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Amazing Animals and Beautiful Nature!
A magazine full of amazing photographs of animals and nature
By:Hannah Waddell


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Open Minded
"Where anything can happen"
-vogue magazine
"Where your minds eye is truly opened"
- The Artist's Magazine 2014  

Mini Magazine

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You'r EDM News And Entertainment

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my favorite video games of all time 
one of my favorite
 video games of all time is ghost recon future soldier because it has both firefights and active camouflage. 
The whese ghost recon future soldier is so good it has gunsmith in the game. Gunsmith allow's you to cutmes your gun the way you like your gun to be loud or slicne it your world to make the best gun that you like thorw the hole game but to get the gun you want you have to firnsh the game first and they are challger you have to firnsh thorw the game to unlock the stuff to want too.

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Get Creative for your Candy:

Holloween Costume inspiration

Every year we see the excitement in our children's eyes as that day nears, the day they know they get to stay up past bedtime and waltz around in a scary costume hunting for the greatest treasure of them all: Candy.

The trouble is, sometimes finding a proper costume can be a struggle. Here is a few tips, tricks and ideas to get your creativity bubbling.

Tip #1: Don't be afraid of Hands-On

Creating your own costume can be cheaper, more unique and a whole lot more fun. Get your children involved in the creation of thier costume.

Tip #2: Be resourceful

Put all that lipstick, old clothing and superglue to work! Almost anything can be used in some way to add a little spunk to your get-up.

Tip #3: Be Crazy

Thinking outside the box is key for a successful costume. Think of your child's favorite movie, book, or toy. These are great places to start for costume ideas.

TV Antenna, TV Antenna Installation

Posted | Views: 1,258
A TV antenna is an Ariel explicitly intended for the reception of clear and crisp over the air broadcast signals, which are actually broadcasted at frequencies ranging from about 41 to 250 MHz in the VHF bandwidth, and 470 to 960 MHz in the UHF bandwidth.  Antenna Installation Today offers best quality TV antenna installation service in Melbourne.
 Visit for more information.

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Take apart portable mobility scooter rental form

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Take apart portable mobility scooter rental form
This portablemobility scooteris Ideal for easy transportation and will fit into most any cars.  Weight Capacity is 300 LBs. The maximum Travel distance per. charge is 9 miles.  comes with swivel seat and is compact enough to take apart.

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Although the fashion trend changes over time, there are several types that are popular till today both at home and abroad.
 Traditional Han Chinese Clothing (Han Fu): It refers to the attire worn by the Han people from the Yellow Emperor (about 2698 BC) till the late Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644 AD). It became known as the Han Fu (“fu” means “clothes” in Chinese) because the fashion was improved and popularized during the Han Dynasty. It is usually in the form of long gown, cross collar, wrapping the right lapel over the left, loose wide sleeves and no buttons but a sash. Although simple in design, it gives different feelings to different wearers.
 Chinese Suit (Tang Zhuang): It is a combination of the Manchu male jacket of the Qing Dynasty and the western style suit. It is usually straight collared, with coiled buttons down the front. Its colour and design are in traditional Chinese style but tailoring is western.
 Cheongsam (Qi Pao): Originated from the Manchu female clothes, it evolved by merging with western patterns that show off the beauty of a female body. Its features are straight collar, strain on the waist, coiled buttons and slits on both sides of the dress. Materials used are usually silk, cotton and linen. Cheongsam is the most popular Chinese attire in the world today.
 Chinese Tunic Suit (Zhongshan Zhuang): Also called the Yat-sen Suit, it is designed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen by combining the western-style suit and Chinese attire. It has a turn-down collar and four pockets with flaps. As Chairman Mao Zedong worn it quite frequently, it is also called the Mao Suit by westerners. It is the main attire from the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 till 1980’s. The country’s leaders still wear it today when attending important occasions, such as military parades.

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# 1       May 2015 

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The SouthShore Voice
The SouthShore Voice...It's where you live

Moda Haberleri !

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Sebze Diyeti !
Amerikalı bir kalp uzmanı tarafından önerilen sebze diyeti ile 14 gün sonunda hem kilo vermiş, hem de detoks yapmış olacaksınız…
1. Gün Mısır gevreği, yağsız yoğurt, taze meyve, portakal suyu, kafeinsiz kahve veya çay.
2. Gün Hurmalı minik ekmek, yağsız kesik süt peyniri, kavun, diyet reçel ve kafeinsiz kahve veya çay.
3. Gün Kuru üzüm ve tarçınlı kornfleks, yağsız yoğurt, bir dilim kızarmış ekmek, reçel, portakal suyu, sıcak kafeinsiz kahve veya çay.
4. Gün Kornfleks, yağsız yoğurt, tazame meyve (veya suyu), bir dilim kızarmış ekmek, reçel, sıcak kafeinsiz kahve veya çay.
5. Gün Yağsız tavada yumurta gibi pişirilmiş tofu, bir dilim kızarmış ekmek, portakal suyu, kafeinsiz kahve veya çay.
6. Gün Tarçınlı elmalı pankek, taze meyve, yağsız yoğurt, reçel ve kafeinsiz kahve veya çay.
7. Gün Peynirli taze meyva, meyva suyu, bir dilim kızarmış ekmek, kafeinsiz kahve veya çay.
1. Gün Fırında patates; brokoli, marul, papates ve nohuttan oluşmuş bir salata (üzerine limon olabilir), taze meyve.
2. Gün Üzerine haşlanmış mercimek ve salatalık konmuş yeşil salata (sirkeli). Kızartılmış veya gevretilmiş pide parçaları üzerine közlenmiş patlıcan, soğuk domates çorbası kuskuslu.
3. Gün İçinde pirinç, fasulye ve sebze bulunan dürüm, domates sosu, taze yeşilliklerden salata.
4. Gün İçinde yeşillikler ve sarmısak bulunan patates çorbası. Yeşil salata. Beyaz haşlanmış fasulye (üzerine kuru domates olabilir).
5. Gün Kızartılmış dolmalık biberlerle süslenmis mantar, yeşillikler üzerine İtalyan fasulye salatası, kavun serbest.
6. Gün Mercimek ve ıspanaklı pilav, yeşil salata, taze meyve.
7. Gün Yeşillikler ve salatalıkla süslenmis kuskus salatası, közlenmiş patlıcan, taze meyve.
1. Gün Makarna, üzerine yeşil dolma biber, haşlanmış beyaz fasulye taneleri, sarmısaklı az limonlu sos. Yeşil salata, kırmızı şarapta pişirilmiş şeftali.
2. Gün Haşlanmış fasulye ve pirinç, haşlanmış bamya ve domates, yeşil salata, zevke göre üstüne sos ve muz.
3. Gün Ispanaklı ravioli, kızartılmış küp şeklinde ekmekler bulunan kerevizli mercimek çorbası, yeşil salata, vanilyalı meyve.
4. Gün İki dürüm yufkası arasında pişirilmiş muz, sebzeli çili, İspanyol pirincinden pilav, yeşil salata, tarçın ve romla haşlanmış ananas.
5. Gün Kızartılmış domates sandöviçi, içinde mısır bulunan fasulye çorbası, yeşil salata, taze meyve.
6. Gün Çorba, bezelyeli pilav, yeşil salata, haşlanmış meyve.
7. Gün Siyah fasulyeli kahverengi pirinçten pilav, kabak salatası, yeşillikler, taze meyve. / HABER BÜLTENLERİ !

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                                                                                  Hair Styles
                                                                                                                                                      Fashion Diva
 The way to style ones hair is pretty simple. Some examples would be curly, low-key updo, braided, straight, pigtails, fishtail, wavy, bun, crazily died! One can do anything to your hair! One can tell by the looks of women’s hair who she really is and it offers you some real information about her ( This can be true with some women.

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Posted | Views: 685
                                                                  IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT GORGEOUS HAIR!
                                                                                                                                                                       Fashion Diva
 Looking good and having a great time, that’s what life is all about. The first way to look good is having nice hair! “At MaxMara the inspiration was Anjelica Huston in the seventies - straight, shiny hair with a gentle turning under at the ends. It was clean, shiny, product-free hair, for a light and airy freshly-washed look” ( Greasy hair, the way it’s styled, the products you put in, color, or if you like having a cute hat on or something could really show who a person is. But it’s not cheap.

THE Ground AND THE Ceiling...Page 11

Posted | Views: 1,437
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz
6 th st. & San Jancinto  Austin,Tx 
SXSW 2014
When Night Falls So Does the Ground and
 The Ceiling

Revolt...Page 10

Posted | Views: 1,310
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
The Revolution Will Be Televised...
Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz
Revolt Nation Bus Parked Off 5th st. In Austin,Tx 
SXSW 2014

יום ספורט

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היי מה קורה
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Music Tales Malaysia

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RENOPIA piano is designed in Korea, specially made and focus for young children. RENOPIA piano is highly reviewed by many parents and teachers in Korea as well as in many other countries in Asia, Europe, etc as a great children musical instrument.
The standard classical piano in the market are designed for fully-grown adults to play. Imagine a young child being faced with a physically demanding instrument -- violins come in half and three-quarter sizes but pianos do not. Now with Renopia piano, built in smaller form, scaled-down structure that match the young child size. Children will not fear to sit at the piano anymore, instead they get excited with 'is small, is mine piano' and simply attracted to reach to Renopia piano and play it!
RENOPIA piano is made with quality hard wood and digital key-panel technology that produce true piano tone -- something that other baby/children pianos or even some keyboards in the market do not have. Another merit of digital technology also means no piano string tuning is needed, making it simpler and saving some money to maintain the piano. The key panel has been thoughtfully designed -- with slightly reduced key width and softer key touch for the little hands and fingers, yet it would still easily let them graduate to a full size adult piano later.
Building interest with the right musical instrument from the beginning is an important factor to encourage the child's passion in music and to continue loving her music learning without force push by parents or teachers. The RENOPIA children piano is both fun and educational and ideal instrument to promote the child's development in music. This also make a more affordable entry option for parents to buy a good piano for their young child, especially when not ready to invest on a standard adult size piano just yet.
Renopia Children Piano