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Neil Gaiman

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Neil Gaiman

About Bell Moving Cincinnati

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TRUE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION - That's what you'll experience by choosing a local Cincinnati mover that is a leader in providing true customer service. Bell Moving and Storage of Cincinnati understands that moving is more than just packing and's about moving your family heirlooms...your special memories...your life.

When you're choosing moving companies, Cincinnati offers few certified moving professionals—relocation consultants, packers, drivers and crews—that bring over 90 years of experience in moving your belongings with the utmost care and concern. Bell Moving and Storage is one of them. We listen. We care. That's why we're nationally recognized as Wheaton World Wide Moving's Agent of the Year in 2000 and 2005.

Bell Moving & Storage of Cincinnati offers full service moving and storage services. Local, long-distance and international moving. Professional packing and crating. Since 1922. We move your life.

Contact us for more information using the following details below:

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Do colors effect the way we look at foods

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Do Colors Effect the Way we Look at Different Foods???
      The traditional saying of "we eat with our eyes" means associating of different flavors to certain colors. This is impacted by the accuracy of plate presentation. Although there are many, many more reason and in-depth psychological aspects even to this topic for today, we'll just go over the basics.
How colors and sense affect our foods and how the brain reacts and functions when seeing food and the different triggers we have. This ties in with the different emotions we have as well as shown in the color wheel guide I have here. 

As shown here on our emotion wheel guide, we have a wide range of feeling and emotions to color. We use this chart everyday without even realizing it! In reality, there are different way the culinary world manipulates and control the effects of food through different colors.
For a long time people have had a predisposed perception of colors that affect their senses. This is true with many other things besides foods as well. Furniture, clothing and more have been big products of advertisement that can be brand-named to having certain colors like McDonald's and it's golden arches or Target with the bright red Target symbol. They typically are remembered as that product of name but sometime the product may be mistaken or have a different situation. 
For example someone might say grab me a Kleenex when really all they need is a tissue but some products have become so branded that people know them as their brand and not necessarily what the product is.
Sometime it can be this way with different foods as well especially fast foods. You may want that certain taco from just Taco Johns or Taco Bells. Pizza, can also be wanted from just pizza Hut or Pizza Ranch to some people as well too.
How we see our food
Large food corporations, factories and companies all add color to there labeling and food products to draw attention typically more in their advertisements then the actual food but it still is a trigger to our minds "Oh lets eat there or lets try that." People grown then developing a certain taste to certain foods depending on the cultures and foods they grew up with.
They way you design and display meals can really effect the way your dish looks and how eye-appealing it may be from your garnishes to plate presentation they can all add a new twist of colors that can make your meal look desirable . In the end hopefully we can all look beyond the colors though and taste what's within.
So continue chewing till next time, 
           Mary Olhoft

Feature 3

Posted | Views: 1,211
How to Get the Perfect Topline
     Any decent showman would know how important the topline is in a dairy show. That’s why it’s crucial that the showman is properly equipped when it comes to forming the crystal fine trims on the back hair of the cow. When it all comes down to it, there are five basic necessities; clear magic, a hair brush, a blow dryer (with nozzle), baby powder, and a freedom clipper. This article will tell a showman all there is to know about these products and which brands are the best routes to go in order to wow the judge with a stunning topline.

Clear Magic  
     Clear magic is glorified hairspray, but instead of the usual 1-5 level, (flexible, strong, super strong), consider this stuff a 10. Clear magic is the Holy Grail when it comes to keeping a topline looking at its best. Sullivan Supply carries both types of Doc Brannen’s “magic”, clear and black. For the low price of $7.50 a can, who wouldn’t want what’s best for their cow? “Simply spray on and work into hair for 3 to 4 minutes with comb or brush to obtain desired hair position” (Dairy Show Products). Easy peasy! Just like hairspray. Be warned, too much of Clear Magic concentrated into one spot may lead hair loss on the cow.  

Hair Brush 
     A specific hair brush may seem overdramatic and unnecessary, but little do some showmen know the texture that needs to be accomplished when it comes to achieving a topline’s full potential. Little Brook Dairy uses the classic Denman Topline brush. This brush is absolutely perfect for the back brushing motion of creating a topline, and its versatile grip is great for when hands are covered in miscellaneous substances such as baby powder and clear magic. This product is also available at the Sullivan Supply for the price of $8.50, and it even comes in a choice of two varieties, 7 or 9 rows.

Blow Dryer with Nozzle
     This item has much more leeway than the hair brush and clear magic, virtually any hair brush that has a nozzle attachment will do the trick. Mills Fleet Farm carries an extraordinary hair dryer from Conair for a relatively low price of $21.00. “Say goodbye to the tangled cord! This hair dryer's cord retracts at the push of a button” (Mills Fleet Farm). What better type of hair dryer than one that can retract its cord with a push of a button?! This is perfect for the crazy and hectic morning of a show when people are running around looking for show numbers and combs. A retractable cord would be one less thing for a showman to worry about on their big day.

Baby Powder
     Like the blow dryer, this product has lots of leeway as well. The goal of baby powder is to act as a base for the clear magic and to aid the clear magic into keeping the hair exactly how the showman placed it before they walked into the ring. Sullivan Supply carries a specific brand of baby powder that’s actually called and made for toplines. The Ramer brand comes in four ounces and Sullivan Supply sells it for about $9.75. Not too shabby if the showman wants the cow’s topline to be looking its best. We suggest investing in this brand of powder because in order to have a stunning topline overall, a showman must have a good base to start off with.  

Freedom Clipper
     Its possible for the showman to miss parts of hair when grooming around the topline and towards the spine, and it happens all too often. But using a regualr clipper is too big and frankly a risk, because the showman might over clip and make the topline appear unnatural and sloppy. That’s why Oster supplies a PowerPro Ultra Cordless Clipper. Unfortunatly, this is a very expensive piece and is quite the investment; however it is cordless and rechargable. The Cheshire offers this particular clippers at $239.00.


     Overall, for the price of $285.75, any showman can get the beautifully sculpted topline that they deserve. Creating a topline is a piece of aft, and it’s important to have the necessary tools. But remember showman, neglected toplines after the show can and will lead to hair loss, which won’t be beneficial at the next show! Always remember to wash out the product in the topline to restore the hair’s natural texture and softness. 

Works Cited
"Conair Cord Keeper Styler - Mills Fleet Farm." Mills Fleet Farm. n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
"Dairy Show Products." Dairy Show Products. Sullivan Supply, n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

10 Shockingly Profitable and Illegal World Trades

Posted | Views: 1,727
10 Shockingly Profitable and 
Illegal World Trades
We’ve all heard of the black market, but we only have a vague understanding of what’s on its shelves. While most aren’t surprised that illegal traders don’t conduct shady deals for a gallon of milk, some of the most profitable world trades may shock you. These ten money-spinning world trades are not what you might expect.
6. Sperm 

In recent years, the internet has exploded with sperm buyers and sellers. While this may seem rather harmless, legal sperm donors are evaluated against several requirements designed to minimize the chance of a birth defect or hereditary disease, while the traders on the internet require no medical test. “… The recipients have absolutely no way of knowing what they’re getting. Not to mention the thousands of infectious diseases that can be transmitted through human sperm, which is really the scary part” (Listverse).
7. Python Skins

You’ve seen them on handbags, shoes, even pants, but I’ve doubt you’ve seen snake skins on actual, living snakes. In fact you might never, with the python population dying out so fast (Listverse). The potentially effective laws against illegal poaching and selling of snake skins are instituted in many parts of the world, specifically where the snake skin market is booming, but are almost never enforced (Listverse). It’s simple economics. If the demand for snake skins goes down, the use of illegal and immoral poaching practices would go down as well.
4. Bear Gall Bladders
 Despite the fact that it has been scientifically proven that it has no benefits, the gall bladders of black bears –and the bile- have been used as medicine in Asia from generation to generation. “…it has been definitively proven by medical science to have no medicinal properties whatsoever. In spite of that, the illegal trade in this product continues” (Listverse). The bears are poached in masses, and sometimes kept in illegal ‘bear farms-’ a waking nightmare. Bears are kept in small stalls, fed irregularly and not allowed to hibernate; they are continually surgically “milked” for the bile for a period of time before being killed to extract the gall bladder.” Every year, on average, 2 billion dollars are made off these bears’ suffering (Listverse).
5. Abalone

Abalone are edible sea snails, and they are a delicacy in many Asian countries, as well as South Africa. Abalone suffers from the same afflictions as most of the other animals wrapped up in illegal trade. “Abalone is the highest-priced product it [South Africa] produces. In 1995, 615 tons of Abalone were harvested in South Africa; by 2008, it had dropped dramatically to 75 tons… The incredible drop in volume over such a short time is attributed almost entirely to illegal harvesting, and the effect of this on the South African economy has been significant” (Listverse). Abalone populations are declining, but the traders’ wallet sizes are increasing.
9. Timber 

The trade in timber hits the world hard in many different ways –habitat loss, monetary loss, effects on climate change, etc. - but there is one other way that may shock you. Illegal traders in timber and drug traffickers -the ‘Odd Couple’ of the black market- have teamed up to increase their efficiency when transferring their illegal cargo. Yes, illegal drugs are now being concealed in the thick trunks of massive trees (Listverse). You can’t say these drug smugglers aren’t original.
8. Human Organs

Human organs are a very profitable commodity in the illegal trade industry. They prey on desperate and destitute people, paying them as little as $5,000 for their kidney, and then the traders sell the organ for thousands more to equally desperate people in need of a life-saving organ donor (Listverse). Some victims don’t know their organs are being taken. “While many people willingly give up organs for cash, many other are scammed or forced into the procedure, or made to undergo unnecessary surgeries during which the organs are extracted without their knowledge” (Listverse). This multi-billion dollar industry, according to Listverse, performs 10,000 surgeries every year.
3. Caviar

A popular dish of the rich and famous, caviar has a big presence in the Black Market. They are actually eggs of the ancient Sturgeon, who shared the world with the dinosaurs, and now their population is declining rapidly. It is illegal to acquire Sturgeon eggs from the wild –legal caviar is produced on a legitimate Sturgeon farm- although, as we have learned, environmental protection laws are extremely lax. “A global ban on wild caviar (as opposed to farmed) in the mid ’00s failed to have the desired effect of protecting the population, and may actually have spurred increased black market activity. In 2006, the Pew Institute for Ocean Science called the sturgeon ‘the most vulnerable wildlife resource in the world’” (Listverse).
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10. Primates

Monkeys are carted around the world to fulfill many supposed ‘needs’ of mankind. Their uses range from test subjects for scientific research to becoming a famous pet in another pop singer’s menagerie. Currently, 1,000 of primates are brought to America lawfully, but 3,000 more apes are poached and sold. Poaching is illegal, but primates are traded ‘legally’ under a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy in regards to how they were acquired (Listverse). The illegal primate trade has contributed to the decline of their worldwide population; 30% of primate species are endangered (All the World’s Primates).
2. Alcohol
 Alcohol is illegal in some Middle Eastern countries, and, in other nations, it is strictly regulated. In Iraq lashes are part of the punishment if you are caught with alcohol. Many in the illegal liquor trade find that receiving lashes isn’t enough of a threat because this illegal trade is blossoming. “[The Illegal Liquor Trade is] So strong that Iranian factories that produce rubbing alcohol were actually forced by the government to spike it with a substance that renders it almost too bitter to drink—proving that, yes, people all over the world will take amazing risks just to get drunk” (Listverse).
 From oddly creative to terribly disgusting, these illegal businesses exist and thrive in our world today. Millions of people are rich from them, and even more people and animals are victims. This is only a glimpse of what’s lined up on the black market’s shelves. It is a dark and seedy world, where only one motto overpowers all else: 
greed can exploit anything.  
1. Newborn Babies

The illegal sale of newborn babies rakes in 32 billion dollars of the annual gross profit of the human trafficking trade (Listverse). Being one of the most profitable illegal industries in the world, newborn babies are exploited for many purposes: Cheap, ‘no-hassle’ adoption, prostitution, organ harvesting, and slave labor are just a few (Random Facts). Even if a child in this trade were adopted, many are resold by their adoptive parents (Listverse). Obviously, human traffickers –and their buyers- aren’t concerned with the safety, health, or quality of life of the newborns babies they are selling for profit.

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next day arrives and I’m in pain. Doris and the surgeon whose name I don’t even know yet are talking outside my door. Pressing my button for assistance, Doris comes running in. “What” Doris says in a panThe ic. “What are you and the surgeon talking about” I replied. “Me and John are figuring out the next steps for your recovery” Doris says. I am told that those next steps are recovery, recovery, recovery which was hard for me to hear from the surgeon. As jealous as I was watching everyone else passing by in the hallway with both their arms smiling and laughing I was sure that I had to make a plan to get back at the surgeon. It sounds like I have all the time in the world to strategize. Days pass like years I am so bored, and I’m sick of other people having to assist me with stuff I use to be able to do by myself only a couple of days ago. This is by far the most difficult thing mentally and physically I have been through. I don’t wish this type of pain on anyone in the world except one person John.
One week into this journey of being stuck in a hospital bed and my thoughts are getting more and more twisted. Recently I’ve been able to gain control of my legs and have practiced movements with them trying to think of revenge on John. It was hard enough having to see the man who cut off both of my arms multiple times daily and acting like everything was fine. Then all of a sudden John the surgeon stopped showing up for his daily visits and I asked Doris about this. Doris explains to me the situation and I’m not sure if I like it. See what Doris explained to me is that Johns case is being reviewed by the board of directors and they are going to fire him, and we will have the choice to sue him.

Awhile passes and I start thinking maybe this is the right thing. It doesn’t matter that I was jealous of the fact that he still had both of his arms and had a good job. After this whole time of being trapped in a hospital I never noticed all the people that were actually here for me and care for me. This was the first time since I’ve been in the hospital that I’ve been happy and things were only getting better. Since John the surgeon got fired, and I am able to sue them, I had the choice of money or new bionic arms that will make me the first human robot ever. Since money couldn’t buy me those bionic arms and I really wanted arms again I choose to be the first human robot and I figured I could make money touring the world anyways.

I am now 32 years old, and I’m living the life. Funny to think that just a few years ago I almost lost it all. Now I’m a millionaire thanks to my new arms, and I’m still the only person in the world that has them. I walked past John the surgeon the other day on the side of the road with a sign, and even though this guy took my arms away he was also the reason for all my success. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him, he looked very different when it came to his hygiene you can tell he has had a rough couple of years. Doing the only thing I could think of at the time I gave him a check and said thank you. It’s crazy to think we each had it all lost it, and then got it back again. Revenge isn’t necessary these days. All we need to do is help each other and the world could be filled with a bunch of “bionic arms”.

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I have never been in this kind of situation before. I personally always thought this only happened in the movies. The last thing I remembered about that awful night was the headlights getting closer and closer than koas. My eyes blink and the brightest light ever soon follows, I notice I’m waking up from a surgery. With my whole body being numb they ask me questions to see if I’m cohesive. ‘’Hey sir can you tell me your name said the surgeon?’’ “Nolan’’ I replied. After him asking more questions about me like my age, what time of the year it is, and if I knew what happened, I reply fast to all of those I am 29 years old. It is the fall, I think we were in a car crash. Where is my wife, Doris, the doctor tells me she is fine she just went to go get some fresh air. It was encouraging knowing she was unharmed in this horrific car accident. Some would say that Doris and I have a weird relationship since she is ten years older than me. I’ve always looked past that she is carefree and I am just foolish. Doris walks in the room with a sad look on her face and I’m unaware of what’s really going on. The surgeon, whose name I’m not aware of, starts to tell me what happened in surgery. He says it was so hectic rushing me into surgery and my arm was swelling up. They said they had to amputate the left arm. In such a rush, the surgeon grabbed the equipment necessary to remove my left arm, and as fast as he could, to save my life, he sawed off my arm. As he was saying this I looked down at my arm or what was supposed to be my arm. Come to learn that the new surgeon had cut off the wrong arm. He cut off my right arm, but still had to cut off my left arm due to the traumatic swelling. At this point, it felt like life was over I never imagined living life without any arms. Doris is going to have to care for me 24/7 now, I don’t want to put her through that. On the verge of tears and wanting to hit something (which is impossible for me at this moment) we yelling out to the surgeon that we will sue him for this mistake. The surgeon remained calm and professional for the duration of the argument. I defiantly expected some sort of sorry from him, but he couldn’t even tell me that. I could tell it was going to be a rough night ahead of me. Thankfully the hospital has good drugs that will make me sleep like a baby.

Find You Canvas ...Page 7

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-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
-Find your Canvas and...

Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz
Hope Outdoor Gallery (Castle Hill) Austin,Tx
Art by, Artists Pictured 

6th STREET SXSW...Page 6

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-They say When Opportunity Knocks you better Answer.
But what happens when your too busy Looking for Opportunity itself.

Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy of -Marcuz 
6th Street Austin,Tx at SXSW 2014
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"

MJ vs. Obama

Posted | Views: 795
Smack talk has been apart of every sport forever, but only few people are good at rattling the brains of the opposition. Michael Jordan is notoriously one of the most effective trashtalkers that's ever graced the hardwood floors. MJ was known to get in the head of the opponents on a nightly basis, and even though the GOAT was respected among his peers, he wasn't always liked.  
In a recent interview with Ahmad Rashad, Jordan told Rashad that President Obama was a "Sh%! golfer" and that it would take "all day" to play with the President. You can listen to the interview to the right of this page, but I love the guts that MJ has to take a jab the leader of the free world. 
What happens next is truly even better! Most people thought B.O. would take the high road and give a presidential type response the the MJ criticism, but as Lee Corso would say on College Gameday, "Not so fast." Mr. President shot back at MJ saying that he's never played with MJ, and that he should, "focus on the Bobcats, or Hornets."

WOW! So not only did Obama tell MJ to worry about himself, but he called MJ's team "The Bobcats" on first reference instead of the Hornets. I would bet anything that he made that name error on purpose, maybe to prove a point. All politics aside, I like that the President stood up for himself instead of giving a "Presidential response". Jalen Rose made a good point on the subject in his Grantland podcast when he basically said MJ is the man when it comes to sports and all that, but when you go barking at the front door of the White House it's a whole different story. This back and forth is probably more fun than anything, but it's kind of cool to see these high ranking public figures show flashes of being human. 

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There were many rules around colors and who got to wear what type of clothes. Only certain people, like high ranking officials and members of the emperor's court, were allowed to wear silk. Lower ranking people could actually be punished for wearing silk clothing.

The people of higher status wore clothes made of silk. Silk is made from the cocoons of silkworms and is soft, light, and beautiful. The Chinese were the first to make silk and kept how to make it secret for hundreds of years. 
The poor people, or peasants, wore clothing made of hemp. This was a rough material made from plant fibers. It was durable and good for working in the fields. Generally clothes made of hemp were loose fitting pants and shirts. During the Sui Dynasty, in the 500s AD, the emperor decided that all poor people had to wear blue or black clothes, and only rich people could wear colors.

The Science of Shooting

Posted | Views: 453
The Science and Math of a Three-Point Shot 
"Ball's Life", the sweet sound of the net, and the sight of the defense are all signs of a beautiful rainbow three pointer made by science and math.
The Science and Math of a Three-Point Shot
For many basketball players shooting a basketball is as simple as putting butter to a bread, but there is actually a complex science and math behind making any shot, especially a three point shot. Obviously there are many variables that are involve in a shot, but here we will be talking about angles and equations from the cream of the crop shooters from the NBA and not some crazy trick shots that J.R. Smith can make from time to time.
There are some factors involve in the shooting process that are essential for banking a shot. These factors are the elbow's angle, the height of the jump and rotation of the ball. When we are analyzing a three point shot, the first thing we need to observe is the elbow's angle. According to scientist the perfect angle for an elbow to be while shooting a three pointer is between 48° and 54°. If your elbow is between these degrees, the probability of missing or that your shot is blocked go down, and the probabilities of going in sky rock.
The elbow's angle is not the only influential factor involved in shooting, the height of the jump is very important too. According to studies the closest your jump is to being parallel to the basket, the more likely the shot will go in. Ray Allen the NBA's leader in three pointers made in history, usually release the ball when is nine feet away from the floor, only  one feet of different of being completely parallel to the basket.
Lastly, the rotation that you give to the ball should be a backspin. This backspin is what players and coaches call "The Shooting Touch". Every sharp shooter from the NBA, including Stephen Curry, Ray Allen, Kyle Korver, Klay Thompson and Kevin Durant have this so called touch.

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The earliest materials used in making clothes are kudzu cloth, ramie cloth, and hemp cloth. About 4,700 years ago, silk was invented, and it gradually became a very popular material, especially with the upper class. The invention of silk was, and remains, one of the great contributions the Chinese people have given to the world. It inspired the large-scale commercial communication, which is famously referred to as “The Silk Road”. By the time of the Yuan (1271 - 1368 AD) and Ming (1368 - 1644 AD) dynasties, one other material of worldwide significance was introduced from India; Cotton, which became widely used. The colours of traditional Chinese clothing are greatly influenced by Five-element Theory: cyan, red, black, white, and yellow, which represent the five elements. These are pure colours, while the others are secondary colours. Pure colours were mostly used by the upper class in most dynasties. They were also matching colours, as favoured by common people. Another popular colour among folk was blue, indigo calico, and batik fabrics. In colour matching, ancient Chinese people preferred bright ones in order to make the clothes grand and elegant.
Archaeological findings of 18,000 year-old artifacts such as bone sewing needles and stone beads and shells with holes bored in them attest to the existence of decoration and of sewing extremely early in Chinese civilization. 
A moth lays 500 or so eggs and then dies , baby worms hatch from the eggs are fed mulberry leaves for one month until they are fat, the worms spin cocoons, the cocoons are steamed to kill the growing moth inside ,the cocoons are rinsed in hot water to loosen the threads ,women would unwind the cocoons and then combine six or so fibers into silk threads ,the threads are woven into cloth,the cloth is then pounded to make it softer and is ready to weave.

Ecztek Haber

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November 7, 2014

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                                                                    Twentynine Palms High                                                                     
  Volume 1, Number 5                                                                                                                             November 7, 2014
In Sickness and in Health
  Story by: Kerenza Robinson
Imagine yourself in the most important race of the season when, suddenly, you puke. What would you do next? Would you just stop and give up?
Lots of people would. But not Ronnie Rondeau. He decided to keep going and push himself even harder than before. He refused to give up.
This race was different than his usual because Ronnie threw up in the middle of it, giving other runners the chance to pass him. (This may have had something to do with all those hot dogs he ate the night before. But who can say for sure?) Ronnie began to feel a little nervous as he noticed some of the other runners passing him, but afterwards, he felt a surge of energy. He sprinted to the finish line because he “really wanted to get the top seven” and passed both the 6th and 7th place runners. Despite this unexpected turn of events, Ronnie pulled through and ended up placing 5th in league.
 Ronnie Rondeau’s performance, along with the rest of the team, guaranteed them a spot in CIFs, which Ronnie is looking forward to a lot this year. He hopes to perform well, and he is ready to end the season with a good race. This is Ronnie’s first year participating in Cross Country, and he has definitely proven himself as an asset to the team. Ronnie joined the Cross Country team to stay in shape for soccer, and he thinks that it has been a valuable experience.
 All in all, it is safe to say that Ronnie is one talented runner, especially since this is his first year doing cross-country; he has proven himself a strong athlete.
Never mind the Legacies; We’ll Do It Our Way
Story by: Makayla Ogdahl

There’s something about maintaining legacies... and there’s another something about disrupting them. It’s old news that our very own Wildcat tennis team lost their nine senior starters last season; every team loses seniors, after all.
 But even with a team that is 60% newcomers (yes, I really did the math), and a majority of returners having never played a full set before, the girls clawed their way up to second in league, losing only three games in the season. And so, at the end of this season, we found ourselves playing in the famed Indian Wells Tennis Gardens.
 Upon first entering we were certain of one thing: “This place is beautiful.”
 This place was also very, very hot.
 It’s the end of October, come on.
 The first matches of the day are won, or lost, fairly easily. Jasmine Smith gets a “Bye”, Alex Morrissey and Makayla Ogdahl win 8-1, and Brianna Sears and Marissa Thomas win 9-7. The only Wildcat knocked out of the running is Lexi Wade, who stays neck and neck with her opponent until the girl manages to steal two games in a row, bringing Lexi’s final score to 5-8.
 The second matches are more difficult, to say the least. Makayla and Alex start out their set against the #1 Shadow Hills team in a 1-4 loss, but manage to deafen themselves to the other team’s obnoxious cheers by cheering for each other, and ultimately win in an 8-8 tie break, 7-4. Brianna and Marissa find themselves going back and forth with their opponents, DHS, but manage to break away just enough to win 8-6. Jasmine maintains a less difficult match, and beats her competition 8-0.
 Thus ends the first day, with five out of six girls advancing to semi-finals.
 The next day proves itself much more of a horrible emotional rollercoaster than the first. As Coach Ingram says later on, it’s sometimes much harder to go against your own team than it is to go against your rivals.
 Both TPHS doubles teams lose their first rounds and find themselves pitted against each other in a battle for third. Its hard to want to crush your opponents when you know how hard they’ve worked, just like you have. Despite the coach’s pleas for us to flip a coin or play to eight (instead of two games to six), we fight it out until the very end, and Alex and Makayla come away with third in hand, winning only by a tie break in one game, and the other 6-3. One court over, Yucca Valley’s #1 and #2 doubles teams are also battling it out, and the tension can be felt in the air.
 After all is said and done, both Yucca and TPHS get a chance to see the pro court, lay down on it, and take about a dozen selfies on it. The Wildcats now move on to CIFs, winning their first game against San Gorgonio High School 12-6, and closing out their season with a 4-14 loss against Vista Del Lago.
 All in all, yes, the undefeated #1 in league legacy was let down. But climbing to second and moving on to the second round of CIFs doesn’t seem like such a bad end to a pretty great season.
That One Word Seniors Love: College
 Story by: Kathleen Moore

For three dark and ominous nights, eight seniors were trapped inside a disgusting motel room with bloody carpet as putrid smells filled their nostrils. Regardless of their horrible sleeping conditions the senior AVID trip was a success because they were given the opportunity to visit 11 different college campuses in Northern California during a four day trip, some of which included: UC San Francisco, UC Merced, and UC Fresno. The sole purpose of the AVID trip was to prepare seniors for their much anticipated college-life and give them a better idea of what college could be like.
Students were able to explore the college campuses high and low. They went on tours, checked out different programs, and decided for themselves which types of colleges they were interested in. But they didn’t do all that without Mrs. Lee-Briggs’ support of course.
 Koko Cabrera stated, “Mrs. Lee-Briggs showed me what was important. I couldn’t have done it without her guidance.” Koko has always wanted to attend UC Santa Cruz, and once she visited the campus in person, instead of just seeing it through a website, she knew she was making the right choice. She was reassured and excited when she discovered the campus was in a wooded area and it provided a good bio-med program which suited her interests.
Kyle Lav was also excited to explore different colleges, and he now has his mind set on UC Merced. He likes that the college is located in a “farm country” area and has a peaceful atmosphere. After this trip he knew for certain which colleges he was going to apply to and what he wanted to major in. Kyle confessed that, before this trip, there were a lot of “ifs” and he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, but now he knows.
Overall the trip was extremely beneficial because it served as an eye-opener to most of the students. It helped with the application process and showed the students which colleges they should actually apply to, saving them time and money. The trip was worth it, even though the rooms were horrid, and as advice to anyone interested in college, Koko suggests that you “visit before you apply.”

Are the Cavs in Trouble?

Posted | Views: 1,057
Are the Cavs in Trouble?
After a 1-3 start to the regular season, the Cleveland Cavaliers are now facing an incredible amount of criticism from every NBA talking head in America. With last nights loss to the Jazz, and a loss the night before in Portland, there are now people reporting that LeBron James and Kyrie Irving had a "healthy exchange of words" after the Trailblazers game. So this rough start means everything falling apart in Cleveland, and that everyone should panic???..... ABSOLUTELY NOT, PEOPLE.. Take a deep breath and I'll tell you why.
The season started the worst way possible for the Cavs. To start things off, it was a humongous "Coming Home" celebration for LeBron in the first game against the Knicks. The Cavs looked wide-eyed and supposedly Irving asked Mike Miller, "Is this what the playoffs are like?" A question in which Miller quickly responded, "No." HA. The opening game was more of a circus than a basketball game, so that loss is somewhat understandable. Then the next night the Cavs responded valiantly, taking down the other Eastern Conference favorite in the Chicago Bulls. LeBron played like LeBron and everything was fine. Then the Cavs had three full days of rest, and didn't play again until Tuesday night when they took on Portland. After the Cavs lost by 19 points on the road to the Blazers, the criticism started pouring in. James only had eleven points in the loss, and Bill Simmons from Grantland suggested that LeBron could be on the decline due to playing over 40,000 minutes in his NBA career...
So after that long summary of how the Cavs season has started, here are my thoughts: First off, everyone needs to chill.. LeBron tweeted today that everyone needs to "RELAX". Does anyone remember how the 2011 Heat started their season? They were 9-8 through 17 games in LeBron's first season in Miami. They went on to make four straight NBA Finals appearances and won two of them. Second: The chemistry will take sometime to get down, especially on a team with three guys who are used to being "the man" when really "the man" is LeBron James (see playoff appearances of other two guys). The third and most important thing will be the play Dion Waiters. Plain and simple that guy hates to pass the ball. Waiters has always had an ego, and he's even been a pretty good shooter in his career. But this season Waiters has struggled to find his shot, and on Wednesday night he was replaced in the starting lineup by Shawn Marion. The Cavs desperately need their role players to step up. Everyone knows that the trio of LeBron, Irving and Kevin love is an incredible threesome. Those guys will produce in most every game. The key to the Cavs success will be how well the rest of the team meshes with those superstars. Part of that responsibility falls back on the shoulders of Irving, the teams point guard. Over the last six quarters, Irving has failed to recored an assist. As the team's facilitator, that should be his main focus. Through four games, Irving has averaged only 3.8 assists. With the number of weapons he has to pass to on this team, that number needs to drastically increase. 

I really believe that once this team gets a few more games under its belt they'll be fine. Let's remember that this is David Blatte's first year as a head coach in this league, and taking on a roster filled with superstars isn't the easiest thing to do. Players will find their roles on this team too as the season progresses. LeBron said it best after the game when he basically told reporters that it wouldn't benefit the team if he were to take over in the fourth quarter every night, and that the team needs to learn from those opportunities. Those chances will come, and the Cavs still have 78 games left on the schedule, so there will be plenty of time for improvement. But for now, take a deep breath NBA fans. If my instincts tell me anything, it's that the Cavs will be just fine. Any team led by KING JAMES himself will be in good shape. The NBA world just needs to sit back and be patient. -BC
Finally, in last nights loss to the Jazz, people immediately overreacted simply because the Jazz are an awful team. How is a team that has three top 10 NBA players, losing to a Jazz squad that's recently overpaid for Derrick Favors, Gordon Hayward and Alec Burks (LOL). Let me also remind everyone that LeBron took over in the final minutes of the loss. He hit a big three point basket, before knocking down three clutch free throws to tie the game. If it weren't for Hayward's incredible buzzer beater then we would all be discussing how LeBron saved the day compared to questioning the Cavs as a team. 

Castle Hill ...Page 5

Posted | Views: 1,405
   -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy of-Marcuz
It was all Art that built the House on top of The Hill.
Hope Outdoor Gallery (Castle Hill) Austin,Tx SXSW 2014

3rd and Lamar...Page 4

Posted | Views: 1,479
The perspective point of view will always belong to someone
Train Tracks Off 3rd and Lamar at SXSW 2014
Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy of -Marcuz
    -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"

Dictation Solutions

Posted | Views: 347
Dictation Solutions is supplier of high quality dictation devices in Australia.  We deal with all major dictation device brands including Grundig, Olympus, Phillips, Sanyo & Sony.  Visit our website to get more information on our products and services.