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Painting Service Philadelphia

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Painting Service Philadelphia
CTS Paint Pros was established in 2008, our business is Veteran Owned & Operated; 2nd Generation painting Contractor. Business entity was founded after years of learning the trade under various skilled painting mechanics.

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At S & W Kitchens & Bathrooms  we pride ourselves on being on giving our clients the best conceivable answer for meet their necessities as indicated by their financial plan. Our talented gathering of restroom renovators in Melbourne will look at your lavatory and give best washroom remodel which will make you fall head over heels in love for your restroom. 

Toys, Warfare and Technology, What's the link?

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Toys, Warfare and Technology, What’s the link?
Consider this, a toy which could be gifted to your son (or daughter) this Christmas, played a key role in the development of warfare.

You've seen the advert’s, ‘This year’s fastest, most advanced RC car, now from only £19.99 at toys R us!’ however we both know that thanks to the development of technology, and mass consumerism we can be ripped of year by year by toy companies, each RC car has components manufactured in their millions by companies in China. Before this however, there was a more interesting side to the components.

Now yes, I know it may seem silly. How could a Remote Controlled car be so important to warfare? Did the Nazi’s whiz bombs across no man’s land on the back of a supped up 1:18 scale model Audi TT? Unfortunately not, however similar devices were used throughout warfare, and still are to this day.

The questions are where did all of this start? Why is military grade equipment

now used in what is essentially an unnecessary toy for children? Well, Luckily I’m here to quench your thirst for more knowledge about the Background of RC cars.

So, here’s my breakdown of a typical Remote Controlled car. One single chassis, vacuum formed. One motherboard, controlling the operation, One remote control unit (2.4 GHz – I’ll explain later) and Two, yes, two motor units! Don’t get me wrong, there are some seriously good RC cars out there on the market, but for this article, I’ll be explaining the significance of the lower end of the market.

These components all make up the inner workings of an RC car. One thing we can all agree on is that the remotes suck. Well they do! The range is short, and really, the controls are weak and thanks to those annoying antennas we can only stand a maximum of 3 metres away from the toy before it stops responding. This doesn’t stop the little ones, and even some of the older ones, really having fun though!

However, this tricky little component has a history to be proud of. This history, has affected every human being both for better and sometimes for worse. Who would have 
thought, that technology used in warfare, would eventually end up as an almost every day object, and used in a children’s toy!
Firstly we need to take a trip down memory lane. 
Firstly we must travel a long way back, further than you would expect. This all begins in the late 1800’s, around 1898 to be exact.
Nicholas Tesla, famous for his Tesla coil mainly, came to design the Radio Transmitter, which would have been completed a few years earlier if it wasn't for a fire in his original workshop. Can you imagine that? Over a Century ago, the first Radio Transmitter was created. Mad stuff.

Tesla used this In 1898 at an exhibition at Madison Square Garden Nikola Tesla demonstrated a small boat which could apparently obey commands from the audience but was in fact controlled by Tesla interpreting the verbal requests and sending appropriate frequencies to tuned circuits in the boat. (Sarker, 2006)

Hence the RC Toy was born! Well, sort of.

As our time line advances we move onto some seriously cool applications of Tesla’s Design. In the 1920s, various radio-controlled ships were used for naval artillery target practice. In 1922, the obsolete, US Navy battleship USS Iowa became the first of these target ships! (US navy ships, Battleship NO.4, 2003)However before this in World War One, the first military use of the Remote Control, well some variation of the Remote Control. The Germans used the Remote control in their warfare to carry explosives into British Allies frontlines, thus reducing the number of casualties. 
Weapons such as the FL-7 Remote Controlled Boat created and used in 1916, the Sopwith AT ‘Ariel Torpedo’ and the Wickersham land Torpedo were all used throughout World War one.

As warfare advance, so did the use of the Remote Control. As World War Two started in 1939, the need for better weaponry 
became apparent; luckily this also meant that more money was being spent in developing the very basic Remote Control.

Actor and World War one Hero Reginald Deny opened a hobby shop in the 1930’s, which led to the creation of the OQ-2 Radioplane aka ‘Denymite’ one of the first Radio Controlled planes used in warfare.

This led onto more advanced weaponry such as the Fritz X guided bomb used in 1939, the Goliath Remote Controlled Tank Buster in 1940, and finally the Norden Bomb Sight which was developed through 1932 and onwards. (P.W.singer, 2009)

With no surprise this technology mostly failed, especially on the side of the allied troops. However this was to be expected, the technology was new, and only tested minimally. Don’t fret however, there’s more!

The war brought along a new era of Toys, Fun and games! The 1940’s and the end of the Second World War brought the commercialisation of the Remote Controlled toy. One example of such a toy was the Berkeley Super Aerotrol. This fantastic remote controlled plane boasted a 27.5 GHz Remote Control!
I’m not quite sure what this means either, but what I do know is that it was the first commercialised Remote Control Toy.

The 1950’s also increased the rate at which the Remote Control Transmitter Developed. During this time Remote Controls developed from simple, wired mechanisms to more advanced single channel self-built ones, with a longer range, and smaller components.

As our timeline continues to run through into the 1960’s we come across the ‘kicking duck’/ ‘galloping ghost’ (Radio control model, 2008)this was seen as a revolutionary use of a Remote Control Transmitter. This was also developed into what was known as ‘space control’, no, it didn’t actually have anything to do with the space race! “Space Control is a new Quadruple Simultaneous Proportional control recently introduced by Solidtronics Division of Electrosolids Corp. of Van Nuys, California.” (Flying Models, 1961)What did this mean for Remote Control Transmitters and Receivers I hear you ask! 
Well, basically the circuit, designed by Hershel Toomim, is a form of mulit-plax which, in effect, allows the transmission of four commands simultaneously without interaction or interference to one another. (RC hall of Fame, 2008) This was revolutionary. 

It meant that not only was the Radio Transmitter capable of sending multiple signals, it also meant that controls could be used in many other purposes such as a Television Remote. Could you imagine a world where we had to actually flick through hundreds of channels from the actual TV set? Well thanks to Zel Ritchie we can be content in using our remotes!
Our time line progresses further, into the 1970’s. Throughout this era, technology advances exponentially. Integrated Circuits meant that Radio Control was cheap, small and light enough for Multi-Channel fully proportional control. Yes, I don’t fully understand that either. So I’ll have a go at explaining. Basically this meant that devices such as commercial RC Cars could have two separate tasks applied at 
once, for example changing direction and increasing or decreasing speed.

The 1970’s brought an era of exciting new uses of the Remote Control. Not only was this used commercially in some rather sketchy and kitsch Remote Controlled toys, but also in everyday items which made life for the average person a lot easier. Things like garage doors could be opened using a remote control, televisions; modern weapons became advanced so missiles were able to be directed from extreme distances.
This was all very exciting, people were celebrating technology, and it was advancing quickly. An industrial age was born and with this industrial age came the slow development of commercial products. For long into the 1990’s software advances and hardware advance meant that we could produce smaller and smaller components.
The toy market was booming, a throw away culture was born, and miniaturization because a 
heavy feature in design, including the design of Remote Control units.

Miniaturization is an exciting stage in our time line of Remote Control history. The actual toys themselves were not miniaturized in any way at all. 

However certain components were, this allowed designers to add more to the aesthetics of an RC car, and think less about spacing for transmitters.

Thus meant that advertising started to target teenagers, younger kids and with the development of the remote control, these children were able to flick through many channels to find which Remote Controlled car they wanted to purchase!
Finally we finish our journey through time back in the present day, the twenty first Century. 

The Remote Control has shaped our lives. Created easy solutions to long ongoing problems, has caused destruction in warfare and has allowed the toy industry to sky rocket into a new sector. The question is, where will Remote Controls take us? Will we eventually be able to control people? 
Only time will tell. 
Works Cited
Flying Models. (1961, january -). 
Space Control. Product Review Of Space Control. New york
P.W.singer. (2009). 
Wired for war: The robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century. -: -.
Radio control model. (2008, december -).
Retrieved november 27, 2014, from Wikipedia:

RC hall of Fame. (2008, - -). 
Space Control. Retrieved november 27, 2014, from RCH Hall Of Fame:

Sarker, T. K. (2006). History of wireless. -: 
John wiley and Sons.

US navy ships, Battleship NO.4. (2003, april 13).
 Retrieved november 27, 2014, from Naval Historical Centre:


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Loyalty Magazine

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Owned and written by: Champ Tha Great
Long Live DJ Sheldon

A legacy is something truly special that is built over time by your hard works, good deeds and shared memories and left behind to be reminisced on and celebrated by your friends and loved ones. When it is all said and done what will you be remembered by? Will the world love the person that you were or will you just be another forgotten memory? When it is all said and done and the final chapter comes to an end what will your legacy say about you? What will you leave behind to the people that love you the most? An entire city came to a shocking freeze when Sheldon ''DJ Sheldon'' Wells life had come to an end taken by the hands of Leukemia a form of cancer that’s cold grip has caused many deaths throughout the years. A true fighter Sheldon fought a tremendous battle until God himself was pleased with the works he had done and called him on home. Leukemia is a cancerous disease that originates inside blood forming tissue where uncontrolled growth of blood cells which usually are the white cells or leukocytes in the bones marrow overcrowd and begin to block and replace normal blood and marrow cells. Although this series of events led to a tragic loss it birthed a legendary legacy and brought so much love and positive vibes to a divided city. Hundreds maybe thousands poured out their condolences and love to our newest angel only speaking volumes to the magnitude of the lives Sheldon had affected during his lifetime, not only was he and will he always be one of the best ever DJs he was truly a good man a great friend and amazing father. The loss of a brother, a son a friend and or role model can be heavy on the heart and sometimes seemingly unbearable you may find yourself asking why and maybe never even finding the answer you longed for but all in all God has a plan for each and every one of us our lives are already written and we are just living out his works and vision for us all he allows no errors and makes no mistakes, we may not understand but we have to trust in him even if it may not be pleasing to our own personal liking. Sheldon left behind a legacy that will never be forgotten no matter how long time may fall regardless of who may come along after those shoes will never be replaced by any man. The loving, caring, warm heartfelt deeds will never go forgotten; all the jam packed events and high in spirits celebrations the world will forever have with them in heart your friends, your family and the fans that have supported you for years will never forget you and your name will forever remain alive with us may you rest in peace and watch over us all.
- DJ Khaled’s ''Hold you down'' goes # 1 
- Lil Durk arrested in Chicago  
- Drake and Tyga's beef continues
-Kim K ''breaks the internet'' with nude photo shoot with Paper Mag
- Solange holds huge wedding in Louisiana
- Rick Ross releases 2nd album of 2014
- ''strong belief in God or in the doctrines of areligion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof''
Hood Billionaire

Miami rapper Rick Ross has set the bar for the rest of Hip Hop by following up his previous album Mastermind released earlier this year. On an average it takes the typical artist at least a year or so to complete a studio album entirely nevertheless this Mastermind saw beyond the odds and flooded the streets with yet another album within the same year entitled Hood Billionaire . This album features artists from the likes of Lil Boosie, R. Kelly Big Krit and many more.
Ray Mills and Londrelle Hallcomplete their run for justice mission traveling from Atlanta to Ferguson
No Man above the Law:Police Brutality 

Allegations of law enforcement officers demonstrating excessive force dates back decades with a handful of cases causing a worldwide media frenzy. Disturbingly enough the vast majority of the victims on the other end of such violent force are minorities coincidence? Doubt it! Stereotypical judgment calls happen far too often. As American citizens we look to our officers for protection but who is to protect us from those uniformed officers who take their power and abuse it? Who is to stand in our corner when left and right officers are being comforted by the judicial systems claiming justifiable homicide and agreeing to false representations of resisting arrest? While the term police brutality is usually applied in the context of causing physical harm, it may also involve psychological harm through the use of intimidation tactics beyond the scope of officially sanctioned police procedure. Race has always been an essential element when discussing some of the negative attributes of the police force. History has shown that certain racial groups (especially Black and Latino) have had a long, not so amicable relationship with the police largely due to socio-economic and racist discrimination in one way another. Americans as a whole should be able to depend and rely on our enforcement officers to be mindful and respectful of our rights not only as citizens but as humans. As years progress the complaints on unlawful acts has as well since 2008 the percentage of violence in the form of police brutality has risen an alarming 12% and is expected to increase as we face more and more tragic scenarios that have grown far too common on our homeland's soil. Many have suffered severe injuries some even have been buried due to these incidents all we can do is pray that things will change and stand up for our rights as Americans we must let it be known that enough is enough we will not stand for any more losses and something must be done! 
Glam Berries Sweets & Treats
Combining the glamourous visuals of gems and jewels with the sweet and savory tastes of luscious fresh strawberries infused with a shot of smooth vodka Glam Berries are the newest twist to sweet treats. Based out of Florida's capitol of Tallahassee the sugary concoction has quickly grown to be a fan favorite nevertheless leading to orders and requests from all over, however shipping is not an option as of yet growth and expansion is most certainly evident. It’s amazing how a simple hobby can transform into so much more into a well-established business and this brand is a prime example. Beginning as just simply ''something'' to do the love, support and admiration of others helped pave way for it to become much much more. This segment highlights and salutes the hard work and dedication required to not only plant seed for yet build up a successful business, in a world where women are coming up in the percentile as business owners you have to respect the drive and the hustle it takes to swim and survive in such male dominated waters. 
Rich Gang - Tha Tour
Lil Boosie - Life after Death Row
Dej Loaf -Sell Sole
Jhene Aiko - Souled out
Sam Smith - In the lonely hour
Young Jeezy - Seen It All 
In a male dominated business society our hard working women deserve more credit for their immense efforts and successes. Over the past few years the female business ownership rate has increased largely, leveling the playing field our counterparts have become as established and successful as have men. Women have grown to be more of the faces of companies and brands owning and operating by a large percentile compared to the increase that was accumulated in 2013 this is truly the year of the woman.
Kevin Gates: By any means
Louisiana is the birthing place to many talented artists who have made their way into the limelight of the mainstream media's eye most recently Kevin Gilyard better known to his fans as Kevin Gates has stormed his way into the conversations of many. Gates who first embarked on his rapping career collaborating with his fellow hometown natives and Louisiana ambassadors Lil Boosie and Webbie where soon after in 2008 his first piece of recognition came with his single ''Get in the way'' featuring Boosie earned  the deserved  respects of many. But as things started to progress it all came to a momentary halt where in 2011 Kevin was sentenced to prison, however instead of allowing his new found circumstance to break him and alter his mindset Gates grew from his experiences and was right back in the studio tunnel vision ahead and full focused when he was finally released. The Luca Brasi Story was his first full bodied project released post imprisonment and the wheels were back rolling, rolling right into Atlantic records office with a del awaiting his signature. In his new league of administration the Louisiana rapper gave his appreciation by releasing Stranger than fiction that instantly won over millions including the Billboard charts where his record ''Wylin'' was ranked 40th on their top 100 list. The Bread Winner's Associates representative is acknowledged not only for hos diversity and lyrical talent but also for his intellectual genius spewed into his radio interviews. The rap game needs artists such as this one, someone whom is honest and head on not afraid to be themselves in this brainwashed society nor limit one's self to a specific mold or imaging and will dare to stand out with their content. More than just a rapper Kevin Gates artistry  is easily on another level diverse and complete, original and unique Gates approach is that of his own. His work ethic speaks for itself with his infamous motto ''I don't get tired'' Gates has certainly proven to not grow weary with his hard works and dedication he  is undoubtedly one that will be around for years in the music industry and is expected to have a huge impact. His most current work By any means speaks volumes for his drive and ambition fueled by his hit single Posed to be in love which won over millions of female fans even that of a plethora of men who don't usually speak on emotions or love. Gates embodies all that a hustler is supposed to and is destined to be someone worth remembering.
''Anything lost can be found again except for time wasted'' - Kevin Gates
Tinka's Closet
Fashion is more than just high priced names and designer labels it’s your freedom to express yourself and your individuality creating your own personal style through pieced together clothing. Not every store can cater to ones sense of individuality and preference but to the new fashion Queens at the all new Tinka's Closet that is a task second to nature. Tinka's Closet carries all your fashion needs from dresses, jumpsuits, rompers, sweaters and skirts and even specializing in catering to all of your plus sized needs. At Tinka's closet every woman is beautiful so no one woman can enter and feel left out it is made sure that there is something to offer to everyone in all shapes, sizes and ethnic backgrounds. The beauty in fashion is that you can separate yourself from the crowd using your own particular liking as well as the professional help of trained and experienced stylists to create a final product worth showing off. Tinka's Closet is a boutique that locations can be found in both Sanford and Jacksonville Florida as well as online for those who are out of traveling distance. Professionalism is key to running any successful establishment and when questioned on the quality of customer service 3/3 shoppers all agree that the shopping experience had been pleasant and enjoyable all attested to the polite and very helpful staff members servicing ability. The transition from online boutique to actually carrying product in your own shop is an accomplishment worth applauding, many people dream of owning their own store and many fall short therefore even more respect is given as well as earned. All of Tinka's pieces can be found online worn and presented by only the most beautiful of models showcasing the diversity in their inventory. Although seemingly simple this foundation was not built overnight it took hard work, dedication and patience to create this vision into the giant it is this present day. If you have a vision of being a store owner in the future understand that it will not be easy but if passionate about your plans the ride will be all worth the wait and work required to put in. It takes knowledge, skill and desire to be own a company do you think you have it in you? Obviously there's 3 yes's across the board for Tinka's Closet as the sky is no limit to the corporation who soon one day will be a worldwide household name to millions. 

National News Updates

- Gas prices drop nationwide
- Ebola epidemic outbreak seemingly resolved
- Canada newspaper headline America's unappreciation for Obama
- Ferguson reveals verdict in Michael Brown shooting, no charges found against officer.

No justice in Ferguson

On the night of November 24th flames arose tearing down the streets post releasing of the verdict against Officer Darren Wilson the shooter in the murdering of 18 year old Ferguson resident Mike Brown who was gunned down in the middle of the street. After months of deliberating and examining of evidence apparently the eyes of America's citizens aren’t as clear as our justice system's because what we see as a crime jurors found justifiable because of ''lack of evidence''. When is murder just murder without stipulations? As we face these type of cases it’s seemingly always the same exact thing over and over again with disappointment and rage following. What else can we do to prevent these cases and these harsh heartbreaking verdicts? Petitioning for all law enforcement officers to be wired with body cameras would be a start, this would cause one to have to second thoughts about acting or reacting unlawfully and if not have evident proof as to what was transpired. We have to approach these situations with caution acting out of emotion can lead to the wrong things it is tough but we have to be smart. Leadership groups need to be formed, petitions and awareness of these scenarios need to be given. It has been far too often where a mother and father have been forced to weep and mourn the loss of their son to the very badge sworn to protect it is this what we find suitable? Riots broke out and fires burned down business and streets representing the anger and rage of friends, family, neighbors and all races disappointed alike. All we have as blacks and as Americans as a whole is our prayers and our actions we must take we cannot let our sons, brothers, friends and neighbors deaths go in vein. Changes must be made but the change is not just going to happen overnight in the blink of an eye we have to take action and make adjustments where we can prevent these ever so often events or if we do unfortunately have to face them again we take the right steps with precaution to be one chip at a time in chopping down these police murders. Our prayers and condolences go out to the friends and families of Mike Brown and to the residents and the city of Ferguson. 
''The most common way people give up their power is thinking they don’t have any'' - Alice Walker
Alaya Lee: Gorgeous Clientele

Some may hear the name Alaya Lee and think of the prestigious and former Miami King of Diamonds model and dancer that worked her way onto our television screens with cameos in some of your favorite videos and magazine spreads but what most do not know is that she was one of the first of many to take her newly found fame in the nightlife and create a business that blossomed into something much more. Gorgeous Clientele VIP provides a variety of women’s garments as far as waist training and body toners along with an extensive hair catalog all to please that of a woman’s personal wishes. A woman's image is one of the few things that she holds sacred, her outer appearance speaks volumes for who she is as a person and her beliefs as a woman it showcases her confidence and boldness, her class and sophistication, her morale and values. More than aware of the importance of image Alaya for what is seemingly forever has been assisting women all over achieve their personal and physical goals enhancing not only ones self-esteem but their confidence and courage. It takes tenacious work to be respected in the business realm even more to be that of someone who entered it once being a dancer nevertheless Ms. Lee has more than excelled Gorgeous Clientele has grown to be a well efficient brand that is changing and affecting lives across the nation. Fitness guru Alaya Lee not only is a living testament and physical proof of how her training, dietary choices and products work she shares all the necessary information so that one can be the exact same. Sculpted to perfection any doubt and questions from unbelievers are farfetched how can you question what you can so blatantly witness? Throughout the years Alaya has worked long tireless hours combining dedication and commitment to her vision that you could do as well in order to create your ideal lifestyle you first have to leap, you have to take the first step on the ladder towards the top do not doubt yourself or your capabilities all things are possible with time and effort. 

Alaya Lee CEO of Gorgeous Clientele has grown to be one of the most successful body shape distributors in the US
Post the release of the non conviction of officer Darren Wilson the streets of Ferguson raged into immense riots
Cancer Awareness Fact
An estimated 5 to 10% of cancers are entirely hereditary. Most cancers develop through a combination of hereditary and environmental factors.
In a world dominated by the social media epidemic and paparazzi media sharks throughout the world all dream to be the top dog in the yard some even by falsifying and tampering information but what makes a true media reporter? That’s an easy answer ''an honest and reliable one''. The Shade Room has crept its way to everyone’s following by sharing the lives of our favorite figures, the current events and gossip that the people ever so love to a combination of humor and motivation. These days media heads and sites attempt to thrive and prosper simply by showcasing falsely leaked information and negativity in the form of bashing however tose over at The Shade Room  took another route and promotes the good deeds and philanthropically acts as well, in an age where social media runs the world we live in perception and reality has driven a line between each other this is where we need sources that we can in fact actually trust to pass along the news we crave. All things viral and relevant in the worlds of sports, music, everyday life and more all can be found present first and early posted by the newly found media king. The information we receive is only as good as the source from which it came and The Shade Room has proven to be just that honest, reliable and consistent all three in which are vital to be and remain in popular demand being exactly what the people want. 
The Shade Room
In their week 13 opener versus the Oakland Raiders the St. Louis Rams showed support to the Brown family by entering the field with their hands up.
Former Baltimore Ravens RB Ray Rice wins appeal making him eligible to sign with any team after being suspended on domestic violence charges. 
Scars are representations of past struggles and circumstances some of us are scarred mentally some emotionally and unfortunately there are those who are scarred physically. Nevertheless all things have a purpose understood or not there are paths to be followed and lessons to be learned from all our troubles. We all have our personal scars in our own unique ways however we are to overcome and build from them instead of allowing them to bury us under guilt, shame and depression. Twenty two year old Andrea Grant breathes this very testimony and lets her light shine bright over the lives of others sharing her story and creating a substantial brand from its roots. Beyond Scars can be interpreted several ways depending on what your scars are exactly in Grant's case these scars are from the scorn and rage of a gas leak caused fire nearly ending her life but through time, faith and prayer she made it out and her newly found journey and testimony began. Being forced to basically have to re learn the basics that once were second to nature like walking and writing can make you appreciate the simple things so much more these stories are represented with every purchase of a shirt and band you are standing behind much more than a mere item to be worn. The Beyond Scars brand is a movement that sheds light to the stories that go watched yet overlooked, ever so evident yet rarely understood the people that are the survivors of household and other fires, the people that the public stares at and turns their backs to it takes an immense amount of strength and courage to wear the scars that these mighty men and women do the constant stares and frequent whispers that cannot be ignored and yet these strong survivors smile and strive through it all. Beyond Scars is the voice not for burn victims a victim is someone who allows their trouble to define their life but the voice for warriors and survivors that made it through their fiery tribulations. Your brand should stand for your story, what you believe in and what you stand by Beyond Scars is more than a brand it’s a life story shared by thousands over 40,000 burn victims are hospitalized and treated in America per year however not all have the strength and inner fortitude to be bigger than their scars. Years later Grant speaks all over to people who share her story touching hearts from someone who truly understands the pain inside a true caring person with a heart for others Grant continues to build her brand to cater to nurture and help rebuild and instill confidence in survivors alike all over.
Beyond Scars
Toya and daughter Reginae all smiles at her sweet 16 where mom and dad surprised her with a new BWM and Ferrari. 
How do you measure exactly who is the best? Do you go by who is considered the livest or most popular? Or do you generate your opinion from who makes the most moves or brings out the largest crowd or most consistent? Why not use them all? If these are the general requirements then by far if questioned who is the best from dominance is consistency alone you have to side with the dynamic duo of DJs Shab and Sheldon. The brother like team have been packing out venues for years starting from the bottom using the smallest of space available to host teen events climbing their way into club venues making a larger name for their brand. For almost a decade the two have found a way to remain consistent and always in a form of relevance surpassing those considered rivals Shab and Sheldon have made way comfortably into their own lane. A complete balance of Ying and Yang the teams differences is what makes them whole, the silence of Sheldon is replaced by his skilled tenacity as a perfect selector and counterpart for the entertainer, the voice and the show of Shab. The crowd pleaser and self-proclaimed Mr. Bring the city out has lived up to just that and every other expectation possible by selling out concerts, club nights and even block parties As a DJ it’s your duty and sole obligation to entertain to grasp the attention of hundreds to thousands and captivate their minds and ears by giving them the best show you could muster with creative mixes, the hottest records and most importantly energy the crowd can feed off of. Nevertheless when considering branding you have to venture off into other fields as well with this theory the two found themselves in the studio working on and feeding the streets with a plethora of the most favorite mixtapes featuring a collaboration of mainstream and local artists giving their fans and supporters a piece of them to take on the Florida roads. To be the man comes with a price long tenacious hours of hard work and dedication along with sacrifices and losses but if you a strong enough to pull through the success will be all more pleasurable and well worth the effort. Shab and Sheldon have both earned their successes undoubted and unquestioned respect is given where respect is in fact deserved. 
The Shab and Sheldon show
Cancer Awareness Fact
Cancer is the leading cause of death in developed countries and the second leading cause of death in developing countries after heart disease.
Spoken word the captivating, therapeutically, mind blowing brother of rhythm and blues has been around for years passed on through generations to our sons who have crept their way into the world that we know as music. To some listeners music is considered poetry wrapped around the melodies of an instrumental and presented with a relatable topic and raw delivery of a speaker. Mastering these arts the poet turned battler rap Guru Moses West has created a name for himself taking down each opposer one at a time as they enter the arena in his presence. Moses has been instrumental to the branding of battle rap in his hometown of Jacksonville Florida participating in the BBA leagues battles whom holds the most formidable of hungry battle rappers ready to dethrone the champion. With insane lyricism and mind blowing schemes West never fails to deliver to his fans and nor to his foe, poetry and music are both arts rooted from one’s ability to play with and utilize words to grasp your listeners attention and interest a task all so simple to Mr. West. Bred from the rugged streets of what’s known to many as ''Out East'' an environment that can make or break any man Moses took where he's from and created an image and vision of who he should be and planned on heading tackling the struggles and lifestyle of his upbringing the poet diversifies himself in every aspect. As sports analyst agree once you are sitting on the championship thrown you become a target, a position that everyone from all over dream of being in which forces West to have to stay sharp you cannot slip up and allow yourself to go unprepared or else you will fall victim to the defeat he has given and fed so many others. Most recently Moses was on the same card with the veteran and rap legend Swordz handing him to some a surprising defeat and to others just another victory they saw coming, the battle was tenacious as expected shots being fired left and right and yet respects still went paid between the two men. Battle rap is a vicious blood sport similar to that of UFC being locked in a cage with a warrior just dying to take your head off but all in the same it’s a very prestige and respectful field. These men go to war with each other but have the utmost and highest form of respect, admiration and appreciation for one another speaking volumes for the class that these barbarians withhold. West embodies everything that a young boy eager to learn the ins and outs of a poet and a battle rapper driven, focused and on your toes at all times sharpening your craft to be even greater than before, as of now West sits comfortably on his royal thrown and only time will tell what the future holds for his young King.
Moses West: Poetry in motion
Did you know?
Rapper Kevin Gates received his Maters Degree in psychology while in prison
Moses West has yet to be defeated in battle facing opponents from his local hometown of Jacksonville Florida and the likes of more established battlers in Smack URL rappers JC and Daylyt. 
As the era of the social media comic continues to rage onward faces appear and fade to black in an instance what seems to be in the blink of an eye, some are strong enough to remain relevant others not so much. So what are the ingredients to create a successful social media comic? Well of course you need to start off with a pinch of imagination, a large dose of originality, an ounce of relatable material you stir that together for a period of time until you get a solid fan base and then you keep cooking until the product is ready to be served. The newest kid on the block and soon to be one of the many North Carolina greats comes in the form of a 21 year old Caucasian kid with a lot of soul and a lot of jokes. White Boy Jake has stormed his way into being one of the public’s new favorite follow combining everyday reality with the humors of the Caucasian perspective and the unfearing courage to tackle racial topics is part of what makes this NC kid as funny as he is. In an age where seemingly everyone aspires to be social media infamous and taking the comical route originality and longevity are mandated and can never go lacking. Regardless of the new found popularity humility is still one of the traits that Jake carries and that alone speaks volumes of a man’s character and upbringing and will carry his career even further. Although it seems as though this new sensation happened overnight it certainly did not! It takes time and more time to build up a social status strong enough to conquer the popular demand of cold critics and persevere through the hazing of negativity driven trollers. Jake's a rare breed who's presence pours out originality and dope delivery that grasps his fans because not only are they honest the fans who love him so much can directly identify with the topics which will definitely provide him the longevity you so importantly need.
White Boy Jake The colors of comedy
Ms. Bling: Glamour and hustle

Close your eyes and when you hear the word ''Bling'' uttered use the paintbrushes of your imagination to create the image of what comes to mind. Typically one would picture the luxurious things the golden necklaces and the diamond studded accessories while others may think of the ''Queen of Bling'' Miami's own Haitian born Ms. Bling. The name alone speaks volumes massively for her lifestyle and hustle. The social media sensation turned entrepreneur and boss is a mother, owner of Pascale's House of Bling, author and motivational speaker to thousands and the exact voice that women need in their ears. Bling preaches the importance of women having their own drive and ambitions to go out and get it not stopping and waiting to be silver spoon fed by a man this very belief fuels her every move. Pascale's House of Bling is now a very successful establishment specializing in the ''blinging'' of all of your favorite designer and brand named clothing items with prices that speak for the level of quality in which they hold. Over time Ms. Bling has grown to become the very figure both women and men respect and admire and even visualize themselves being similar to and how can you blame them? Who wouldn't want to their own boss and role model to the masses? Her hard work, dedication and faith helped her prevailing triumph taste even sweeter seeing that everything feels that much better when you know you worked hard and relentlessly for it; the moment when all the tribulations, let downs and blood shed working for your goal pay off. Ms. Bling is understandably so one of the many faces women look to for inspiration, courage, strength and motivation you too can walk in her very stilettos once you create your vision and commit your existence tot it having faith in your abilities and working with a purpose you too can accomplish anything.
Leah Still, 4, the daughter of Cincinnati Bengals defensive lineman Devon Still, was able to see her dad play in person for the first time since being diagnosed with Stage IV neuroblastoma on June 2 when doctors found a tumor in her stomach. ESPN reported she got ready in pregame with a little tea party with her dad and some time spent posing with the Bengals cheerleaders. During the game, Leah came out on the field as the Bengals presented a $1.3 million check to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital that was raised by the sale of Still's No. 75 jersey. Beginning on Sept. 8, the team donated 100 percent of the sales of Still's jersey to raise money to fight pediatric cancer. Leah nearly came to tears on the field and was carried off by her grandmother after an emotional moment. Leah, who underwent a five-hour surgery on Sept. 25 to have the tumor removed from her abdomen, was also one of the inspiring children in the "Truly Brave" video starring Cyndi Lauper and Sara Bareilles that was produced by TODAY's Hoda Kotb. Part of TODAY's Shine a Light series to support worthy causes, the video featured children battling pediatric cancer at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Devon Still has chronicled her fight against cancer on social media, which included a sweet pre-surgery pep talk in September. His number 75 jersey number has become a symbol of support for Leah's fight and has been worn by everyone from security at Paul Brown Stadium to the New England Patriots cheerleaders. The Leah Still story is truly an amazing one her strength and bravery at such a young age to endure yet continue to press on through so much. With the prayers and love from an entire nation, one its favorite leagues, a fathers sheer care and determination Leah has an immense support team that is in her corner fighting along her side cheering her on.
Letter to my brother

I know you're looking down from the heavens in the sky, watching over us smiling uttering please don’t cry. I know you see our pain and hope you understand why, even though it’s settled in it’s still so hard for us to hide. Yet I know you're home now with our mighty Father God that we hold so we hold dear and can live on forever without pain, worry or fears this city we thank you for all precious years.
I could never forget the memories that we shared they're embedded in my brain, though I have them forever because of your absence it'll never be the same. No more laughs and smiles, no more rocking the crowds, no more counting up checks and no more holding your child. My brother my partner a son and a father.
The hurt that we feel runs deeper than you believe a pain so immense that could tumble Goliath to his knees. My son, her brother, his cousin, your uncle we all miss you and that will never end, but since that ship has sailed and all the tears are cried I can finally comprehend that you never truly died. Your soul is still there with us in spirit the mere essence of your presence in the air I can feel it. The gentle chills from your touch the soft whispers when we cry telling me ''that's enough''. We may hate that you're gone because times they've been hard but all in all in the end I can never question God.
Daddy my word you can trust that my actions will keep you'll be proud of your baby girl the way you'll live through me. I may not understand now but mommy is still here to guide me down the right path and comfort all my tears. Every kiss every hug every time you fell asleep holding me in your arms these memories I’ll keep. They don’t understand that daddy's still here he lives through me so I promise to be a big girl and the past I wont dwell it so instead of crying I’ll just smile and say long live Sheldon.
Contact me 

Any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns you can feel free to email them in to [email protected] or contact me directly on twitter at @ChampThaGreat or Instagram @_champthagreat. I am open to any and all feedback and will freely answer any questions you may have. Loyalty Magazine is all for lending a hand and helping further others progression in life if you have any ideas or would like to network send those emails in. Please headline all emails with the topic of the matter in the subject line and you will be responded to at the earliest of fashions. Thank you and I appreciate your support! And remember Loyalty over Everything!
This issue is dedicated to the life and legacy of Sheldon ''D Sheldon'' Wells may your name live on forever you are truly loved and missed
Spoken word is an art practiced all over the world and has grown to be dominant in the hip hop world
Kash Doll: The Next Up

With change comes greatness, former Detroit dancer turned hip hop artist Kash Doll has transitioned from a well-established exotic dancer in her respected hometown of ''The D'' into a powerhouse of a lyrical machine.  Growing up on the west side of Detroit Kash is a product of her environment giving her that tenacious attitude as well as her hustlers ambitions. This beauty of an assassin embodies all that of what a female entrepreneur is and should be. Its never an easy task to make the leap from dancer to a respected brand in any field but Doll has found that to be just another obstacle she has conquered.

United And Divided ...Page 35

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-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Ferguson,Mo 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Lawrence Bryant 
Protest in Ferguson,Mo
United as A Community 
Divided as A Nation

The War Within...Page 34

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-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Ferguson,Mo 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Mario Anzuoni 
Protest In Ferguson,Mo 
The War Within... 
To Believe in change... You Must be Apart of the 
Change Itself.

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Last week the stores foot traffics and sales were similar with last week. Our report program shows that Nb sales decreased 5% and tablet sales were down 3%.

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International Friendship Exhibition (Primary - Dec. 3rd)

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Jose Parla Book Signing

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The Importance of Tradition: Page

Halloween Costume Ideas: Page

Halloween Recipe: Page

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Organic Food: Page

YYC Halloween Event: Page

Letter From the Editor: Page

Chris Oh presents CURRENT STATE

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In a study called “The Impact of Color in Marketing” researchers found that 90% of judgments about products are made off color. If you look back at the color emotion guide you will see that holds true. For example the color red is known for excitement and bold and the companies listed that have red in them really represent the color. (Ciotti)
Keeping in mind the direction your company or product you are selling wants to go, color may play an important role in that as well. Males and females have different favorite colors and least favorite colors. Knowing this the choice of color actually can play a big part in if a person will buy the product or not. Do you remember I time where you went to a store to buy a product and made a decision based on what one looked better in your eyes? Color just won the sale for the company. Even though a favorite color can differ for each person companies have figured out how to attract there customers based on surveys.
It’s funny to think something as simple as color can impact us during our buying decisions or even the way we feel. Whether it’s how you feeling when you wake up and you subconsciously put on a certain color outfit, or what color makes you feel confident, and makes your whole overall mood change. Weird things that you don’t even think matter have been proven to affect people in positive ways. For example if you’re a woman going on a date you should wear red because red is the color of passion and get other peoples heart pumping. If you’re a man going on a date you should wear blue because that is more of a stable color, and girls like to see a stable man. The color blue well also calm and relax both people to calm nerves. While on the other hand if you want to be seen as aggressive you wearing the color black will do so. In the NHL they changed it so the home teams had to wear white jerseys, and this made less penalties for aggression when they wore white jerseys rather than black jerseys. (Science of the People)
My conclusion to the research I have done is I believe that colors do have somewhat of an effect on peoples buying decisions and personal mood. I do however believe we will never know all the affects that color has on people because of people’s different perceptions, and what they went through personally in their lives. It is still an interesting topic that will be up for discussion in the world of psychology, and it would be interesting to see if they did another survey ten years down the road if the effects of color will change based of different cultural and society changes that take place generation to generation.
Works Citied
Ciotti, Gregory. "The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding." The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding. N.p., 6 Aug. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2014.
Cherry, Kendra. "Can Color Really Change How You Feel and Act?" About. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
Van Edwards, Vanessa. "10 Ways Color Affects Your Mood - Science of People." Science of People. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2014.