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God wants us to care about what we look like but He doesn’t want that to be the purpose to our life because physical beauty fades away but spiritual beauty just becomes more beautiful.
Proverbs 11: 22 says, “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.” People sometimes don’t understand what this means except that it is obviously not good. In short it means we should worry more about what goes into our head then what goes on it.
Proverbs 31:30 likewise says, “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is worthy of praise.” Let’s not strive for outward beauty but for inner beauty because if we are complimented on our hair, what does it matter? If we are complimented on our character, however, now that would mean something!

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Closing Thoughts
The last thing to say is on vanity. Every girl wants to be pretty. It’s natural and ok because that is the way God made them. There is a difference, however, between vanity and the want to look nice and in our day and age we get those lines very blurred. 
Are we obsessing in how we look? Is that all we think about? If that is so, take a step back and remember what makes us beautiful. It’s not the makeup worn or the way hair is done or what blouse is on that day. It is God. He made us beautiful to begin with and He doesn’t want us to spend all our time thinking about how we look. God wants us to focus on Him.
We can look in the mirror and do our hair but let’s not obsess about what we look like because God already has us covered! Just be the beautiful person you are and let God “makeup” the rest.

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There is only a couple hours left until the groups ride arrives at this cabin and seconds feel like hours they want to leave so bad. Jake is laying there motionless knowing he only has so much more time as he progressively gets worse and worse. The group is trying to give him water and get him to talk and figure out what is wrong with Jake. The gaudy roar is heard once more in the distant and the roar is getting closer and closer. The monster hasn’t roared while the sun was up this whole time they were at this cabin, this is very different. Jake laying on the floor while this is all happening and the most movement he made all day he made when that roar hit his ear. The group remembered the saying that they should wait, but they aren’t sure if they should wait for this monster to show up after it just paralyzed Jake. They look at Jake to make the decision to stay or run from the monster. They ask Jake to blink if he thinks they should stay to see what’s going to happen, Jake tries his hardest to blink and the group can tell the half blink was a for sure yes. So everybody huddles up and waits, preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. Boom the monster seems inches away now from the tiny cabin. Jake is still by the window and gets a look at the beast once again, and something unthinkable happened. Jake popped up and the monster slowly turns away. The group is in shock while Jake magically jumped up and was just like him old self. It’s fair to say that these group of kids won’t be going to going to a cabin in the middle of the woods anymore, they did however learn a valuable lesson of friendship, and patience. On the ride home the group discusses and promises each other to never tell anyone what happened in that cabin that weekend.

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 It was a cold and windy night in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do but wait, wait for what might happen or what might not happen. A group of kids sitting alongside each other whispering in fear with what just happened a few minutes prior causing the electricity to go out in the small cabin they are vacationing at. All they heard was a humungous bang followed by complete darkness. Confused with what to do at this moment they begin to plot a plan. It doesn’t help that’s it just got dark out and the moon is nonexistence on this cool September night, which causes the group looking for the flashpoint to struggle. After ten minutes which seemed like hours to these kids the quote unquote leader of the group Jake found the flashlight which was tightly jammed in the messy duffle bag he had packed. Turning it on and looking at everyone face to face asking them what they should do. They all respond by telling Jake to go outside to see if he could figure out what happened.

Once Jake goes outside the cabin to see why the power has gone out, he notices it wasn’t storming out, and there was no sign of any tampering to the electric box. At least the group had enough batteries to last them until their ride picks them up in two days he thought to himself. The realization had set in that they won’t be able to cook, or get the cabin warm without power and fear followed. Knowing these next couple days are going to be tough they decided to stick up for each other and realize they are all in this together and decided the preeminent thing to do was go to bed and see if the power would be back on when they woke up.

While sleeping in the middle of the night Jake is woken up by gaudy roar and he is the only one to hear and it tells him something he already knows. It tells him that there is nothing to do but wait for what might happen or what might not happen. He goes back to bed confused and plans on telling the group about the experience when they all wake up.

The sun comes up and everyone awakes from a deep sleep, some even forget about what happened the night before. They go throughout their day like a normal one still without power though, it seems as if the power never turned off they were having so much fun. It was just a relaxing day and all they had to do was make it through one more cold night. It’s an hour away from sunset and Jake finally tells the group about his experience from the night before. The group didn’t even believe him and they were actually making fun of him the remainder of the time the sun was up.

The final night begins and the spirits of everyone is high they are actually excited to get back to their own beds tomorrow. Everyone is in the cabin since it’s starting to get cold out and because they hear noises when they are outside. They converse to one another about what noises they exactly are hearing outside in the distance. The group agrees that the best way to describe this noise was a gaudy roar, at that instant Jake tells the group that’s what he heard last night and he isn’t kidding. The group gets serious at this point knowing something is out in the darkness that told them to wait for what might happen and they have no idea now of what might happen. At this moment ear piercing growls from the woods are heard by all the people at the cabin once again and the roars are getting closer by the minute. They prepare themselves the best way they can in the dark. Jake gathers up old broken pieces of wood ready to attack this unknown beast. This creature is getting closer and closer the noise is the worst noise you can imagine something unexplainable. Jake dashes to the nearest window knowing this beast is close maybe close enough to see. As he slowly pulls back the curtain he can’t believe what he has just seen then boom! Silence follows the huge boom and shortly after that so does the electricity. The group can’t believe what they see, their leader laying on the floor. Flashlight laying on the floor right next to him shining on his face. The group notices that Jake is unable to move or talk. They don’t know what to do without their leader he has been there for them throughout all the hard times in the woods.


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I see your face again
And it’s been so long
But it feels like it never ended
My love for you never went away
And now….
I don’t want to think anymore
My life is a mess anyways
Baby you can make me feel alive
And I think I still love you
And I said girl, you so out this world
every time you come through
 I act like Shamoo
And I am doing tricks
All I want to do is get to know you
Like what’s your favorite color
Mine’s blue
And what’s your favorite number mines 2
And all I want you to do is be you
Cause I don’t like them big girls, them wanna be’s
But you girl, you out this world
I don’t want to think anymore
My life is a mess anyways
Baby you can make me feel alive
And I think I still love you
These two songs theme was love. Something we all desire. Even if we don’t desire it from a person or don’t know how to give it to someone. We all still have things in life that we hold close to our hearts, things that we love. The love of a man inspired these songs, as long as he is the right one. Heartbreak is tough, but a heartbreak is one-step closer to a happy ever after.

Don't Think

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Sometimes girls overthink everything. Especially about what they look like. Always fretting over their size and whether they are pretty enough. The thing that is forgotten that true beauty doesn’t just mean a pretty face or a nice body. Beauty comes from the inside and shows through on the outside. Yet, we still try to be beautiful with some make-up and a gym membership, but that’s just not enough. This song is about a girl who is self-conscious about her looks, so she makes sure her make-up is done right and she is dressed to the nines, but her dad and future husband reassure her that she is beautiful just the way she and that beauty is from the heart. In the end, the girl gets to spend her life with someone who sees her beauty and never forgets to remind her.  

Look into the mirror at my face once again
Am I pretty enough, am I skinny enough
I put on my make up and do my hair
Pick out my best clothes and put them on
Walk down stairs, my daddy sitting in his chair
He looks up and smiles, I say
Daddy do I look ok?
He says…
Beautiful, that make up that you wear, you know it’s pretty
But you don’t need at all
No not a lick
Any man would be blessed to have you
But you know honey, beauty comes from the heart
A few years later down the road
Getting ready for a date
Do I look pretty, am I skinny enough
Put my favorite dress on
And walk down stairs
The man I love waiting by the door
Staring at me, I ask
Do I look ok?
He says…
Beautiful, that make up that you wear, you know its pretty
But you don’t need at all
No not a lick
Any man would be blessed to have you
But you know honey, beauty comes from the heart
And baby I want you forever….
He got down on one knee right there…and I said yes
And he says to me one more time….
Beautiful, that make up that you wear, you know its pretty
But you don’t need at all
No not a lick
Any man would be blessed to have you
But you know honey, beauty comes from the heart
And baby be my forever….

Something About Girls 

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Parents and Sports
Parents, Coaches, Athletes and Sports
     High school sports are an important part of many people’s lives. Parents, coaches, and athletes invest a lot of time and resources into them. High school sports are mostly positive experiences, but sometimes there is problems. Minnesota even has passed laws protecting the rights of coaches from being fired due to parental complaints. If we remember the tips to being a good parent and athlete, we can have good relationships with our coaches.
Parents and Sports
      Who are the biggest fans of high school sports? Parents invest a lot of time, energy, and money on their kids sports careers. Athletes want their parents to be proud of their accomplishments. Sometimes parents set high goals and expectations. They set those goals because either they want kids to be successful or they are trying to relive their own experiences. Sports are important, but sometimes parents need to remember not to cross the fine line between being a fan and trying to be a coach.
      High school coaches face many pressures. They have pressure from their players, school, fans, and parents to help their teams to perform to the best of the team’s ability. Sometimes though, individual self-interests are put ahead of the team’s success. Coaches face pressures from parents regarding their kid’s performance and playing time. Many coaches have either resigned, not had their contracts renewed, or been fired because of pressure from parents. Coaches resigning is a sad deal, but sometimes it is just part of life.
      The state of Minnesota has taken action to try to protect the rights of coaches from being fired due to parental complaints. On July 1, 2013, they added language to a law already in effect. The new law states, “The existence of parent complaints must not be the sole reason for a board to not renew a coaching contract." The new law was designed to make parent complains the reason a coach does not return the following season (Popke).
 Has the new statue helped protect coaches? That answer depends on whom you ask. The issue even was an issue within political parties. The bill was led by Republican Dean Urdahl, and Democrat Paul Marquart. The law has maybe helped some coaches, but it has had side effects. The law also has helped protect athletic directors, who face fire for not firing coaches due to parental complaints. It also though has put another barrier between the relationship between coaches and parents (Popke).

Tips to Being a Good Parent 
      Do some coaches deserve to be fired? Are some parents bad parents, yes they are. Sometimes as a parent all you can do is, control what you can control. Jim Thompson is someone who provided great tips on how to be the best sports parent you can be. Jim is the creator of the Positive Coaching Alliance. He wrote a book called, “The High School Sports Parent.” For starters, parents should look at the life lessons kids are learning by participating in high school sports. Wins and losses are important. The life lessons like being part of a team, building work ethic, and dealing with adversity are more important though. There are many life lessons that are learned from being part of a state championship volleyball team, but there is also many lessons to be learned from being on a football team that had a 0-8 season, and from everything in-between. Parents should want to watch their children win a game. Sometimes parents need to take a step back, support their kids, and help them become the best person they can be (Lobdell).
     Sports do not always divide parents and coaches; sometimes they divide parents and children. Parents should want their kids to succeed, but sometimes they cross the line of over-pushing them. A tip for being a good parent is, let your kid mess up occasionally. It is ok for kids to lose a basketball game because they missed the game winning shot. Parents should learn that it is ok that they make mistakes, but their job is to help their children to learn from them (Lobdell).
      Parents sometimes have to step back and just be supportive. Sometimes though it is their job to stand up for their child. If children are bullied on a team or just in school in general, parents have a right to notify the proper school officials and/or authorities about the problem. If a child is bullied or abused by their team’s coach, you should notify the proper personnel. There is no room in society for people getting bullied and abused, especially kids. In sports, if there is a problem, always talk to the coach first. If that does not work then go talk to the athletic director, principal, etc… Always speak up when you have to for your kid. Just always remember to do it in a manner that is appropriate and professional (Lobdell).

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      Parents by far are the biggest fans of high school parents. Most of them will go about anything in supporting their children. Yes, sometimes they have a disagreement with the coach. Whether the disagreement is about playing time or the way the coach coaches the team. Parents also have the responsibility of supporting their children. Being a parent to a high school athlete is not easy. Financially, the burden of activity fees, equipment, and gas to go watch the games is hard for many parents to bare. More importantly is also is very difficult to raise a child and care for their well-being. Yes, parents sometimes cross the line of being too involved with their children’s sports. At the end of the day though, every athlete, coach, and parent learns and grows from high school sports. High school sports help cultivate many life values and lessons to help people grow. Kids play because they love the game, the competition, being with their friends, and being part of a team.

Works Cited 
Lobdell, Terri. "Tips for High School Sports   Parents." | Palo Alto Online |. Embarcadero Media, 21 May 2010. Web. 01 Oct. 2014.

Popke, Michael. "Minnesota Statute Offers New Protection for Coaches Under Fire from Parents - Athletic Business." Minnesota Statute Offers New Protection for Coaches Under Fire from Parents - Athletic Business. Athletic Business 2014, June 2013. Web. 29 Sept. 2014

Tips to Being a Good Athlete  
• Remind your parents about team rules
• Keep them informed about important dates of practices and games
• Control what you can control
• Work hard and have a positive attitude


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Thrift Store On the East Side Of San Antonio,Tx

Art by Mike-Epic-Raw Styles 
San Antonio,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz

   -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"

DREAM ..Page 2

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-First you must Dream. Then you must Believe.
Now you are ready to Achieve.

-Sights From the world largest MLK March 100,000+
                       January 20th 2014
San Antonio,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy of -Marcuz
   -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"

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Bazı metin, Yo ekleyin! Metin, stil, renk ve yazı tiplerini değiştirmek için bu metin kutusunu tıklatın.Sıtkı Kösemen’in “Görünmeyen” Fotoğraf Sergisi Asmalı Mescit Sanatorium Galeri’de Açıldı
Haber: Necati MUMAY
Ünlü fotoğraf En ustası Sıtkı Kösemen oğlunun personal sergisini Beyoğlu Asmalı Mescit'te acti. Tarihi semtteki "Sanatoryum" isimli sanat galerisinde Düzenlenen serginin Açılış kokteyline fotoğraf En sevenler ILGI gösterdi ...Sıttı Kösemen sergide yaptığı sunumda, fotoğraflarında portre ve manzaraların barındırdığı toplumsal gerçekler ve hikayelerinizlerini görmenin mümkün olduğunu söyledi. Serginin bir ay süreyle izlenime açık tutulacağı bildirildi

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Taçsız Kral AYHAN IŞIK
    Taçsız Kral Ayhan Işık. Gerçek Adı Ayhan ışıyan'dır. Mayıs 1929 5 izmir konak'ta doğar.6 çocuklu Bir ailenin çocuğudur. Babasını Küçük yaşlarda kaybeder.Öğreniminin Bir kısmını izmir'de Bir kısmını imkb abisinin üniversite Tahsili Click Annesi ziyaretinde kardeşleriyle istanbula Gelir Eğitimine Devam Eder ettik. Daha later girdiği Güzel Sanatlar akademisi resim bölümünde Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu'ndan Dersler Alır. Dönem arkadaşlarından Bazıları senarist Yönetmen Safa Önal'dır, karikatürist Ferruh Doğan ziyaretinde ressam karikatürist Semih Balcıoğludur.Emprasyonizm akımının etkisinde kaldığını içerdiğini söyleyen ziyaretinde met anlamda da en Eklendi çok Claude Monet etkisinde oldugunu belirten Ayhan Işık Yeşilçam sinemasının en basarili aktörlerinden olacaktır. Bir Bab-ı Ali'de ressam olarak Calisti emin. Daha later Yıldız Dergisi'nin açtığı yarışmayı kazanarak sinemaya geçti. Yavuz Sultan Selim Yeniçeri Hasan tip filmidir ettik. Daha later yaptigi filmlerle Eklendi çok beğenilip 'Taçsız Kral' ünvanını müjdeliyordu. Oyun Gücü ziyaretinde karizmatik duruşu, Türk halkinin gönlünde taht kuracaktı. Artik resim Onun için hayatında tapu devri planda diyeceğim alacaktı. Sinema ekmeği, ISI olacaktı O Artık bir Taçsız Kral'dı ettik. Hayatı boyunca met ünvanı yaşatacak, mezara Kadar götürecekti. En önemlisi Krallik tahtına Hiç kimseyi ABGS etmedi. 1959 yilinda Hollywood'a giderek şansını Bir de orada DENEMEK Istedi. Sinema Konusunda incelemelerde hazır bulundu. Türkiye'ye dönüşüyle ​​Ardi Ardina filmler çevirmeye Başladı. Bu yıllarda çevirdiği Küçük Hanım seri filmleri halk Tarafindan oldukca beğenildi. 1970'li yıllarda Yeni Bir moda rüzgarıyla film, yıldızları PES PESE sahneye çıkmaya, plaklar doldurmaya başlamıştı. Ayhan Işık da met modaya Uydu ziyaretinde Klasik Türk müziği dalinda sahneye Çıktı plak doldurdu ettik. 200 Kadar filmi çevirdi. 1975'den itibaren Yapımcı, Yönetmen ziyaretinde senarist olarak Türk sinemasına katkıda hazır bulundu. 16 Haziran 1979 Tarihinde istanbul'da güneş çarpmasına Bağlı beyin kanaması nedeniyle hayata Gözlerini yumdu.
"Ayhan Işık'ın En Iyi oyunculuk performansları'Acı Hayat ',' Otobüs Yolcuları ',' Üç Tekerlekli Bisiklet ',' Kanun Namına ',' Ölüm Peşimizde Avare Mustafa'dadır 've'".
    Istanbul'da Yaşanan Gerçek Bir olaydan esinlenerek çekilen Kanun Namına filmiyle Yönetmen Ömer Lütfü Akad kamerayı sokaklara taşıdığı istanbulu şiir gibi Fotoğraf resmettiği filmi olacaktı ettik. Türk Sinema Tarihi Click Bir mihenk taşıdır.
    Ayhan Işık, Sinemada Bazi Ödüller de almıştır. 1954'de Kanun Namına filmi Ile Türk Film Festivalinde "Erkek Sanatçısı Ödülü Sonuçları, 1967 ziyaretinde Yilin En İyi Erkek Oyuncu Ödülünü, 1962 Şeş de Mecmuasından Yilin Stari Ödülü Sonuçları, 1965 de Sanatçı Mecmuasından 1968 yıllarında Son Saat Gazetesi okuyucularının gönderdiği oylarla Düzenlenen" Yilin En Çok Sevilenleri "yarışmasında Üst üste Ödüller almıştır bildiğimiz kadarıyla.
    1973 senesi kendi firması “ Ayhan Film Şirketi” ni kurar sanatçı. İtalyanlarla ortak yapım anlaşması yapar. Brukan uluslararası Film sanayi adına ilk ortak filmin çekimlerine başlar. Yönetmeliğini İtalyan Sergio Garrone’nin yaptığı “Ölümün Nefesi” adlı filmde basrolleri Ayhan Işık, Klaus Kinski, Erol Taş, Katia Chiristine ve Carmen Silva birlikte oynarlar. Bu film İtalyanlar dünya sinemaları için yeni afiş yaptırır filmin ismini de “la mone che nutre La monte” olarak değiştirir ve Klauski Kinski ile Katia Christine’den sonra Ayhan Işık’ın ismini yazarlar. A Film bünyesinde yapımcılığını yaptığı filmler: Haşhaş,Harakiri yaşam kavgası,Kana kan ve Örgüt.Bazı metin, Yo ekleyin! Metin, stil, renk ve yazı tiplerini değiştirmek için bu metin kutusunu tıklatın.

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AVCC Climbing Gym!

Fun for the whole family!
Stay Active, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!


Email: [email protected]

Address: V16 Climbingisthebestsportever RD

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çok yarrakça

El Contemporaneo

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En Este Ano 

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The Mehndi Artiste


the lastest henna style guide inside this issue. learn all the latest henna trends  that have been set off around by the world famous Artistes there are known!

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Electric Las Vegas
We focused on providing quality repair service and equipment while growing one customer at a time. Our team of qualified plumbers, HVAC techs, and electricians will work with your schedule whether it’s an emergency service, same-day service or convenient on-time appointments—even on weekends! We offer free estimates on maintenance, repairs, and new equipment and you approve the price before we start.

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Greyhound Collar

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Greyhound Collar
Collar Planet is a leading supplier of designer quality dog apparel and accessories including dog collars, leashes, costumes, beds, sports gear and more.

6 days

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