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What Makes A Game?

Posted | Views: 885
  What Makes a Game and Can They Be Art?

        Much controversy has taken place following the release of The Fullbright Company’s Gone Home. Gone Home is a first-person interactive story adventure game that has found itself in the crossfire between two sides: people who think their foray into story telling constitutes their title as a video game, and others who say Gone Home is nothing more than an interactive movie of sorts.
In the game the player embodies Katie Greenbriar, a young woman who returns from travelling abroad to visit her family’s new house, only to find that no one is home. Throughout the narrative, Katie’s younger sister Samantha provides context and story through the use of journal entries that the player finds and forces the player to emotionally invest in the lives of Katie and her family. The gameplay in Gone Home revolves around first-person exploration and little else, which would seem to be the cause of discourse within the gaming community surrounding this title (Riendeau). That leaves the community with an important question: what makes a game?

        In the past, the criteria for judging what a game is and isn’t was very simple. Do you play it on a screen? It’s a game. Does it use a controller? Of course it’s a game! But in the twenty-first century the parameters by which the images moving across our screens constitute the title of “video game” have become increasingly opaque. Now we judge video games in a much more intricate and subjective way. Is a phone app a video game? Is a text-based adventure game a real game? Some people say so, others will defy ‘till their last breath that Candy Crush or Gone Home is a bonafide video game experience. All these gaming experiences may have some harcore gamers turning up their noses in contempt, but they don’t get to make the rules. The reality is that any interaction with a moving image on a screen via some type of controls are all the criteria for what constitutes a video game. Trying to feel superior by putting down the types of games other people enjoy is simply damaging to the gaming community as a whole. If there is to be a healthy gaming culture; wasting time deciding who gets to join the club and who doesn’t just results in a smaller club.

       Now that we can define what games are, we look into what they can be. If you had asked anyone in 1972, when the game Pong first released, if video games could ever become art, they probably would have given you a quizzical look, followed by a curt “no.” However, with recent advances in technology, developers are able to present emotional stories with facial animations, unique art styles, and quality voice-overs. Developers are even pulling mainstream actors into their games, with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare starring Kevin Spacey, famous for his role in HBO’s political thriller, House of Cards. However, some will still say that video games can not be thought of as art. The Guardian’s Jonathan Jones recently wrote a piece on why games are a fun pastime, but not art, he stated, “Electronic games offer a rich and spectacular entertainment, but why do they need to be anything more than fun? Why does everything have to be art?” People who try to define what art is and isn’t are practicing an exercise in futility. Why does everything have to be art? Well why does anything have to be art? Why can’t a movie just be an entertaining way to experience your favorite actors and actresses on the big-screen? Why can’t a painting just be a fun way to express oneself? Keith Stuart, also from The Guardian wrote a beautiful counter-piece to Jonathan’s article, where talked about the insanity of attempting to define art. He wrote, “The greatest philosophers in history have floundered on the question, many simply avoided it altogether preferring to grapple with more straightforward questions – like the nature of logic, or the existence of God. Art is ethereal, boundless, its meaning as transient as the seasons. When you think you have grasped it, it slips through your fingers.” In the end, the answer is very simple. Video games are a medium of expression, such as a canvas can be a medium for the ideas of the painter, or the camera the tool of the photographer.

Video games can be many things. They can offer entertainment, relaxation, and unique experiences born out of artistic expression. A large part of art deals with the viewer, and what they perceive to be the meaning of the piece. Who can say what art is and isn’t? So get out there, and play some art.

By: Tyler Thompson

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Posted | Views: 994
What is Love?
God is love (1. John). So if God is love, what exactly does that make love? To figure that out we need to determine who God is. We know from the Bible that God sent His son to die on a cross for every sin that has been committed by us (John). This would show His sacrifice. From this we can conclude that since God is love and He sacrifices, the first thing love is, is sacrifice.
What else is God? Well, God didn’t just let His son die in vain. There was a purpose behind it. That purpose was so that our sins would be wiped away and He could forgive us. God is forgiving (Paul). Love is forgiving.
 God didn’t do these things because He had to. He chose to do them. God chooses to sacrifice and forgive. Love is a choice. God’s son, Jesus, died but he didn’t stay dead. Jesus rose from the grave and lives forever in heaven with his Father. God is everlasting (Moses). Love is everlasting.

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Posted | Views: 989
The Biblical Family
What is a family? According to Webster’s 1913 dictionary a family is, “The group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.” On the other hand, if we type the word “family” into we will get a completely different definition, “Family: a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for (Ammer).”
Where in the past 101 years did we forget the husband and wife part? In our society today a family can be whoever “loves” each other.
That means a family could be two men and two women with their adopted children or even just a home where there are multiple men and women who interchangeably live and sleep together in one “family unit”.
“Just so long as we all love each other it’s cool.” Is that really what a family is? The idea of family has been so construed by our modern world until we think that spouse sharing, homosexuality, and polygamy are all acceptable so long as it works for us and we love everybody.
But this concept of love that everyone keeps talking about is not what love really is. This kind of love is one gland calling to another.

Feature 4

Posted | Views: 813
What Gluten Does to the Brain?

     Gluten can have harmful effects on the brain. Today, gluten has become a household discussion topic. It’s in almost everything and most of the time people don’t even worry or think about it. Gluten is, “a common protein found in wheat, barley and rye products,” (Fritter). It sounds harmless, it’s in most of our food, but gluten has been shown to act like a drug. It has also gotten a bad rap because it has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Luckily, eliminating gluten can help prevent these diseases.
 To begin, gluten acts like a drug. This may sound incorrect because gluten is supposed to be a natural substance in our food. However, gluten is actually addictive. Experts have realized that, “both gluten and casein are broken down into gluteomorphin and casomorphin peptides, short chains of proteins that, should they escape through the gut and make their way to the brain, mimic the effects of heroin and morphine,” (Fawcett). Therfore, gluten acts the same as heroin and morphine (two very harmful drugs) on the brain.
    Moreover, it takes the same amount of time to get over a gluten addiction as it does for a drug addiction. According to Dr. Kelly Brogan, “Those eating high gluten diets can expect to undergo 1-3 weeks of withdrawal symptoms upon cessation.” When children go off of gluten, they can even develop, “affective disorders such as anxiety and depression.” (Fawcett). These disorders can take months or even years to recover from. Also, the fact that gluten acts like a drug is dangerous since the majority of Americans have gluten every day. Basically, with gluten, the whole nation is under a secretive, mild drug. A fact that is even scarier is that, “the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has enacted a new standard for gluten-free labeling of foods, it doesn’t apply to other products like drugs and cosmetics,” (Fritter). This makes it harder to find foods that are truly gluten-free. Plus, if a person has celiac disease (basically an allergy to gluten) they could have life threatening reactions due to small traces of gluten in their gluten-free foods.
     In addition, the largest problem with gluten is that, “eating foods with high glycemic indexes, which happen to be some of the most gluten-rich foods, increases the chances of developing neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia,” (Ugolik). This is not just a theory that someone came up with. Scientific studies have been done to support the connection. For example, “One is a case series of 13 patients conducted by the Mayo Clinic in 2006 that showed a potential association between gluten and dementia,” (Ugolik). This is not a large sample number, but these diseases have limited data because they usually do not occur until later in life. Due to this lack of research, it is hard to prove that gluten increases the chances of getting Alzheimer’s and dementia. In fact, most researchers and doctors believe that, “not enough is known about the way gluten impacts the brain—or even whether restricting gluten may negatively impact people without celiac disease—to support a gluten-free diet as a preventative measure for any disease, let alone dementia,” (Ugolik). However, since there is reasonable doubt, people are urged to be their own doctor. They should take some time to consider whether they want to take their chances and hope that gluten is not related to these neurological diseases, or if they want to start a gluten-free diet.
     There is hope through starting a gluten-free diet. By eliminating gluten, certain neurological diseases can sometimes be prevented. Cutting out gluten does not guarantee the prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia, “but lifestyle choices are hugely impactful in terms of preventing this and even reversing it,” (Ugolik). Also, people who have had sensitivity to gluten or who just want to be healthier have noticed, “dramatic improvements almost immediately,” (Fawcett) after going off of gluten. This shows that removing gluten does have some benefits. It may be hard to do but if it can help current issues and prevent future ones, it is worth it. Dr. Oz, from the television show, even has an episode on gluten and the brain. It gives many more benefits to cutting out gluten and how to do it. This episode is called, “Gluten Your Body’s Worst Enemy” and can be found at Overall, removing gluten from a diet can be helpful.
     To conclude, gluten is something that should be monitored very carefully. It can be harmful to the brain and the rest of the body. Sometimes it even acts like a drug. Gluten can cause an addiction that goes unnoticed until it is removed. It has also been linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Both of these are neurological disease that can affect a person for the rest of their lives. Often times, they will not be detected until it is too late. Therefore, it is important to consider a gluten-free diet to prevent these diseases. Even though some of the research is limited, it is better be safe instead of sorry. It has been shown in some cases that removing gluten can increase overall health. So even if a gluten-free diet ends up not affecting the brain, it still would be a healthier lifestyle overall.
                                                           Works Cited 
Brogan, Kelly. Go Gluten Free, Fix Your Brain. 9 November 2013.
Fawcett, Elaine. The Storm Before The Calm: Why Some People Get Temporarily Worse on         A Gluten-Free or Casein-Free Diet. n.d. 3 December 2014. 
Fritter, Lisa. "Your Brain on Gluten." n.d. Allergic Living. November 2014.
Ugolik, Kaitlin. "Does Your Brain Really Do Better Off Gluten?" 25 February 2014. The 2x2 

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Posted | Views: 846
Works Cited
Gunderson, Dan. "DNR Says Deer Poaching on the Rise in Minnesota." Minnesota              Public Radio News. MPR News, 05 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Niskanen, Chris. "Minnesota Hunter Goes from Deer Hero to Alleged Poaching Zero." Twin Cities Pioneer Press, 12 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

"Report Poaching/Wildlife Violations | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife."            Report Poaching/Wildlife Violations | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.          Washington Department of Fishing and Wildlife, 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

"Turn in Poachers (TIP)." : Minnesota DNR. Minnesota Department of Natural                    Resources, 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

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Posted | Views: 784
I have mentioned TIPS or Turn In Poachers before. This is a program made by the DNR, or Department of Natural Resources, to convince local farmers and citizens to turn in any sites or hearing of poaching going on. Many times, they offer money as an incentive to convince people to turn poachers in to the DNR. Many fellow hunters or people won’t turn someone in because of the fear of being a snitch in the eyes of others. The main thing many don’t know about is that anyone who reports TIPS is kept completely confidential. No one ever finds out who turned whom in for poaching. TIPS is the best way to turn in a poacher because it involves the authority right away keeping personal lives out of danger. Some hunters can get aggressive if being turned in, so the best option is to leave it to the authority.
 Poaching has major effects on populations and habitats. Poaching can effect habitats because by taking all the deer out of one area the wolves in that area would have to move to find more food leaving the area abandoned. If the wolves wouldn’t move then they would slowly die off because of a smaller food source. Poaching affects habitats too because many poachers wouldn’t have a limit to the destruction they may cause. If an animal is poached, a majority of poachers would be willing to drive their vehicle right up to the animal to pick it up and get out of there as fast as possible. This could mean driving over small trees and even ripping up grassland. One time probably wouldn’t hurt the landscape, but 10 times could make a nice dent in the environment. Population will be hurt also due to poaching. Many animals on the endangered species list make it on there as a result from poaching.
Poaching is a bad for the environment, populations, and even for a person’s reputation in a community. Many people will frown upon a poacher because it is morally wrong. It makes a community and state look bad having many poaching cases. Poaching should end at all levels starting with deer and fish. These are two of the biggest poached animals in Minnesota. With the help of fellow hunters and farmers, poaching should be stopped and can end with the help of TIPS. Poaching isn’t considered the biggest crime done to animals, it is the biggest crime done to animals.
Preaching Poaching Problems

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Posted | Views: 805
 March Madness has been, still is, and will be a tradition of 68 teams battling for the glory of the Naismith. But is that it? Is it just an event in which 68 teams are invited to play the game of basketball just to see who the best is? Absolutely not! The Big Dance is almost a lifestyle, not only for the month of March, but for the whole NCAA Men’s College Basketball season. On some campuses almost every student is participating in some sort of tradition, or doing something they normally don’t do during the month of March. Students, fans, and players alike living that lifestyle all the way through until their team loses or wins their final game. Funny, serious, and mind blowing traditions are all part of the lifestyle of the Madness.
 Though March Madness rules the hype now in the present, it however was the younger brother to its NIT (National Invitational Tournament) in middle 1900s. Yes, the NIT was actually a bigger deal then March Madness in its premature stage. Also starting in 1938, it is the oldest hailing college basketball tournament. One year later the NCAA formed its own post season tournament: the NCAA Men’s Division One College Basketball Championship (NCAA, NIT Postseason History).

1938 was the first year the NIT was born and played. With a whopping six teams invited, this was a huge deal to college basketball fans everywhere (NCAA, NIT Postseason History). In the 1930’s the High School State Basketball Tournament was a big deal, for fans to find out there was going to be a Men’s Division One Basketball Tournament blew fan’s minds everywhere. Eventually the NIT grew into today’s tournament number 32 teams, but has lost all of its vibe. Now day’s college basketball fans fall in love with the month of March due to a larger team size tournament (68 teams), traditions, better talented teams, and loads on loads of hype.
 Around the 1940s and 1950s the NIT and the NCAA Men’s Division One College Basketball Championship switched roles one could say. Eventually teams and fans liked the idea of playing for a spot in a big tournament, rather than getting invited (not necessarily deserving a spot) to a medium sized to dying sized tournament which was losing popularity and hype. The NIT is still fairly important especially to the teams, the team’s fans, and some outside fans, but the NIT is no March Madness. Now mostly all of the post season hype rests in the month of March.

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Posted | Views: 774
#2 Kyrie Irving  
 (Career: 22.5 pts, 5 ast per game, with a 48% field goal percentage) Kyrie Irving is one of the most explosive, athletic, and overall talented players in the NBA. Now surrounded by new talents Kevin Love and LeBron James, Kyrie Irving can have his burden of the team’s go to player now subside a little. If you’re looking for filthy crossovers, step backs, and pick and rolls, look no further. With Lebron’s athletic ability, K-Love’s shooting and post ability, combined with his own ability to create his own shots, makes the possibilities endless on the offensive side for Cleveland. Kyrie can explode to the rim, knock down jumpers, and dish to others around him making not only himself look good and smooth, but the entire team as well.

#1 Steph Curry  
 (Career: 20.3 pts, 6.7 ast per game, with a 43% 3 pt percentage) Excellent three point shooter, great court vision, and rare turnovers are what make up this young talent. Speed is the name of the game with Stephen Curry. Everything he does is fast, down to his release of his shot, his crossovers, passes, and explosiveness to rim. Curry is a winner, though not even surrounded by the best talent in the league (diffidently not the worst), he still finds ways to win games and in the process making his team look good. What separates Curry from the rest of the NBA is his unreal shooting ability, speed, court vision, passing, commanding vibe, and being able to elevate his team’s talent.

Hard post

Posted | Views: 1,438
Bob Ewell died On October 31.
    On october 31, the night of halloween, Mr. Bob Ewell was killed. His body was found under a tree close to the Radley house. This death was no ordinary death though. Jeremy and Scout Finch, brother and sister, were both attacked before the death of Bob Ewell. Jeremy claims that it was indeed Bob who attacked them. P1
    It occurred after the Halloween pageant had finished. Scout Finch had lost her dress and shoes so she was stuck in her costume on her way home. Her costume was a ham, this costume had no arm openings so she did not have very much balance. It was made from cotton, paper mache and a metal lining, like steel wool, which eventually saved her life. P2
    She was with her older brother Jeremy, who was wearing regular clothes. He was holding the tip of Scouts costume to help her balance. On their way back home from the pageant, they herd footsteps, but when they stopped walking. They stopped hearing the footsteps. Sooner or later, after walking and stopping, they heard the footsteps even when they stopped walking. P3
    "Cecil, Cecil!" shouted Scout and Jeremy. They thought it was Cecil Jacobs who was making the footsteps behind them because he has played pranks on them before. There was no answer. Jeremy suddenly saw Bob Ewell. Bob Ewell brutally beat Jeremy, trying to pull off his arm, breaking it in the process. Scout heard the whole process, she fell on the ground and the ham suit didn't allow her to see well. She heard the screams of terror that Jeremy was letting out. After Bob was finished torturing Jeremy, he went for Scout, he lunged on her and attempted to stab her but Scouts costume saved her stopping the knife from hitting her body. P4
All of the Suddenly, the weight of Bob Ewell was lifted off her body and she was saved by none other than Arthur Radley himself. P5
Scout and Jeremy went through a terrifying experience, and luckily survived according to Sheriff Heck Tate. P6

Music Tales Malaysia @ STICKER

Posted | Views: 1,873
Music Tales Malaysia @ Sticker
00610 - Nobby Fun Sticker
20cm x 8cm
Weight: 12g
Stock: 10

RM 3.50
00571 - Orchestra Sticker
Weight: 35g
Stock: 6

RM 10.00
00503-Musical Rocker Sticker
Size: 17.7cm X 9cm
Weight: 12g
Stock: 9

RM 9.90
00502-Rock Guitar Wall Sticker
Size: 55cm X 57cm
Weight: 50g
Stock: 1

RM 39.90
00501-Flowery Guitar Wall Sticker
Size: 60cm x 90cm
Weight: 70g

RM 49.90
00499-Musical Cat Wall Sticker
Available in 3 Colors Size: 100cm x 22cm
Weight: 45g

RM 39.90
00498-Ballet Dancer Wall Sticker
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00497-Singing Bird Wall Sticker
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RM 39.90
00495-Musical Instrumentsl Sticker
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RM 9.90
00490-Sound of Music Sticker
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RM 10.00
00487-Golden Melody Sticker
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RM 10.00
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00485-Musical Season Sticker
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Stock: 2

RM 9.90
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Stock: 9

RM 9.90
00428-Funny Sticker
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Weight: 15g
Stock: 8
RM 10.00
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Weight: 15g
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RM 10.00
00423-Fancy Cat Sticker
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RM 10.00
00411-Treble Love Wall Sticker
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RM 19.90
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RM 9.90
00225-Musical Monkey Sticker
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Stock: 13

RM 8.90
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RM 4.00
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Stock: 17
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RM 4.00
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00196-Glowing Sticker
Size: 12.5cmX115cm
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RM 15.00
00045-Musical Sticker
Weight: 5g

RM 9.90

Top Six List

Posted | Views: 474

How Air Filtration Takes Place in an Air Compressor – 3 Stage Process

Posted | Views: 770
Air is the fuel of an air compressor – not literally, but it does make the air compressor what it is. The velocity and the pressure of the air are used by the compressor in performing the functions that the compressor is made for. The quality of air that is used by the air compressor should therefore be good. The air being pulled in by the compressor should be free of dirt and contaminants. 

But natural air is generally not free of contaminants. That is why filtration is important. Air filtration is a 3 step process. In fact passing all the three stages is necessary for effective filtration. At each step, certain contaminants get filtered and collected on individual fibers in the filter. So, what are these three steps? Let us read: 

Direct Interception: In direct interception, the particles that are larger than the mean pore size are filtered. These simply impact directly onto fiber matrix surface.  

Inertial Impaction: In this step the particles that are less than 2 microns penetrate beyond the filter but are not allowed to go further than that by the pathway within the media and get captured by the fibers.

Diffusion (Brownian Motion)

In this step, the smallest particles of dirt and contaminants – those that are .1 to .2 microns are filtered. Since these particles are very tiny, they move in a random manner in the air. Since these particles are small, their motion is violent. This leads to collision with the fiber matrix. 

All in all, air filtration makes sure that the air that is being used in air compressors is clean and fit for use. Imagine unfiltered air in oxygen cylinders – how life threatening it can be! The three listed steps ensure that the air is absolutely free of any contamination that can be harmful for humans and/or the environment.

Need for Filtration  The process of filtration may look simple; however, is an elaborate and complex process that is vital for efficient functioning of the compressor. The need for filtration arises because if dirt and contaminants are allowed to enter the compressor, there will be increased chance of damage. 

When contaminants settle on various parts of the compressor, they reduce the efficiency. The result is that the air compressor ends up eating more power and generates less energy. This forms a vicious circle and the end result is that the compressor becomes useless.

Knowing when and how to clean the compressor as well as when to get the filters replaced is important in maintaining compressor efficiency. Depending on the type of compressor that you are using, the filtration process may vary a bit. Though all in all, the above three steps make the gist of how air gets filtered.

Dock Maintenance Repair

Posted | Views: 480
Dock Maintenance Repair
Docks are magnets for trash, dirt and junk. They need to be cleaned and maintained. Call us, at 651-683-0307, to upgrade, refurbish, repair or maintain your loading dock equipment.

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Posted | Views: 636
Exams and Tests
        Asthma is generally determined by observation during a physical examination, medical history and family allergic disease. Laboratory tests and x-rays studies may eliminate identification of other diseases. The doctor or nurse will use a stethoscope to listen to your lungs. Wheezing or other asthma-related sounds may be heard (Asperen).
Tests that may be ordered include:
• Allergy testing - skin or a blood test to see if a person with asthma is 
allergic to certain substances
• Arterial blood gas (usually only done is you’re having a 
severe asthma attack)
• Chest x-ray
• Lung function tests, including peak flow measurements (Nowak RM).
        An attack may begin gradually or abruptly and is often preceded by an upper respiratory infection. Typically an attack begins with signs of air hunger; yawning; sighing; shortness of breath; wheezing; hacking, and a productive cough (Mayo Clinic Staff).
       Management of asthma in children is based on four stages of severity: intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent, and severe persistent. Intermittent asthma include symptoms that occur less than once a week, brief exacerbations from a few hours to a few days, night-time episodes that occur less than twice a month, and normal lung function between exacerbations. Mild persistent is characterized by symptoms that occur more than once a week, but less than once a day and night-time episodes that occur more often than twice a month. Moderate persistent severity is manifested by daily symptoms with exacerbations that affect daily activities and sleep. Sever persistent is characterized by continuous symptoms that limit physical activities, frequent exacerbations and night-time episodes (Asperen).

The goals of treatment are:
• Control airway swelling.
• Stay away from substances that trigger your symptoms.
• Help you to be able to do normal activities without 
    asthma symptoms.
You and your doctor should work as a team to manage 
your asthma. Follow your doctor's instructions on taking 
medicines, eliminating asthma triggers, and monitoring symptoms (Nowak RM). 

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Posted | Views: 724
Age-specific management of asthma in children
        The medical definition of asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It usually results can be triggered by breathing in substances called allergens or triggers (Mayo Clinic Staff). Common asthma triggers include:
• Animals (pet hair or dander)
• Dust mites
• Certain medicines (aspirin and other NSAIDS)
• Changes in weather (most often cold weather)
• Chemicals in the air or in food
• Exercise
• Mold
• Pollen
• Respiratory infections, such as the common cold
• Strong emotions (stress)
• Tobacco smoke (Mayo Clinic Staff)
        The inflammation causes symptoms associated with obstructive airflow, wheezing, and irritated cough that is common. Asthma is caused by inflammation (swelling) in the airways. When an asthma attack occurs, the lining of the air passages swells and the muscles surrounding the airways become tight (Nowak RM). This reduces the amount of air that can pass through the airway resulting from bronchial smooth muscle spasm, or inflammation of the bronchial wall or excessive production of mucus. Asthma in children is often confused with acute middle and lower respiratory tract infections. Onset usually occurs between 3 and 8 years of age (Asperen).

these are not pretty metaphors

Posted | Views: 398
these are not pretty metaphors

the light they paint us in is not
fluorescent and stark, adding weight
under our eyes
and meanness to the curves 
of our

i’m sorry, but
if we spend the night together,
it’s over for me. nothing i can do.
i don’t make
the rules. i just open my eyes
groggy, and there you are,
framed by the shuttered window
as if you’d planned it.

you probably thought
you were waking up
a girl,
not a bear trap or a land mine
or a gasping mouth
with too many words
to fit inside,
and i almost wish
i could’ve warned you
about that.

you see,
i write like i wanna be fucked and i
fuck like i wanna be loved
and i love
like i want to be swallowed
that’s why every boy 
i have ever kissed
has had the hungriest eyes.

look i really like you
and i might be in too deep.
i am an army of ticks
and your skin
is so soft .


Posted | Views: 420
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.

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Posted | Views: 723
Is Gluten Free for Me?
 Gluten free diets have skyrocketed in popularity this past year. It has entailed much controversy. Gluten free diets claim to be the key to everyone’s diet success yet has also labeled the largest fad diet of the decade. Before hoping on the gluten free bandwagon or totally ranting on it, take some time to understand gluten and why people are trying to cut it from their diets. 
What is gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Products such as noodles, cereal, and bread hold together and keep their shape through the power of this protein ("What Is Gluten? - Celiac Disease Foundation")
Why is gluten bad?
The thought that gluten is harmful to everyone is a common misconception. Gluten has a different affect on each individual and it is quite unlikely that you need to go completely gluten free. The only people who truly cannot have gluten are those with celiac disease.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes damage to the small intestines during the digestion of gluten. Not to worry though only about 1 in every 100 people have celiac disease; however, celiac disease is a 
very serious issue and without treatment can cause serous damage. Avoid self-diagnosis and treatment. The best way to go about treating it is to maintain a regular diet and go to the doctor as soon as possible. Their blood tests can determine if this disease is present. They then will help cut this part out of the diet without sacrificing other essential vitamins and minerals ("What Is Celiac Disease? - Celiac Disease Foundation"). The other more likely reason to cut gluten from a diet is due to gluten sensitivity. About 1 in every 20 people suffers from gluten sensitivity on some. This is a less serious non celiac disease that would also cause you to benefit from dropping gluten. The best way in this situation or just out of curiosity about gluten’s affects is to try going gluten free for thirty days ("Why Going Gluten Free Can Be Unhealthy").
What are the symptoms of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity?
Many of the symptoms are general such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, anemia, irritability, mouth ulcers, and irritated skin rashes. If these symptoms are present, consult a doctor.

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Living rooms are often a gathering place that revolves around conversation and other activities. To pick this lively mood, look back to the warm colors such as reds and yellows. A very popular combination now is taking a darker shade of red and letting furniture accent the walls by having them be a neutral color such as brown.
Offices are a place to concentrate and focus on the materials you need to complete. As we stated before, green is a good color to keep a peace setting and help maintain concentration. Another way to go would be the modern sophisticated look by blending white, gray, and black together through paint and furniture. For this look, consider buying furniture that has a steal accent. This will create the firm professional business look you are striving to obtain ("Using Color Psychology to Create an Emotionally Healthy Home").
A final tip is to keep in mind that the color affects not only emotions but also how large the room appears. Darker colors make the room feel smaller because its darkness seemingly draws things together. On the contrary, lighter colors brighten up a room making it feel more spacious. This rule does not only affects walls but also ceilings. The reason people typically leave their ceilings white is to make the ceiling appear taller ("Room Color and How It Affects Your Mood").
We hope that this advice brings excitement, relaxation, concentration, and energy wherever you need it. Good luck coming up with color combinations that best suit you! Have fun and paint the mood!