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Posted | Views: 566
Inflected Journal 
The Raged edge: the color of Taylor we took a little flake over  Wednesday intentional cartoon, one reader accomplished by publishing additional cartoon deprecated the status.                                                     lena's crazy journey through the decease, delirium.        Lena Halloway was a 16 year old girl who ad the decease in the book delirium, It sucked because she was falling in love with this boy named Alex,And when your in delirium you cant fall in love without getting sick, she finally took the semester exam and  when she was waiting she was very nerouse,

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Posted | Views: 660
 Controlled Times
The best part of your devastating lives!
  Teens are waking up today with a big smile on their face! It's the big day for them. Today is the test to find out there match! 
  Last year we had tons and tons of teens lines up for the test. They all had rosy cheeks and a huge smile plastered on their faces. They just couldn't wait to answer the questions. Of course you know that they have been practicing them their whole life! Even though they knew all the answers, they still got nervous. The answers they gave changed their life forever!
  Bring your teens down today, so they can enjoy themselves. You will be so happy when you see the smile on the kids faces! Bring your kids down today, but you really don't have a choice!
  It will be an experience they wont forget. It will be an experience they wont forget! It will be drilled into their brains.
  First, they will line you up in a single file line. Boys in one line girls in the other. They will be called in one by one. There will be a person with a clipboard. They will ask you a series of random questions. For example, whats your favorite food, whats your favorite color, etc... You will then answer, said, questions. they will write down your answers. You will then exit the testing room. They will then compare you answers to either a boy or girl. Finally, they will tell you who they got matched with!  
  Dear Carolyn,
My niece has been sneaking out of the house lately. I think she is seeing a boy, she might even be in LOVE! In my town you have to get a cure, because they think love is a disease. If you fall in love they considered you diseased! They are so strict they have regulators, people who watch your every move, to make sure you are in the house at a certain time. If i was ever caught knowing that my niece has been braking the rules, i would get in so much trouble!! Should i turn her in or kept it a secret?
  Dear horrid aunt,
If you truly love your niece you wouldn't even think about turning her in! You should love her so much that you would sit down with her and talk about the problem! But if care more about yourself than her, turn her in!!!
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.

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Posted | Views: 774

On Saturday, July 4th, several teenagers were having harmless fun in an abandoned house. They were listening to music and simply dancing with each other! No one was hurt, or getting hurt until the horrid regulators showed up. 

An anonymous eyewitnesses says that it was the most nerve wrecking situation they had ever been in. "The regulators came storming in loudly and they immediately let the vicious dogs out on us. They didn't give us any time to react, so we simply ran," the eyewitness began saying. "They began to hit us with sticks and some people even blacked out. I am thankful that I was able the escape to the Wilds." The eyewitness also explained how they were lucky enough to only escape with a hurt leg. 

Many people didn't escape the horrible raid, and who know what might happen, or what might be happening to them. The regulators are truly terrible, but everyone seems to be brainwashed. Situations such as this should show the people the cruelality of them, but for many it's too late. For years regulators have tortured innocent people, but it's about time that changes. 

I hope and pray that everyone who escaped that house in the night of the raid are okay, but more importantly I hope that the ones who didn't escape are okay. We need people to stand up and make a difference so that these things will never happen again. 

The newspaper to heal your sickly lives.
July 10th, 2036

Delirium Movie Review

In "Delirium", there's a world of disease, and that disease is love; also, the government controls everyone. Lena, the main character, falls in love and starts acting rebellious, just like every other teenager in a movie these days. I honestly find the movie to be too predictable, and the whole set up is exactly like many dystopian movies like "The Hunger Games", or "divergent", This movie has teenagers falling in love, fighting for their love, and fighting for their freedom. Cliche much?

Alex, the teenage boy whom Lena falls for, is probably the most predictable character in the book. He seems to do only one thing wrong, and that's lie to Lena. Then of course, she forgives him the next time she sees him.Situations like this don't just happen in real life, so why in a novel?

The movies actors were just about the only good thing about it. Some of the actors were Maia Mitchell, Shailene Woodley, Willow Shields, and even more.I just feel bad that they had to act in a movie like this.

All movies have the same contributions these days. I'm just waiting for a movie with something different than the rest of the world. This movie just isn't making the cut.
Advice Column

Dear Caroline, 
So, there's this girl, and i might be falling in love with her. The problem is, there was a secret that i had been hiding from her since we met. Well....Until now that is. I'm an Invalid and she isn't, but lets just say she doesn't follow every rule in the rule book. We went to the beach together and everything was going great until, while we were in the water, I decided to tell her everything. As I was explaining, fear grew in her eyes, then she ran away from me. I understand she is mad, but i need to find a way to make her forgive me.Like i said earlier, i am falling in love with her. What do I do? -Confused Confessor

Dear Confused,
Let me just say you're a complete and total idiot! You lied to a girl; that's the number one rule on what not to do. If you expect her to forgive you right away... well you're wrong. It's cute and all, saying you're falling in love with her, but it wont be enough. You're going to somehow gain her trust back, but first, you have to get her to want to be around you. With how bad you messed up, try to save her life or something. If you cant do that, buy her flowers, and mostly, apologize. When you apologize, you have to make it 110% sincere. Say it like you mean it, even if you don't. Getting this girl back isn't going to be too easy. Hopefully she doesn't forgive your sorry butt too fast either. i literally cannot stress how entirely stupid you are. Well, that's all the advice I have. Hopefully it works for you, but if it doesn't, just know it's all your fault. -Caroline

Do you ever need to take a stop in town, but know that you will get in trouble if you do? Well now you can go anytime with no trouble! Get your fake identity now! We have hacked into the regulators system and now we have the control! It's easy to sign up and right now it's half off! They're only $15 dollars, but only for a limited time! Call the number below to order now!!

In loving memory of Anabel Halloway.
Anabel was a loving mother with the weight of the world on her shoulders. She lost her husband and tried to stay strong for her daughters, she was one of us, an invalid. eventually, the stress took a toll on her. she made an impact of many people and will be forever missed.
Anabel Halloway
Delirium Movie Casting 
Lena-Maia Mitchell
Also found on: The Fosters
Alex- Nolan Sotillo
Also found on: Red Band Society 
Hana: Zoe Levin
Also found on: Red Band Society
Aunt Carol: Ashley Judd
Also found on: Divergent
Grace- Elise Fisher
Also found on: Despicable Me
Brian Scharff- Rupert Grint
Also found on: Harry Potter
Rachel- Shailene Woodley
Also found on: The Fault in our Stars
Drew-Charlie Rowe
Also found on: Red Band Society
Frank- Sam Claflin
Also found on: Mockingjay
Marcia (Lena's Mom)- Paula Malcomson
Also found on: The Hunger Games
Jenny- Willow Shields
Also found on: The Hunger Games
Uncle William- Jai Courtney 
Also found on: Divergent
Regulator 1- Theo James
Also found on: Divergent
Regulator 2- Liam Hensworth
Also found on: The Hunger Games
Regulator 3- Josh Hutcherson 
Also found on: The Hunger Games


Posted | Views: 577
The Grey Times
Whats in it for you?
Feature Article

Lena's crazy journey through the decease, Delirium.

Lena Halloway was a 16 year old girl that had the decease, Delirium. She couldn't love anyone without getting  hurt. And if she did love anyone she could get really sick. So 2 years later Lena is finally old enough to go through her evaluation. While she is in the room waiting on the doctors to start the exam she starts to get really nervous. The doctors finally come in and start the exam. They ask her questions and out of no where she answers with "grey." They aren't sure why. Later on during the exam she sees cows and gets frightened. So they didn't finish the exam that day but while leaving the evaluation center Lena sees a boy that catches her eye and she suddenly falls in love. She goes through this journey with him and her best friend Hana. Lena never gets cured because she escapes through a hole while Alex is trying to find her mom and isn't found. 
Movie Review

Delirium is an exciting love-filled movie by Lauren Oliver. When Lena's evaluations are interrupted by a stampede of cows and she sees a boy named Alex her whole world changes. Shes always seen love as an infection but will Alex change that? Is love really as bad as she though? Find out in movie theaters around you!!


Alex as Zac Efron from That Awkward Moment 
Aunt Carol as Kristen Bell from Frozen
Brian Scharff as Channing Tatum from 22 Jump Street
Drew as Jonah Hill from How to train your dragon 2
Grace as Reece Witherspoon from Inherent Voice
Guard at the Wild's Fence as Joel Edgerton from Exodus
Hana as Jennifer Lawrence from X-Men
Jenny as Carey Mulligan from Inside Llewyn Davis 
Lena as Vanessa Hudgens from Gimme Shelter
Lena'S Mom Marcia as Amt Poehlr from Are We Here
Rachel as Blake Lively from Savages 
Regulator 1 as Jason Bateman from Horrible Bosses 2
Regulator 2 as Josh Hutchinson from Mocking Jay Part 1
Regulator 3 as Jim Carrey from Dumb and Dumber to
Uncle William as Rafe Spall from Get Santa

Advice Column
Dear Carolyn, 
There is this boy that I really like. But the problem is that my best friend likes him too. I want to be with him but I also want my best friend to be happy too. I also have a decease where I cant fall in love and if I do I could get really sick if its not at the right time. What do I do? Please Help! 
Dear Freaked-out,
If you really like him just go for it. But if your best friend likes him too talk to her about it and see how she really feels about him. Maybe shes not all crazy in love with him like you think. Maybe she likes him but she might not care if y'all are together. But what ever you do wait for the right time and don't rush things because I don't want you to get sick or things to go wrong. 

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Posted | Views: 530
 The Magdalena Chronicles!
       The news where you'll be running for Narnia!! 
              ADVICE COLUMN
Dear Brook,
  My best-friend has been acting very oddly since our evaluation. What has occurred is that she is listening to illegal music and also she's happens to be sneaking out after curfew and going to restricted parties, she has always been my best-friend and helped me with my problems and was like a sister to me. I just think that she is being very child-like and impractical! Wouldn't you say so too? 
          Sincerely, Loving friend

Dear Loving, First I would call your self loving or a good friend because you're not very loving, if your are not there for your friend. If she is listening to illegal music tell her to stop, if she doesn't listen mind your own business. Also about the sneaking out just leave her alone she will notice how to do the right thing at the right time, just don't be a snitch and tell all her business. IT'S HER LIFE LET HER LIVE IT NOT YOU!
            Warm regards, Brook

            Featured A+ Article
Hana is Lena's best friend in the book Delirium, Ever since Lena's evaluation went terribly wrong Hana started acting a lot different. Knowing Hana's beautiful,nice, and sweet personality Lena was worried about her...alot . Hana had started to listen to illegal music and was sneaking out past society curfew. One night Hana had invited Lean to a party after curfew and not a place where Lena or Hana would usually go. So Lena decided not to go, but then Lena heard there was going to be a raiding where Hana was going so Lena decided to try and stop her. As Lena came to the party she saw that they all were listening to illegal music to she tried to get Hana but she would not listen! So Lena tried to get out herself but it was t late,luckily Alex was there to save her from severe damage.
                                    Portland Criticizers 
The movie delirium is a wonderful amazing movie. it has excitement, love, and a thrilling suspense. The main character Lena will be played by the gorgeous Mia Mitchell and Alex will be played by the hottie of the teenage century Jake T. Austin. This movie is about a girl named Lena who lives in a society where love is a disease. Lena thinks that  love is a very reasonable disease, she thinks that love is something that can kill you. That's until she meets Alex, Lena and Alex start hanging out alot but there was something different about Alex. He was an invalid, an invalid is a person who has not had the cure and doesn't want it so they, the invalids live in the wilds. Lena starts t fall in love with Alex and starts to see that love isn't such a bad thing. or is it?This movie will will be coming to a theater near you this Friday.  
 January 6,2019
want to be a professional evaluator? Here the job for you... just fill out an application and you'll be an evaluating king or queen!
         Word of the Day:
OMBUDSMAN-a government official who investigates complaints made by individuals against public officials
Did you know that? There's a volcano in Portland's city limits. 
Did you know that? Instead of getting killed for disobeying our society's laws you will not die but go to a mentally insane asylum prison.
Did you know that?  Love is not a Physical disease, but actually a Mental disease.

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Posted | Views: 758
Deering Heights Daily
Portland Oregon
Feature Article
Living in a Dream
Lena Halloway is a criminal. She is illegally in love with a boy named Alex, who is an invalid. In a recent raid night, Lena was spotted at a party. The lead Raider Josh Johnson, says, "I was chasing Lena and a boy through a dark room when she spilled something and I fell." Yesterday, Lena was captured but Alex escaped. She will be treated with the cure early.
Advice Column
Dear Carolyn,  
My best friend has been acting different for a long time now. She has been hanging around a boy for like, three weeks. He is all she ever talks about and she never wants to hang out. I've even heard he is an invalid. What should i do? 
Worried Friend
Dear Worried,
Your friend definitely has delirium. You should talk to her about it. If she does not change you need to tell the police and her parents. She needs the cure soon.

Thank You for Contacting Carolyn.

The Book by Lauren Oliver
Movie Casting
Peyton list...Lena
levin Rambin...Hana
Channing tatum...Alex
Elizabeth banks...Aunt Carol
Kendel and karson Skinner...Gracie
Debby Ryan...Rachel
Dylan Sprouse...Brian Scharff
Sam Clafin...Drew
Dwayne Johnson...Gaurd
Emile de Ravin...Lena's Mom
Skai JAckson...jenny
Adam Sandler...Uncle William
Dayo Okniyi...Regulator 1
Alexander Ludwig...Regulator 2
Josh hollaway...Regulator 3

The statue that Lena and Hana run by.
Obituary: Alex Sheathes
 Alex wants to be remembered as a caring invalid. He loved and cared for Lena. On December 31, 2999, Alex was shot from a helicopter hovering above and killed. He was good at crossing the fence and going unseen or unnoticed. He was trying to escape on a motorcycle with Lena so they could live in peace. Lena was last seen running into the Wilds.

The Cure: Delirium Vaccine
Died December 31, 2999
The Statue Lena and Hana run by.
Lena's House
Buy Deliriamade now! Do you think you have delirium? Are you miles from a hospital? than go to your local store and get: Deliriumade! Just 6.99 for a six-pack, or buy a single for 2.99!
Help Wanted!
The Deleriamart in Portland, Oregon needs you! Come keep your store up and start working now! Pays 9.99 an hour.
Movie Review: Delirium 5 STARS
Lauren Oliver wrote delirium. It was a great BOOK BUT AN EVEN BETTER movie! The movie was set in Portland, Oregon, During the future. There is a disease known as delirium. Most get the cure after they are teens, but some get it while they are teens. This is because they fell in love at an early age. Lena Hallaway is suddenly caught up in love with a boy named Alex a few months before the evaluation for her husband. Alex tries to get her to run away with him. Will Lena decide to stay or follow Alex? Will she tell anyone?


Posted | Views: 756

Invalids' Voice

The Daily Diary of Those Infected

Love Shot

We all know that love is powerful and we would do anything for the people that we love here in the Wilds. However, even than this news comes as an extreme shock to all of us. A couple, by the names of Alex and Lena were running away together when they were stopped by a group of regulators. The regulators tried to stop the couple and give them a chance to be cured instead of getting shot down, but they, of course, refused. The reulators then began to come close to the couple as they sat, shaking on the boys motorcyle. As the regulators moved closer and closer Alex started the sound of his engine and scared the regulators back to their cars. This began a chase as Alex and Lena started speeding to the border in order to escape. The couple eventually reached the wall and jumped off the vehicle while it was in motion. The bike crashed into the wall temporarily killing the electricity that would've shocked the couple to death. The two were then surrounded by dozens upon dozens of regulators that pointed riffles at them, telling them to stop where they were and give up on love. Of course, even with guns pointing at them, they didn't listen and proceeded to climb the gates to the Wilds. As the women, Lena reached the other side of the wall and was free in the Wilds she turned back expecting her love, Alex, to be next to her but instead found him on the ground surrounded in a pool of blood. Sources say that he had taken a bullet for Lena and out of pure shock the only thing she could think to do was run away from the scene. We haven't gotten any more news about this situation since.

Advice Column

Q. Hey! I'm glad I found out that this Newpaper from the Wilds can secretly come to the Delerialess world. I'm an "infected" girl searching for advice. I'm in love with a boy that comes from the Wilds who made his way to this society. We both want to show each other our affection but at the same time we want to stay in the walls, but lately we've been thinking about escape. Should we try to run to the Wilds now or wait until we're ready? If we don't run how do we still show affection without getting caught or seeming suspicious? If we run to the Wilds, how do we do that without getting caught? Thank you for your advice. Please write back soon.

From, A girl that's in love!~

A. Are you stupid? This isn't even a question! Of course you should run away! If you stay where you are than you won't even have a chance at showing each other your love and affection! In fact, you'll probably be dead! Remember that no matter what you always have each other in your hearts, so even if one of you ends up dead, it will be okay. Here are some steps you need to follow in order to escape:

1. Gather yourself the following supplies: An escape vehicle, a knife, rope, a lot of cloth, duct tape, the ability to run, some trust, and a lot of love!

2. Choose somebody that's been cured that neither you nor your partner like. This person is going to be your hostage on this mission to freedom! (Tip: Make sure that they're a heavy sleeper so you can capture them at night without them waking up)

3. Go to your chosen hostages house and put duct tape on their mouth, cloth over their eyes, and tie up their hands and legs. Hold the knife to their neck (Or even just their arm) to get them to stop squirming and just cooperate.

4. Get on your vehicle and start to drive away to the gates (Preferably in the shadows). Try to keep your hostage as quiet as possible

5. Put cloth on the tops of the gate. Sometimes the regulators will turn on the electricity at any given point while you're climbing over the fence so if there's cloth (But only thick cloth) It will be insulated enough for you to still climb over.

6. The only problem with the cloth is that now you have close to no grip on the fence! This is where your trusty rope comes in! Throw the rope at the top of the gate and tie it around. Now you just have to pull yourself up with the rope!
7. Climb to the other side!

8. Remove the cloth and the rope. You don't want regulators to be able to track you down using the evidence you leave behind! (Well...except for that hostage that you're leaving on the other side)
9. Run into the Wilds. Relax. You're free now!

Hopefully you won't die or get caught while doing any of this. However, if you do get caught just hold your lovely knife to your hostages throat. The regulators that caught you will most likely realize that your hostage is cured, and they ADORE their cured citizens and will beg for you to not kill them. You give them their cured, and in return, you escape! I hope you find this useful! If you end up trying this and you find any kinks in the plan please write us back...unless you're in the Crypts...or dead.

Help Wanted

A young man by the name of Alex recently got shot down after trying to escape to the Wilds with a women named Lena. He had been working as a guard at the crypts and a Regulator/Guard that protected the loading dock. We are searching for strong, CURED, young men to replace his positions. If you are interested in this job, please call 123-456-7890 or talk with a regulator on the streets!

The Cure

"The Cure To Deliria" Is a procedure that everyone should know of. This procedure will keep you from obtaining the awful disease that is Deliria. If you do obtain the disease you will go crazy to the point that you will end up killing yourself. Good thing that this procedure will keep that from happening, because you don't want to die, do you? While the procedure is extremely important you can only get it when you turn 16 so keep that in mind and don't forget to get it done as soon as you possibly can!
Studies show that even though cars are nearly impossible to purchase now a days, somehow they still seem to be coming to an "extinction". Scientist are trying to discover how to make cars but the technology to create them is almost impossible to come by.
Breaking News! We've found that groups of teenagers without the cure are trying to fight against it. They've been illegally downloading music from illegal websites and have begun to party with them. We fear for their safety.

Movie Review

I can already tell that this is going to be one of the number one hits of my generation. Lauren Oliver's book "Delirium" has been turned into a movie and will soon be released to the theatre. If you love movies that are closely related to their books than this is the perfect choice!

Director, Joss Whedon (The direction of Avengers)  has done an excellent representation of the novel. Every major detail of the book has been kept and the casting was spectacular.

This must-see movie creates a spectacular new world where love is a disease. Even just the mention of the word 'love' is seen as a curse. In this world, teenager Lena (Played by Emilia Clark from The Rains of Castamere) is torn in deciding whether to follow the rules of the society or go after the love of her life, Alex (Played by Josh Hutchinson from the Hunger Games: Catching Fire).

She's convinced that following the society's rules is the only way that she's going to survive and tries to stop loving Alex. But, after some guidance from Lena's best friend Hana (Played by Emily Kinney from It's Complicated) Lena decides that the only thing that she can do to make herself happy is to disobey the society's rules and go after the love of her life. However, what will the effects be?  

Other Characters Are:

-Rachel [Lena's Sister] Played by: Zoe Saldana from Avatar

-Aunt Carol [Lena's Aunt] Played by: Jennifer Aniston from The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate

-Grace [Lena's cousin] Played by Aubrey Miller from Faith, Hope, Love

-Jenny [Lena's cousin] Played by Chloe Lukasiak from Chloe Vs. Kendal

-Evaluator 1 Played by Delany Williams from Ladder 49

-Evaluator 2 Played by Duane Chase from The Sound of Music

-Evaluator 3 Played by Holly Gagnier from One Life to Live

-Regulator Played by Romano Orzar from Immortals

-Nurse Played by Morgan Eastwood from Million Dollar Baby

-Brian Played by Lee Pace from Soldiers Girl

The crypts are a great tool to scare our youth, but they're not just there to scare. The Crypts are actually just a place to hold the people who are a danger to this society. We totally take care of the prisoners here, so if you know somebody who's been taken here than don't worry. I'm sure that they're perfectly fine.
The cure is extremely important. This will keep you from obtaining deliria. However, here in the Wilds, it's hard to survive well if you've had the cure. Here, it's best if you just, instead run away before you are forced to get the cure and never get to experience love.
Teenagers, and even younger have been seen by bystanders sneaking out of their homes past curfew. We fear for the safety of them, the safety of the regulators, and the safety of the world around them.
Newspaper Written By: Kennedy DePappe

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Posted | Views: 603
     West End Bulliten
           The newspaper that serves it's readers

                       Ruff Ruff! Raid Your Party! 

   Earlier this week a rebellious group of teens were throwing a party in the empty Deerling Heights. Unfourtantley during this party a raid occured. Many do not know what happened to the people who were obtained by the forces. Even with the raiders and their vicious dogs many also managed to escape. A lot of parties have been happening lately and authorities are concerned. Two teenagers (who's names will not be given) were caught in a shed after fleeing the party. Both of which are infected and illegally meeting. The male, was of age to be cured but some how never had the procedure. The female, not quite at the age is going to be cured in the next few days. The male escaped although, the female is under confinement  until her procedure has been completed. The police are still looking for the male and hope this can be settled in a few days. More check ups might be happening soon so, stay safe.  

                                 Delirium Review

     It was very exciting. The great acting kept me on my toes the whole entire movie. Liam Hemsworth was a great choosing for Alex, he made me feel like he actually was him! Although it was a great film I have a few critical comments. When Lena was at the first party Sasha(Hana) was acting like they have never met. Also later in the book Alex and Lena were supposed to be more comfy together, instead they were acting like 12 year olds.

       On a good note it was a very interesting to watch Lena become more free as the movie goes along. On top of that the director did a great job of organizing transitions. All in all it was great movie, but it could of tweaked some minor details. 


  Delirium Book Cover


Alex: Liam Hemsworth     Lena: Emma Watson     Hana: Sasha Pieterse


       Where you can find the best prices in all of Portland

                                     Advice Column

     Dear Carolyn,

Okay so earlier this week I got into a fight with my best friend. It's really all her fault. It was all about a party, and please hear me out. My friend never goes out, she always stays at home. I really wanted her to come, but she wouldn't budge. She was boring, always went by the rules. Finally, I convinced her to go. That night at the party when she showed up, she was being rude and that ticked me off because all I wanted was a good time. I don't know what to do really. I don't think I should apologize because it's really her fault. What do I do?   

         - Confused Friend

    Dear Confused,

You are acting like a child, start acting more grown up. The answer to your problem is simple, you need to apologize. In my eyes this is more your fault then hers. She didn't have to be rude of course, but mainly this is you. If you are really her friend you should respect that she likes to follow the rules. From what I hear she didn't tell  you the party was wrong. In my opinion you should apologize, but that's your choice. Good Luck.

        - Carolyn 

Mayor Statue at                                              World Nature Club starts

University .                                                                 beach clean up.


                   Picture taken at illegal party before raid.

         Hollister Clearence Sale

    Takes place at 2-5 PM on Sunday, September 3rd. All Clothes will be an additional 20% off. All scents will be 30% off.

Delerium News Paper (Chilton Conner)

Posted | Views: 1,082
Portland Page
GReat News For Great People
Upraise of Parting
The recent increase in parting has been dramatic. Kids disobeying the rules and staying up late with their loud music. And with that the Raider attacks have been outrages as well. Due to all of this madness the officers have tripled their patrolling in Portland. So those kids really have to stop this crazy non-sense once in for all!

Help for H6N6

H6N6's Q: I have a friend that is not the best. This person dose stupid things that she should not be doing. Should I still be her friend, get her help, or not be her friend.

The Adviser's A: H6N6 you should try to help your friend and if you can't, let someone else try. If that doesn't work then you may have to de-friend her.

CALL: 902,564,9902

$20                     WE BEAT
PER HOUR!               OTHER

Across:                                             Down:
1. Some think you wear                 1. A pet mammal that
on your head.                                   is smaller than a

baby Sister Pros
We Help all in need any time!

Our Web Site:                 Our Phone #:                      830.592.1234

     i LOVE THIS CITY                bECause it's peaceful.

     Most of the Time.     A robber I must Stop Him.

     Stop Right There!           You will pay For this!
Guardians of the Galaxy

A great Movie Both by acting and the special effects. and your fellow Americans thought they say with 94% it was amazing! The real judges of that say it was an awesome 4.5 out of 5 stars rating. And the actors/Actress are...
Alex-Starlord         Spizizers-Thanos
Lena-Glamora          Hana-Nebula
Lena's Match-Drax  Wilds-Thanos'
Lena's Dad-Groot    Army
Aunt Carol-Rocket

The Evaluation Daily

Posted | Views: 917
The Evaluation Daily
Featured Article
Yesterday's evaluations have been invalidated and students will be required to reschedule another evaluation date before they can receive their rating, approved matches, and schedule a date for their cure. Portland experienced an unprecedented event when a truck full of cattle intended for the slaughterhouse was mixed up with a shipment of pharmaceuticals.  A stampede of cows flooded the evaluation building right in the middle of evaluations causing momentary fear and confusion in students and evaluators alike.  Nobody was injured in this incident, but the cattle did create sufficient chaos to render any testing that had been done invalid. Anyone who was evaluated on the day of the stampede will need to repeat these evaluations.  Investigations are being conducted to see how a mix-up like this was able to happen, and to prevent future incidents of this nature from occurring again.  Portland is fortunate that the only consequences of this unfortunate mishap will be a day of repeated testing. 
Movie Review 
1/10 Worst movie I've ever seen. Never seen anything not follow its book this much.  Who is Bob and Amanda, and why were they jumping off buildings trying to kill each other? What do they have anything to do with this book? Would not watch again.
Carols Advice Column
Don't get run over by a herd of cows!
Help Wanted!
Need two Cureds for Evaluation Invalid watch. No Danger involved! *
*May get stampeded by cows and children.
I'm almost 18 and have had my first evaluation. I accidentally answered questions wrong, but something invalidated my first evaluation. I will get another chance at the evaluations and was wondering what i should do and say to get the best possible rating on the evaluations.
-Almost 18

Dear Almost 18, When you answer the questions choose things that will favor the evaluators and not point you to being infected. Ask another cured person for any further advice.
The Evaluation Building
Delirium Movie Poster

Delerium News Paper (Portland Page

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Posted | Views: 540
עיתון מקוון מספר 3 דצמבר 2014
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
אירועים, למידה, חברויות ושיתופי פעולה בבית הספר

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Posted | Views: 714

 THE Ursula Virus Tribune 

infection around the world

advice column 

Dear Carolyn,

I've been addicted to neuro ever since the new nuero headsets have been getting popular, its gotten so bad that I wont talk to anyone or anything!my friends and family have been repeatedly telling me that i need help, but I CANT,its not that easy! They wont talk to me anymore like the use to,they don't even try! I've been sitting in my room for hours at a time, not moving just playing the game! Can you help me recover my relationship with my family and being an addict?      -Helpless addict

Dear helpless addict,                                                     you are really helpless as I can see. Unfortunately, there isn't really anything I can do for your relationship with your family, just explain to them that you are trying and it takes time.1st, get rid of your Nuero headset, that is the main problem here.2nd, you need to go see a counselor, a doctor or even a therapist! They will help you overcome your addiction.
Hope this helps!       -Carolyn 
 movie casting              
Sam- Troye sivan~ In the movie "Claim to fame".
Dodge- josh Hutcherson~ in the movie"Red dawn"
Vienna- Jennifer Lawrence~ in the movie "The hunger games".
Fargas- shaheen j ~ in the T.V sheow "Americas got talent".
Kiwi- tye Sheridan~ in the movie"The tree of life".
Agent Tyler- Chris Pratt~ in the movie "Jurassic world".
Swamp witch- Ashley Judd~ in the movie "Divergent".
Ursula- the voice of Siri ~ IPhone voice command .
Gordon- gary oldman ~ in the movie "The dark knite rises".
Jaggard- Thandie newton ~ in the movie "Crash".
Warden brewer at recton- Bradley Cooper~ in the T.V show "jack and bobby"..
Sam's mom- Jennifer Aniston ~ in the T.V show "friends"
Rat face- Chandler Riggs ~ in the T.V shoe "the walking dead".
Zombie- Atticus Shaffer~ in the T.V show "the middle".
Gummi - asa butter field ~ in the movie "the boy in the striped pajamas"

movie review

The movie brain jack is a great action adventure!the best part in my opinion is in the very last chapters. My favorite part is when Vienna ripped her hazmat suit because it was so in the moment and descriptive!It all starts off telling us the background and about Sam Wilson,and also about Gamer Alley.The middle tells us about Sam hacking and he eventually goes to juvenile!

In the end the whole crew works together to battle Ursula. I do recommend this movie!


Juvenile awakening!

(a feature article)

Sunday night police knocked on 17 year old sam Wilson door claiming that he has hacked his way into the white house. Sam answered with a "puzzled" expression, wondering what had happen. His mother, rushed to the screen door screaming WHATS and WHYS! the SWAT team explained to Sam and his mother what he was accuse of. They began to handcuff him and explain his rights to him. Sam Wilson had already knew that what he has done was too risky and he was going to get the van moved forward he began to wonder where he was going and what it would be like. He eventually saw a high razor fence. A mile or 2 away from the nearest town. He did not know how much time he was sentenced ,he just didn't want to be there ,he arrived to his cell and he met his cellmate kiwi, he was around Sam's  age and he was in for fraud he explained. He decide that juvenile wasn't as bad as he imagined but he had to get out soon!

Crossword   PUZZLE


Neuro Headsets

This product lets you operate computers as fast as you can think! No keyboards needed!


  and we will take an extra 30% off!

$1.25            Tuesday ,jan. 7,2015
The new Neuro headsets has taken the place of the keyboard.




                   This picture represents the Neuro headsets getting popular.

Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.




    This represents Vienna ripping her hazmat suit and she ends up in a hospital bed.

                                                                           Gamer alley- a place where Neuro addicts go to.




                                                                                                                                                                         Sam Wilson goes to juvenile.

                               Piper  Siders

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Posted | Views: 847
Telecomerica Takedown

~ Telecomerica has been taken down! Power has been out for three days now and we are not sure when it will be back up. Television stations and radio channels went off air. The whole world is at a halt and there is nothing a  normal human could do about it. We don't know who did this big takedown. If you have any idea who could have done this hack but you need to let the police know as soon as you possibly can. We don't want America to be down forever. Someone with expert skills on hacking did this and we need the publics help!
Advise Column
Dear whoever reads this,
I have been in prison for sometime now (no need to say why) and I have recently meet a boy and he has turned out to be my best friend in a long time, but he escaped without telling me and I'm very lonely now and Im not really sure what to do. Do you?
                                                      Someone Lonely
 Movie review 
Sam- Josh Hutcherson/ Hunger Games
Dodge- Liam Hemsworth/ Hunger Games
Vienna- Angelina Jolie/ Maleficent
Fargus- Josh Gad/ Frozen/ Olaf
Kiwi- Dave Franco/ Neighbors 
Agent Tyler- Santino Fontana/ Frozen/ Prince Hanze
Swamp Witch- Sally Field/ Forest Gump
Usual- Idina Menzel/ Frozen/ Elsa
Mall Security Guard Gordin- Christopher Walken/ Hairspray 
Jaggard- Jake Gyllenhaal/ Brokenback Mountain
Warden Brewer at Recton- Philip Hottman/ Hunger Games Catching Fire
Sams Mom- Julianne Moore/ Jurassic Park
Rat Face- Kevin G. Schmidt/ Alvin and the chipmunks 

• has amazing emotion the whole movie
•modern and futuristic at the same time
•I didn't like the ending though it was a strange way to end it
Brainjack Puzzle
Digital Infection Discovery
we know more than you think.
Alyssa Ochoa 1/2/15
U.S. $1.25

Dear Someone Lonely,

I have read and considered what you have said, and my soulution would to be to just wait your time out in jail and then you could find as many friends as you want. Again thank you for asking me for advise.


                                          Problem Solver

Feature Article

Title~ Brain Jack

Author~ Brian Falkner

This a NEW Neuro Headset!!! On SALE for only $500
The cover of the book the movie is based on.
This is the laptop Sam used to hack Telecomerica
This is the inside of the CDD building.
Hacking is the main thing they do in the book and in my movie.

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Posted | Views: 551
The Hazmat Infection Times
It's not what you think 
Feature Article
Sam had just run into the saftey of the mountain base along with Dodge, Vienna, and a couple of soldiers to protect them.They were under heavy fire from the neuro virus army trying to stop them. After they had gotten into the base they began to close the doors...That's when the nukes dropped. Sam and dodge began plugging in the plague virus to rid them of Ursula. Then the download started the nuclear bobmbs went off, they heard the screams and the virus uploaded. Thus wiping Ursula from every mind and computer. The world was safe from the clutches of Ursula.
Have you ever wanted to use the computer faster, and eaiser without using the clumsy old mouse and keyboard? Now you can with the new neuro headset 2.0. Buy it at a local neuro store for only $569.95!
Kevin James- Kevin James, you may have seen him in Paul Blart: Mall Cop or a family favorite Grown Ups. He has been bringing joy and laughter to people since 1994. He will be playing Warden Brewer in Brian Jack. 
Advice Column
Dear, Latecia
Say someone was to hide out in Las Vegas from the entire world, what are the chance sof survival?
None, you would only have a chance with hazmat suits, clean water and food along with a place to stay.
Movie and Casting
Sam- Andrew Garfield
Dodge- Paul Walker
Vienna- Emma Stone
Fargas- Freddic Highmore
Kiwi- Tyler Patrick
Agent Tyler- Robert Downey Jr.
Swamp Witch- Betty White
Urlula- Cortana
Gordon- Elliot Gouild
Jaggard- Mathew Perry
Warden Brewer- Kavin James
Sam's Mom-  Maggie Wheeler
Ratface- Zac Efron
Zombie- Dylan Sprouse
Gummi- Cole Sprouse
Movie Review
I personally loved the movie because of the characters. They made the movie better because they fit in so well with who they were playing. They movie altogether was great, plot left you hanging at certain parts to put you in suspense. I would give it a 4 out of 5.
By: Ryan McClure

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Posted | Views: 434
Yes, city of Dallas it's true our literal dream team power couple is together.

After weeks and months of trying and saving the world sam and vienna 2 of our hero's have finally became an official couple. we have all the details keep reading for the juicey information from our up close interview with the power couple.

After so long why did they finally decide to mkae it official?
Sam replied "we've had feelings from the begginning of our voyage together but considering our circumstances then we didnt think it was the best idea to date.

Our next Hard hitting question was who popped the question?
Vienna's feedback was "actually it was me, I got tired of waiting on sam so, I womaned up and asked him the question.


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Posted | Views: 487
Terrorist Observer
I know where you live. 
17 Year Old Escapes Juvenile Prison
17 year old, Sam Wilson, has escaped from a juvenile prison in Maryland. Sam, put into this prison for a a big crime he committed on his own home computer. As officials say he was arrested for hacking into Teloamerica. One of our nation's greatest networks ever created.   

Echo Star

Posted | Views: 588
Echo Star

Advice  Column

Dear Carolyn,
My son is always on the computer in his room. He doesnt like to come out and he is very anti-social. The only time he is social is when he is talking to the people on the computer. I dont understand what I should do. I need your help Carolyn!!!
From, Concerned Mom

Dear Concerned,
My son used to be exactly like that too. I suggest taking his computer and headset away. Also what you should do is take him to a rehabilitation place. That should seriously help. You need to help get his gaming addiction under control.
From, Carolyn

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Posted | Views: 619
digital nuke daily
Kids Gets Chased by FBI
Breaking News: Three kids kidnapped an agent and killed four members of the FBI. It started off with two of the kids trying to kill someone. When the police arrived they resisted arrest and ran away. The police then followed them to the mall. They hid in the sewer. When agent Tyler came down to arrest them, they held him at gunpoint and took him with them. The FBI followed them down the sewer, but they got away in a stolen truck. When the police search had been exhausted, they started questioning the townspeople for possible whereabouts. An owner of a store recognized them. He explained to them how they robbed him an took supplies. The suspects were narrowed down to Las Vegas. When the FBI arrived, the fugitives ran away. The FBI pursued them. After they had one of the suspects trapped, one of the other suspects started throwing rocks at them. The rocks ripped their hazmat suits, essentially exposing them to the deadly gas. Two of the fugitives took off in the truck, eventually meeting up with the other. The FBI were in pursuit of them when they started firing shots. The fugitives hacked into the mainframe, and made them go off the cliff, killing the agents. The three fugitives are still at large.
50% off your second neuro headset with purchase of one of the new headsets
Line Cooks Lunch/Dinner
Location: Downtown
Compensation: Depending on experience
Downtown fine dining restaurant is in need of line cooks for lunch and dinner. Lunch time cooks must be available 3 pm to close. We are closed on Sundays. You have to have 3-5 years of fine dining experience to apply for this position. Must work fast, clean, and consistent on daily basis. Please send your resume to [email protected] to be considered for an interview. Be ready to stage for the position.
Brain Jack
Logan Lerman as Sam. Lerman is best known for his role in Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Anna Kendrick as Vienna. Kendrick is best known for her role in Pitch Perfect.
Bruce Willis as Jaggard. Willis is best known for his role in the Die Hard series.
Alexander Ludwig as Dodge. Ludwig is best known for his role in the first Hunger Games.

Review: Sam is a 17 year old hacker that has just sent America into destruction. He hacks into the White House and gets caught. While he is in a penitentiary he hacks into the network and escapes. He then gets a new job working for the government keeping hackers out. Tables start to turn as he and his friends are accused of murder. They get chased to Los Angles (a gas zone) and end up making two agents run off a bridge. They then escape to Cheyenne Mountain and end up dying from trying to enter the neuro world.

Thoughts: I thought the book was very interesting. It kept the action going and had some cool chases. I like how he had the technology start to take over. What I did not like is how the ending kills the main characters off. 

Advice Column
Woman: My son has just died from gaming addiction and I don't know how to deal with the pain. Please help as you can see I am going through a hard time.
Advice: Going through a loss is a burden no one should go through. It can be hard to forget the past. You should consider going to some grief counseling. You can try individual therapy or group therapy. The benefits of group therapy are that there will be others going through similar situations that can offer support and understanding. In the meantime, you should focus on remembering the good things about your son and the memories you share.
Sam Wilson
Sam Wilson, 17, of Las Vegas, passed away from brain trauma. Sam was a smart kid. He worked for the government keeping people from hacking into America's network. He always had a knack for games. He is survived by his loving mother.

Telecomerica Daily

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