Words From An Angry Woman
"Words from an angry woman," is a book personality that tells stories of her life experience, which allowed her to claim the title "An angry woman." This personality is known to be the most outspoken dictated character that has no remorse of what she says or how it may come out. In a recent interview, the personality said"
The one thing I hate the most in life, is the critical ass individuals who have nothing better to do, but worry about what somebody else is doing. They are so miserable with themselves they need to find fault in who you are. I have learned over the years that it does not matter what others have to say about you. In reality, the haters are your biggest fans, and they help you rise to the top. I was very stern with things that I have said to others in the past. Do I regret them? Hell no! I feel like it is time for people to face the facts in life and stop being so sensitive all the fucking time, just because they hear things that they do not agree with.
To be honest, that is the reason I find myself single today! I do not think that there is a man strong enough, faithful enough, or even smart enough to understand the type of woman that I am. I guarantee someone reading this text will go back blog and say whatever they want to say to be still considered a nobody. The reasons why people do not make it in life no matter what they do, is because they want others to kiss they ass and need approval to be who they are. I do not need approval from individuals to be who I am. I only worry about how GOD sees me.
However, I know that everything I do may not be right, but I do believe the advice that I give to those who need to wake the fuck up is valid. People will hate me cause I say what is on my mind, but I will not die telling others lies to make them feel good. I will die knowing I told them what should have been told to them years ago".
To hear more of this personality thoughts got to http://www.jrmmediainc.com