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Season 1- EPIPHANY

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Well here we go... I sure hope you're ready for this whirl wind of fun that is in store, as I treat you to the 8 seasons of life.


 OK..Listen, did you wake up this morning beaming with ambition and desire?  Well you must of had that reoccurring dream again. You know, that same amazing dream, where you literally saw yourself living out your dream? I can relate. I had the same dream for years. Full of happy thoughts of my creative staff busy working in my unconventional loft like open floor plan office space. This space would be  full of people working on design projects for our clients. I'd dream that in one corner you may find a group preparing for photo shoot and discussing layouts. On the other side of the office there would be a team mapping the direction of the commercial promos, and I would be meeting with the top graphic designers and working together to make creative madness. This is my dream. Then I woke up.  So much for my dreams of CREATIVE VIBES!

I wasn't ready to live my dreams, they were still just a dream. Until I decided it was long over due and It is my time.





I am a single mother of a beautiful teenage daughter. I will speak about Jaylen a lot she is my inspiration and motivation for life. Jaylen will be beginning her sophomore year of high school. I started to think that she just may need her Mom around a lot more nights and weekends.(if you know what I mean) Teenagers... alone... with... Well you catch my drift. Not happening.


So back to the Epiphany.  The first season of the 8 is Epiphany. This when you accept who you are and what is is you're supposed to be doing with you life. In my previous post I mentioned that I finally quit the retail madness. Not only for sanity and to live out my dreams, but to take ownership of my blessing that I have been created to do.

 Then it's about  trusting and believing in that goal and giving in to it. But most of all and you have to have FAITH that your dreams  CAN and WILL come true.



Now....Let me warn you if you don't normally pray that's cool. But you will have to get ready to change that ASAP. Because you have to learn to LET GO and LET GOD do his job. There will be a lot of questions that NO ONE else will be able to answer.  I promise you this! Because, you will find your self talking to someone about your dream and they will clearly NOT understand. And they will tell you that your crazy. Or ask "where is this coming from?" They will not get what your explaining to them. THIS is when you have to Be STILL & LISTEN and stop looking for confirmation from the masses.  Remember, GOD is in charge.

So lets just say your dream involves baking cakes or writing children's books. You have to accept the EPIPHANY and insist that the dreams you have at night came become the dreams of your life!  Please watch the Video below. I created this video to express everything I felt during this season. 

By Nina B

Nina's side note....

8 seasons -1