm a man, a man you see I'm glad I'm not capable of child delivery. I don't get all bitchy every 28 days.

I'm glad that my gender gets me a much bigger raise. I'm a man by chance & I'm thankful it's true. I'm so glad I'm a man & not a woman like you!





















Hirst: Explains the Spot Paintings

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 603,718

A rhinestone-wearing Damien Hirst explains the theory and thought behind his infamous spot paintings in the latest short from filmmaker Matt Black. The legendary British artist, made famous by submerging mammals in formaldehyde and creating jaw-droppingly expensive jewel-encrusted skulls, has become one of the most prolific and lucrative names in contemporary art. The Complete Spot Paintings, 1986-2011, his series of 331 white canvasses imbued with rows of multicolored dots, are currently on display at all 11 of mega-gallerist Larry Gagosian’s sites around the globe. Manufactured largely by Hirst’s army of assistants, the paintings range in size and detail, with the most recent, completed in 2011, containing some 25,781 spots each 1mm in diameter; no single color is ever repeated on a canvas. Black first encountered Hirst’s hyper-symmetrical series in the mid 1990s, and found that his opinion on the works slowly developed from ambivalence to fascination. “When you are in a room full of them, they are overwhelming and disturbing; these dots staring at you creates a real sense of anxiety,” says Black. “His work always has an aggressiveness, and these are no exception.”

Damien Hirst: On the Spot





The Industrious Art Star Occupies Gagosian Galleries

Worldwide with His Complete Spot Paintings

Ira Chernova

Posted by chie Views: 9,332

Model : Ira Chernova    top 2 Photos by: Nikolay Biryukov


Brooklyn  based 

Photographer / Model

and this is some of IRA CHERNOVA's PHOTOGRAPHY 



Ira Chernova blog-Tumblr


to subscribe Ira -Facebook


to follow Ira -Twitter



source:  /  Ira Chernova's photography-public shared album in Fb

model: Ira Chernova, Photo by Tony Stamolis, NYC'11

Alysha Nett: Lunch Break

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,109


Damn, as always I love Alysha Nett. Always looking good doin' the day to day!

F Blogs and F You

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,280

This is how I feel


(so leave me alone!)















Please Come Back

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,856

Neon message by Tim Etchells. Norwich Festival 2010. Window of The Book Hive, London Street.



David Choe x Facebook

Posted by chie Views: 10,107

 $200MILLION in stock market float

who took shares instead of cash

who took shares instead of cash

DAVID CHOE, 35- Graffiti Artist

 for painting Facebook's first HQ seven years ago, now making 

   A graffiti artist who painted the walls of Facebook's first headquarters seven years ago is set for a bumper payday of $200million after he agreed to take Facebook stock instead of cash for his work.

   David Choe, 35, was asked to paint the offices in Palo Alto, California, in 2005, and was offered the choice by then-president Sean Parker of being paid a few thousand cash or the equivalent in shares.  Now, after a blockbuster $5billion Facebook stock exchange flotation moved a step closer last night, he is one of at least 1,000 company employees finally on their way to becoming millionaires.  

and  this  is  his  art  in  Facebook  Headquarters  building

Mark Zuckerberg collabing with David Choe at Facebook HQ. 

Executive Producer: Wang Newton     via: You tube

Anne Vyalitsyna/Harri Peccinotti in Muse

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 21,154




in Muse

These stunning photos were taken by Harri Peccinotti for Muse Magazine, The Fashion Art Magazine. This striking model is no other then Anne Vyalitsyna and you can find her in the spread "Sun & Soda."  Is it hot in here or is it just me? 

I stole these great photos from the amazing blog I can't read much on that site but the visuals are amazing. They have some great scans from all of the magazines. Makes for good inspiriation. 



Shelter Dogs - Photo Book and Series

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,274

 "Shelter Dogs" is simply a collection of close-up portraits of homeless dogs. All images were taken while the dog was in an animal shelter. Some of these dogs found good homes, others were euthanized.

"Shelter Dogs" is available at all major bookstores, online at Amazon, etc. and on the ASPCA web store. A percent of all proceeds from sales are being donated to the ASPCA, so far we have raised over $25,000.



Aww, you have to feel for these dogs. Just look at the raw emotion in the eyes of these beautiful animals.

Artist Mike Kelley Dead by Apparent Suicide

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,363


Artist Mike Kelley has passed away at his home in Los Angeles, having apparently taken his own life. The tragic news was confirmed to BLOUIN ARTINFO by Helene Winer, of New York's Metro Pictures gallery, a long-time associate of the artist.

"It is totally shocking that someone would decide to do this, someone who has success and renown and options," said Winer. "It's extremely sad." She added that the artist had been depressed.


Kelley was born in 1954 in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan. He became involved in the city's music scene as a teen, and while a student at the University of Michigan, formed the influential proto-punk band Destroy All Monsters with fellow artists Jim Shaw, Niagara, and Cary Loren (a retrospective devoted to Destroy All Monsters was held at L.A.'s Prism gallery last  year). Together, the band hatched a style of performance that skirted the edge of performance art.


After graduating college in 1976, he moved to Los Angeles to attend the California Institute of the Arts, studying alongside teachers like John Baldessari and Laurie Anderson. Music continued to be a constant passion: he formed another band, "Poetics," with fellow CalArts students John Miller and Tony Oursler. 

Kelley's career took off in the early 1990s, with solo shows at the Whitney, LACMA, and other international venues. He and Oursler organized a well-recived installation — a kind of monument to punk — at Documenta X in 1997. In the early 2000s, he began exhibiting with Gagosian Gallery after 20 years with Metro Pictures.


For his 2005 exhibition "Day is Done," Kelley filled Gagosian with found yearbook photos, video footage, and automated furniture, prompting New York Magazine critic Jerry Saltz to describe the show as an example of "clusterfuck aesthetics." More conventionally, he was associated with the notion of "abject art," highlighting the irrational and the repulsive.


Kelley's studio released a statement to the L.A. Times saying, "Mike was an irresistible force in contemporary art... We cannot believe he is gone. But we know his legacy will continue to touch and challenge anyone who crosses its path. We will miss him. We will keep him with us."


"Mike Kelley was as kind and generous a collaborator as I could possibly hope for," said curator Dan Nadel, who organized Prism's retrospective for "Destroy All Monsters." "I'm extremely grateful to have worked with him, and will be forever grateful to him for his patience and the education he gave me, perhaps without even realizing it. And, besides his remarkable genius, I'll always remember his rolling, infectious laughter, which was a pleasure to behold."

Legendary Artist Mike Kelley Dead

at 58, an Apparent Suicide