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Music Tales Malaysia

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Our History
We are an vocational academy that provide pop music education,
We are a wholesaler that provide music theme gift and various kind of instruments,
We are a production house that create and produce music from TVCs to Movies.

Please PM us the product item code which you are interested. We'll get back to you easier that way as we have few admin follow up on this page. Thank you all and happy shopping ;)

Music Tales Malaysia

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Van Danny - wat een leuke collega om van over te nemen

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Interior Design & Landscaping

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Posted | Views: 370
Truck Accident Lawyer is a site created and made available strictly for educational purposes and to outline a general understanding of the law in the United States. Since laws constantly change and differ from state to state you are urged to locate the nearest lawyer to you.

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Posted | Views: 391
Wood inlay ring
The Blue River Agate ring has a striking inlay of blue and pink swirls. The inlay has the look of stone because it is stone. the inlay is made from real stone that is ground and reformed under high pressure with an acrylic binder.  This allows the stone to be stronger than it could be naturally.

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Posted | Views: 324
RV sales fort worth
Best Value RV is the leading RV dealer and service shop in Denton County, Texas. We service the Dallas/Ft. Worth (DFW) Metroplex, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana. From the moment you walk into our dealership, you’ll know customer service is our priority. We are a family owned and operated dealership.
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Physics of goalkeeping

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Physics differentiate the good from the great goalkeepers, and to be one of them you need to have in mind this four things: 

The Understanding of Momentum- A goalkeeper must keep his weight shifted forward, standing on the balls of his feet
he Analysis of Vectors- While preparing for a shot, a goalkeeper must analyze vectors at all times to determine where he should stand.
The Maximization of Impulse- the most expensive goalie gloves are made of the softest foam, with premium cushioning in the palms.
The Knowledge of Torque- The goalkeeper slides out on the grass, attacking the ball low.

Until The End Of Time...Page 9

Posted | Views: 1,309
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"

Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz 
Until The End Of Time...
Fence at Hope Outdoor Gallery(Castle Hill) 
Austin,Tx 2014

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Posted | Views: 1,397
In addition to the basic features and patterns, traditional Chinese attires have many other features like appearance, cutting, decoration, color and design, etc, all of which changed over the various dynasties. For example, black is the most dignified color in the Xia Dynasty (21st - 17th century BC), white in the Shang Dynasty and red in the Zhou Dynasty. They also vary based on one’s political position, social status, occupation and gender, etc. For instance, dragon embroideries and bright yellow can only be used by emperors most of the time; in the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 AD), purple official costumes are for the fifth or higher rank officials; in the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911 AD), the higher a person’s social rank or the richer one was, the more embroideries and borders there were on his attires.

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In this magazine you will find


Posted | Views: 445
Grunting In Tennis
Have you ever wonder why tennis players Grunt? Cause I have, every time I watch a game of Maria Sharapova,  I wonder why tennis players shout in every opportunity they get. First I though it was because some random player started to do it and then because of him it became tradition to keep grunting but then I thought it was because they teach these player to grunt because it helps them with their technique. As many people say, science has an answer for everything, we are going to use science to explain the real reason of why players grunt while playing tennis.
According to ESPN, there is a real scientific reason of why tennis players grunt or shout. The shout actually aids in the explosion of the serve and in the return of the ball. According to studies made by Sports Science, some players grunt is even louder than some motorcycles and this grunt helps the player to open the lungs and expose the air inside it, this air and lung push gives more power to the serve or any given time the player smash the ball. The studies also states that when a player shout, there are less probability a player hit the ball out, this means that the grunt helps the player with the direction of the ball.

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Posted | Views: 346
                   TOTO GAZETESİ

Off the Wall...Page 8

Posted | Views: 1,350
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"

Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy of-Marcuz
Building The Foundation to the Life you Want
Is simply about Finding opportunity and if its Not present then... 
create It.


Vans Off The Wall Showcase Austin,Tx at 
SXSW 2014

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Posted | Views: 1,203

 Both Wayzata and Edina will represent Section 6AA at the girls’ state cross country meet next week (MSHSL Section 6AA Championships- Varsity Girls.) Both will have to defeat number one rated and Section 8AA Champions, Willmar. Willmar won the Section 8AA Championship with a team score of only thirty-eight (MSHSL Section 8AA Championships- Varsity Girls.) Anna French, the top rated individual girl from the Lake Conference will also have an uphill climb if she hopes to win an individual state championship. She currently is rated sixth with Megan and Bethany Hasz of Alexandria rated first and second (Class AA Girls XC Coach's Rankings for October 20, 2014.)
     Next week’s MSHSL Class AA State Cross Country Meet is setting up to be fantastic. Both the number one ranked Wayzata boys and number two ranked Hopkins boys’ teams advanced from Section 6AA onto the state meet. Joe Klecker of Hopkins and Connor Olson of Wayzata probably will the enter state meet next week still ranked as the top two rated boys in the state. It should be a fantastic dual between Wayzata and Hopkins next week as a team and between their top two guys individually for the state championship (Class AA Boys XC Coach's Rankings for October 20, 2014.)

State Meet Preview

     The members of the Lake Conference: Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Wayzata have had a fantastic cross country season this fall. Most of the teams and many individuals have been ranked in the coaches’ poll over the course of the season. Many of them should have an amazing meet at Saint Olaf next weekend. Good luck to all runners, including those from the Lake Conference competing at state next weekend.

Year in Review
Works Cited 
"Class AA Boys XC Coach's Rankings for October 20, 2014." MN Track XC, 24 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"Class AA Girls XC Coach's Rankings for October 20, 2014." MN Track XC, 20 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"Lake Conference Championships- Varsity Boys." MN Track XC, 9 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"Lake Conference Championships- Varsity Girls." MN Track XC, 9 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"MSHSL Section 6AA Championships- Varsity Boys." MN Track XC, 23 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"MSHSL Section 6AA Championships- Varsity Girls." MN Track XC, 23 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"MSHSL Section 8AA Championships- Varsity Girls 4k." MN Track XC, 23 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

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Posted | Views: 1,159
Section 6AA Championships 
 Not only are Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Wayzata in the Lake Conference, but all five are part of the sixteen teams that make up Section 6AA. The top two teams at section meets advance to the MSHSL State Cross Country Meet. Entering the Section 6AA Meet on October 23rd, Wayzata still remained ranked number one, with Hopkins up to second, Edina ranked fourth, Eden Prairie ranked sixth, and Minnetonka still unranked. The Lake Conference members had five of the top twelve in the coaches’ poll entering the section meet (Class AA Boys XC Coach's Rankings for October 20, 2014.) The 2014 Section 6AA cross country champion would be the number one team in the state, Wayzata. Wayzata dominated the meet winning by thirty-one points over Hopkins who also advanced the state meet by finishing second over Edina by only eight points. Eden Prairie finished in fifth position and Minnetonka finished sixth. Individually, Edina advanced four of their seven boys’ runners to the state meet. Number two ranked Joe Klecker of Hopkins defeated number one rated Connor Olson of Wayzata by only six seconds. Both will be contending to win the state title next week (MSHSL Section 6AA Championships- Varsity Boys.)
 In the girls’ division Wayzata and Edina advanced as a team to the state meet at Saint Olaf College. Wayzata won the section with a score of forty-six points. Minnetonka finished third, Eden Prairie was fourth, and Hopkins came home in seventh. Anna French of Wayzata took first place with a time of 14:04.40. Eden Prairie and Minnetonka both advanced two girls as individuals to the state cross country meet. Samantha Schnirring and Micayla Batchlor of Eden Prairie advanced individually, along with Sophie Witcher and Kylie Melz of Minnetonka (MSHSL Section 6AA Championships- Varsity Girls.)

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Posted | Views: 423
Condo Fraud Prevention /

In 2014, a Pittsburgh area condo association was exposed for skipping at least 12 consecutive yearly audits.  This could be the longest condo fiduciary failure of this kind in the nation's history.

- the association had hired the same large management company and manager for the entire time
- the association had also retained an attorney from one of the most popular "cond
o law" firms in the area

- when first discovered, along with several other concerning activities (using an illegal unregistered contractor for over 3 years and multiple payments to a board president's brother-in-law for non-bid contracts), the lawyer  made multiple aggressive attempts to dismiss all claims as "defamation" and even threatened suit to prevent the revelations to residents

- the long-time manager never explained or apologized for why he kept completely silent to the Board about the audit requirement for over 12 years; the bylaws are a mere 21 pages long; the current board did not apologize for the failure but wrote that they were not aware of the requirement and were completely satisfied with the manager

- the management company website promises to ensure audits are performed when required

- the lawyer, representing the association, took no action against the management company, but vigorously defended the manager and the company

- the lawyer had months previously stated that the firm had a "conflict of interest" regarding taking any action with the management company; however, the same lawyer did not recuse him/herself from advising the association on these matters; despite thousands of attorneys practicing in the county,
the association did not hire a new lawyer/firm

- the lawyer went on record to state
- that board members should not sign "ethics pledges"
- that contrary to the widely accepted definition, "self-dealing" did not include relatives of board members
- that the bylaws specifically allowed payment for work to family/relatives of board members 
(the lawyer read to a primarily elderly audience a passge of the bylaws  which makes no mention of "relatives" or "family" as a justification for the self-dealing to relatives in the association)

- after all 100+ owners/residents received notification of the 12-year audit debacle, the lawyer finally admitted that this had indeed occured

- in response to the revelations, a resident was targeted with death threats and other offensive remarks posted on the website designed to reveal the misconduct; the "anonymous" poster actually posed as a resident, specifically using the full name of the resident targeted in the mutliple death threats

- the following month, the Board (still employing the same manager and lawyer), introduced an amendment which would replace the yearly audit requirement for audits every five years and allow the association and management company the ability to commingle (aka co-mingle) funds despite the essentially universal recommendation against commingling of funds in the industry;  commingling has been cited as only enabling fraud and theft; owners were given just 10 days to vote ; the association never had even one of the 12+ audits completed when it proposed eliminating the yearly audit requirement

- the Board which had just cited ignorance of the 21 page bylaws now claimed it was qualified to propose an audacious fraud-enabling  amendment to those very same bylaws



Posted | Views: 1,233
While Ed Wood's aliens looked suspiciously like fey middle-aged men in silver jumpsuits, Phil Tucker's ET invaders were even less likely, unless, that is, NASA's suppressing knowledge that our cosmic neighbors are gorilla-robots who wear diving helmets and wield genocidal bubble machines. Originally released in 3-D, Robot Monster actually made a small fortune relative to its paltry budget. Viewed today, it's hilarious, but, like Plan 9, compelling for its bizarre plotting and dialogue so dreadful it actually becomes like poetry.
Forget the scares and deliberate laughs of Joe Dante's 1981 original. This sequel, from Aussie director Philippe Mora, was shot in Soviet-controlled Prague and is a hilariously bad confection of erotic horror and New Wave "style." Christopher Lee, years off his blockbuster comeback, stars as an occult investigator who has to take on Sybil Danning's werewolf Queen Stirba and her minions. What's worse? The cotton-candy special make-up effects, the "acting" of co-stars Reb Brown and Annie McEnroe, or the seemingly endlessly repeated electro-bleating of the theme song by Babel? It's a big call. Whichever way you go, don't switch off before the very "special" end credits featuring Sybil Danning's assets -- on repeat loop.
From director Fred F. Sears, who made Rock Around the Clock and Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, this epic about a giant bird from a parallel dimension attacking Earth might have passed muster if producer Sam Katzman had followed the plan for Ray Harryhausen to do the effects. Instead, the cheapo mogul opted for a puppet on strings, so it appears as if mid-1950s jet pilots and hot rodders are being attacked by a mutated Gonzo from The Muppet Show. The dialogue is also brilliantly cheesy, making this one of the funniest Z-grade flicks of the 1950s.

Made in the Philippines, this spy parody stars Weng Weng, a 2'9" midget, as the kick-ass -- or make that, kick-balls -- agent Double O. A bizarre James Bond riff, over-dubbed by expatriates, the film has him facing off against his nemesis, Mr. Giant, who plans to rule the world with his, er, "N-bomb". Weng Weng followed up with The Impossible Kid, in which he works for Interpol, and made numerous other films, some of which are still being uncovered by cult-movie investigator Andrew Leavold.

What more besides the title do you need to know? How about that the spiders are actually from another dimension? How about that a goodly percentage of their victims are sleazy brain-dead rednecks? How about that the "hero" spider was created by draping a huge arachnid suit over a VW and driving it around while people inside the vehicle waved the beast's big "legs" for added "realism"? And on it goes. Great fun, even if it can't quite match the incredible poster

“A man is sitting on the front porch of a trading post at Vanavara in Siberia. Little does he know, in a few moments, he will be hurled from his chair and the heat will be so intense he will feel as though his shirt is on fire ...” 
“Kulik's expeditions (he traveled to Tunguska on three separate occasions) did finally get some of the locals to talk. One was the man based at the Vanara trading post who witnessed the heat blast as he was launched from his chair. His account: Suddenly in the north sky… the sky was split in two, and high above the forest the whole northern part of the sky appeared covered with fire… At that moment there was a bang in the sky and a mighty crash… The crash was followed by a noise like stones falling from the sky, or of guns firing. The earth trembled ”.
Anyway, researchers, investigators, and other academic and scientific authorities commented that until the date this mystery is unsolved. There are some theories about it:
- An asteroid: this is the most favorite in order to explain the event. Expeditions obtained some little fragments on threes. Others refuse this because only 19 years after the event the first expedition to the area would have to wait for it. Leonid Kulik led an expedition to Tunguska, "At first, the locals were reluctant to tell Kulik about the event," said Yeomans. "They believed the blast was a visitation by the god Ogdy, who had cursed the area by smashing trees and killing animals ".
- An unusual tectonic event. A Russian scientific Andrei Yu Ol'khovatov tells us an interesting argues based on a big earthquake and atmospheric registers.
- Methane explosion. Wolfgang Kundt argues that until ten million tons of this gas could be the cause of this explosion from the center of earth.
- Others said that this is the result of Nikola Tesla experiment.
- Crashed ovni. Somebody considered this option but it is ridiculous because there are not any fragments of space ship.
Nowadays speculation will continue as to the origin of this catastrophe, yet no certain conclusions can be attained unless man has the dubious opportunity to observe and monitor such an event in the future. The Tunguska explosion is indeed unique and mysterious. Of the possible causes it appears that the present consensus favors the comet hypothesis. However, suggesting a consensus is quite tenuous.

More than one hundred years ago, the mystery is unsolved. No evidence, no proofs, just a big explosion! “The Tunguska explosion fulfills all five parts of the above definition and can be considered the epitome of a cosmic impact catastrophe ”. In June 30, Year 1908, Central Siberian Land, one of most historic explosion was occurred, something uncanny certainty; currently, anyone must have known about certain causes of this phenomenon. Many explanations try to give reasons about what happened but none put the masterpiece yet.
FIGURE 1. Area map of the 1908 Tunguska explosion event. After Sullivan 1979.
FIFA announced that the footballer will play the match against Real Madrid F.C., after he paid the fine.
FIFA announced that the player will be able to play on the game against Real Madrid as he already finished his four month sanction.

"He will be avaliable to play official matches with Barcelona F.C. since October 25th, 2014" Commented a FIFA agent. The cause of the penalty was that the mention player, Luis Suarez , bit several times his opponents and making repeated mistakes .
As it was a common behavior in him, FIFA decided to admonish him for four months without playing any game.

FIFA had decided to be more strict and demanding with this type of behaviors on the games in order to carry out matches without such drawbacks .


Eco-friendly houses

Posted | Views: 1,077
In the last decade, eco products have become all the rage as people make an effort to be kinder to the environment, as well as their wallets. Some folk however, aren’t happy to stop at solar panels on their roofs, or a hybrid car. Instead they’ve pulled out all the punches in the name of eco living and built some truly innovative houses, which are entirely, or mainly, made out of natural and eco-friendly materials. The possibilities in what you can use to make a house are endless. Wood and stone are obvious examples, but recycled glass bottles and car tires are also great for insulation. Take a look at these examples, all of which are a feat of architectural brilliance.

Stone House: 
House built solely out of stone and wood. it is a very cool house because of the materials it was built with and also very durable.
Eco housing with a hell of a view and also has a watermill which gives power to the whole house.
Torres House:
Made of marble, wood and… volcanic stone!. besides being a unique home by materiles with which it was built , is a striking home for each of the elements complement each others.
Bamboo house:
Japanese style home, made from bamboo. very cool a house and outdoors, perfect to relax and live in harmony.
What Model of House we choose ? 
As a group we chose the model of the house called Riverside . we chose this house because it seemed the most appropriate under the terms of self-sustainability , environmentally friendly and modern. This house is built entirely of wood , causing it to be a very cool and nice to live on it . This house is also located next to a lake, giving you posibility to have a watermill , this watermill is responsible for producing all the energy necessary for the house and also do it in a renewable and friendly to the environment . due the house is next to a lake, it was built over eight stone pillars that serve as a basis to set up the house and not leave at the same ground level, this was done as a precaution to prevent the house is flooded to some climate change or any overflow of the lake . the roof of this house is clay tiles and be comprised of this material makes the house much more fresh and airy.
 Now , inside the house are two floors , the first is the kitchen , living room, dining room and two balconies that offer , plus a great view of the lake, a great freshness . on the second floor are 4 bedrooms where two of these have two magnificent terraces and each room has a wooden pillar in the center which provides stability and support to the roof. as if that were not enough , this home features an extensive system of cutting edge technology as it has within it a satellite that allows you to have cable TV and phone without any restriction , also has an alarm system that is cordinado with light the sun , which darkens when this system is activated immediately.
The advantages of living in a house like this are, on the one hand , you do not have to worry for too expensive bill light as the energy needed for consumption is being generated naturally by a water mill located next to the house . it is also a very cool house , with a great lake near its and that is hotter than this place, never will feel heat due to their clay tiles and their large balconies , which are constantly cooling the house. another great advantage is that it is a house that is far from the city, hence be a place where you find calm , harmony and can live with peace . its great architectural design unlike any other cottage and technology employed in this house makes it unique and impressive. finally the great advantage of this house is that it is projected into the future because it is self-sustaining and environmentally friendly , therefore you will not have to worry about the future because you are already contributing your grain of sand and also because you are making the difference.

C'Mon Hornets...

Posted | Views: 946
Will we ever seen the NBA team in Charlotte get over the hump? I mean, seriously! I know I may be asking a somewhat far-fetched question, since the Hornets aren't supposed to contend for a title or anything, but when will they be expected to win games as opposed to just brushing off every loss? Everytime it's: "oh, it's Charlotte, they're not supposed to be that good." Well when I take a gander at the team's roster, THEY SHOULD BE GOOD! It's time to forget the excuses, lace up the Jordans (because we know everyone on the team has them, MJ's the owner for crying out loud) and starting winning the games they're supposed to. 
The reason for my sudden panic: the Hornets handed the Lakers their first win of the season last night when LA won 107-92. Not only did the Hornets lose to what could be the worst team in basketball, but they let "Linsanity" shred them to pieces scoring 21 points. The Hornets are sitting at 3-4 at this juncture of the season, which truly isn't bad, but all three of their wins have come at home while three of their four losses are on the road. To make matters worse they play on the road again tonight (Monday) against the Trailblazers.
The Hornets rank only 21st in the NBA in points per game, and part of that problem has been the lack of scoring punch from newcomer Lance Stephenson. Charlotte was really hoping Stephenson would light up the scoreboard, but so far this season he's only averaged eight points per game. He did however have a game winning three-pointer in the Hornet's win against Charlotte, but everyone who's seen the highlight knows that it was a lucky bank-shot that sealed the deal. That brings me to my other point: two of the Hornets three wins have come off of game winning shots. Kemba Walker had to make a clutch Jumper to seal a comeback victory against Milwaukee opening night. They could just as easily be 1-6 through seven games this season. 
The Hornets have a roster filled with talent, therefore these starts should almost be inexcusable. They have all-star Al Jefferson, who truly can't be blamed for the team's struggles at all. He's averaging 23 points and seven rebounds this season. Then of course there's Stephenson, and Walker, both of whom should be shouldering more of the offensive load. Walker is averaging almost 16 points per game but only gets about five assists per night. He will need to find a way to get his teammates more involved if this Hornets team wants its offensive numbers to go up. Also, if you would've told me that Michael Kidd-Gilchrist would be averaging more points than Stephenson seven games in I would've told you to stop taking so many crazy pills. 
Luckily for the Hornets, the season is still extremely young. I'm not over-reacting with my post, I'm just wondering when this team will take that next step. In my preseason rankings I gave them some love so now they need to prove they're a team to be noticed in the East. The, "there's always next year," excuse is only going to work for so long in Charlotte before people start to demand more, because right now they should already be expecting it. -BC
C'Mon Hornets..