
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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Hrsh Reyalitee

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HRSH REYALITEEPoet.Writer.Realist.

 (pronounced: Harsh Reality), the native New Yorker is a young poet who developed a love and appreciation for Poetry and the art of words at the young age of 10 by writing short stories and rhymes.

“The road has not been easy. However, because I was expecting traffic, delays, set backs, haters and crap. I wouldn’t switch lanes for anything in the world. Through everything that I had to go through, and put myself through to get here, I am exactly where I should be. I Thank God, My Daddy (R.I.P), and My Mommy” -Hrsh