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Posted | Views: 458
From Bright Lights to Quiet Nights
The Glory Days
A hefty income, fame, adoration from fans — all earned while playing a sport. Such is the world of a professional athlete. Then one day, it's over. Perhaps there's a career-ending injury, or maybe it's the physical beat down from years on the field or court. From time to time, it's the athlete who decides enough is enough, and calls it quits. But inevitably, the money and notoriety stop. And it's on to the next phase in life. The journey can be wrought with challenges, indeed, but those who ultimately make it through. Losing their fortunes, jail time and other "bumps and bruises" the former athletes experienced are all part of their stories — along with how they've managed to "reinvent their passion" and build new, successful lives, he said.
When the Cheering Stops
      Is it time yet?
Retiring from sport is hard, whatever level you compete at. I’m not an elite athlete but my sport has been such a major part of my identity over the last 20 years that I’m going to find it hard to let go when the time to retire finally comes. I’m torn – on the one hand I love my sport and don’t want to leave it, but on the other hand I want people to remember me for the athlete I was, not the athlete I’ve become. Masters athletics does have some appeal and allowed me to become a national champion, but it’s hard to come to terms with not being able to run as fast as you used to, so I increasingly wonder if retirement is for me. For now the answer is no.
For many athletes retirement is just too hard, particularly when retirement is forced upon them (e.g. career injury) and evidence shows that depression, addiction and even suicide can be the consequence of retirement from sport. Various retired athletes, including boxer Sugar Ray Leonard, share their experiences of the difficulties in this BBC article. Psychological support for retiring athletes is very important. I say that both as a sport psychologist and an athlete facing retirement. Fortunately, athletes are becoming better prepared for career transitions and hopefully serious negative consequences will be increasingly less frequent.
The New You
            Retirement is a very exciting time for most people. It’s a time when they’re finally able to travel and do some of the things they were never able to do while having the constraints of a nine-to-five job. While the majority of people look forward to retirement changes, they often fail to recognize that changing lifestyles after retiring can bring about some unexpected feelings, both emotional and physical. Many people find they need help coping with life transitions after retirement.
· s after retiring also includes learning to live with reduced income. However, Social Security payments and pensions can help immensely and allow you to have a regular money source, letting you plan things in advance. Sit down, with your spouse if you’re married, and work out a budget plan for your golden years. 
· Changing lifestyles after retiring doesn’t have to be a source of stress. This is one of the most exciting times of your life, and retirement changes should be good changes. Coping with life transitions becomes easy when you plan for the future and learn to enjoy your new-found freedom.
What Now?
Remember that you have spent years gaining the talent and recognition in your sport. Upon retirement, you will likely be stepping into a field where your notoriety is minimal and others have spent years honing their skills. Not everybody follows your sport or even has the same passion for sport so you may be just like any other person applying for a job. Your name may get you an interview, but that’s usually all. Even if you stay within the sport, you will need to continue to develop the required skills to be considered a “hero” in your new position. Realize that you are changing careers and that necessitates not starting at the top.
Ouucch its Hurts!
What now?
            Suicide & Depression
The Simple Things
Boredom. Your job is a huge part of your life and usually takes up a big chunk of your time. The changing lifestyles after retiring include having a lot more time on your hands, which can often translate to boredom. You may find coping with life transitions becomes easier when you have hobbies to entertain yourself. Now is the time to try something new.
· Loss of friendships. As we get older, we tend not to go out as much as we used to, preferring to spend time at home with family. This means we don’t meet as many new people as we did while younger. Our changing lifestyles after retiring means we don’t have those work friendships to fall back on, either. To keep from feeling lonely, join organizations and be sure to keep in touch with friends and family on a regular basis.
· Identity crises. In today’s world, we’re usually defined by what we do. One person is a carpenter, and one is a lawyer. After retiring, you must deal with coping with life transitions in the form of losing a big part of your identity – your job. The good news is you now have the chance to change your identity – become a traveler, a gardener or a painter. Retirement changes can allow us to become the person we’ve always wanted to be.
· Physical changes. If you enjoyed an active job, you may find yourself gaining weight and feeling tired as after-retirement changes take place. Even if you spent all your time at a desk, the simple act of getting up at the same time every day and going to bed at the same time can keep you feeling healthy. When your regular schedule is interrupted your physical health may wane and you may find it more difficult when it comes to coping with life transitions. Try to stick to a schedule after retirement and exercise, eat well and get eight hours of sleep every night.
· Financial changes. Changing lifestyle

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Posted | Views: 432
From Bright Lights to Quiet Nights
The Glory Days
A hefty income, fame, adoration from fans — all earned while playing a sport. Such is the world of a professional athlete. Then one day, it's over. Perhaps there's a career-ending injury, or maybe it's the physical beat down from years on the field or court. From time to time, it's the athlete who decides enough is enough, and calls it quits. But inevitably, the money and notoriety stop. And it's on to the next phase in life. The journey can be wrought with challenges, indeed, but those who ultimately make it through. Losing their fortunes, jail time and other "bumps and bruises" the former athletes experienced are all part of their stories — along with how they've managed to "reinvent their passion" and build new, successful lives, he said.
When the Cheering Stops
      Is it time yet?
Retiring from sport is hard, whatever level you compete at. I’m not an elite athlete but my sport has been such a major part of my identity over the last 20 years that I’m going to find it hard to let go when the time to retire finally comes. I’m torn – on the one hand I love my sport and don’t want to leave it, but on the other hand I want people to remember me for the athlete I was, not the athlete I’ve become. Masters athletics does have some appeal and allowed me to become a national champion, but it’s hard to come to terms with not being able to run as fast as you used to, so I increasingly wonder if retirement is for me. For now the answer is no.
For many athletes retirement is just too hard, particularly when retirement is forced upon them (e.g. career injury) and evidence shows that depression, addiction and even suicide can be the consequence of retirement from sport. Various retired athletes, including boxer Sugar Ray Leonard, share their experiences of the difficulties in this BBC article. Psychological support for retiring athletes is very important. I say that both as a sport psychologist and an athlete facing retirement. Fortunately, athletes are becoming better prepared for career transitions and hopefully serious negative consequences will be increasingly less frequent.
The New You
            Retirement is a very exciting time for most people. It’s a time when they’re finally able to travel and do some of the things they were never able to do while having the constraints of a nine-to-five job. While the majority of people look forward to retirement changes, they often fail to recognize that changing lifestyles after retiring can bring about some unexpected feelings, both emotional and physical. Many people find they need help coping with life transitions after retirement.
· s after retiring also includes learning to live with reduced income. However, Social Security payments and pensions can help immensely and allow you to have a regular money source, letting you plan things in advance. Sit down, with your spouse if you’re married, and work out a budget plan for your golden years. 
· Changing lifestyles after retiring doesn’t have to be a source of stress. This is one of the most exciting times of your life, and retirement changes should be good changes. Coping with life transitions becomes easy when you plan for the future and learn to enjoy your new-found freedom.
What Now?
Remember that you have spent years gaining the talent and recognition in your sport. Upon retirement, you will likely be stepping into a field where your notoriety is minimal and others have spent years honing their skills. Not everybody follows your sport or even has the same passion for sport so you may be just like any other person applying for a job. Your name may get you an interview, but that’s usually all. Even if you stay within the sport, you will need to continue to develop the required skills to be considered a “hero” in your new position. Realize that you are changing careers and that necessitates not starting at the top.
Ouucch its Hurts!
What now?
            Suicide & Depression
The Simple Things
Boredom. Your job is a huge part of your life and usually takes up a big chunk of your time. The changing lifestyles after retiring include having a lot more time on your hands, which can often translate to boredom. You may find coping with life transitions becomes easier when you have hobbies to entertain yourself. Now is the time to try something new.
· Loss of friendships. As we get older, we tend not to go out as much as we used to, preferring to spend time at home with family. This means we don’t meet as many new people as we did while younger. Our changing lifestyles after retiring means we don’t have those work friendships to fall back on, either. To keep from feeling lonely, join organizations and be sure to keep in touch with friends and family on a regular basis.
· Identity crises. In today’s world, we’re usually defined by what we do. One person is a carpenter, and one is a lawyer. After retiring, you must deal with coping with life transitions in the form of losing a big part of your identity – your job. The good news is you now have the chance to change your identity – become a traveler, a gardener or a painter. Retirement changes can allow us to become the person we’ve always wanted to be.
· Physical changes. If you enjoyed an active job, you may find yourself gaining weight and feeling tired as after-retirement changes take place. Even if you spent all your time at a desk, the simple act of getting up at the same time every day and going to bed at the same time can keep you feeling healthy. When your regular schedule is interrupted your physical health may wane and you may find it more difficult when it comes to coping with life transitions. Try to stick to a schedule after retirement and exercise, eat well and get eight hours of sleep every night.
· Financial changes. Changing lifestyle


Posted | Views: 796
Ai cũng biết hút thuốc lá có hại cho sức khoẻ. Tuy nhiên, tỷ lệ người hút thuốc lá đang có xu hướng tăng lên, đặc biệt ở các nước đang phát triển, trong đó có Việt Nam. Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau dẫn đến tình trạng này, nhưng đa số là do sự hiểu biết một cách cụ thể về tác hại của khói thuốc lá còn hạn chế, kiến thức chưa đầy đủ. Điều đó xuất phát từ việc thiếu các biện pháp tuyên truyền giáo dục về thuốc lá và tác hại của thuốc lá đối với sức khoẻ con người.Khi hút thuốc lá, hoặc sống chung với người hút thuốc, khói thuốc hít qua phổi ngấm vào máu, tích luỹ lâu ngày 
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Từ năm 1940, người ta đã thấy có mối liên hệ giữa hút thuốc lá và nguy cơ bị bệnh tim mạch. Dù hút một vài điếu thuốc trong ngày cũng làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh này. Mối liên quan chặt chẽ giữa hút thuốc lá và bệnh tim mạch không chỉ thấy ở cả 2 giới, trong lớp trẻ và người già mà còn thấy ở tất cả các chủng tộc. Hút thuốc làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh lên gấp 2-3 lần và nó còn tương tác với các yếu tố khác làm tăng nguy cơ lên gấp nhiều lần. Những bệnh mà người hút thuốc có nguy cơ mắc cao là xơ vữa động mạch, bệnh mạch vành, đột quỵ, rối loạn nhịp tim, đột tử, nhồi máu cơ tim, phình động mạch chủ. 
Trong khói thuốc lá chứa hơn 4000 loại hoá chất. Trong đó có hơn 200 loại có hại cho sức khoẻ, bao gồm chất gây nghiện và các chất gây độc.
trở thành điều kiện và nguyên nhân gây nên các bệnh tim mạch,
Khói thuốc lá chứa tới hơn 7000 chất phần lớn là chất độc hại, trong đó có khoảng 60 chất là tác nhân gây ung thư, đặc biệt nguy hiểm nhất là nicotin. Nicotin dưới dạng tinh khiết đó là một chất lỏng trong suốt, có mùi khó chịu và vị đắng, dễ tan trong nước và dễ dàng xâm nhập vào cơ thể qua đường miệng, hô hấp, thậm chí qua cả da. Trong khói thuốc lá có nhiều chất kích thích khối u, tuy nhiên người nghiện hút thuốc lá quá nhiều không bị chết ngay vì liều lượng cứ ngấm dần vào cơ thể.

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         Thuốc Lá 
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Khi hút thuốc lá, hoặc sống chung với người hút thuốc, khói thuốc hít qua phổi ngấm vào máu, tích luỹ lâu ngày trở thành điều kiện và nguyên nhân gây nên các bệnh tim mạch, viêm nhiễm đường hô hấp gây tổn thương trong lòng mạch máu. Vì vậy người hút thuốc lá dễ bị các bệnh như: rụng tóc, đục thủy tinh thể, da nhăn, giảm thính lực, sâu răng, ung thư da, bệnh phổi tắc nghẽn mạn tính, loãng xương, bệnh tim mạch, vàng móng tay, ung thư cổ tử cung, tinh trùng biến dạng, bệnh vảy nến, viêm tắc mạch máu, ung thư phổi và các cơ quan khác như: mũi, miệng v.v.vv

NoJusticeNoPeace...Page 31

Posted | Views: 1,221
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Ferguson,Mo 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Charlie Riedel
No Justice No Peace 

Times of the Old And Voices Of The New 
Protest in Ferguson,Mo 


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Posted | Views: 1,906

Ferguson...Page 30

Posted | Views: 1,256
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Dallas,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz
Ferguson,Mo Coverage on CNN
They Once Said 
-The Revolution Will Not Be Televised -
I think times Have Changed 

The Romero Times: Publication Edition 1

Posted | Views: 6,786
The Romero Times
Edition 1                                                                                        Tuesday, November 25th, 2014
By Iliiana Munoz, Class of 2019

There are a lot of teachers at Bella Romero. They do their job and help students and really care about the students. Miss Putters is an example of a great teacher at Bella Romero, a teacher who wants to help students graduate high school. 

Miss putters is a funny, creative 4th grade teacher that helps her students understand what they are learning about. She loves Harry Potter and her favorite color is purple and she loves baseball. She loves her job and when she was in high school there were some teachers that inspired her to be a Teacher. She lived in Georgia before living in Colorado.. Her favorite subject was math because she liked working with numbers.  Her favorite season is winter because she likes layering her clothes. She is a great teacher.

Miss putters is a fun teacher and she is ready for the future. Bella has helped their students by having technology in there school. Miss Putters really helps out with her students' education. She is interested in teaching her students the best. Her favorite part of the school day is in the morning,were they get to learn math and literacy so they work really work hard
Miss putters is an amazing teacher she loves learning new things and when they called her she said that she was so excited to work here and be part of Bella's family. Bella's family loves Miss Putters and wants her to keep on working here.  She loves reading and she graduated in 2010 from the University of West Georgia. She loves working with every one. Miss putters is one of the great teachers at Bella Romero.

As you can see miss putters is a great example and there are great teachers that set a good example for all the students in Bella Romero. She teaches her students to work hard and follow the rules and last but not least to graduate night school.
Teacher Spotlights
Miss Putters
By Cheyenna Martin, Class of 2019

Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science that deals with the design, construction, and operation of robots. In other words, it is a way to build robots that can act like a actual living thing.

Robotics are a fun way for students to experience team work and work through difficult situations with each other. In robotics at Bella Romero we battle the robots that the teams personally build and program. Then the teachers bring  some type of treat and the robots battle for the treats.  It's a fun day full of activities.

Miss Vojik, a 7th grade teacher, invented robotics here at Bella Romero. It all started four years ago in the after school program. Mr. Cooney asked her to create a class about building robots. Not a lot of schools in the district have this class. Robotics gives students a chance to express their creativity by building robots. That is what makes them enjoy the class. About 50% of 7th and 8th graders chose robotics as their elective this year.

The battle is the most exciting part of robotics. There are rules that each robot has to follow, like each robot has to have 3 motors and be 12 inches tall. To win a battle, one robot has to make another robot to where it can't function anymore. So for example if one robot can't move at all and the other robot is still fighting, the fighting robot wins. The first few weeks of the semester all they do is build and battle. The the last few weeks there will be the biggest battle. There will be an obstacle that each robot has to go through while battling other robots.

So, it's pretty cool to have the students acting and learning like real engineers. After the battles they talk about what they learned through the whole semester. Most of the students dreams went toward becoming an engineer ever since that class became a part of Bella Romero.
Robots are battling at romero!
By Bryant Bell, Class of 2020

The class of 2025 is putting on a food drive at our K-3 Campus.  Mrs. Gale, a teacher at the k-3 campus gave us some details about their work so far.   

"The food drive is going on from November 3,2014- November 25,2014"  Students come to school with some canned food items like peas,carrots, potatoes,and green beans. The class of 2025 collects these wonderful donations of canned food items.  Donating to the food drive is a very generous thing to do.

"The food would be donated to the Weld County Food Bank," said Mrs. Gale. I think it would be a splendid idea to give the food to the Weld County Food Bank(WCFB). Canned food was taken to Mrs. Hegg, a 2025 teacher from the K-3 campus, and she is delivering it to the Weld County Food Bank.

It is going to be a spectacular food drive if every student brings caned food and the class of 2025 is having a competition to see which class can get the most canned food items in to their teachers.  Think about how much fun the food drive can be while we do something nice for other people in Greeley at the same time.  It is always nice to help others, especially around the holidays! 
Class of 2025 Makes a Difference!
By Valeria Casillas, Class of 2020

We have a lot of superstar teachers here at Bella Romero Academy. This month we would like to recognize Mrs. Hegg, a 2025 teacher,for this month's teacher spotlight.

She graduated in 2008 and has gone to 2 colleges, CSU and The University of Colorado. Her favorite hobbies to do are anything that involves being outside.  Her favorite foods are sweet potatoes and candy. She was born in a small town in New Mexico, but she was raised in Crested Butte, Colorado.

Teaching preschool and being with kids has inspired her to become a teacher. Mrs. Hegg's favorite subject she teaches is science, She likes this because they get to do experiments and projects. Her favorite memory is when she got married and Ms. Mattivi was her reverend.

Mrs. Hegg's mom is her personal hero because she sacrificed things for her when she was little.  She likes Bella Romero because she feels like she has another family here and she loves all the kids and how they know what year they are going to graduate.

Mrs. Hegg is an awesome teacher. These second grade students are lucky to have teacher like this. There are a lot of other teachers out here at Bella Romero that are awesome too! 
Mrs. Hegg
By Angela Castillo Pacheco, Class of 2019, Editor in Chief

Taylor Swift's new album has surprised everyone. The former country singer has gone full pop with this album. She has released two music videos for her album so far. The former country singer's album has peaked to number one in many charts.

1989 pulled in 12 million dollars on its first week on the market. The album was released on Oct. 27, 2014. The album was named after the year T-Swift was born. The star spent much time promoting this album and the hard work payed off. Taylor even invited some fans to her house to listen to the album before everyone else.

1989 has had its second week at number 1 since its release. "I think it's fantastic. It's one of those albums you can put on and play the whole thing," says Miss Mattivi, 7th grade Language Arts and World History teacher.  While most people are judging how most of her songs are about either an ex or an enemy, other people agree with Miss Mattivi. The album has had many positive responses but now and then there are a few hate comments.  "I make everyone who drives with me listen to the album." Miss Mattivi said. We're pretty sure some die hard Swifties do this also.

One of her best songs has to be Blank Space. This song has some influence from Lorde, since the beats sound the same. You can't blame her, though, Lorde is one of her best friends. "Bad blood" is directed towards Katy Perry since they've had a few small arguments as Katy stole Swift's dancers before her last tour. That proves there is some bad blood between them.  While Katy hasn't replied, her ex Harry Styles (aka the guy half the songs are written about) has replied. Styles was asked "This Taylor Swift set mate, she's written some songs about you - it seems like. Does that feel odd when people write songs about you, or, are you okay with that?" Harry replied" We write from personal experience, and I think everyone does, so it would be hypocritical of us to be like, 'Oh you can’t write about us,' And she's really good, so they’re good songs, " adding, "I’m really lucky in that sense."

All in all I believe this has been her best album ever. With its success so far, I'm sure she'll sell many more. This album will be in the #1 charts for a very long time. Congrats to Taylor for making a best selling album.
Album Review: Taylor Swift  
By Allison Gonzalez, Class of 2020

At Bella Romero all students are stars that shine brightly but some students show that they are really living the Family Values.

We talked to student spotlight Jocelyn P. in the class of 2022 at Bella Romero campus to ask her questions. We asked her what characteristics that she thinks a Student Spotlight should have. She said,"They should own their behavior," and we agree.  Also we asked her 5th grade teacher Ms. Hendrickson how she is a good student she answered, "Jocelyn works hard and she never misses a day of school. Therefore she a good model of a Student Spotlight."

We also asked Jocelyn if she had inspiration to be a good student she said that her mom really inspires her by telling her that she is doing a good job in school. Also she motivates her classmates by telling them that they are smart enough and that they can do it. She is trying to be a good leader doing her very best in school.

Some students are easily distracted, Jocelyn's solution to not get distracted easily is to ignore the person distracting her. Ms. Hendrickson says,"She ignores distraction."  Jocelyn uses knowledge that she has learned throughout the years and the knowledge she is learning to advance in school.

As you can see, Jocelyn really does live the Family Values. 
By: Daniel Horn, Class of 2020

The first day that Ebola came to the U.S it was chaotic. It had people running to buy gloves and masks so they didn't get infected. The Ebola outbreak lasted for about a month in the U.S. The last person was cured about a week ago. And the nurse was cured about 3 weeks ago. The biggest controversy is about a girl in the us that went out of her restriction to live a normal life.

A doctor that was a big deal in New York was released from the hospital because he was cured from Ebola. In the article it says that the doctor (Dr.Craig Spenser) was released as he gave cheers and hugs.  The doctor got the deadly disease from helping Ebola patients in West Africa.

The second most recent case was the one nurse infected. The nurse's name was Amber Joy Vinson.  The nurse was infected when treating a patient with Ebola. She was in Texas when she was officially diagnosed with the disease. She was held at Emory, University Hospital for a maximum of 2 weeks and 2 days and was finally cured.

Imagine not having a disease but being quarantined anyway. Well an official citizen of Texas had talked to an Ebola patient so the National Health Organization tested her for Ebola. She came back negative. The NHO still thought she had it so she was quarantined to her house. She thought that since she didn't have the disease that she could leave her quarantine. Still to this day people are debating if she should have been quarantined to another place.

"Party!" As Ebola leaves the U.S people are smiling with joy. Until just recently one person was diagnosed with this sickness. I believe that U.S has this case under control.
By. Brianna Huerta, Class of 2020

There are many videos and pictures that go viral every day.  Did you ever see the meme Grumpy Cat or the video "What Does the Fox Say"?  This Video was so popular that everyone on the internet had heard of it in just a few days.  Have you ever wanted to be a internet sensation? Have you ever wondered how to become a internet sensation?  Lets find out! 

Many people watch videos or look a pictures of internet sensations and wonder how they could also become an internet sensation. To become a internet sensation you have to be what the people want. The people want things that are funny, show talent, an interesting story, and even baby animals. These are some of the thing that people like to watch. If you post a video or a picture of one of these things and it catches on, it could be big.  People have to share the video or the picture in order to get you one step closer to becoming a internet sensation because then more people can see it.

There are many popular sites where a post can gain popularity.  For example, people might post to Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Vine, or YouTube.  If you're lucky, your video will spread all over. Most sensations start on one of those sites. These sites have so many people on them that word gets around fast.

It is crazy how it seems like everyone has heard of "A Potato Flew Around My Room" or "Old Gregg".  Sometimes it is hard to explain why, but that's what being an internet sensation is all about. 
By Daniel Mendez Alvarez, Class of 2020

The holiday Thanksgiving, also called Turkey Day, is right around the corner. There is more than just the turkey to be thankful for. There is a whole history, which all started in the late 1800s.

Thanksgiving is a time for family to call everyone in the family for a reunion. Thanksgiving is also a time where family eats all day and has a great time together.  Families also like to watch Thursday night football and eat pie, turkey, and more.  There are many traditions that different families have during this holiday. 

Thanksgiving was first celebrated as a feast after a harsh winter. It was first just a big meal to celebrate the harvest in the early 1800's and after that they kept doing it and it always stuck like a holiday.  When president Abraham Lincoln was elected president he made it a national holiday in 1863.

Thanksgiving back then there were no stores so they had to hunt or they had to raise the animals themselves. It was very hard and they didn't always have a turkey to eat. Currently there are stores to get turkey and stoves to cook so it makes life easier.

Thanksgiving is a great way to get the family together. No matter what your traditions are this Thanksgiving, we hope it is a happy one!  
By Karolina Perez-Zapata, Class of 2020

What exactly is blended learning? Blended learning is teaching with technology in the classroom. Blended learning is a class where you will go at your own pace and own level. With
Technology in the classroom students are so much more organized and really focused on their tasks.

What's new about blended learning? Well what's new about blended learning is you get more online resources like websites and social networks. More iPads allow students to find answers to their questions quickly in class.  You can also contact a teacher on an app called Schoology at home if you have any questions.

Is blended learning important to have in the classroom? "It's great to have blended learning in the classroom because students learn a lot faster even at their own pace," says Miss. Michas, a 2025 teacher who does a lot of blended learning in her classroom.  In my opinion I think blended learning is important to have in the classroom because kids will be more focused and have more resources. Blended learning is important to have in class because it's important to have these resources available to students so they can take control of their own learning. 

What are some components of blended learning? Mrs. Pettyjohn, a 2026 teacher, says there is, "working on computers, they have individual math stations, they solve messy problems together, they also work with me on new skills. My P.o.v of the components in blended learning include Khan Academy which is a recourse for video practice. There are also books and the Internet for articles.

We use blended learning in the classroom at Bella Romero in many different ways. Blended learning is a way new way of learning which is really helping students in their academic work.
By Dominic Plascencia, Class of 2020

"Lights, camera, action!" In Bella Romero's drama class they do more than act. There are also directors and camera men, and a lot of the magic happens behind the camera, too.

For an actor they must do their job in front of the camera. They have to act out in scenarios. Why actors are so important is because the have to do acting in front of a camera. "Sometimes I get nervous in front of the camera but mostly I just laugh when we're doing something funny." Says Gonzalo, an actor in drama class. He also says that the class is very entertaining in many ways.

A director needs to supervise the actors and tell them what they are supposed to do. They plan out the videos but there's a lot more to that. Why they are important is because they plan out everything."It's really frustrating when the actors don't want to do what you say." Says Alan Canales, a director.

And last but not least, the cameraman. They are the people behind the camera. There's a good chance that they are the most important ones. A cameraman is so important because they record everything the actors do."A cameraman has to take videos and pictures, and mostly just records everything." Says Maktar, a cameraman.

Drama is a very interesting class. Each person has a specific job to do. But in the end everyone has fun in this class and learns to express themselves in a fun, creative way.  

By: Joey Reyes , Class of 2020

In our first edition of the Romero Times we will be using Nathan Escobar's art piece. I interviewed Ms. Dechant and she said that Nathan is very creative so I decided to interview him. The first thing I asked was what inspired you he answered '' What inspired me, well, I really love the sea world and all its creatures," said Nathan. 

This art piece that Nathan made is called 1 point perspective name drawing. This type of art is suppose to look 3-D and as you can see Nathan did a great job. What makes Nathan such a good artist? Because when I was small my big brother was good at art so I learned to draw good to and I've practice for a long time to.''
I personally was with Nathan when he was very focused on this work. He just thought of a sea creature and drew it. He worked for about a week on it but it was all worth it. I asked Nathan how it feels to have his art work in our first published article he answered '' Honored because out of all the many kids in the school I was picked to show my drawing in the published article.''

I asked Ms. Dechant, chose Nathan's work because he is very creative. But he was not the only creative student!  There were many others but I thought Nathan's art work was very interesting. Nathan's was not only interesting but also unique.  There are many great art pieces but not like Nathan's. As you could see, Nathan is very creative and unique from others. But don't forget about Ms.Dechant, she's the one who also helped Nathan. 
By Yolanda Tovar, Class of 2019

It's amazing! The 2019 A team has had a great season!  After a few practices and learning a few tricks they are on a roll. Coach Xavier help them learn that basketball is their passion and their dream. They can't fool around if they want it to happen.  They have been working really hard and giving it their all. Not one day do they sit around and do nothing, but they run until their legs go numb.

The wolves have been getting into shape really fast with all their hard work! Great job basketball players! Everyday they come to practice prepared and exited to show their skills. Mr. Banas and Coach Xavier are very proud because this season the players try their very best and never say no to basketball.

The boys might show that they're tired but they never give up! The boys never walk out or quit when it gets hard, they play harder. The A and B teams always have a positive attitude and always walk out with a smile because they know that they tried their hardest. They always have a look on their face that says " I'm ready, let's do this!"

The players always work as a team because the more you sweat in practice the less you bleed in battles. The A team is on a roll this season with 8 wins and only 1 loss this season in a very close game! Coach Xavier says that he is very proud of the team because they practice for 1 hour and 45 minuets of good hard work.

The A team, which is Austin, Isaiah, Deandre, Daniel, Lorenzo, Angel, Manuel, and Devin, has worked so hard to become the best team in Greeley and represent Bella Romero well. Coach Xavier has his own hard work out which includes a lot of running, and basketball, where they practice passing, and lay-ups. The most active and sporty one in A team is Austin because basketball is his #1 priority and he always has a good attitude because nobody messes with basketball.

If A team isn't hurting, they are not playing hard enough. One player who coach Xavier gives props to is Daniel because even if he's not in a good mood, he still plays hard and with a lot of effort. Both Daniel and Deandre are great leaders on and off the court this season.  Once again the A team is dominating the competition.

Bella Romero has a wonderful team because they are great athletes that work hard. At Bella Romero many of the people on the A team play ball every day and practice their skills. Great job Romero, keep it up!
Art Piece of the Month 
8th Grade Basketball Dominates Competition
Social Media Sensation
Blended Learning All Around Us!
The Ebola Update
Give Thanks!
By Idaly Garay Castro, Class of 2020 

Have you ever wondered about the star student at your school?. Well, being a star student is an honor and a good thing for your education.  At Romero, we have so many star students it is hard to pick just one. 

The Bella Romero Academy would like to recognize a student in Mrs. Etheredge's class. Oscar C, a student from the class of 2024,  is advanced in reading and math and is always working hard.   We wanted to know what you need to do to show the family values as a student at The Bella Romero Academy. 

 This is the advice Oscar gave us: 
How to become a star student:
To become a star student you need 

1. A lot of studying which means to study 20-
    30 minutes a day
2. To complete all your homework
3. Ask for help when needed
4. Work hard all the time. 

Oscar lives the family values and works hard every day.  It is a good idea to take his advice so that someday your dreams can come true!  

Student Spotlight
Jocelyn P. of 2022
Oscar C. of 2024
Above is a video made by this group actors in drama class.  This video, titled "Everyone Needs Sports", is an example of a public service announcement and it was one of the drama projects this year. 
Lights, Camera, Action!  
Romero Times Editors: Angela Corrales Aldana, Yovany Madera, Alexianna Rodriguez, Devin Lucero, Mirian Sanchez Lopez, Maggie Kaumans, Maria Florez, Chris Salazar 
Editor in Chief: Angela Castillo Pacheco 

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                                VUELVE UN GRANDE                                    
Tras varios idas y vueltas el Club Comunicaciones volvio a ser. Asi lo afirmo el flamante presidente Juan Domingo Perez.

Todo parecia oscuro cuando las dirigencias anteriores debido a la mala administracion, llevaron al club a una quiebra. Hasta que los socios dijeron basta, mediante la abogada Florencia Vea, denunciaron el mal manejo de los dirigentes, quienes avasallados por la presión de los socios renunciaron dejando totalmente vacia la administracion del club.
Así es como asumió el flamante presidente, tras unas elecciones donde los socios formaron parte de las bacantes institucionales.
Hoy, tras una semana del hecho ya se anunciaron los nuevos proyectos que llevaran a cabo a principios del año 2015, donde resaltan las obras de remodelacion del club, que seran encabezadas por los arquitetos Melanie Hepp y Adriel Fonzo. Tambien se constató el ingreso de un nuevo personal conformado por excelentes profesionales de primera linea encabezados por el Profesor Luciano Pioto

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- ACADEMIA DE BAILE (Brasilero, Reggaeton, FreeDance, Ritmos Latinos, Bachata,Danzas Arabes y mas)
Horarios: 8am a 22:00hs
Direccion: 1°de mayo y clarck
Tel:154631863 - 154555000 (wsp- mensajes y llamadas)
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Una historia por el vino que le jugo una mala pasada.
Esta historia cuenta una discucion muy comica entre dos personajes de Virasoro Corrientes.
Por un lado lo tenemos al Licenciado Forestal Gustavo Bervergi y  del otro lado al contador David "El loco" Pilo Cabral.
Esto comenzo en una noche, que el Licenciado  lo desafio al contador que no se tomaba 4 litros de vino puro, y el contador le dijo 4 litros era poco.
Entoces asi comenzo la discucion; discucion que paso por todos los temas, de plata, de salud y en fin salio perdiendo el apostador que con mucha vivesa dejo que el contador tomara todo el vino.
Este luego se aprovecho del alcoholico y lo mato.

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Escuela Normal 2014

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Escuela Normal 2014
En el día de la fecha, nos hemos reunidos con alumnos de 6º año de la EscuEla Normal de Paraná para concretar actividades planificadas alusivas al uso de TIC'S. 


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il giardino possibile

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Collegio arcivescovile pio xi 24.11.2014
edizione workshop 2014 classi IV-V art.
Beatrice Tomaiuolo - Letizia Reversi
Il giardino possibile
Il giardino ormai dismesso del collegio si presenta abbandonato a se stesso eppure vissuto e ricco di fascino.
La visione dall'alto di questa parte di terreno mostra come si presentava il giardino qualche anno fa, prima dell'usura e della trascuratezza.
Gli alberi ordinati e gli spazi curati sono ormai un ricordo lontano.
La pianta topografica del giardino è stata scelta per rappresentare questo ritaglio di giardino con gli edifici che lo circondano e parte del campo da pallavolo per far evincere che l’area è parte di un complesso. L'intento è quello di far notare la differenza tra l'abbandono del giardino e la cura (intervento umano costante) degli edifici circostanti e della zona "abitata" in questo modo si è evitato di far pensare al giardino come area abbandonata in un contesto non caratterizzato.
Per rendere l'idea del giardino su come si presenta oggi, la classe IV artistico ha realizzato un modellino fedele alle foto scattate sul posto

Il giorno 10 Novembre 2014 gli alunni hanno iniziato a lavorare sul plastico.
Prima consultazione sui materiali.
Per iniziare i lavori sui modellini architettura e figurativo si uniscono. 
Gli alunni si occupano di creare le cinte di ’orto e degli edifici in cartone vegetale che circondano la vegetazione.


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A class for communicative english by Sajeesh

Swimming in the pond,

Dancing in the water,
Peeking on my feet,
Little fish Little fish,
Swimming around me.

Swimming in the water,
Hiding under the stones,
jumping put gently,
Little fish Little fish,
Come around me and play with me.
Nasrin                                                             Std:IV

Blue maruthy Blue maruthy,

On a busy road,
When the police signals,
You stand still
When the police waves again,
You move slow,
Blue maruthy Blue maruthy,
Where do you go?
                                             Ayisha Aliya
                                                       Two frogs Lived together in a marsh.It was summertime and soon the marsh dried up.So the two frogs left it and look for another place to live in.By and by they found a deep well.One of the frog looked down and said "this looks like a cool place,let us jump and settle here".But the other frog was wiser than him and he said "not so fast my friend.suppose this well dried up like our earlier place and how can we get out from her?"He was right,the well was also dried up.Because of the wise frog they both escaped from a danger situation.Then they left out to look for another place.


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Belo Olhos

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belos olhos

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