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Disability Insurance Bad Faith Los Angeles

Posted | Views: 456
Disability Insurance Bad Faith Los Angeles

Law Offices of James T. Hudson in Los Angeles, California represents clients in civil litigation, insurance claims and professional liability.

Gods Own Country

Posted | Views: 447
Gods Own Country
While there is a lot of issues that youth should be concerned of...Youths in Kerala is concerned only about kissing..kissing and kissing. Shame on you, 'Gods own Country'. If you want to kiss somebody, then why don't you find a more private place? Why don't you guys show this enthusiasm in doing something good for this country rather than protesting for publicizing your private moments?

Wallboard Trim

Posted | Views: 614
Wallboard Trim
Hoskin & Muir has been in business since 1946 as a distributor of all sorts of decorative aluminum extrusions and structural profiles. We've now made our decorative aluminum trim available online. So whether you're looking for aluminum angles, bars, flats, mirror mouldings, or decorative trim for your 50's diner, we likely have what you're looking for.
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Expectations of Love

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Expectations of Love
disclaimer: this is a project for school
Love, everyone wants to be loved.  Even at a very young age, we were exposed to fairytale romances like Cinderella, Snow White, and The Little Mermaid.  Where are my ladies that love romance movies?!  Why do we love them so much?  It may be because we love that tingly feeling it gives us or because we love fantasizing that we will find love like the people in the movie did. Romance movies and novels have the power to instill unrealistic expectations of love.   According to Jeremy Nicholson, a social and personality psychologist, having these expectations may lead to future relationship problems.   Women have noodle brains and think far more in depth into things compared to boys.  We may be asking for too much too soon.  Not saying that it is all our fault.  Don't get me wrong, a guy has to know how to treat their ladies!  Joann White, a relationship expect and psychology instructor from Temple University in Philadelphia, says "people want to rush into a relationship and they want it all to work out right away. They become very concerned if the other person doesn't call them quickly or doesn't want to see them with increasing frequency."  Truthfully, I am guilty of being one of those people when I was younger.  Thankfully I got some sense knocked into me!  For me, I was so anxious to see when he would text me back.  Nowadays with text, it is so simple to not reply and ignore a message.  
In many situations, one partner wants to go at a more moderate pace than the other.  Being swept up by a romantic gesture isn't an awful thing, just as long as we do not subject our partner to our fantasies too soon.  If there is a desperation to get things moving too fast, this can chase the other one away.  
at the dance......
Colette Bouchez says experts thinks it all comes down to old-fashioned guidelines:
1.  Do not rush into sex
2.  Let the relationship slowly over months
3.  Think about what you bring to the relationship, not what you get from it
4.  Understand that heated passion may not last long, but love does
5.  Work through problems to have a stronger relationship at the end
Thoughts On 
Love At 
First Sight?
If you ask me, I think its a load of crap!
In a movie, the couple who had just met have sex after their first or second date.  That's not right!  A typical movie is about two hours, so of course directors have to squeeze the entire span of a relationship into a couple of hours, but it messes with our brain.  It's as if, for a relationship to have a happy ending, you need to have sex. 
The Last Song
A Walk To Remember
The Lucky One
Safe Haven
Why Do We 
Have These Obsessions?
Psychologist Lauren Brockie explains that the sexual connection between characters in a movie are so intense that it is powerful enough to imprint in our minds what love is like or "should be."  People idealize the relationship between a couple from a movie until real relationships can't compete anymore.  Why do we love romance movies and conjure love fantasies?  Women are wired for emotional connection.  This is why we crave the eager anticipation, and the mental and emotional longing for passionate movies like A Walk To Remember.  Watching these movies may start out as a harmless guilty pleasure, but it can easily become an unhealthy obsession by hoping that real life can be like the movies.  
Can there really be love at first sight?  I believe people have an initial attraction to someone, but It takes time to truly love someone and one look is not going to do anything except maybe give you the courage to pursue them.  There are many that disagree with me and claim they have experienced "love at first sight."  I think those are instances of sexual attraction.  First things first, let's break it down.  According to Elliot D. Cohen, who is the president of the Institute of Critical Thinking, says merely seeing someone doesn't support an adequate window into the nature of the person.  For example, seeing Zac Efron in The Lucky One is not a basis for loving him.  The characters actors and actresses play are most likely just that, characters.  Fans may be infatuated with actors and actresses, but they cannot say they truly love them because they don't really know them.  Comparable to the "love at first sight" notion, you can't say that you love someone just from seeing them because you don't legitimately know them yet.
The Lucky One is about a man named Logan who is a marine soldier.  He found a photo of a woman, whose name is Beth, that was just lying on the ground.  Just after he found the photograph, there was an explosion and he was lucky enough to survive the blow.  Once he returned home, he vowed to himself that he would find the woman from the photo and thank her for saving his life.  First of all, she didn't save his life, he saved his own life.  His body was strong enough to withstand that explosion.  The fact that he wants to find that Beth to thank her is fine, whatever.  Of course, Logan finds her at a dog training farm she owns with her grandma.  He starts to work for them and obviously, 
Guard your heart and don't waste time fantasizing about a spotless fairytale ending.  By expecting your love life to be like the movies, you're basically setting a ticking time bomb for the relationship to end tragically.  Remember that everything happens for a reason.  Romance movies are a guilty pleasure, but be cautious to not crave
unrealistic expectations of love.
Logan and Beth find themselves in a relationship. Eventually, Beth discovers that Logan deliberately searched for her. If this were real life and I was her, I would be extremely uncomfortable. That's just strange and creepy!  I think any woman would feel uneasy and violated.
Works Cited 
"50 Shades of Twilight: Unrealistic Love Expectations." M1 Psychology Loganholme. N.p.,
 n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
"A Walk to Remember." A Walk to Remember. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.
"Don't Call Your Relationship "Perfect"" Refinery29. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2014.
Feature, Colette BouchezWebMD. "Setting Good Expectations." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web.
 25 Oct. 2014.
"Is There Love at First Sight?" Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.
"Jeremy Nicholson, M.S.W., Ph.D." Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a
 Therapist. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
"Make Your Own Blog - Ownzee." Make Your Own Blog - Ownzee. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2014.
"The Last Song Photo: Liam and Miley." Liam and Miley. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.
"THE LUCKY ONE - Movie Trailer, Photos, Synopsis." THE LUCKY ONE - Movie Trailer, Photos, Synopsis. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.
"The Lucky One - Trailer." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.
"Unrealistic Expectations About Love and Marriage - Relationship Problems – Tools to Build
 and Maintain a Healthy Marriage." Unrealistic Expectations About Love and
 Marriage - Relationship Problems – Tools to Build and Maintain a Healthy Marriage.
 N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.

Electric chain hoists

Posted | Views: 411
Electric chain hoists
Welcome to Ace World Companies. We are renowned Crane Manufacturer based in United States offering complete range of Construction Cranes, Mobile Cranes and Industrial Cranes Worldwide.Since 1987, ACE World Companies has supplied the industry with American-made, custom designed material handling solutions.

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Posted | Views: 363
What is meditation?

Meditation started in Asia, India and have being studied by many years all over the world. Meditation has being a very helpful tool to everyone depending on how they want to use meditation. Meditation is closing your eyes, relaxing, breathing in a calm way. Meditation is very hard if you don't know what you are doing, it is important to know the goal you are trying to reach. Meditation can be lead by a proffesional or going to classes for meditation can be very helpfull if you want to do meditation on your own. 

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Dallas City page.1

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Dallas,Tx 2013 
Photo Courtesy of -Marcuz 
-In todays world it may seem like the road to success is traveled in many ways. But I Have to believe its all just Hard Work. 
   -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"


Posted | Views: 799
¿Qué es la hipertension arterial?
La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es una enfermedad crónica caracterizada por un incremento contínuo de las cifras de presión sanguínea en las arterias. Aunque no hay un umbral estricto que permita definir el límite entre el riesgo y la seguridad, de acuerdo con consensos internacionales, una presión sistólica sostenida por encima de 139 mm Hg o una presión diastólica sostenida mayor de 89 mm Hg, están asociadas con un aumento medible del riesgo de aterosclerosis y por lo tanto, se considera como una hipertensión clínicamente significativa. 
Definición y clasificación de la hipertensión arterial
Categoría:  Sistólica (mm Hg)   Diastólica (mm Hg)
Optima                 < 120                   < 80
Normal                120 – 129            80 – 84
Normal alta         130 – 139              85 – 89
Grado 1 (ligera)        140 – 159          90 – 99
Grado 2 (moderada) 160 – 179        100 – 109
Grado 3 (severa)             > 180              > 110
Sistólica aislada              > 140              < 90
¿Cómo prevenir la HTA? 
La Hipertensión Arteriales una enfermedad prevenible desde el cuidado de los hábitos. Llevar hábitos de vida saludables como alimentación sana sin excesos de grasas, sal, azúcares, y alcohol; ejercicio físico regular y el no consumo de tabaco y otras sustancias adictivas, previene la aparición dela HTA.Nosólo eso, sino además de otras enfermedades metabólicas como la diabetes, la obesidad, la hipercolesterolemia; precursoras de eventos cardiocerebro vasculares.

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Posted | Views: 1,113
Squats and Deadlifts under the microscope
Loved by few, feared by lots. Squats and deadlifts consitute two of the most important exercises in building strenght and muscular growth. Now, we will put these two exercises under the microscope and see what is the science benhind them and how they act in your body
The Squat

It is not rare to see how guys at the gym will just ignore their legs at the gym because they think they do not matter as much. Legs are often underrated as well as squatting is. So, it all comes down to  WHY ARE SQUATS SO IMPORTANT?

*When you are doing squats there are about 200 muscles involved in this process

*The endocrine glands are stimulated to release hormones by a chemical signal received by the receptors on the gland or by neural stimulation, which is what occurs during weight training. Your body, endocrine and nervous system become involved during this process.

*Squat releases GH (growth hormones) that make your body stronger and muscles larges by incorporating different muscle fibers.


Posted | Views: 1,437
Unchained Music Group 
A Rare Look Inside the makings of A classic Piece of Art.
            -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
        "All Rights Reserved"
The Art The Music The Culture...

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Posted | Views: 338

The Science Behind Bulking for Hardgainers

Posted | Views: 1,464
The Science behind Bulking for hardgainers
Almost everyone involved in the fitness world has heard the word "hardgainer". It usually describes a person that is hard for him to put on mass or gain weight. A person that does not matter what, he will not gain a pound. There has been a lot of misinformation about ectomorphs (another word for hardgainer) and what steps to take in order to bulk up or gain weight.

If you are that guy who is fed up with being skinny. If you feel like punching the face of the next person that tells you to simply eat more calories to gain weight; Here are the tips for gaining quality mass in the least time possible.


It is a fact that for someone to "get big", he has to "eat big". You have to eat minimun 15 calories per pound of bodyweight to make significant gains. But first of all, you have to make sure you don't get all of your calories on junk. Ratios are very useful if you want to have a balanced diet and get all the nutrients your body needs in. A recommended ratio would be:

      50% protein
      35-40% carbs
      10-15% fat


Protein is the foundation of muscle. They aid in muscle recovery and are the catalizers in muscle growth. The body requires a minimun of 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. If you are bulking, you may consume 2 grams of protein per bodyweight.


Carbs are truly important when it comes to bulking, some people swear by it. It is recommended approximately 1.5 grams of carbs per bodyweight. For example, if you weight 150 pounds, you may digest 225 grams of carbs daily.

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Troops Return From The Front

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Posted | Views: 558
Pittsburgh Area Condo Fraud Alert 
from /

"A Condo Nightmare Near Pittsburgh: Condo Association and Management Company Exposed for Skipping An Unprecedented 12 Consecutive Bylaws-Mandated Yearly Audits.  
In response to the revelation, the Board, while still employing the same manager and lawyer, acted quickly to propose a bylaws amendment to eliminate the yearly audit requirement and allow for the dangerous fraud-prone tactic of commingling funds"
 - (read this and the other stories at

Hampstead accountant pleads guilty to fraud  Condo associations lost over $100,000″ - Baltimore Sun

“Lawyer Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Elect Condo Board Members Favoring Construction Lawsuits” - ABA Journal

“Man gets 3 years for defrauding condo associations“ - Chicago Tribune

" . . .  condo manager gets 10-year sentence in kickback scheme" - Condo & HOA News

“Alleged fraud hits condos: $530,000 missing from two Westport communities” - Connecticut Post

“Condo association manager accused of grand theft” - NBC 2

“Former Clearwater condo association president sentenced on theft, fraud charges” -

“Milford Man Pleads Guilty to Embezzling Condo Funds” - Westport Now

“Plymouth Meeting condo manager charged in wide fraud” -

“Woman accused of embezzling more than $100K from condo associations” -

"Manager Pleads Guilty To Bilking Montco Condo Owners of $600K" - CBS Philadelphia

"Prosecutor's filing indicates women may plead guilty to stealing a combined $1.6M" -
"Michelle Banks, was the chief operating officer of a condominium management company and is expected to admit she stole $1.3 million from 12 area condo associations."

"Grand jury indicts woman for $300,000 theft from condominium association" - KY3
(c) 2014
Frequently targeting the elderly, condo fraud and embezzlement have proven to be some of the most common and perhaps easiest to commit financial crimes in the U.S. Experts advocate many safeguards to prevent such crime (yearly audits, ethics pledges, no self-dealing (including relatives), no commingling of funds, proper bidding practices etc.). However, in the greater Pittsburgh, PA area, at least one large management company, certain "condo lawyers" and even boards (often following the advice of the two) routinely work to eliminate the most important of these safeguards. This region of the country has remained a virtual dead spot for condo crime awareness but by design has likely become the nation's most vulnerable area for misconduct.

Is James Harden the early season MVP favorite?

Posted | Views: 837
Is James Harden the early season MVP favorite?
We're only about four games into the 2014-15 NBA season, and I'm over here on my computer making extremely bold statements wayyyyyy too early into the year.. But do I care? Not really, so here we go with why I think James Harden is the early season MVP favorite. 
Let me start off by saying this, the Rockets may have played the easiest four games of any team in the NBA, but that doesn't change the fact that H-Town's team is currently 4-0 and they've been led by a bearded man on a mission. They've beaten the Lakers, Jazz, Celtics and Sixers with Harden averaging 27.8 points per contest. I know the teams they've beaten aren't considered part of the league's elite, but they won all four match-ups by at least eleven points, which shows the Rockets aren't letting the bad teams hang around, and they're beating the teams they should.
The way Harden is dominating these games should be noted because he's doing it in all facets of the game. Not only is he averaging a lot of points, but through four games he's averaged 6.3 rebounds and 6.3 assists. People have given The Beard a lot of criticism in the past due to his lack of defensive effort, in the Rockets game against the Celtics Harden recorded a whopping four steals. Also, Harden's recorded a block in every game so far except for one. He's shown that he's worked on becoming a well-rounded player in the off-season and it's really paying off. 
Like I said earlier, MVP awards aren't handed out in November, so there's a lot that Harden will have to do in order to keep up this MVP style pace. He will have players such as Anthony Davis and LeBron James breathing down his neck as the season goes along, but through four games I don't think there's anyone you could place in front of Harden as the leader in the clubhouse. Isn't it crazy to think that only three years ago Harden won the Sixth Man of the Year award, and now he's in the discussion for League MVP? The Thunder sure could use his playmaking ability right about now.. 
Cope's COmments
Look out for the Memphis Grizzlies.. They're also 4-0 and both Marc Gasol and Zach Randolph look as good as ever. Don't look now, but they could be one of the top seeds in the West when it's all said and done. 

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Posted | Views: 750
Now we know what we need to wear when it’s sunny. Just grab your sun hat. When it’s gloomy stay fashionable and get the pullover with the knee high boots. Too hot out? Rock that sheer or animal print! Want to go to the beach with your cute beach cover up, but don’t want to have to change after beach, keep the cover up on make it look good like we know you can.
                                                                                                                                                     Fashion Diva

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Importance  Of Tradition.

It is that time of year again. Candy, turkey, presents and family. Fall tends to be the beginning of the holiday season. From rememberance to presents, tradition can be a huge part of our lives.

But why?


Tradition holds a family together, some may say. For Children and parents alike. The shared excitement and family time is important in any household.

It is important to instill in your children that as fun as collecting all the candy you can fit in a pillowcase and eating it all in one night can be, family time is equally important.

Having tradition and routine for the holiday season creates a family pride, and that is something to be passes on through generations.